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Chapter 79 Conditions

 Shao Shude liked staying in the Forbidden Garden very much.

When he was in Luoyang, as long as he was not going to court, he would leave Shangyang Palace and handle official affairs in Suyu Palace, Longlin Palace and other places in Shendu Garden, because he felt that the huge palace was lifeless and blocked his sight.

, if you feel uncomfortable or uncomfortable, you might as well stay in the Forbidden Garden.

He will probably keep this habit for life.

Today, he summoned the Persian envoys for the second time in Chang'an Forbidden Garden.

Li Xun was also present and acted as a translator. Of course, Shao Shude may not need his translator because the Uighur language itself was invented based on Sogdian and is relatively similar to Turkic. In Central Asia, Sogdian and Turkic languages

There are too many.

"How is the health of King Bukhara?" After seeing the two envoys, he asked directly in Uighur.

Mahamu couldn't understand half of it, firstly because he didn't understand Uighur very well, and secondly because Shao Shude's Uighur was not very authentic and his accent was a bit heavy...

Tam and the other two accompanying officials understood it, and they translated in a low voice in Persian.

"According to the contract at the time of the founding of the country, the descendants of the Samman family will be kings from generation to generation. The grandson of Ismaili is smart, healthy and stable. Thank you to His Majesty the Emperor for your concern." Mahamu crossed his hands, leaned down and saluted, and said.

Tam wanted to translate, but Li Xun got there first, so he could only stop angrily and turn to observe the Emperor of Xia carefully.

He is an old man, but his eyes are sharp, and his feeling when looking at people is indescribable. He is different from everyone else.

Tam thought hard for a long time, and suddenly realized that it was like standing on the peak of history, penetrating through the fog, and overlooking all living beings.

How arrogant this is!

And - how confident, wise, stunning, and heroic...

"What about Jayhani? Does he still want to end things with me?" Shao Shude asked again: "Please forgive me for being frank. His irrational behavior has caused the loss of tens of thousands of people in your country and delayed your peace."

The rebellion has led to the rise of careerists in the country. Sometimes I wonder if Jaihani has contact with the rebels, and why is he helping them so much?"

Tam and the other translator looked at each other.

He fell silent, and the translator repeated it in a low voice.

After hearing this, Mahamu maintained his basic qualities as a diplomatic envoy and only listened to him say: "When he was young, Grand Vizier was known for being smarter than his peers. After serving as a local official, his political achievements made people all over the country

The Governor, the Dikhkans were ashamed. Now, he is highly respected in the court, and all his suggestions are listened to by the Emir. His virtues and abilities make the Emir respect him very much, and no one can slander him."

"This is the biggest problem." Shao Shude chuckled and said: "Virtue? Maybe. But the ability is really not that good, Li Qing——"

After hearing this, Li Xun looked at Mahamu and said: "The King of Daxia won a great victory in the Alai Valley. The Persian camp was in flames, and the soldiers had no fighting spirit. They panicked and ran away. We captured dozens of nobles from your country and killed them.

There were more than 14,000 people. After entering Bakhanna, Wang Shi pursued the enemy in heavy rain..."

The translator dutifully repeated it.

Mahamu was surprised at first, then his expression gradually hardened, and he pursed his lips tightly and said nothing.

After Li Xun finished speaking, Han Quanjie quietly came forward with several Xiaohuangmen. Each of them held a wooden box in their hands. After opening it gently, the item inside was revealed: a head.

Mahamu's expression instantly broke his guard.

He quickly stepped forward, took a wooden box, and looked at it carefully.

This is Musa, the famous nobleman of Shiraz.

After stuffing the wooden box back into Xiao Huangmen's hand, he walked towards another person: this was Bulat, the Turkic general.

Behind him is Imam Ali, who is also known as Ji Zhanti...

Tam also stared blankly.

Unexpectedly, in the past few months in the Xia Kingdom, such a fierce battle broke out between the two sides in Karasha and Bakhanna.

Sadly, Persia lost.

After listening to the details of the battle described by Xia officials, Tam got goosebumps all over his body.

He knew that his state was wrong, but he just couldn't suppress his wild thoughts.

