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Chapter 84: Cure

 The land of China in March is full of vitality.

In Hebei in the east, on the Huaihai 2nd Road, fishing boats have already gone out to sea, trying to find the first wave of fishing floods in early spring.

"Pocket boats" follow closely behind, providing supplies to each fishing boat, and at the same time purchasing the fish they catch and transporting them back to the port.

Among them, the Ping Haijun, as the first navy in Daxia, took the lead. It can be called a "pioneer in fisheries" and a "model worker" and works very hard.

Let us move our sights south to Huainan, Jiangdong, Fujian and Lingdong.

As the wind direction gradually changed, the departure tide of foreign merchant ships was coming to an end. Koryo, Japanese, Persian, Dashi, and Brahman merchant ships carrying large amounts of Chinese goods all pulled anchor and set sail, returning to their homeland.

In the next six months, Yangzhou, Mingzhou, Quanzhou, Guangzhou and other ports will gradually welcome a new batch of foreign merchant ships.

The stable environment promoted the prosperity of business, and the imperial court was able to collect taxes with ease and beam with smiles - Haizhou City Ship Envoy, Qi King Shao Guancheng, had just been promoted to the "Three Urban Ship Envoys" in charge of Huaihai, Huainan, and Hebei's foreign trade ports.

, which shows the importance the court attached to it.

In the northeast corner of the map, on the fertile land of Liaodong, millions of Han, Xi, Khitan, Bohai, Tatar, and Mohe people wielded hoes and rakes and began the annual spring sowing.

After years of education, the Tibetan people gradually moved closer to the Central Plains, from their language to their clothing, from their dwellings to their living habits.

I didn’t know how to farm before, but I learned how to farm.

Originally it was only a Central Plains festival, but now it is.

Chinese is spoken all over the country, and learning this language has become a necessity for traveling far away from home. If you want to become a successful person, you must also learn to write, read through the classics, and then compete for the only three places in Jinshi and one in agriculture.


It was rare for the soldiers of the government to help Bu Qu work together.

Weeding, tending livestock, and repairing farm tools, their wives, sons, and nephews used horse-drawn carriages to transport water to the fields and distribute fairly generous spring sowing benefits to the tribe: pancakes, cheese, and preserved meat.

On the northwest side of Liaodong Road near the tribes of Shiwei, the soldiers also fed the horses with bran and beans, and then they were fully clothed, carrying knives and bows, and patrolled together to guard against the Shiwei people jumping over the wall and coming to rob them.

Looting - They were very active and incredibly brave in defending their own property, which vaguely reminds people of the heroic ambition of Hebei warriors to fight against the world with one town.

On the grassland to the north, the caravan meanders.

They brought urgently needed daily necessities to the grassland herders, and then exchanged them for a large amount of leather, horns, tendon, wool and - haloalkali which is very important in the wool spinning industry.

The already "deep-rooted" wool textile industry in Guanbei, Guannai, Zhili, and Henan provinces consumes large amounts of haloalkali every day to degrease wool.

Grassland halo-alkali is large in quantity and cheap. It is an important commodity they sell to the Central Plains and is also an important target for caravans from all walks of life.

Going south with the caravan were tall and strong men with excellent archery skills and hard-working grassland warriors. They brought endless yearning and tried to find their own future.

In the Southwest, the wounds of the war are gradually healing.

People who migrated from Hebei filled the areas suitable for farming in Li, Ya, Xi, Qu, Kun, Yao and other prefectures.

The imperial court arranged for them mostly areas with suitable altitude and relatively cool climate. When they arrived in Hebei, Dali Prefecture, the strong men from Henan even took advantage of it. Nanzhao and Xijing, which once worried the imperial court the most, are now the most stable.

Perhaps this is inseparable from the harmonious relationship between husband and wife in the local area. Without a man in the family, everything will be inconvenient, and life will have to go on. In everything, look forward.

On the two post roads leading to Yunnan, as news of the many gold, silver and copper mines in Yunnan spread, countless businessmen flocked south to look for opportunities to make a fortune.

The Chinese Dynasty, like the Tang Dynasty, did not prohibit private mining, but only levied taxes. The tax rate was as high as "one-fourth", but this still could not stop the businessmen's determination to mine, because this business was too profitable.

Yunnan's terraced fields, irrigation systems, and livestock systems are slowly being restored, and roads are constantly being maintained. This is all thanks to Changjushuang.

The Zhong family's status in Daxia also skyrocketed.

