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Chapter 61 Printing and Ink

 At the end of November, the Luoyang group had not yet arrived in Chang'an.

Shao Shude was already checking the first batch of printed books in the Xijing Shaofu Workshop.

Don't get me wrong, this is not the content of "Tongguang Quanshu", but the first Persian work translated.

To be more precise, it is a thin travel diary, probably a diary written by a maritime businessman when he was bored. It contains many descriptions of foreign scenery such as Chenla, and also contains a lot of content about using the stars to identify locations during navigation.

There is also a large amount of description of port hydrological information, which is very valuable.

The diary is not long and was translated on the way. Shao Shude plans to print a batch and send it to Ping Haijun and Qing Navy officers.

There is no doubt that block printing is used, not movable type printing.

When publishing standard textbooks on a large scale, the advantages of inkjet printing are extremely huge.

If it is a large-scale commercial printing, ink-block printing can defeat movable type printing based on cost alone. This has been proven historically, because until the Ming and Qing dynasties, bookstores still used ink-block printing instead of movable type when publishing books.

Printing - In fact, until the end of the Qing Dynasty, engraving printing was the absolute mainstream. There were 7748 kinds of books in the Qing Dynasty, but only 220 kinds were printed with movable type.

A skilled carving master can carve very quickly.

The printed version of a book is often written by one person. The writing style is uniform, beautiful, and the lines and intervals are regular. After printing, if you want to reprint, just take out the printed version and continue printing. In ancient times, there were even ones that were used for hundreds of years.

Withered version.

However, most of the movable type was not made by one person, and the old and new ones were mixed, and the characters were of different sizes and styles. After one edition was printed, the characters were removed, making it very inconvenient to reprint.

Block printing is also very advantageous when reviewing manuscripts before printing.

The reviewer can just take the withered version and compare it with the original text, which is very convenient.

Movable type printing does not work.

First of all, it is very troublesome to search for the corresponding Chinese characters from tens of thousands of characters when finalizing the draft, and the layout is also ugly.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, because newspapers had new content every day, it was no longer cost-effective to use dead plates, so they changed to movable type printing. However, there were many problems with the size of the fonts and typesetting, and the reading experience was very poor.

Moreover, when the movable type was loaded and ready for printing, the fonts were reversed during the final review. The review took a long time and was extremely error-prone.

The most critical thing is that the process of movable type printing requires a large number of literate workers, which is extremely costly.

In addition, there is another point that determines the status of engraving printing.

Ink in ancient China was mainly water-based ink, and there were very few types of oil-based ink.

The ink and wash are printed with engravings, which are very clear and perfect.

But when it comes to movable type printing, clay movable type is fine. Metal movable type (copper, lead) has poor affinity with ink, and the printing is not clear enough. However, withered printing does not have this problem.

Therefore, don’t think that the ancient people were fools. There is a reason why they abandoned the movable type printing technology and continued to print with movable type even though they already had it.

Movable type printing is actually suitable for the West.

The letters are small, easy to make and find, and they have ink...

"I have a method that may improve printing efficiency." Shao Shude suddenly said after looking at it for a while.

Regarding movable type printing, he once mentioned that craftsmen also spent a huge amount of money to produce a batch of clay movable type and a batch of lead-tin alloy movable type - the latter took several years and cost more than 100,000 yuan. It was simply outrageous. Even he

They all think it’s expensive, let alone the private sector.

At best, movable type printing and block printing "each have their own advantages and disadvantages." In fact, movable type printing is rarely used at present, and the money is mostly wasted. It can be regarded as a lesson.

"Please give us your Majesty's advice," said Chen Xingyun, the Chief Minister of the Young Mansion.

"Is it possible to make a kind of wax paper, write text on it with a stylus, and then use a pusher soaked in ink to push and print." Shao Shude asked.

In fact, this is also a type of engraving. It is just that writing is faster than engraving, and printing with oil clippers is more efficient.

When Shao Shude was in elementary school, he had a teacher who wrote on wax paper with a pen to write the papers, then printed them all by himself, and then distributed them to the students for exams.

This was still the case even until the first grade of junior high school, until the school bought a laser printing machine.

"Your Majesty, wait a minute." Chen Xingyun is a Jinshi, and it would be good if he could understand the existing printing technology. Technical innovation is difficult, and you have to find craftsmen for this matter, so he called Xi Chao, Xi Tinggui and his son.

They were from Yizhou and were ink-making craftsmen. They were well-known in the local area. They were recommended to the imperial court and hired by the Shaofu. They were responsible for part of the printing and ink-making affairs, and they were considered foremen.

"Your Majesty." The father and son saluted together.

Shao Shude repeated what he just said.

Xi Chao thought for a while and said, "Maybe we can give it a try."

