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Chapter 71 Announcement Chinese and Foreign Part 2

"I'll do it!" Wang Heizi pushed away the two people blocking him and looked at the sea.

Finally found this cute "little one"!

A huge water column spurted out of the sea, and an adult whale was swimming happily on the sea.

The sea breeze is not strong today and the waves are small, which is very comfortable for this whale.

The same is true for this group of humans who are greedy for its body.

With the help of Li Twelve, Wang Heizi steadily raised the crossbow and aimed at the big fish.

Others subconsciously stopped talking and held their breath, as if they were afraid that a big gasp would scare away the big fish.

Ships were bobbing on the sea, and so were whales.

"Huh!" The modified crossbow with barbs flew out and accurately hit the big fish - well, it was actually very difficult to miss.

"Hit!" The sailors burst into cheers.

"Put out the fishing line, quickly!" the old sailor Zhou Da ordered.

The sailors woke up from a dream and quickly rushed to the drum, shook the handle, and extended the fishing line. Some people held buckets and poured water on the thick and long fishing line to prevent it from causing heat and fire due to friction.

The shot whale fluttered painfully on the sea surface, its tail fin swayed violently, and the sea water was turned upside down.

Wang Heizi stared intently and muttered to himself, but no one could understand what he was saying.

"Creak -" The vitality of the big fish is very tenacious. Although a sharp crossbow was inserted into its body - more accurately, it was a small harpoon - it was still churning endlessly, stretching the fishing line tightly.

Yes, the drum tying the fishing line also made an overwhelmed sound.

"Don't panic, it can't run away!" Wang Heizi turned his head, grinned, and comforted everyone.

The ship rocked to a certain extent.

But it didn't matter, the bottom cabin was filled with stones and copper blocks they snatched from Korea, so it was very stable.

"It's going to dive!" a sailor exclaimed.

Wang Heizi turned around and saw the big fish split open the sea surface and dive underwater. At this moment, only a huge tail fin was left on the sea surface - and it soon disappeared.

"It can't run away!" Zhou Da shook the handle vigorously, lowered a section of fishing line, then patted the roller and said with a smile: "How can a fish run away when it's hooked?"

Calm down, everyone. This is the first time for everyone to hunt whales, so it is normal to be a little panicked.

Sure enough, not long after Zhou Da finished speaking, the hill-like whale broke through the water again and floated up.

Obviously, it was deeply pierced by the harpoon and could no longer dive freely.

Perhaps the sprint and dive just now consumed too much energy. At this time, the big fish slowly swam on the sea surface, spraying out a jet of water from time to time.

"Ding Bodhisattva, take a small boat and get close to it. Be careful." Wang Heizi carefully observed the movements of the whale and at the same time issued an order: "Zhou Da, pay attention to the fishing line and take it in slowly. Don't be anxious."

Everyone took orders one after another.

Soon, a small boat was lowered. Ding Bodhisattva held up a special crossbow for cavalry that was only available in the army. Several desperadoes, carrying short knives and spears, rowed the small boat hard and approached the big fish.

"Hoo!" The sharp sound broke through the air again. The whale spear fired from the boat pierced the back of the big fish's eye. The spear head with blood groove penetrated into the flesh, and a large ball of whale blood spurted out from the wound.

, dyeing the nearby sea surface red.

The big fish, which had been hit hard for the second time, flipped angrily and stirred up huge waves, but this only caused more blood to flow out of its body, accelerating the loss of its life.

"It's finished!" Wang Heizi held his hand on the ship's side railing and said with a smile: "Manage the ship well and pay attention to the fishing line. It's best to drag it left and right to expand the wound."

"Got the order!" The sailors were excited and took action one after another.

The sailors were steering the sails, the helmsmen were steering the helms, and the conductors were conducting. They were very busy.

The big fish is still swimming on the sea surface, twisting its body violently from time to time, which looks very scary.

But everyone knows that this is just the last struggle of this giant sea beast before its death. Now, everyone just needs to wait for it to exhaust its once extremely strong vitality.