Master Zhong, as a famous Confucian in Henan and Hebei, is already the deputy envoy of the Lifan Academy and a prime minister-level figure.

Zhong Jushuang was the governor of Yunnan Province and a high official in Xinjiang.

To be honest, it is relatively rare for a father and son to have such a status.

Zhong Zhaoyi was very favored by the saint. Among the concubines in the harem, she was one of the few women who could prevent the saint from playing perverted tricks on her and venting his dark desires. In this regard, even Empress Zhe was not immune to this.

In the newly designated northwest frontier, the banner of Daxia was increasingly rooted in the hearts of the people, and the reputation of the supreme emperor was heard far and near.

that's enough.

The imperial court does not require them to provide financial support now, as long as they can generally stabilize the situation and develop step by step. Liaodong, Yunnan and other places have experienced this, and the imperial court is also quite confident in governing the old Anxi area, although it is only in the scientific examination.

They were given one quota for Jinshi and one quota for Agricultural Science.

Finally, we can focus on the very center of Daxia: the Central Plains.

This is the dual center of national politics and economy. Under the rule of King Mu for a long time, the world has become peaceful and the countryside has been transformed.

The people had more or less accumulated some savings, and their tense nerves gradually relaxed.

The war seems to have become a long-standing legend, and most of what is circulated among the people are anecdotes.

In these stories, Zhu Quanzhong unsurprisingly became the villain, and Li Keyong's image was greatly elevated - twenty years ago, the public opinions of the two were completely opposite.

The only person in the Zhu family who has a good image is probably the former Princess of Liang, Zhang Hui.

In the eyes of the people of the Central Plains, this woman first restrained Zhu Quanzhong's heart of a tiger, and then made the saint indulge in her gentle countryside. The people of the Central Plains were praised by everyone for their great benefits.

This is Daxia.

This country, running day after day, is like a not very precise, but rough machine, rumbling. Every year, some whale oil seems to be injected into it, and the whole machine is running smoothly.

It also becomes more silky and smooth.

In this context, the saint was having repeated discussions with the prime minister, privy councilors, and bachelors, and the news of the compilation of a new book "Zhizhi" was spreading to all corners of the country at a rapid speed.

At the end of March, as the first batch of scholars entered Beijing, Guanzhong suddenly became a place of concern.


"Zhizhi": The first chapter is "Population", the second chapter is "Current", there may be a third chapter and a fourth chapter in the future...

This is the news currently circulating among bookstores in Chang'an.

The title of the book comes from the second volume of "Tang Shu", which is being edited by the imperial court, "The Chronicles of Taizong": "How magnificent, Taizong is so fierce! He eliminated the chaos of the Sui Dynasty, compared with Tang and Wu, and brought about the beauty of governance, almost as many common people as Kang."


The above is the news from Niu Xiji who has just arrived in Chang'an.

Niu Xiji, great-grandson of Niu Sengru, prime minister of the former Tang Dynasty, was Sima Mianzhou of Daxia. He was invited to Beijing because he had a good reputation by singing harmony with a group of literati.

"There is indeed a third chapter, called "Geography."" Yao Yi, the Taichang Qing who came to greet him in Duting Posthouse, said.

Of course, Yao Yi did not come to greet everyone. He only came to see Niu Xiji because the two had a very good relationship and were from the same school of thought.

This group of people can actually be regarded as the mainstream Confucian school since the late Tang Dynasty.

A hundred years ago, Han Yu proposed the concept of "Taoism" and arranged the genealogy, starting with Yao, followed by Shun, Yu, Tang, King Wen, King Wu, Duke Zhou, and finally ended with Confucius and Meng Ke.

He creatively separated "Taoism" and "Government" and initially established the "preaching" system of Confucian Taoism.

Once this statement was put forward, it spread all over the world and was accepted by a large number of Confucian scholars.

Pi Rixiu even added Xunqing, Wang Tong, and Han Yu to the lineage of Confucian Taoism.

Lu Guimeng, Zhu Yue, Lin Shensi, Sikong Tu, Niu Qiao and others are also active members of this school. As Niu Qiao's nephew, Niu Xiji is naturally among them.

"Which dynasty compiled history and did not write about geography. Is it necessary to write a separate article?" After hearing Yao Wei's words, Niu Xiji was a little strange.

"This book is a little different." Yao Yi thought for a moment and said, "It's still very useful."

Later, he explained it in detail to Niu Xiji.

It turns out that the "Geography" written by the saint is different from the previous ones. In ancient times, there must be "Geography" to compile history. It mainly records the administrative divisions of the country. When it comes to a specific state, it also records a household registration, special products and other information.

