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Chapter 38 Ambush

 Ogurchak is resting in a village.

He is relatively satisfied now, because the leaders of various ministries are flattering him, which has allowed him to regain the feeling of commanding all directions.

The prairie is realistic.

When you fail to bring benefits to everyone, the Geluolu people will be the first to look down on you, followed by the Turks, Yangmo people, Shatuo people, Oghuz people, and even the Uighur headquarters keep complaining.

But when you can bring benefits to everyone, everyone will compliment you endlessly.

The last time we sent troops was not very effective. We managed to grab the enemy, but they were severely beaten by the Persians. The Uighur headquarters and the Geluolu people suffered a certain degree of losses, so they quickly withdrew.

They only want to reap benefits and do not want to fight a tough battle. This is the true inner thought of the grassland chiefs.

Perhaps because of past experience, even if the Xia people sent troops to help this time, there were still not many tribes who responded. Ogurchak sent envoys to various tribes and only gathered more than 20,000 horsemen. Asked if there were more people,

The answer was, "There are only so many people in a hurry, and we still need to gather them later."

As soon as these words came out, Ogurchak understood. This was actually a pretext for not being optimistic about this operation and an excuse not to send troops.

He didn't want to waste time, so he took more than 20,000 Uighurs, Geluolu, Turks, Yangmo, and Shatuo tribes to the west. After waiting for the hurried Xia army, he combined 50,000 troops and marched westward to Kuliang.


The benefits since sending troops are huge!

Although the Persians had stepped up their vigilance due to the first robbery, they were still caught off guard by the overwhelming cavalry raid. Small strongholds with dozens of soldiers stationed there were directly uprooted, and many temples to the Creator in the countryside were directly massacred.

Everything was empty - not specifically targeting them, it was mainly because there was a lot of money in the temple.

The students in the religious school fled one after another and were quickly chased by cavalry and chopped down one by one.

Dikhkan raised an army to resist, but also died in the massive nomadic invasion.

The grain, cattle, sheep, and property in the villages were looted, and the men and women were tied up and taken to Balasagon, Rehai and other places.

Everyone was overjoyed and said that sending troops this time was the right move.

"When I go back this time, I have to let those people who despise me and insult my authority have a good look." Ogurchak laughed loudly and walked out of the house, looking at the cavalry walking around, feeling very comfortable.

The soldiers' horses were loaded with stuff.

Some people only have one horse. They would rather walk by themselves and put the stolen packages on the horse's back. A closer look shows that they are just cheap and clumsy items for daily household use. They have to be brought back to the tribe, which makes people laugh.

Someone was holding a lot of stolen cloth and clothes and packing them in a hurry. If you look closely, you can see that there is a woman's underwear wrapped around his neck. I don't know where he got it.

Someone was squatting on the ground, carefully counting coins one by one, and giggling. His unpromising look made Ogurchak want to go up and kick him.

"Grandpa, isn't it good for this to continue?" Dun Yu frowned and said, "King Zhao still wants to seize several big cities. At this point, are you still willing to fight to the death?"

Ogulchak also realized this, but he couldn't help it.

The tribal soldiers are like this. They are not professional warriors. They must rob when fighting. If they don't rob enough, they will feel that they are at a loss, and they will be even less willing to fight next time.

To put it bluntly, he is now the leader of the horse bandits. And this big leader was jointly promoted by many small leaders. Whatever the small leaders like and want to do, you can't interfere too much.

Authority has weakened so much!

"Grandpa?" Seeing that Ogurchak didn't speak, Dunyu raised his voice.

"Hmph!" For some reason, Ogurchak suddenly felt disgusted with that King Zhao.

Even you are here to humiliate me, right?

They all feel that the male camel king has lost his majesty and is no longer good, right?

Do you think you can command those tribes with or without me?

"Just listen to King Zhao's order." Ogurchak said: "Persia is not a good person, but Xia Bing is a good person? If they are sincerely helping me, why don't they return Karasha and Baluka?


Dun Yu is speechless.

"What is the most important thing now?" Ogulchak glanced at his eldest son and asked.

