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Chapter 4 Horse Politics and Conditions

 After the army rushed to Xiazhou, it did not stop, but was transferred to Yinzhou, where Marshal Shao is now.

Shao Shude has been in Yinzhou for several days. As one of the two important grain-producing bases of the Dingnan Army, Yinzhou has just completed its autumn harvest.

It is difficult to know the specific data. After all, there are not so many people to count, and the people may not tell you the truth for fear that you will collect more taxes. But including military-affiliated farms, there are some 7,000 hectares sown. Although it is because of the conquest

Due to factors in Lingzhou, we don’t know what the quality of these 7,000 hectares is, but Song Le said with confidence that it will not be a problem to harvest 600,000 hectares of millet and wheat annually, which is a huge improvement over last year. After all, there are a large number of nests.

When they arrived, many small tribes in Dangxiang were organized into households, and their population and fields increased explosively.

But the yield per mu is less than one stone, or even only nine dou, and this result is still very uncomfortable. Over in Lingzhou, the yield of one stone, sixty-seven dou per mu is not a problem at all. With the results of Yinzhou, alas, it seems that the war has still affected agricultural production!

After the autumn harvest, the people planted another wave of short-growing grains, hoping to have a good harvest this time. Before Lingzhou came to take over, Sui and Yinzhou were their own granaries.

Speaking of granaries, Sui and Yin prefectures will build granary cities this winter, which can store 150,000 dendrobiums of grain. Although we don’t know where this grain comes from. It would be too ugly if the piles are not full.

"Song Governor, there is no need to develop the land of Yinzhou anymore." In the Yinchuan Ranch, Shao Shude threw the reins to the soldiers and said to Song Le: "We have established so many households, but there are only a few people, only over one hundred thousand, really.

It’s boring. I know that there are still a lot of idle fields in Yinzhou. Let’s gradually sell them to the people in the future. There are 10,000 to 20,000 households in Chaozhou. There is usually one person in the small household, one person in the middle household, and one or two people in the small household. How much land can be cultivated in Yinzhou?

The burden on the people of this prefecture is the heaviest among the six Dingnan prefectures. From now on, the focus will be on Lingzhou. Most of the new arrivals will be resettled in the six counties and two cities of Lingzhou. Mr. Song, you can take a rest.

Years of hard work.”

Shao Shude recently gave Song Le the title of deputy envoy, not to serve as his staff, but to pay him a salary.

The annual salary of the deputy envoy of Jiedu is 1,800 yuan, plus the 720 yuan salary of the Yinzhou governor, which is more than 2,500 yuan a year. Of course, Song Le cannot put all this money in his bag. In fact, he is still a retainer and aide.

The expenses are not small, but overall, wealth is not a problem.

Mr. Song developed Suizhou for himself, and later took charge of the reclamation of Yinzhou. His hard work and merits were so great that he had to be generously rewarded.

"I'm afraid I can't rest yet. Since the commander-in-chief is interested in horse administration, I have to take care of this matter before I can rest." Song Le said.

Shao Shude has been thinking about Ma Zheng for a long time.

He comes from later generations, and of course he knows that there are many excellent horse breeds in the world. And good horses can be bred. In fact, the Central Plains Dynasty has been trying to breed good horse breeds, probably since the Han Dynasty, but has never been very successful.


Shao Shude has a vision of Ma Zheng in thirty years, which is inspired by Japan in later generations.

Japanese native Japanese horses were first introduced to Japan from Korea and are actually the most common horses on the grasslands in the north of the mainland. However, after breeding for a long time on the Japanese archipelago, they adapted to the local environment and evolved into Japanese horses.

The height of Japanese horses at the withers was only 135 centimeters. At the same time, the height of military horses of the great powers was generally 157-162 centimeters, which was a huge difference.

And not only is the height difference more than 20 centimeters, the weight of the military horses of the foreign powers is also 70 kilograms heavier than the Japanese military horses. The running speed of the military horses of the foreign powers is 28 kilometers per hour, while the Japanese horses are 18 kilometers. There is also a huge difference in traction capacity. A cannon of the same tonnage, the Russian Horse Six

The horses were pulled away easily, while the eight Japanese horses struggled.

Moreover, European and American horses are gentle and obedient, but Japanese horses have a bad temper, are violent and noisy, and frequently kick the carriages or grooms. If they are not castrated, they will run wild and chase the female horses during the battle, disrupting the formation, and are criticized as "disobedient beasts"


Yinchuan Ranch was the backup of Hexi Ranch in the early years of the Republic of China. The horse breed is a localized breed of Qinghai Cong (Hequ Horse). It is taller, heavier and of better quality than the horses used by Li Ke in Hedong, but overall the difference is not huge.