The distance between each other is actually very simple.

Privately published geography books are richer and will describe in detail the customs of a certain place, the direction of mountains and rivers, etc., and some will also add content similar to travel notes.

But generally speaking, whether it is official classics or folk travel notes, the writing is relatively simple and superficial.

The book "Sage" can be regarded as a comprehensive collection of various schools of thought.

He believes that geography is a "theory", more precisely, it is a theory that describes the differences between regions.

The geography of a region should include climate, landforms, soil, population, crops, cities, rural areas, transportation and other aspects.

The geography of different regions varies greatly, and subsequently it has been extended to two branches: human geography and physical geography.

He believed that the human geography of a region must be affected by its physical geography.

In short, landforms, climate, and environment shape local lifestyles, national characters, and social forms—in fact, it is the "geographical determinism" that is controversial in later generations. It is not very effective in modern society, but it was still very obvious in ancient times.


At the same time, people have subjective initiative and can change geography to a certain extent.

The book also mentions the security issues in the core areas of the world-Yanshan Mountain, south of Yinshan Mountain, and east of Longshan Mountain.

The sage believes that if you want to defend this sacred land, the first priority to defend is Liaodong.

With Liaodong in hand, it can threaten the southern and northern grasslands of Qi from its flanks. The land in Liaodong is rich in fertile soil, and the Bohai Sea has made it the "prosperous country in the east of the sea" with "millions of households". It also has the advantages of fishing, hunting, farming and animal husbandry, and the transformation of counties and counties.

After that, it can be regarded as "the first feudal screen in the North".

Under Liaodong, the grassland has the advantage of "building a stronghold" over the traditional Han Dynasty. Moreover, there are many loopholes in the Yinshan and Yanshan defense lines, which cannot be blocked by passive defense. Therefore, it is necessary to take the initiative to control the Qinnan and Qibei grasslands to prevent their occurrence.


But if you want to control the grassland, you need to stabilize the east and west areas. To the east is Liaodong, and to the west is the Western Region. If the Western Region is unrest, the grassland will be unstable. If the grassland is unstable, the Central Plains will be uneasy.

The book also mentions the impact of climate change at the end, which is even more refreshing.

In this way, this book can really be regarded as a "wonderful book". It has re-explained the ideas that have been proposed by predecessors but not elaborated in depth, or written by predecessors but not systematic.

As for its function, according to the words of the sage, it is to "literate" officials so that they don't "act randomly" and have a clear understanding of local customs and geography, so as not to unknowingly mess up things and stir up big trouble——

Because it is useful for governing the country, it is included in the book "Zhizhi" as knowledge that officials must master.

From another perspective, it is also an endorsement of current policies.

Because many people think that the saint transformed Liaodong into prefectures and counties, tried to deeply control the grasslands, and even went on an expedition to the Western Regions.

The saint directly wrote a book to refute it.

"Listen to what you said, the first three chapters of the book "Zhizhi" only talked about 'skills'? Did it involve Taoism?" After listening, Niu Xiji was not surprised but happy and asked.

In today's world, what is he most afraid of? The Confucian orthodoxy has declined extremely, and has been abandoned by warriors as if it were a worn-out shoe. He is really afraid that the saints will break this orthodoxy!

But judging from the current rumors, it seems that the saint believes that Confucianism is still useful and does not want to sever it. He even supports and protects it. It just needs to share power with other schools of thought.

This--it's actually acceptable. His current requirements are really not high.

"It has never been involved." Yao Yi said: "The imperial examination selection will not change, but the benefits will need to be shared. Agricultural subjects have been admitted in separate channels, and this will always be a fixed pattern. In the future, there may be other miscellaneous subjects. In the former Tang Dynasty,

At that time, the Jinshi subjects were regarded as the most respected. The Jinshi subjects of the Guo Dynasty were still the best among all subjects, but the content of the examinations has changed, and miscellaneous subjects have gradually come up. This is the most important change."

"We can only look at the good side." Niu Xiji sighed softly after hearing this, and said: "The most important thing now is to preserve the orthodoxy, and everything else can be given way. However, we still have to fight for what should be fought. If we don't fight, what?

Even if you can't get it, if you fight for it, you may be able to make the saint give in."

Yao Yi didn't say anything. He was a court official, so it was difficult to say more about his status here, but looking at his face, it was obvious that he agreed with Niu Xiji.

This chapter has been completed!
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