I don’t know how long I waited, but the big fish’s life finally came to an end.

"Boom!" The whale swung violently again, setting off huge waves that almost overturned the small boat of Ding Bodhisattva and others.

However, this is just its last struggle.

The two wounds on the big guy's body suddenly spurted out countless blood rains. After letting out a desperate howl that was inaudible to human ears, the adult sperm whale finally fell powerlessly on the sea, floating in a pool of its own blood.

Cheers suddenly broke out even louder than before.

The sailors howled excitedly, venting their emotions.

Yes, anyone who sees such a giant sea and mountain beast being surrendered and killed by him will be so excited that he cannot control himself. Not to mention, this symbolizes endless honor and wealth.

"Take the fishing line!" Wang Heizi's hands were clenched on the railing, his knuckles turned white, but his command voice was still calm.

The sailors calmed down and shook the handle again to retract the fishing line, and the body of the big fish came closer and closer.

"Launch the boat!" The second boat was lowered, and Wang Heizi climbed down along the rope net and got onto the boat.

Other sailors got off the boat one after another and rowed hard to the carcass of the big fish.

They are very motivated.

Some people used knives to cut the whale skin, while others used iron hooks to pull hard to help cut.

These skins will be rubbed with salt first to make salted skins, which can be stored for a long time, long enough for them to find someone to tan them when they return to the port.

Someone carefully cuts the fat, which is the most valuable part of the big fish.

As for the meat - are you kidding me? What's the value of meat? You can't take it away anyway.

Just cut a part of it, pickle it, dry it, and take it back to sell as seafood. It's impossible to take away all the meat.

In the end, Wang Heizi and the others only took away the fins...


The news that Wang Heizi caught a big fish instantly broke the tranquility of the small town.

Many people flocked to the pier to watch the excitement.

When they saw the huge pieces of whale skin covered with patterns being hung down, they all exclaimed in amazement.

When I saw barrels of whale blubber being delivered to the dock, I became jealous again.

But - that's it.

If someone caught a big fish from the sea for the first time many years ago, which caused a sensation in the whole city, now that whales are caught almost every year, this can no longer stimulate people's nerves too much - they are numb.

Although Wang Heizi has soared into the sky, this kind of myth exists every year, and everyone is envious of him, but he doesn't go too far.

If he can do it, so can I! Just wait, and one day you are lucky and I will catch a big fish.

After hearing the news, people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs rushed to the dock quickly. After congratulating themselves, they immediately checked the quality of the whale skin and blubber, and began to argue over the purchase price.

Wang Heizi left the matter to his men and went down to the shore.

Compared to before going to sea, there were more people on the pier, and the scenery had also changed - a huge windmill had been erected.

The main body of the windmill was made of bricks and stones, and a notice was posted on it. More than a dozen people gathered around and talked about it.

Wang Heizi strolled over and took a closer look. It turned out that the news that the saint had been honored as the "Supreme Emperor of Jianwen, Shenwu" was announced to the world, and the Xian envoys knew about it.

"Bote, do you accept the honorific title given to the saint by your clan uncle?" Wang Heizi hugged the shoulder of the person next to him and said with a smile.

"Bote" was a Jurchen who came from the Baolu Prefectures—in fact, Wang Heizi didn't know which state he came from. He only knew that his name was Wanyan Bote, and he was considered a descendant of a noble person in the north.

"You don't have to be so weird." Wanyan Bote glanced at Wang Heizi and sneered: "In fact, I am convinced. When the Shatuo people rebelled, I went into battle with my brothers and killed them.

Those traitors are full of shit."

Wang Heizi looked into Wanyan Bote's eyes quietly.

Wanyan Bote stared at him without showing any signs of weakness.

After a long time, Wang Heizi laughed and said, "What he said turned out to be the truth."

"Of course it's the truth!" Wanyan Bote said angrily: "Baolu, Heishui, Tieli and other prefectures, what they were like before and what they are like now? You have been there too, so you understand that our Jurchen tribes

How grateful you are to the saint."

