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Chapter 45 Immortality

 The rain mixed with the snow particles fell, extinguishing the wildfires, just like the situation at this time.

Tam led a donkey and walked into the city of Bakhna along the stone road covered with old bloodstains.

After hiding in Turmugan for more than a month and almost running out of food and water, I heard that the Xia army had withdrawn, so I quickly packed my bags and rushed home.

There is nothing left at home, which is foreseeable.

As a famous scholar of Bukhan and a guest of the nobles, Tam's wealth is quite considerable, and it is impossible not to be robbed.

Fortunately, his family is still alive and has not been affected by the war.

There are figures walking around in the city. They are believers of the Creator who have come from the west. They have formed a militia to maintain order on their own initiative.

No order is terrible.

The Xia people destroyed the previous order. After they retreated, there was a huge power vacuum in Bukhan, and the society completely collapsed, which was even more terrifying than when the Xia Bing was there.

The lords of several cities in the west were afraid that the Xia soldiers would come back again and refused to send troops to recapture Bukhanna. In the end, it was the followers of the Creator who were the bravest and spontaneously marched eastward to recapture the city abandoned by the Xia people.

After taking a few casual bites of naan, Tam took out a roll of paper from his luggage and started writing.

"A very joyful thing happened, that is, the biggest good news this year is the recovery of Bakhna. The fearless Jihads came to Bakhna with the determination to die. Unfortunately, the enemy has retreated, and they

We haven’t met yet.”

"Endless praise to the incomparable Creator and Creator of all things; to all the prophets and leaders, to the Chief of Saints, Muhammad. Without their inspiration, there would have been no fearless warriors to recapture the famous city of Fergana."

"...I know that many things cannot be said or written. But I insist that with a fair attitude, respecting the authenticity of history, focusing on facts, correctly recording and narrating, it will be helpful for our descendants to understand our era.

It is very important to the legend of the world."

"...all human nations and races start from their own beliefs and pass down various rumors about their own deeds. In any case, they prefer their own beliefs to other aspects. They overexaggerate themselves and belittle their enemies.

, so it is impossible for all ethnic groups to be completely consistent when recording events. The valuable thing about my works lies in the authenticity and reliability of the content."

"...I don't have elegant and beautiful language, so on a whim, I wrote this "War outside the River", also known as "Hu Da's Whip". Since there are no relevant records about this war, I dare not speculate

I take the liberty of writing this humble work - a brief chronicle. Otherwise, it would be like digging a well on the banks of the Amu Darya."

After writing the preface, Tam took a few more bites of dry and hard naan bread.

The snowstorm outside the window has stopped.

But this is only temporary. In a few days, there may be a heavier rain or snowfall - somewhat similar to the current situation.

Tam sighed and began to write the first chapter of the text.

"Many people do not know the name of the enemy commander. After many researches by me and personal interviews with two Chinese prisoners in the prison, according to the correct spelling, his name should be 'Xude Shaoyin Khan'."

"...He is a knowledgeable scholar and sage. Even his followers are able to compose poetry and understand all things."

"...He had a great mullah of the Buddha by his side, who later became a secular person. His courage was unique for a while. Due to space limitations, I cannot list them one by one. What I mean is to explain how outstanding his courage is,

Because he defeated Bakhna's Ghulam army head-on and did not retreat after being wounded."

"...It is impossible to try to clarify and distinguish everything. A more credible rumor is that because of some experiences in his early years, this general Mullah has an incomprehensible hatred for the Creator, is keen on destroying temples, and is so paranoid that it is difficult to understand

The point of adding more.”

I wrote this until late at night, until the lamp burned out.

In the darkness, Tam carefully put away the manuscript and hid it in a box under the bed.

He has decided to go to various places to interview in the next two days, listen to people's oral accounts, understand official records, and obtain first-hand materials to enrich the content of his work.

He didn't care how many people his work could read, he just wanted to record the facts fairly.

Perhaps some officials or even the governor would classify his works as "banned books", but this is hopeless stupidity.