"Defeat the Persians?" Dunyu asked.

"Wrong." Ogurchak shook his head and said: "The most important thing is to rebuild the prestige of Bugra Khan. This Khanship is mine, and it will be yours in the future. It was a bit humiliated before, but it has become dim.

After all, many people no longer respect Bugla Khan. But this is a good opportunity. Feed those wolf cubs, and they will turn into dogs, wagging their heads in front of us. Dunyu, you have to understand, there is nothing better than this

Things are more important."

Dun Yu is silent.

Indeed, the true face of the Xia people can be seen clearly if they ask for the Karasha. They are also doing everything they can to weaken the authority of Bugla Khan, break them into pieces, and then use the method of disintegration to control them.

Persia is the enemy openly, Xia is the enemy secretly.

But for now, the two sides still have common interests, and they have to cooperate with each other. Balashagon alone cannot support the authority of the Male Camel King. If possible, the former power must be regained.

Talas, one of the capitals, can greatly enhance the strength and prestige of Bugra Khan.

Of course, that is the future goal.

The most important thing now is to reunite the somewhat separated people and try to unite them around the Bull Camel King and twist them into a rope, so that they cannot be easily manipulated by the enemy.

"Feed those wolf cubs", this is what my father just said, and Dun Yu deeply agrees with it.

"Then we still have to go according to plan?" he asked.

Ogurchak's face darkened, and after pondering for a while, he sighed: "Now we have to rely on the Xia people, so let's cooperate with them first."

They obviously want to find opportunities to get rid of the Xia people's control, and the father and son have reached a consensus. But in reality, what they are doing is to consolidate and enhance the Xia people's prestige. How could they be so fucked!

At this moment, several riders came back from the south and loudly shouted: "The Persians are chasing us."

Finally here! The father and son looked at each other and knew what to do.

"Dun Yu, you immediately gather the troops and lead them to retreat." Ogurchak ordered.

Dunyu didn't waste any words and immediately complied.

Ogurchak led another group of people to greet them. At the same time, the rangers went out in all directions, some to contact the tribal cavalry who were hiding elsewhere and waiting for orders, and some to inform the Xia people.

It was obvious that this was an attempt to lure the enemy.

If you don't succeed, you won't lose anything. If you succeed, you will have a chance to eat the enemy soldiers that are chasing you. Why not?


Suddenly, there was a shaking sound from the ground in the distance.

Safar's face changed and he looked surprised and uncertain.

In Persian, "Safar" means coppersmith, which is actually a bad street name.

The most famous "Safar" is the coppersmith who made his fortune by suppressing uprisings and founded the Safar dynasty.

But this Safar is not Bissafar, he is not an emir, he is just a middle-level general in Kuliang City.

However, he has rich war experience.

Veterans on the grassland can judge a lot of information from the sound of horse hooves——

With such a large-scale tremor, it was obvious that a lot of cavalry came, numbering in the tens of thousands, and coming from all directions.

The voice was very urgent, and it looked like he was running wildly.

The vibrations were scattered for a while, and then rapid and orderly. It sounded like someone was chasing a fleeing person.

Based on this information, Safar had some bad guesses in his mind. Could it be that the male camel king led an army, defeated the vanguard who pursued them, and then fought back all the way?

Well, the Creator didn't let Safar wait too long, and the answer was quickly revealed, just as he imagined.

On the horizon in the north, hundreds of cavalrymen beat their horses wildly and ran back. Behind them, a group of cavalrymen in leather armor were holding bows and calling names one by one.

Safar's face suddenly became very ugly.

These must be the elite soldiers around the Bull Camel King! It turns out that this old guy actually set up an ambush, so shameless.

"Get ready to fight!" Safar raised his lance.

"Get ready to fight!" The order was quickly passed on, and in a short while, two thousand cavalry were in formation.

The unarmored light cavalry are in front, and they will take the lead in disturbing the enemy with bows and arrows.

With armored heavy cavalry behind them, they will use their powerful impact to crush the enemy.

