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Chapter 85 Facts and Measurements

 It’s April in this world, and all the beauty is gone. In the drizzle, I don’t know——

"I don't know how many people came to Xijing!" At the foot of Lishan Mountain, several Yinanzhi soldiers patrolling the periphery looked at the scholar summoned by the saint and secretly sneered.

Looks like a poor man!

He was riding a donkey, carrying half a cold and hard biscuit in his arms, and was walking in a hurry.

As for them, they hunted with the saint. Everyone had a share of the prey they got, and their mouths were full of food. They didn't know how happy they were.

This comparison brings out the sense of happiness.

The saint is so good, he understands the suffering of us warriors.

At this time, in the palace, Shao Shude was preparing to invite the great masters to dinner.

Calling famous scholars from all over the country to the capital was nominally a so-called "debate", but in fact the tone had already been set.

Shao Shude will not go out to debate with them in person. In fact, he will only draw a circle and let everyone debate within this circle. Before that, he will gather a group of people in private to "clear the air" and everything will be clear.

Made it to the extreme.

The palace people, like butterflies in flowers, brought up plates of food and placed them in front of everyone.

Niu Xiji was also present. He looked at the dishes in front of him and was slightly startled.

"Yellow sprouts can produce more than a thousand kilograms per acre, and they can still grow slowly even in the cold winter. Six years ago, Sinong Temple distributed seeds to several counties in Xijing, and now they are available in dozens of counties in Jingzhao and Henan Prefectures.

." Shao Shude's loud voice sounded from above.

Everyone calmed down and listened quietly.

"In the twelfth lunar month of winter, people can use these things to survive the winter, or they can sell them for money to subsidize their families. You are the pillars of the country. Please tell me based on your conscience, are the sprouts cultivated through agriculture useful?"

"it works."

"If you have this on the winter table, it won't be so monotonous."

"When the weather is cold and the ground freezes, winter vegetables are worth a thousand gold, so the people sell them and buy more firewood to keep out the cold."

"It is truly a blessing to all people."

In the face of the iron-clad facts, the scholars have nothing to say but a few words of flattery.

"The yellow rice cake on your table is made of beet sugar produced in the bitter cold land." Shao Shude added: "Ginseng, Rou, a place like this, is suitable for the growth of this thing. You can honestly say that the introduction of agronomy

, can the bred sea beet be useful?”

"it works."

This is another ironclad fact. Everyone cannot argue with it and can only nod in agreement.

"Rye——" Shao Shude's voice sounded for the third time: "I introduced it from Tocharo to the Central Plains and cultivated it for many years. I tried planting it in Heichengzi and harvested about one bush per acre. Think about it carefully, is agronomy useful?"

Niu Xiji was speechless and nodded in agreement.

He had learned before that rye was a crop that could endure extremely cold weather with blizzards, and the Jurchens liked to grow it (the seedlings could tolerate temperatures as low as 30 to 40 degrees below zero). It was also very resistant to drought and barrenness.

The first choice for thin and barren land. The yield is not too low, about one dendrobium, and can be made into soup cakes, Hu cakes, and steamed cakes, so that people can migrate to places where farming is not possible.

Agricultural studies made him subconsciously feel uncomfortable, but what he was doing was something that would benefit the present generation and benefit the future generations. Even if he wanted to say something wrong, he couldn't open his mouth, which was really frustrating.

"I have decided to admit agricultural scholars according to the ranking list in the scientific examination in the fourth year of Tongguang reign (919). Do you think it should be done?" Shao Shude asked immediately.

"Should, should."

"It should."

Everyone said helplessly.

The sage held agriculture in such high esteem, and this science has indeed benefited all people, so what else can be said?

Niu Xiji sighed secretly.

In fact, from his standpoint, he had no reason to refute.

Although he was an official in Shu, he settled in Qizhou, Guannan Road. The population of this road is not necessarily as large as that of some places in the south, but it has 8 places for Jinshi and 2 places for agricultural science. Although it is not as good as 12 places for Zhili Road

There are only 4 Jinshi places and 4 places in agriculture, but it is still very good.

There was a junior in the family who felt that he had no hope of passing the Jinshi examination and planned to try agricultural science. He thought about it and supported it. Only 32 people were admitted to agricultural science in the country, and those who succeeded could be promoted to officials, even if they were from the ninth grade.

A low-level official is also a ministerial official, and is completely different from a junior official without any power.

How did he object? What reasons did he use to object?

Agricultural studies is also an examination, and it is also an imperial examination. It is also what students all over the world are good at, but it does not test the classics of sages.

"Everyone understands the truth, I am very relieved." Shao Shude smiled and said, "Come and drink this cup to the full."

Everyone raised their glasses and drank the wine in one gulp.

Today, I was led by the sage, and I lost my spirit as soon as I started. Many people feel disgraced.

Looking around, I thought that a certain brother would be very passionate and take the lead in criticizing the saint's faults, but he ended up sitting there drinking and being very well-behaved. Occasionally looking around, he seemed to be hoping that others would take the lead.

This is really - bastard!

"Next, you can go to the Provincial Hongwen Hall and refer to my book "Zhizhi"." Shao Shude put down his wine glass and said: "Don't be afraid of arguments. The more you argue, the clearer the truth will be. The content of the debate will be left to the experts

Record it and send it to me. If there is any merit, I will enter it into the book to enhance its color."