"Indeed." Wang Heizi nodded silently.

He went to Baolu Prefecture, where a new city was built, called "Baolu City".

The Jurchens originally made a living by fishing, hunting, and animal husbandry, and basically did not farm. However, the imperial court gave them rye seeds and sent people to teach planting techniques. Over time, some people from the Jurchen tribes began to farm.

Because the harvest is stable and fishing is not delayed during the fishing season, the trend of farming is sweeping across the five Blackwater states.

There is no doubt that this is a major event that truly changes the outlook of the Jurchen tribes.

Baolu Prefecture first built a small earth city, and then opened up a large amount of farmland next to the city. Many people moved to live near the city, naturally forming villages.

Shops also appeared in the city, mainly Han merchants who came after hearing the news.

They started from the simplest restaurants. Boiled fresh meat, hot pot and shabu-shabu meat slices, etc. The meat products with various seasonings were an eye-opener for the Jurchens, and the business was extremely prosperous - I heard that the Ministry of Internal Affairs has recently been going to Heishui.

The state began to distribute pepper, which shows the extent of changing customs.

Seeing this, the imperial court immediately selected two officials from the left to assist the governor in running the city, and opened a school to teach the nobles' children how to learn writing and conduct themselves in the world.

This is how the appearance changes bit by bit.

"Wang Heizi, I'm not afraid of you going out and making noise." Wanyan Bote suddenly said: "If the imperial court just shows off its power and uses force to coerce us into submission, beat my young men, and plunder my wealth, I will never accept it.

Since ancient times, the Central Plains dynasty has always had such a arrogant attitude toward the so-called tribes in the corners of the country. They don’t treat us as human beings at all, so how can we be convinced?”

"But the saint is different. He really has the world in mind and regards everyone as the pure son of Daxia. He does not discriminate against the people of Heishui and Baolu states. He sends people to teach us how to farm, teach us how to read and write, and establish

Jurchens who have made great achievements in war can also become officials and gain wealth."

"Only such a saint can be called 'Jianwen Shenwu' and worthy of the title of 'Supreme Emperor'. If he dies, I will show my mourning. If anyone dares to rebel against the Shao family, I will chop him into pieces."

His dog head means what he says!"

Wang Heizi was silent for a while, and then laughed and cursed: "You are a slave trader who preys on human beings, but you are also full of great truths. I just want to laugh after hearing this."

Wanyan Bote ignored him, only looked at the notice, and said: "'Go to the charity road, kill the murderers, gradually become well-off, and live in the Qing Dynasty forever'. The sage made it very clear, regardless of Tibetan or Han people, all

It's 'Xia'. Such a mind and structure are rare in ancient times. Our Jurchen tribes were willing to serve Taizong in the Tang Dynasty, and the country is willing to serve today. Are there others, haha. Just like your Wang Heizi, who was born

You are so humble that you remarried someone else with your mother when you were a baby, and you can't even restore your original surname. With your kind of virtue, if you weren't a saint, you wouldn't be able to be an official in eight lifetimes."

The smile on Wang Heizi's face suddenly disappeared, and after a long time he sighed and said: "You are right. How many people in the past dynasties have cared about the life and death of people on the sea? Without saints, I will never get ahead in my life. This is useless.

You are truly worthy of being the emperor."

"You are a bunch of desperadoes on the sea." Wanyan Bute clicked his tongue twice and said, "If you still have a conscience, you should die for the saint."

"Bote, you are actually half a desperado at sea." Wang Heizi suddenly laughed again and said, "How about it? Bring your people and do something big?"

"Where to go?" Wanyan Bote asked.

"How about going to Silla and Baekje to grab a handful?" Wang Heizi asked.

"You just caught a big fish, what's wrong? Still not satisfied?"

"Not this year. How about next year?"

"How many people can you call?"

"Seven or eight boats can always gather together." Wang Heizi said proudly.