His book is dedicated to the emir who rules the world.

As a ruler, you should abandon those boring emotions, look at history fairly, and learn something from it. Only in this way can the sage remember the shame, and then work hard to create a different era.

There is no shortage of fools in this world, but there is also no shortage of wise men with discerning eyes.


When Jia Yinhanni held a cabinet meeting and countless Persian armies began to recruit and mobilize, Shao Shude had already arrived at the Congling Nanyuan.

Behind him, countless beasts of burden and vehicles were struggling to walk on mountain roads two to three thousand meters above sea level.

I don’t know who opened the road or when it was opened, but it must have been expanded and built in the Tang Dynasty, because a stone tablet buried in the grass and soil was found on the roadside.

The mountain roads in the rugged area bear witness to immortal history.

One nation after another, one generation after another, come and go on this mountain road.

They may be full of energy, or ambitious, or full of sorrow, or they may be at the end of their rope.

When walking through this section of the road, Shao Shude seemed to be able to feel the strong emotions spreading in the valley.

I came, I conquered, and now I have left my mark on this road.

Death of a person due to old age, illness, or illness only represents the death of his physical body.

If his footprints, his words, his spirit, and the history he created could be recorded and widely disseminated, he would never die and shine with the sun and the moon.

"After spring next year, the people will be recruited and a city will be built on the mountain. The city will be named 'Nanyuan', and there will be two thousand troops and five hundred horses." Shao Shude gave the order while sitting on the stolen sofa and drinking tea.

Shule Town in the former Tang Dynasty only had one Shouchou City under its jurisdiction, namely Congling Shouchou City, which was located in the later Taxkorgan County and guarded an important transportation route to later Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Daxia renovated the city and currently has a small number of Khotan soldiers stationed to garrison it.

After attacking Shule Nahui, a large number of tribesmen went north and besieged Congling to defend the city. They were later frightened back by the army sent by Li Shengtian.

These tribes actually come from the territory of Saman Persia in northern Afghanistan. If I am not mistaken, they should be a different tribe of Turks and are under the jurisdiction of the governor of South Amu Darya Province.

As the outer barriers to defend Shule, there are not many soldiers in Congling and Nanyuan City, so they may not be able to block the main force of the enemy. But their existence can provide early warning to Shule, allowing the rear to calmly allocate supplies.

Assemble troops, launch general mobilization, and fight to the death with the invading enemies.

After giving the order, he took the time to read the news from the junior high school.

In Liaodong, which he was most concerned about, Abaoji contacted the Shiwei tribe and went south to plunder.

Liaodong Road gathered 30,000 soldiers, combined with the Guangjie Army and a section of the Forbidden Army and the Yi Congjun, recruited Jurchens, Shiwei, and Shatuo, and defeated them in the Daxianbei Mountains, beheading thousands of people.

After being forced to retreat from Abaoji, the King's Division of Daxia took Shiwei, Jurchen, and Shatuo soldiers to the north to conquer Shiwei, and forced the landing of seven tribes.

At this point, the number of Shiwei tribes who have submitted to the imperial court has reached fourteen, and there are still seven or eight tribes that are about to leave, and sooner or later they will have to finish their evil duties.

The soldiers of Liaodong Prefecture showed strong combat effectiveness, well-equipped, strong, skilled, savage and fierce, and the most important thing is: they don't need to spend money.

According to the memorial of Liaodong Road, all troops in Xiazhou Prefecture have been deployed this year, and a certain number of troops have also been allocated to the five states of Mu, Meng, Yi, Yi, and Ji.

According to the plan, by the end of this year, the five prefectures will have a total of 21,000 soldiers and 27,000 households.

Next year they will focus on solving their slave shortage.

In Yunnan, Liulang's troops have also been organized, mainly from the Golden Spear and Tianwei armies, which he has come into contact with before. There are three thousand people in total, and they are assigned to the Pingyuan Bazi area east of Baping City. They will capture them themselves.

, no need for the court to bother, just give more money, grain, seeds, farm tools, and cattle.