This is their usual tactic.

For the herdsmen who are not highly organized, you don't need to defeat everyone at all. You only need to defeat one group in front of them, and then keep an eye on them and chase them.

Even if others are not involved in the battle, they may not fight to the end. They are more likely to run away.

The highly organized steppe cavalry is not so easy to deal with, but it often requires a highly prestigious khan. Does Ogurchak have this prestige now? Obviously not.

Then, the next choice is actually easy to make.

"Charge!" Seeing the cavalry approaching from the left and right, Safar no longer hesitated and decided to rush through the wave in front of him first and kill through their encirclement. The rest of the matter would be easier to handle.

The sound of horse hooves soon sounded.

The Persian cavalrymen were slightly disheartened, but they suppressed their uneasiness, followed closely behind the officers, and charged forward without hesitation.

The distance between the two sides continued to close, and they soon entered the shooting range of the cavalry bow.

The prairie cavalry on the opposite side hurriedly fired a burst of arrows and then dispersed to both sides.

Sure enough, I don’t dare to go head-on!

The Persians calmed down a bit and sped up.

But soon, a scene that stunned them appeared: after the Uighur cavalry spread out to the two wings, they directly revealed the people behind them.

It was a group of knights riding tall horses, wearing iron armor and holding "long lances".

They lined up in a tight formation and did not panic at all while running, as if they had already become familiar with everything on the battlefield and did not care about life or death.

This is definitely not a Uighur!

But there was no time to think, and the two sides quickly collided. When the wrong horse passed by, the Persian cavalry suffered heavy losses that had not been seen in many years: almost a quarter of the horses were running in the air,

The knight has disappeared.

The prairie cavalry came back again, taking advantage of the opportunity when the Persians finished their charge and the formation was scattered, and arrows rained down.

The screams of the Persians continued.

One wave of prairie cavalry finished shooting and ran into the distance. The second wave rushed over again, firing thousands of arrows.

The Persians who were gathering their formation were in chaos.

"Definitely!" Xia Jun's cavalry had already turned their horses' heads and launched another charge.

They were as fast as lightning and rushed in front of the Persians in the blink of an eye. The opponent's formation that had not yet been gathered up was scattered with one blow.

After the Xia people rushed through, the prairie cavalry surrounded them fiercely like a pack of wolves, firing their bows...

It's like it's been rehearsed in advance.

The Lancers charged first, and they may not be able to overwhelm the enemy, nor may they be able to kill many of them. But they "stiffened" the enemy for a moment, and then a large number of prairie horsemen quickly surrounded them, biting them endlessly.

The enemy will continue to lose blood, lose strength, and eventually be unable to resist.

"Poof!" When the last wave of charges was launched and Gao Siji stabbed Safar's broken armor with a gun, there were almost no Persians left on the entire battlefield.

Soon, the prairie horse archers fired a volley, and the last Persian fell.

The battle is over.

"Alas!" Ogulchak, who had been watching the battle from a high place for a long time, sighed.

Whether or not there is a backbone is different.

The Xia army withstood the charge of the Persian cavalry head-on, and the prairie cavalry cooperated with them to harass and kill, and they fought so cleanly.

Don't talk about ambushing people.

He had set up an ambush before, and he was shot through and ran away, okay?

I recall that when my father was alive, there were many craftsmen in Balasagun and Talas who made armors and weapons for them. At that time, the Uighurs could even produce a large number of heavy cavalry, so they could compete with the Persians on the battlefield.


It has only been more than 40 years, but the Great Uighur Kingdom has declined to this extent. It is really sad!

Ogurchak made up his mind to capture many Persian craftsmen and farmers, let them farm the land for him, support a group of full-time warriors, and also let them make sophisticated equipment for him and arm his warriors.

This is especially important after losing Karasha.

Otherwise, they will really have no choice but to live in the shadow of the Xia people and linger. And the final end should be no better than the Persians, or even worse.

"Let's go to Kuliang and grab something!" Ogurchak called to his son, went down the high slope, and headed towards Julan City.

This chapter has been completed!
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