He has a good reputation at sea, but he has never caught a big fish before, and he has never been awarded an official position. He is naturally shorter than others, so his appeal cannot be improved. Now that he has brought such a big guy back, the people in the Ministry of Internal Affairs have their eyes narrowed with laughter.

After a narrow gap, it is a certainty that he will be awarded civil and military officials.

In this way, the appeal will be different from before.

Seven or eight ships and hundreds of desperadoes. If we gather some more slave traders like Wanyan Bote, we will be even more confident.

"That's not enough." Wanyan Bote shook his head and said, "I'll take you to meet someone this afternoon. He can recruit more good people."


"Shi Dalang." Wanyan Bute said: "Shi Jingrong's nephew, who used to be a member of the Qing Sai Army, is now Captain Guoyi of Huinong Zhechong Prefecture in Muzhou."

"Officer of the Imperial Army?" Wang Heizi asked in surprise.

"Yes." Wanyan Bite nodded and said: "The soldiers of the government will definitely not dare to move. Those people are very grateful to me, and they will never gather without military orders. However, they have many children and nephews who are very willing to go to sea to do things.

One vote. Don’t worry, these people are skilled in martial arts and have sophisticated weapons. They can fight more than your men."

"You have a bigger appetite than me..." Wang Heizi was shocked.

If a few hundred desperadoes were not enough, they would also have to recruit Jurchen traffickers and nephews of Muzhou Prefecture soldiers. Could it be that they wanted to break through the prefectures and counties of Silla and Baekje and plunder the population?

"Just come with me." Wanyan Bote looked at the lake and said.

Wang Heizi felt heavy in his heart. Was the matter too big? However, an uncontrollable excitement soon emerged.

More and more people are going to sea. As time goes by, they will gradually form groups such as gangs and alliances.

There have been signs of this in recent years, and Wang Heizi, as a master at sea, has witnessed and participated in this process.

If he can cooperate with others, conquer states and counties, and plunder people and property, his reputation will definitely rise to a higher level, overshadowing everyone at the same level as him, and he will become the leading maritime leader.

What kind of glory should that be? Wang Heizi's eyes became brighter and brighter, and his expression became more and more eager to try.

"By the way, I heard someone say that this thing is called a windmill?" Wang Heizi raised his head and looked at the huge whirring building and asked.

"Yes, the Ministry of Internal Affairs hired architects from Luoyang to design and build it. In fact, the construction started before you left, so you didn't pay attention." Wanyan Bote said.

"What is the windmill used for?" Wang Heizi asked.

The wind is really strong near the sea. If you can use this power, you can do a lot of things.

"Grinding flour. But it's not very easy to use and often breaks." Wanyan Bote said.

"What a pity." Wang Heizi looked up again.

This is a huge tower windmill, which should cost a lot of money. But it is a pity that it can only use the wind from one side.

"I heard it's because the wind blows in and out, so it often breaks down. The Ministry of Internal Affairs is trying to think of a solution recently, but I don't know if it can be done." Wanyanbo pulled Wang Heizi and said, "Let's finish cooking your whale first."

, I’ll go to Hui Nong in two days.”

When the two left, several more boats slowly sailed into the Camel Gate River, and at the same time, several boats left the port.

Standing on a high place and overlooking the panoramic view, you will see a forest of masts on the sparkling river, and densely packed ships approaching the river bank.

Inside the river embankment, rows of buildings rise from the ground.

Residential houses, shops, workshops, warehouses, and hotels are lined up in rows. Pieces of soft and warm leather, buckets of bright red and delicious salted fish, and boxes of fragrant medicinal materials are produced, then loaded into cabins and transported to Huaihai and Hebei.


What a busy production base and what a busy port!

All of this is related to a man who carved out a piece of land at the mouth of the Tuomen River many years ago.

The Supreme Emperor is not something you come by just opening your mouth, but is recommended by everyone from the bottom of their hearts. a>vas>div>Scan the QR code to download Red Sleeves and Xiaoxiang to receive benefits. Newcomers can read it for free for a limited time.div>div>div>

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