In his mind, he even imagined the process of that battle and prepared beautiful words for it——

"After Khan's army was deployed, they launched an attack. The sky was covered with dark clouds, thunder rumbled, and lightning flashed. Wind and rain suddenly rushed up from where they were hiding and waiting for opportunities. Heavy rain poured down, and water droplets penetrated the sky, just like the great rainstorms in the prehistoric era.

The water broke out again. The men and horses on the battlefield were floating in the water like fish. Our army became very heavy after being exposed to the rain because they were wearing cotton-padded clothes. Because of this huge inconvenience, they lost their confidence and courage and were completely defeated... Khan was cruel

He displayed his trophies: the heads of nobles, patriarchs, and generals, and everyone present was shocked."

"A violent life has no good consequences, and the whole world will never forget to avenge his crimes." Mahamu quickly reacted, and after muttering in a low voice in Da Shi language, he retreated to where he was, raised his head and looked at

Shao Shude said: "Does His Majesty the Emperor intend to humiliate us?"

"It's just a polite reminder." Shao Shude said: "As punishment for your country's involvement in the Karasha coup, I have prepared a heroic and capable army to respond. If the information I have received is correct, the young people in the towns in the middle and lower reaches of the Syr Darya River in your country have

The income reached 489,000 dirkhams, and the total annual income of the northern Turkic cities exceeded 50,000 dirkhams. Now these areas have been repeatedly ravaged by the king's army. Taxes cannot be raised, food cannot be collected, and the people are fleeing in all directions. Listen.

The prisoners said that your country still needs to build the Great Wall to resist the nomadic army surging southward."

"It is true that your country may not care much about the taxes in the areas where the Turks are active. After all, the essence is still in Khorasan. But I want to remind you that the Turkic city is not far from Bukhara. The steppe cavalry urged

With a fast horse, we can easily reach the rich area at the core of your country."

"Oh, I may have forgotten something." Shao Shude said: "The rebellion swallowed up your country's finances. Perhaps, thanks to the hard work of the previous emir, your country's treasury is still full. But after three years of

Do you want to continue the war, especially with such a tragic defeat this year? I, the Emperor of the Great Xia Empire, hereby tell you clearly that at the beginning of next year, I will send a new batch of soldiers to Karasha,

Replace the soldiers who have been fighting for two years."

"I guarantee that their combat effectiveness is not inferior to the group of people who attacked Bukhan three years ago, nor is it inferior to the troops currently fighting with you. In fact, I just use your country as a training partner to ensure that my

Generals and soldiers will not fall."

"Overall, it is profitable to attack Bakhna and the Turkic cities in the north of your country. The soldiers were excited and repeatedly requested to expand the war. It was I who stopped them from rushing to Bukhara. At this point

, you should be grateful. It is easier to destroy than to build. Once cities, canals, orchards, farmland, and pastures are destroyed, it will be difficult to restore them."

"Don't worry about our logistical supplies. You should have discovered that I am not the traditional Central Plains emperor hundreds of years ago. I have sufficient cattle and sheep to supply my army. In fact, the food we looted has already been enough to make up for the consumption, and also

There is a huge surplus. My soldiers are all professional warriors who have been trained for many years. Even if they do not go on an expedition and stay in the military camp to bask in the sun all day long, I still have to pay their military salaries on time. In this case, it is better to let them out and bring me some

More wealth and slaves."

"There are countless slaves from the Bakhna and Turkic regions in Chang'an and Luoyang. I think you should have discovered this fact. I have many construction projects in the country, including post roads, ports, city walls and even mines, all of which require strong slaves. Based on the most

Based on a superficial judgment, you should also know that I have no reason to stop this war."

Shao Shude spoke eloquently, silencing the people across from him.

After a long time, Mahamu said: "Can I understand that this is a declaration of total war?"

"It's up to you to understand it." Shao Shude continued in Uighur: "I just talked about some obvious facts based on my position. My country has been unified and does not need such a large number of professional warriors. They are brave and good at fighting, loyal and fearless.

But they lack the necessary life skills. In order to avoid living in poverty, the only thing they can do is to plunder wealth."