"That's it." After saying that, he stood up and left the table.

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what to say.


On the tenth day of April, Shao Shude was happily teasing his son in the garden.

Cai Bangshi stood up from his arms, snatched away his son, and said angrily: "Zhaxid hasn't eaten enough yet. How can a father compete with his son for food?"

Shao Shude laughed and said: "Zhaxid is a Tubo name, right? I will give him a Chinese name."

Cai Bangshi hummed: "You are his father, you have the final say."

"Let's call him Shao Zhifei..." Shao Shude put away the smile on his face, sighed softly, and said.

"Lianhua, please read the letter from home." He said, sitting on the back of a tiger-skin chair that had been coated with pulp, bathing in the warm spring sunshine.

Even though "Lotus" doesn't have a Lu family, she still has a big belly now.

After Shao Shude returned to Beijing, his bravery was no longer the same. In two or three years, only two Tibetan women and one Persian woman became pregnant. This realization made him extremely melancholy.

"Pulan is surrounded by snow-capped mountains, Guge is surrounded by rocky mountains, and Mayu is surrounded by lakes." Meulushi read the content on the letter gently: "In that bleak autumn, the old minister respectfully sent the prince off, and the earth was desolate.


"Wait a minute -" Shao Shude opened his eyes and asked curiously: "Do the people in your place speak in this tone?"

Wu Lu's face turned red and she didn't know how to answer.

"The head of the Lu family is still fighting for power. They always talk in this tone." Cai Bang said from the side while holding the child.

"I was the one being abrupt, continue." Shao Shude waved his hand and said.

"...to satisfy the common fate of all living beings, the Buddha issued an oracle, and the people sang joyfully in the sunshine to welcome the arrival of the new god." Merulu finished reading quickly, and then looked at Shao Shude.

"Is this - consent?" he asked.

The Meru family lowered their heads and whispered: "The Meru family feels that they can't compete with other families in terms of logic, so they plan to send some people back to Zhangxiong to run the hometown well. My uncle thought about it for a long time and finally agreed with Wade (Brother Tie).

Go back and serve him as your Lord."

"What conditions does he have?" Shao Shude asked directly.

Meru glanced at him with admiration and said with some embarrassment: "Uncle wants Daxia to admit that the three sides of Xiangxiong are King Wei De's land."

"What are Zhang Xiong's measurements?"

Merulu explained in a low voice.

From the perspective of the Tubo people, generally speaking, Puran, Mayu (the Leh area), and Sanggar were the first encirclement, which roughly included the southwest of Ali, northern India, and the surrounding areas of Ladakh.

Liyu (Khotan), Balti (Dabolu), and Zhuxia (Gilgit, today's Pakistan-occupied Kashmir) were the second encirclement.

Xiangxiong (the area around today's Zada), Upper Chidai (the area around today's Tu), and Lower Chidai (the area around Zhongba and Shenghu) are the third siege.

This is the famous Triangle of Ali, and together it is the "Greater Ali Area". When Tubo was strong and powerful, it all occupied this area and became an administrative region. Nowadays, many areas have broken away from its rule.

"It's not a small appetite." Shao Shude smiled and said: "Tell your uncle, except for Khotan, I am sure that I can make Brother Tie king."

"Yeah." Merulu responded softly.

In her opinion, the problem shouldn't be big. Her uncle is like a lion, and he can blackmail some things - and he sounds quite loyal.

Well, maybe it can’t be said that they are very loyal. At least, before this, they were leaning towards Jidenimagon’s family instead of Tashi Zibabai. If the Great Xia court hadn’t come forward this time, they would have been Wade’s

The wife, the concubine, and it is probably not Vader's turn to take advantage of this.

"Are you going to give birth next month?" Shao Shude suddenly asked.


"If a boy is born, he will be Brother Tie's successor and the second King Xiangxiong." Shao Shude said.

Wu Lu felt a little guilty.

Recalling those nights, her husband begged and took her to the palace with his own hands. The saint held her in his arms and turned around, and the seeds that were put into her body had grown into shameful evil seeds.

Shao Shude's eyes were a little uncertain. For a moment, he wanted to kill Brother Tie, but he finally held back.

"Let's wait for a while. Khotan also needs to prepare something," Shao Shude said.

Merulu's delicate and sensitive heart almost caught the murderous intention at that moment, and she almost begged.

"Let your family also send someone to Chang'an. I have something to say."


"Now -" Shao Shude looked at Cai Bangshi and said, "Just wait for the envoy from the Yalong Valley to come to Beijing."

Yalong also got in touch.

The process was not smooth sailing, and they argued for a long time. The Jidenimagon family seemed to have heard something, and maybe they intervened to obstruct it. But in any case, they finally decided to send a few noble members to go north through Yunnan and central Sichuan, intending to come over.

Take a look at Jide (Yansun), examine it, and then make calculations.

Shao Shude agreed to their request and ordered Guanyi along the way to provide food and accommodation, and sent guides to escort this group of people to Beijing.

After the Tubo envoys arrived in Beijing, he would also take time to meet them and provide support for Yansun's rise to power.

Although these two products were just idle moves arranged by him, after more than two years of planning and contact, he had successfully aroused his interest.

Small investment and high returns can be regarded as his contribution to future generations.

This year, these are the only things I will do. I will do them as I please while debating scriptures.

This chapter has been completed!
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