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Chapter 39 The city is for you

 Shao Siwu rushed outside Julan City immediately.

Behind him were fifteen thousand Tianwu Army soldiers carrying swords and guns.

Their current look is a bit "unique".

There were people wearing armor with a strong Tang flavor and holding Tang army standard weapons. From this glance, it was clear that they were mostly veterans from various motley armies.

Some people are wearing Tang armor, but they are holding iron bone flowers, iron hammers, Duo sheaths, Yudao, Langjian, and Sheshier scimitars. If you look carefully at their faces, they are mostly Khitan, Xi, Bohai, Jurchen, and Nanzhao soldiers.


There are also people wearing Persian-style armor and holding Persian standard weapons. Looking at their young faces, they are probably young people who have followed from the Central Plains and are looking for opportunities to make contributions - they have really changed their guns for cannons.

Behind the infantry, there were a total of five hundred armored cavalry.

This was newly formed, and the people selected from Pinglu, Hengye, Fengguo and other armies who were good at cavalry warfare. The saint took pity on his son and gave all the captured 500 gulam armored cavalry equipment to the Tianwu Army, and even

Even many of the equipment in Karasha's arsenal are being transported to Beiting and will be left to his son in the future.

Of course, more were stolen.

Grassland herdsmen may have nothing to offer at the beginning, and even their arrowheads may be ground from animal bones. But when they encounter corrupted enemies, they can often defeat the enemy on the battlefield with their bloody courage, and then snowball and develop.

The more they fight, the richer they get, and the more they fight, the more well-equipped they are. By this time, they can no longer be contained and have grown into a serious nuisance.

"Nothing in the world can be done quickly." Shao Siwu couldn't help but sigh with emotion when he saw that the infantry under his tent had almost one man and one horse.

In a place like the Western Region, it is very inconvenient not to have horses. Even if you are an infantryman, you'd better learn to ride a horse. You don't need to have advanced riding skills. Spend a month or two practicing and you can barely ride.

Just go on your way.

The journey is so long that it would be unimaginable to travel without horses.

"New recruits must be trained. What kind of warrior is he who has never seen blood? General Suo, lead the troops to attack the city." Shao Siwu gave the order directly.

Suo Yan took the order and went away, and ordered people to cut down trees and build simple siege equipment.

There was another group of prairie light cavalry, holding the enemy's head with their spears, laughing and circling the city.

Others tied the corpses of Persian soldiers to the tails of horses and rode them happily, making strange sounds like wolf howls from their mouths.

It already has the style of painting a serious grassland nomadic army...

By evening, the first batch of simple wooden ladders had been made.

The five infantry commanders of the Tianwu Army gathered in Dongcheng and Nancheng, with Dongcheng taking the main attack and Nancheng Yang attacking.

There are also a large number of prairie light cavalry who spread out far away to keep watch.

This means that we will not stop until we take the city.

In fact, they should have won it. In yesterday's battle, they killed more than 2,700 Persian soldiers. How many soldiers can there be in a small place like Kulan? Most of the ones left in the city are some Creator shepherds.

They are just mobilized Jihadists, just for these new recruits to practice their skills.

The battle began quickly, with Shao Siwu observing carefully.

The number of defenders is indeed small, but their morale is high. Judging from their uniforms, most of them should be young men recruited temporarily, and they are not Persians. The Xia people are accustomed to calling all the enemies they kill Persian soldiers, but in terms of blood,

, most of them are actually not.

The morale of the recruits is also very good. Perhaps it is the pursuit of fame and fortune that supports them. In addition, they have been allowed to indulge in military discipline along the way, so everyone still dares to fight and fight hard.

The disadvantage is that he is not very skilled in coordination and not very experienced. He failed to attack twice and lost a lot of people.

"Dongdong..." The drums kept beating for a moment, and three infantry commanders outside the east city took turns to go into battle. Even some of the Tibetan light cavalry were forced to dismount and attacked twice.

At midnight, the city was finally breached.

"Tell Suo Yan that I will not enter the city tonight." Shao Siwu nodded with satisfaction and said to the messenger: "Before dawn, clean up and don't make it too ugly. In addition, craftsmen, scholars and their families must not be disturbed. Hurry.

Go and deliver the order.”

"As ordered." The messenger left quickly.

The meaning of King Zhao is already very clear. He will not enter the city until tomorrow, which means that the soldiers can indulge tonight, but they cannot go too far and do not cause any massacre of the city. Although the nomadic army often does this after breaking the city.

Do it.

"General Wang, you immediately bring the horse soldiers into the city and bring out all the craftsmen, musicians, scholars, etc. Count the horses, money and food, and bring out everything you can. I don't trust these guys." The soldiers were ordered to leave.

Later, Shao Siwu said again.

"Yes." Wang Chongwen, who was already the envoy of the Tianwu Army, immediately responded.

Soon, hundreds of cavalry entered the city and disappeared into the night.

"Aren't you ready to capture this city, little prince?" Dun Yu, who had been watching the battle beside Shao Siwu for a long time, suddenly asked.

"Ju Lan gives it to your Majesty, do you want it?" Shao Siwu turned around and asked.

"Is this true?" Dun Yu was a little surprised.

This city originally belonged to their family. It was occupied by Persia for more than 20 years and has never been recaptured. It would definitely be a great joy if it could be recaptured.

"Seriously, I'm not joking. I'll rest here for a day tomorrow and leave the day after tomorrow." Shao Siwu said.