Big, even tiny.

Shao Shude's intention is to breed and improve. As a martial artist, he is still a little obsessed with tall-headed war horses with strong impact. When fighting the enemy's cavalry, the shoulder height, weight, speed, explosive power, and impact of the horse are all stronger than the enemy's.

Wouldn't it be perfect to attack with war horses and usually ride on local horses that can withstand rough feeding?

The Japanese relied on 26 purebred Arabian horses donated by Napoleon III. Starting in 1906, they crossed with a large number of local horses to improve the breed. This process lasted 18 years. Later, they selected from these horses that could adapt to Japan's local climate.

Horses with good durability are selected and bred, a process that takes another 12 years.

Thirty years of horse breed improvement and breeding have resulted in great success. The military horse has a shoulder height of 160 centimeters and can adapt to the local climate. During the war of aggression against China, Japan invested 240,000 of these "Oriental horses" on the Chinese battlefield, which were very easy to use.

, after our party captures it, all departments will fight for it.

Shao Shude remembered that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty did not hesitate to expedition to the Western Regions in order to obtain a sweat-blooded horse. However, this kind of horse had disappeared in the Tang Dynasty. There may be various reasons. If possible, Shao Shude still wanted to obtain an Arabian horse. After all, there are examples of the success of Japanese horse politics.

There. I just don’t know if any Hu merchant would be willing to bring this kind of horse over if I pay a lot of money.

Not much is needed, more than ten horses are enough!

Before that, you had to do your own breeding first. From generation to generation, you select horses with outstanding shoulder height, speed, and endurance. You look for taller horses among the short ones. Then you focus on breeding, and you select them from generation to generation to see if you can improve the horse breed.


"The governor of the Song Dynasty, the human corpses in Yinchuan Ranch are vegetarian. I will hand over the full power to you to register the horse's genealogy." Shao Shude explained: "The current horse registration is too crude. It only records age, teeth and coat color. What's the use of this?"

Genealogy must be registered like a human being, so that people know which two horses a horse is born from. As the saying goes, a good horse will naturally give birth to a good horse, and a bad horse will only give birth to a bad horse."

"Commander, this matter..." Song Le smiled bitterly and said: "I am trying my best to do this, so I need to increase the manpower."

"This is natural. It's just a lack of people to recruit, and everything is correct."

Like martial arts, Ma Zheng is also a long-term plan. Shao Shude is not sure whether he will see the results in his lifetime. But as long as he perseveres and invests uninterrupted, he will always succeed. At the worst, it will be a gift to his son.

It was rare for me to visit the late Tang Dynasty, and I had to leave something behind for this nation. I have already started or will soon start working on martial arts and horse politics, and I will take my time with other things. I don't have enough human and financial resources.

"Commander, there is an urgent message coming from the Xiazhou Listening Division." While chatting with Song Le about the number of cattle, Fengyin, the tenth general of the army, suddenly came over and reported.

Shao Shude took the urgent letter and carefully looked at the seal before opening it and reading it.

"Song Governor, please take a look at this. Wang Chongrong felt the pressure and asked about our intentions." Shao Shude handed the secret letter to Song Le and said.

There are two copies of the secret letter. One was sent back by the horse dealer in Hezhong, and mentioned things in Hedong. After being manipulated by Zhu Wen, Li Keyong could not swallow his breath. He was selecting elite soldiers, "gathering all the barbarians", and preparing to attack

Zhu Wen took action.

It is said that in the northern towns, there are two people who like to "gather the barbarians" when fighting. One is Li Keyong, and the other is naturally Shao. Li Keyong often recruits Shatuo and the five barbarians from the north to go south, and Shao's

There are a lot of Dangxiang Qiang soldiers in the Yi Cong army. One is Hu and the other is Qiang. I don’t know who is more powerful.

Why does Li Keyong like to use Hu people? In fact, the reason is very simple, the cost is low. As long as you promise them that they can plunder at will, you don't even need to give out rewards, or only give out small rewards. Although the Hedong Yamen army has good combat power, it is arrogant.

They have strong soldiers but still need money. The maintenance cost is too high.

The other was information obtained by Wang Si himself. Facing the pressure from Tian Lingzi, Wang Chongrong asked Li Keyong for help, but Li Keyong was reluctant for the time being and still wanted to fuck Zhu Wen first. Ren Yuji wrote at the end

, Wang Chongrong is likely to send envoys to Xiazhou, or offer conditions for assistance.