"In fact, you should have realized that in this huge empire, only I, the supreme emperor, am the greatest messenger of peace. Only I have the will and the ability to restrain more than one million professional warriors

, to save your city from disaster."

"I can tell you my conditions. Maybe you will agree, maybe you won't agree." Shao Shude said: "The first is to execute Samani. His shameless behavior led to a war between the two countries, but you are still sheltering him.

He, how ridiculous this is."

"Article 2, withdraw from Bakhna. One hundred and sixty years ago, this was the territory of the Tang Empire. I - as the legal ruler who has gone through all the abdication procedures, I need the return of this land to give me

All my subjects will give an explanation."

"Article 3: Give the Persian state of Safar complete independent status. It should not submit to anyone, and its people should not be enslaved by anyone."

"Article 4: The princes and nobles of Tochara are free to choose their faith. Those who are willing to come to Daxia to pay tribute should not face any obstacles or be suppressed in any way."

"Article 5: Give up the Turkic cities east and north of the Syr Darya River. They do not belong to you, and they were taken away by you for a short period of time, at most twenty-three or four years. Balashagon's

The male camel king is very interested in this. He is a nobleman whom I personally conferred, and he has sworn to surrender to me forever. This land was illegally occupied by you, and it is time to return it."

"Article 6, stop proselytizing. Everyone has the right to live quietly without being disturbed by anyone, and to live the way they like. You are not qualified to change other people's beliefs. An aggressive and aggressive regime, I don't know you

Where does the confidence come from? Invading Balashagon and the lands of the Uighur princes of Talas, intervening in the Karasha coup, and trying to change the beliefs of the Rehai Turks, you said you are peaceful and have no desire for expansion, King Gongtuo

There must be something to say, because his wife and fifteen thousand soldiers were captured and massacred by you."

"In fact, your desire for expansion is so strong that I am surprised. You are even more keen on expansion and preaching than Dashi back then. If I let it go, and if the princes of Balashagon cannot resist your offensive, you will eventually come to

Which step?"

"Accept my conditions, or continue the war, choose one."

"If the conditions are met, the war will end immediately. The two countries will be reconciled and will never attack again."

"I can even help you solve some difficult problems."

"I will restrain the Turks so that they will no longer become your border trouble. Their combat effectiveness is very poor, and I have always wondered why you use them as mercenaries."

"The trade between the two countries can reach a new level. I will build large-scale trade bazaars in Karasha, Kucha and other places, which will be beneficial to everyone. Prosperous commerce will enrich your treasury and make up for your losses.

various taxes.”

"If you cannot suppress the rebellion, if necessary, pay a satisfactory fee, and my professional warriors, who are too large to be consumed, will help you wipe out all the mobs."

"In the end, you will win the friendship of me and my descendants. Having a powerful Eastern king as a friend is a very honorable thing for the emir of your country. The court in Baghdad will look at you differently and be willing to surrender to you.

The Tocharian king will be more respectful, and the Oghuz will think that robbing you is a very risky thing."

"Where to go, make a choice as soon as possible."

After Shao Shude finished speaking, he waited for a while. Li Xun wrote quickly and translated his words, polished them, and wrote them out. After careful inspection, Han Quanhui brought the jade seal. Shao Shude looked at it and gently


This is a formal reply to the credentials submitted by Mahamu.

Mahamu looked at it after accepting it, and his face was uglier than crying. He knew that there was no point in talking anymore and it was a complete waste of time.

These conditions were completely beyond his authorization. He was not qualified to make any reply and had to take them back to the Grand Vizier and the Emir for review.

Tam is contemplating the content of "Hu Da's Whip".

He had very complicated feelings about the extremely cold king in front of him.

He was truly an outspoken and confident hero. He had no regard for the lives of his own soldiers, turned a blind eye to the suffering of the people, and was even more dismissive of the suffering suffered by the Persians, even ridiculing them.

This is really the behavior of the Great Khan of the Prairie whose bloodline is extremely pure.

Sometimes, he doubted whether this whip-sharp monarch was ruling an alliance of grassland tribes or a civilized country.

He had never seen such a shameless person who made him tremble so much.

Hearing that he is fifty-nine years old this year is probably the only good news - it's also a little sad.

This chapter has been completed!
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