Shao Shude was overjoyed and then asked: "Is there a way to make a kind of ink?"

"Your Majesty, what is ink?" Xi Chao asked curiously: "The ink presented by the Shaofu contains pine oil."

After Shao Shude thought about it, he put it another way: "But most of this ink is still water, right? Both ink and oil dissolve in water."

After writing calligraphy for so many years, he also has some research on ink.

The inks donated by the Shaofu include pine oil, tung oil, sesame oil, etc., but they are mainly used as connecting agents. Oil smoke dissolves in water, and basically it is "water-based ink" - ancient Chinese paintings, generally

It's called ink painting, which shows.

What he wants now is an "oil-based ink", that is, the colored body part (ink) of writing, which is soluble in oil rather than water.

He couldn't explain why he wanted this, because when he was a child, his teacher used ink to print test papers, and ink was probably not good enough.

Moreover, when the ink is printed, the color is uniform, the contrast is strong, and the gloss is even better than ink. The most important thing is that it is not afraid of water, combines well with metal movable type, and has high printing efficiency.

Of course, it is impossible to rely on this to make movable type printing defeat block printing. Let’s not talk about fonts, typesetting, retrieval, and finalization issues. The cost alone is staggering—a businessman in the Qing Dynasty spent more than 200,000 yuan to make metal movable type.

Two taels of silver, all lost, is this a cost that small and medium-sized businessmen can afford?

But ink is still very useful. It can improve printing efficiency and reduce costs. Whether it is block printing or movable type printing, the printed books will have clearer handwriting and more uniform colors, especially those with patterns.

Patterns are another insurmountable difficulty for movable type printing.

After the ink comes out, he plans to promote wax paper printing on a large scale, which is cheaper and more efficient than printing. Especially when printing mathematics books, it is simply a dimensionality reduction blow.

Even art books can be printed on a large scale - there is no doubt that this may lead to a new school of painting.

However, he also knew that the cost of this kind of printing was low and could penetrate into every corner of society, because in theory it only needed wax paper, stylus, and ink, but the exquisiteness of printing was not enough.

But low cost is justice!

From now on, the books printed by the imperial court can continue to be made into exquisite engravings. But for the people to play with and popularize knowledge, they can be printed on wax paper, although he does not know whether wax paper and ink can be produced.

"Your Majesty said, you can give it a try." Xi Chao said.

In fact, he doesn't quite understand. Does anyone like this kind of ink?

"You can try it out as much as you like. If it succeeds, I won't hesitate to make it a knight." Shao Shude encouraged.

Chen Xingyun and others were shocked.

Can you get a knighthood for doing this? Then I thought that a whale hunter could be a knight, and I felt a little jealous.

In this day and age, it is not difficult to be knighted for military officers, as long as they have military exploits. However, it is difficult to be knighted for civil servants. Generally, it is only possible for the elders of the court to work hard for most of their lives, and the seats are often still far behind those of military attachés.


That's all, how come these lowly craftsmen can become rich so easily!

"Your Majesty's words...are you...serious?" Xi Chao asked stammering.

Chen Xingyun glared at him, as if blaming him for being unbecoming.

Shao Shude laughed loudly, stepped forward and took Xi Chao's hand, saying: "Keep your word."


After leaving the Shaofu, Shao Shude returned to the palace and read a book Liulang sent him from Yunnan: "Geography of Yunnan"

The title of the book is impressive, but in fact the content is not comprehensive enough. It only covers a few main routes, such as the post road from Kunzhou to Annan, Nanzhao Liangjing Post Road, Rongzhou Shimen Road, Yizhou Road, etc.

At this level, it is impossible to enter the geography category of "Tongguang Quanshu". No way, it has to be sent back and let Rokuro find someone to further improve it.

Shao Shude casually turned to the last part: the post road from Jianchuan Governor's Mansion to Tubo.

After thinking for a while, he called Han Zhi.

This man is a nephew of Han Quanhui. He has been in the Three Great Halls of Chang'an for many years. He is respectful and has a good eye.

During the Western Expedition, Han Quangui made great contributions and hard work. In addition to his old age, he promoted his nephew as the leader of the new generation of the Han family in Xijing, a family of eunuchs.

However, this is also the last generation of the Han family.

"Your Majesty." Han Zhi bent down and saluted. Every movement of his body and every expression seemed to be after rigorous training and calculation, highlighting his professionalism.

"Summon Prince Yansun of Tubo to see you." Shao Shude ordered.

"According to the order." Han Zhi responded, but his movements were very slow, as if he was waiting for something.

"Shulu Jieyu missed Cai Bang a little and asked her to come into the palace to talk." Shao Shude hesitated for a moment and then said.

"I obey." Han Zhi left quietly.