Three thousand people may not seem like many, but they were stationed in Mengzi, a place with a relatively good climate in later generations, and it was on an important transportation road. One could go to Dianchi Lake in the north, Annan in the southeast, and Yinnan, a place with dense tribes, in the south.

Shengzhen can reach the Lancang River Valley to the west, and its combat effectiveness is very strong, which is of great significance for stabilizing the situation in Yunnan.

The rebellion in Annan was also completely suppressed.

Okay, maybe I was a little full of words, but it did calm down in the short term.

People will be afraid.

If they can defeat the enemy and have the possibility of independence, then they may close their eyes and fight bravely. But it seems that the Daxia court will not compromise. The Qinghai and Ningyuan armies have a combat strength of 40,000 people.

Although it can't be said to be strong in the north, it is second to none in the south.

Every time there is rebellion, these two old faces appear. If you don't mind it, he doesn't mind it either. They kill each time they cause chaos. Over the years, they have made all kinds of ambitious people feel like they're dying, honestly.

Live life with your tail between your legs.

Among the three hotspots of Yunnan, Annan and Liaodong, it seems that Liaodong is the most stable and peaceful, followed by Annan. Yunnan is still short-lived and the imperial court is fighting for land with the chieftains, so the war has not completely subsided, but it probably will.

Just the past two years.

The only thing left is the Western Region.

"The five armies of Chuanzhi, Tujiang, Longxiang, Controlling Crane, Jinglue, and Youguo will each allocate two infantry commanders and four cavalry commanders; the three armies of Feilong, Jindao, and Heiyi will allocate two commanders each, with a total of cavalry.

Forty-two thousand infantrymen are marching westward. When they arrive, the accompanying officers and soldiers can return to the court." - The number is not as large as this year, but it is not much less.

"The Silver Spear Army goes to Beiting to replace the Cavalry Army."

"The slaves of the various palaces will allocate 10,000 people to go west to farm in Gumo. They will return after two years. The Privy Council and the Ministry of Internal Affairs will provide compensation as appropriate."

"The Tibetan tribes in Beiting, the Rehai Turks, and the soldiers of the Tianwu Army will conduct rigorous drills during winter leisure. Beiya Privy Council will send personnel to guide them, and the Persian equipment they obtain will be distributed as appropriate."

Shao Shude issued four orders in one go, all related to military matters.

With so much looted this year, there is no shortage of food for the time being. Next year, the food output in the Western Region will definitely be higher than this year, and the supply difficulty will be greatly alleviated.

The various departments of the Forbidden Army have had fewer opportunities to fight in recent years. As the old people gradually retire, the newcomers may not be as powerful. Over time, their combat effectiveness will definitely slowly decline.

Since the Western Expedition that started in the middle of last year, at least some members of the ten Forbidden Army have been trained. After they return, they can greatly boost the spirit of the headquarters and refresh the atmosphere, which is very beneficial to maintaining combat effectiveness.

The new batch of people to be recruited will not arrive until next year. By then, Shao Shude will probably be on his way back to Luoyang, but it doesn't matter, he will appoint a general to take unified command.

From now on, the allocation will be based on the economic conditions and affordability of the Western Regions.

There were frequent wars in the four towns of Anxi in the former Tang Dynasty, but thanks to the excellent military garrison and management of the herds, there was never a problem with food. This was completely different from the constipated logistics of the Western Han Dynasty.

As long as food is taken care of, nothing will be a problem. After all, Daxia's military reward can be collected after returning to the army without having to transport it back and forth.

As for the consumption of ordnance, the Western Regions can produce some of it themselves, and the Central Plains will definitely need to transport a lot. But compared with food, this demand is much smaller - the nomadic people have far-fetched ordnance replenishment capabilities, and they can hunt wherever they herd.


The core of everything is food, which is the biggest constraint.

On the third day of October, it snowed for the third time in Congling.

The Banshi army left the rugged valleys and entered the vast plains.

This is already the boundary of Shule.

Daxia's first western expedition ended in victory.

This chapter has been completed!
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