"Leave it completely to us?" Dun Yu asked subconsciously.

"What good thing are you thinking of?" Shao Siwu smiled and said, "I'll take the craftsmen, musicians, and scholars, and the others will be yours."

Dun Yu felt a little disappointed, but after thinking about it, this was not a bad thing. At least there were tens of thousands of slaves, and they would make money no matter what.

"Thank you, Your Highness." Dun Yu bowed and saluted.

"You deserve this." Shao Siwu waved his hand and said.

Since they sent out troops, they have captured a lot of Dingkou. There is no detailed calculation, but there are still tens of thousands of them. He is not very interested in these. It is enough to keep some of them as slaves for the soldiers who follow him. It is enough. It is too much.

It's just a waste of food. It's unnecessary. Even though we robbed so much, we are no longer short of food.

Those who are truly valuable are actually those who are educated and skilled. Talent requires a threshold and requires years of training and learning. It cannot be achieved in a short time, so it must be firmly grasped.

Early tomorrow morning, he will send troops to escort these people back to the Yinli River Valley.

He already has some capital now.

There are more than 15,000 Tianwu Army officers and soldiers. This is the armed force directly under him, and they are all willing to stay in the Western Regions.

Now they have snatched a lot of slaves, cattle and sheep, and after bringing them back to the Yinli River Valley, they have stepped up preparations for winter fodder. After this winter and the beginning of spring, the number of cattle and sheep will be larger, and their strength will further increase.

Of course, the key to everything is to walk around my father's place and find ways to get more immigrants from the Central Plains.

He is not picky at all, and the people of Hebei can do it.

In fact, these people are very good. As long as you form a community of interests with them, your combat effectiveness will be doubled when guarding the home. They are very brave and very suitable for the current situation of the Western Regions.

However, Liu Mian recently mentioned that he might consider taking a sweat.

That place is larger than the Yinli Valley, has a better climate, and more fertile soil. If managed well, it will definitely be a strong vassal. But the shortcomings are also obvious. It is too close to the Sogdian region, and the Persians may not tolerate it.

If the place is taken away by the Central Plains, there will definitely be repeated entanglements, and the risk is greater.

As for the country of Persia, to be honest, it has some fighting ability.

He had received news from the Northern Route Army that they had detoured to the vicinity of Talas and had several battles with the Persians, with both sides suffering certain casualties.

Don't belittle yourself, but don't underestimate your enemies too much.

The first reason why Persia is so passive is because this three-pronged army, with a total of 178,000 people, is the largest nomadic invasion that Persia has ever faced in its history - yes, it is a nomadic invasion. The model of war with the Central Plains focuses on logistics.

no the same.

Another reason is probably that the Persian monarch was only nine years old, and his young master was suspicious of the country. Rebellions were coming one after another. I heard that there was another sworn enemy in the west who took the opportunity to send troops to compete with them for the traditional Persian territory. Therefore, the troops were stretched thin, so they could only focus on it, but could not attack in an all-out way.


But this country doesn't look like it can be defeated in one fell swoop. Especially since envoys from the south are coming to inquire about the situation, the possibility of retreating in September is quite high.

Once the saint retreats, given the moral character of these tribes, they will probably not persist, so this offensive will be over.

In this case, it will be difficult to capture the sweat, at least not this time.

Shao Siwu thought about it and couldn't wait any longer. He wanted to confirm his identity and territory early to avoid long nights and dreams.

Besides, it’s not like Bukhan has no chance at all. Who knows what will happen in the future? The capital he has now, in addition to the warriors, are the slaves and cattle, sheep, horses and camels he has stolen. He is just like a nomadic tribe, right?

? Where to go in the future? It’s not a matter of a word? Dismantle the tents, drive the livestock, and move on.

In the middle of the night, Shao Siwu went to the tent to undress and relax for a while.

When the first ray of sunlight fell from the sky, he stood up directly, mounted his horse, and walked around the city.

The Tianwu Army separated an infantryman to command 2,000 people, escorting a large number of slaves and driving countless livestock, heading east along the Khorasan Highway.

There were many new recruits in this command, and the equipment was not good when they entered the city. But when they left the city, many people put on leather armor or even Persian chain mail shirts, and wore those funny pointed helmets on their heads, looking very proud.

I don't know why, Shao Siwu was suddenly moved.

It turns out that the feeling of building your own power bit by bit is so good. It gives me an unparalleled sense of satisfaction and makes me deeply feel the control of authority and strength.

Look, the soldiers are cheering for themselves!

They got women, slaves, cattle, sheep and money, and they were very grateful to themselves.

Shao Siwu subconsciously waved in response.

"Victory!" The warriors' voices echoed across the earth.

"Tomorrow, I will take you west to rob Talos, Baishui City, and Shashi (Tashkent)!" Shao Siwu laughed loudly and rode out.

Looking down from the sky, the wilderness near Julan City is filled with surging crowds of people.

In a day or two, they will head west and then south, with more than 100,000 horsemen sweeping through the undefended countryside in Persia, taking away everything of value they see.

After this battle, the areas beyond the Persian River will be severely damaged, and it will become increasingly difficult to regain ground in the future.

Being a nomadic natural disaster requires no logistics or construction, only destruction and killing. Sometimes it seems quite satisfying, and it is extremely satisfying to be evil.

This chapter has been completed!
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