Yansun was staying in the hotel provided by Honglu Temple. After hearing the call, his heart pounded. Being strong and calm, he immediately took his wife's hand and couldn't wait to go out.

Cai Bangshi shook off his hand and gave him a cold look.

Yansun didn't take it seriously and left with a smile.

The two took a carriage and quickly entered the palace city.

Jie Yuyue Liduo greeted Cai Bangshi in at the entrance of Penglai Hall with a smile.

Yansun wanted to follow, but was stopped by Han Zhi.

He was not upset and waited patiently outside.

After a long time, before being summoned by the saint, an imperial doctor hurriedly entered the Penglai Hall.

Yan Sunruo realized something: his wife is pregnant.

While I felt sour in my heart, an abnormal flush appeared on my face, and at the same time I was a little excited: Who cares, just let me be a Zamp.

Life passes by in a hurry for decades, so what do you care about? Furthermore, let’s get past the current hurdle first and then figure out the next things later.

After a while, the imperial doctor came out of the palace again. When he passed by Yansun, he cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Congratulations, prince, the princess is pregnant."

Yansun subconsciously touched his arms. Fortunately, there was a small half-money issued by Honglu Temple, so he quietly handed it to the imperial doctor. His face was full of joy and he smiled and said: "I have an heir! We are both happy and happy together."


The imperial doctor got the money, smiled happily, and left after talking and joking for a while.

In Penglai Hall, Shao Shude looked at Cai Bangshi and said hesitantly: "This is..."

"Of course it's yours!" Cai Bangshi glared at him angrily and said, "I won't rely on you. I will take the child back to Tubo and raise it myself."

"You have a bad temper!" Shao Shude said with a smile: "If Yansun returns to Tubo, how can he not leave his wife in the capital as a hostage? What are you thinking?"

"Ah?" Cai Bangshi was a little surprised.

"However, I will still send you two back in the future." Shao Shude suddenly sighed and said.

Cai Bang is Yansun's principal concubine, and the child she gives birth to will naturally be Yansun's child.

Cai Bangshi breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Chang'an is good, but Tubo never makes me feel comfortable."

Shao Shude looked at her with a complicated expression.

Cai Bangshi suddenly thought of something, leaned into Shao Shude's ear and said, "I will teach the child well and let him know who his real father is."

Shao Shude grabbed Cai Bangshi's hand. For a moment, he wanted to keep this wild woman by his side. Anyway, he had robbed so many women, so what if he robbed one more?

Cai Bangshi gently let go of Shao Shude's hand and asked, "Where are you sending me back?"

"It's not you, and it's not now." Shao Shude said, "I will send Yansun back first and send a group of officials and soldiers to accompany him to see if he can gain a firm foothold."

Cai Bangshi's focus was not on this at all. After hearing that he would only send Yansun back for the time being, he blurted out: "You still want to sleep with me."

Shao Shude looked a little confused and could only change the subject and said: "Brother Tie wants to go to the Yalong Valley, but I won't let him get what he wants. Let Yansun go to that place."

The Yalong Valley is in the south of Shannan, on the Linzhi side. The altitude is not very high, and it is considered a relatively good place in Tibet.

Since the Tang Dynasty, there have been post roads and business roads leading there.

In the first year of Yonglong (680), Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty, Tubo established the Shenchuan Dudufu, which levied taxes, assigned errands, and military service to the local white and black barbarians.

Later, the Tubo people used this as a springboard to penetrate deep into the Erhai area.

Its general route is: Lhasa - Linzhi - Zayu - Deqin - Lijiang - Dali. To the west of Lhasa, it also leads directly to Calcutta, India, where goods produced in Sichuan are sold. It is a very famous tea-horse trade route and also the Tibetan trade route.

The main military route for the invasion of Nanzhao.

Nowadays, Shenchuan Dudufu (Jianchuan Town) is in the hands of Daxia. After Yuben City (Deqin), it is the border of Tubo territory.

This route was also mentioned in the "Geography of Yunnan" sent by Rokuro.

He sent 500 troops from the left wing of the Shengjie Army who were rotated to Yunnan Road to guard the city. He even made a trip there himself. He said that he had difficulty breathing and felt uncomfortable all over. It would not be easy to attack Tibet from here, and it would require long-term training.

Just adapt to the environment.

Based on this, Shao Shude tried to solve the problem through political means.

"The Yalong River Valley is a good place. Every spring, peach blossoms cover the hillsides..." Upon hearing this, Cai Bangshi narrowed his eyes happily and said, "My family also has some acquaintances there. I went there."

You should be able to stand on your feet."

"Don't think so much first, let's give birth to the child." Shao Shude touched Cai Bang's belly, but naturally found nothing, and said, "Yansun will not leave so early. I will send people to contact the Tubo side.

Let’s get in touch and see their attitude first.”

This chapter has been completed!
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