"Commander, the imperial court may also order the Xia soldiers to go south to fight for the king's glory." Song Le said.

"What conditions can the court impose?"

"What does the commander want?"

"People, place."

"Commander, this is a difficult situation. After all, the imperial court is in Chang'an. How can we just sit back and watch the Dingnan army grow stronger?" Song Le said with a wry smile: "The limit is to allow the Dingnan army to add Ling, Yan, and the three states, and most of them won't.


Song Le told the truth.

In the eyes of the imperial court, Wang Chongrong, who intercepted the salt industry, was certainly abhorrent, but wouldn't the tens of thousands of soldiers in the distress army be terrible? Don't talk about loyal ministers and disloyal ministers. People can change. If you are a loyal minister now, you will definitely be a loyal minister in the future.

Are you loyal to the minister? Or are you loyal to the court, but not loyal to the saint? If the eunuchs can do this to depose and establish the emperor, why can't the general do it?

The strength of the Dingnan Army was already the first among the eight towns in the northwest of Beijing. The battle against Shuofang ended in a few months. Wouldn't the imperial court be worried? Wouldn't the towns be shocked?

Shao Shude thinks he is a loyal minister, but the court thinks you are loyal and traitorous!

Strength is the original sin, unless you spit out the two states of spiritual salt, cut half of the troops and horses, and give up control of the various tribes in the party. Otherwise, Shao is more dangerous than Li Keyong, at least in the eyes of the court.

Of course, it is impossible for the court to decide what to do with the rebellious army, and it is not necessary. Most of their current ideas are to strike a balance and let the towns check each other. If anyone is too unruly, they can use their tactics to call on the towns to fight against them.


Li Keyong was so stubborn that he called on the Dingnan Army, the Xuanwu Army, the Zhenwu Army, the Tiande Army, the Datong Army, the Youzhou Army, and the Chengde Army to fight against him together - good guy, Li Keyong has so many enemies!

The Dingnan Army became rebellious, so they called on the eight towns in the northwest of Beijing and the Hedong Army to fight against it. By then, more than 100,000 elite troops would come over, and Shao wouldn't be able to hold it back.

"Does the commander want to help Tian Lingzi or Wang Chongrong?" Song Le asked directly.

"Song Governor, what does Lingxia need?" Shao Shude asked.

"There is no shortage of land, but there is a shortage of Han people."

"Then how to win the Han people? Help Tian Lingzi invade the river and rob the Han people in the river? Or help Wang Chongrong conquer the eight towns northwest of Beijing and win the Han people in Guanzhong?"

None of them seemed to be very good. Song Le shook his head.

"The commander-in-chief is using the banner of taunting the people to commit crimes. If the people are unwilling to leave and plunder by force, it will harm their reputation." Song Le analyzed carefully: "We can only wait until the two armies are fighting and the people are fleeing.

Let's collect it. Or maybe we can station troops in Danzhou, wait and see, and wait for the price to sell?"

"In addition, if we recruit a large number of Han people to Lingzhou, we will need a lot of money and food at least for the first year. Commander, where will this money and food come from?" Song Le asked again.

"Money is useless, there is no shortage of livestock, there is no shortage of grain, and there is no shortage of farm tools!" Shao Shude said.

"Then let's first see what conditions Wang Chongrong offers. If we can provide grain, it will be convenient to transport it by boat from the river to Lingzhou. Wang Chongrong also has money, so he can purchase various equipment in the river, east of the river, and Shaanxi and Guo to make up for the shortage.

"Song Le said.

Water transportation on the Yellow River is convenient. The river leads directly to Lingzhou, and it is estimated that it will take less than two months to arrive, and the cost is very low. If Wang Chongrong can provide 300,000 dendrobium grains, he can support 20,000 to 30,000 immigrant families until they have their first crop.

Grain harvest.

Three hundred thousand grains, according to Xia Sui's grain price, is only 150,000 grains. Wang Chongrong can afford it, and it seems not expensive when he is trying to save his life. But Wang Dashuai has money, but he does not necessarily have grain. This is a problem.

"Let's see what Wang Chongrong's idea is first." Shao Shude finally said: "We are not in a hurry. This year, more than 5,000 war horses, draft horses, pack horses, and riding horses have been sold. It has only been seven or eight months. Continue

Doing business. Maybe people from the imperial court will come to you first."

This chapter has been completed!
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