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Chapter 86 Quarrel

 In May of the third year after entering Tongguang, more and more scholars arrived in Xijing, so much so that the Hongwen Pavilion could no longer be filled, and the adjacent palace rooms and government offices had to be lent out for the scholars to discuss.

The sage has said that he will not be arbitrary. On this matter, he will listen to the opinions of the people of the world. The content of "Zhizhi" needs more people to recognize it, and then it will become the "Chinese Classic" that scholars all over the world need to study.

Yes, "Zhizhi" will replace "Yili" and become one of the three "Zhongjing". "Yili" will be demoted to "Xiao Jing", and "Gongyang Chunqiu" which was originally listed as "Xiao Jing" will be It was removed from the examination scope and became "Miscellaneous Classics".

The status of "Zhizhi" has been determined, and everyone is still discussing it, so it's just a process, and there will be some debates.

"I said that the chapter "Population" talks about true knowledge and insights, and the sage is indeed the most wise king in ancient times." Kong Guangsi, the Marquis of Yansheng, put down his tea bowl and sighed with a little reverence: "If it hadn't been for the sage to wake me up, I would still be in a dream. You can’t change a single word of this article.”

The place suddenly became quiet.

Lieutenant General Han Zhi and Minister of Rites Yang Zhu looked at each other and saw the smile in each other's eyes.

The title of Yansheng Hou of the Kong family was not in vain. Kong Guangsi's words made many people choke and his momentum was greatly reduced. Now, he only needs to deal with a few thorns, if any.

Han Xi raised his sleepy eyelids and glanced at Kong Guangsi with a strong sense of ridicule.

He is seventy-five years old this year. After the fall of the Tang Dynasty, he did not serve as an official in the new dynasty. He later went south and attached himself to Wang Shenzhi. But who knew that Wang Shenzhi also surrendered...

Han Xi simply lay there and died in Fujian.

Li Jue, the governor of Fujian Province, admired Han Xi's talent. He visited Han Xi many times in his spare time and left a lot of property. Lao Han gave him a few poems, which Quan used as a polish for his pen and continued to display them.

If Li Jue hadn't come to invite him personally this time, Han Xi would probably never go out again at such an old age.

He had only read the book "Zhizhi" after arriving in Beijing. There was some truth in it, but he didn't think much of it.

He was born into a wealthy family, and his family had money. He only suffered the hardships of being homeless, but never suffered from lack of food and clothing.

It is mentioned in the "Currency" chapter that the shortage of money caused the price of food to rise and fall suddenly. During the reigns of Emperor Taizong and Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty, there was a spectacle of three coins for a bucket of rice, which was thought to be a peaceful and prosperous age. However, the common people only sold a bucket of grain for three coins, and they had to pay What to do with the cash tax? You know, even in the era of mediocrity, there is still a cash tax.

People's income from growing grain has been greatly eroded by this abnormally low food price. On the contrary, people living in cities have benefited greatly and are smiling because they usually earn cash and have less cash expenditures, so they can live a natural life. More comfortable.

Han Xie didn't feel anything about it.

Only three or five cents per pound of rice meant a peaceful and prosperous age, one that could go down in the history books. Moreover, with such low food prices, it’s not like Tian Shefu couldn’t survive, so he could just make less, so what could he do?

Holy man, this is a bit of a fuss.

"What Marquis Yansheng said makes sense." Yijing, the former Wu'an Army Zuo Yamen, cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Leave aside "Currency", "Population" is really wonderful. The sage conquered Khitan in the north and conquered the Uighurs in the west. His great martial arts made him a great person. The people of the world have earned such a huge living space. In my opinion, this is a truly virtuous king. People who lack food and clothing can rush to Liaodong and the Western Regions to herd and farm, settle down and build a family, isn't it good?"

It is said that Confucian scholars are not all of the same sect.

For example, this Yi Jing once served as a general under Ma Yin and is now a Qianzhou Biejia.

Yes, he is a scholar, but Zuoyiya is a military official, and he has to go into battle to fight.

Yi Jing wrote a book called "The Soldiers Want to Look to the South of the Yangtze River", a military book written in the form of word cards.

"All ministers must choose virtuous people. Don't choose someone with a high family position as a powerful person. Selflessly be close to the old and the country, and it will be a disaster." - Regarding the selection and employment of people.

"Turning the muscles and feet, remove the ginger quickly. Boil five pieces of fresh water for one hour. It is okay to drink it and remove it immediately. The general will remember his heart." - About the treatment of epidemic diseases in the military.

However, he has a common problem among people of this era. Most of his content is about divination and gods. Not to mention that Shao Shude doesn't like it, even real martial artists think he is a bit nonsense.

However, his literary quality is very good, his poems and songs are first-class, he has written many articles, and he is somewhat famous.

Han Xi just closed his eyes and glanced at Yi Jing again after hearing this. This time he couldn't help it anymore and asked: "Yi Biejia doesn't know the hardships of war? The people are exhausted and the fields are barren. The imperial court levies additional taxes to support the army."

Is it in line with nature to reward people and cause them to lose their families? Is that enough? Do you still want to immigrate the land you conquered? Is it in line with humanity to separate people's flesh and blood? There are also those who have been exiled for thousands of miles, and there are those traitorous officials and generals in local state capitals.

, trying to figure out what is going on, he often commits crimes for hundreds and thousands of families, pitifully robs the well-dressed scholars, and migrates to Yinli. Along the way, he is repeatedly insulted by villains, is it true? "

"Han Donglang, what you said is wrong." Zhang Bi came out to persuade him: "Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty had a strategy of 'immigrating to eat'. At that time, the land in Guanzhong was small and crowded, so Sui Wen sent people to visit people's homes, and almost every family had no food and no food.

After a meal, the envoys brought back bean crumbs and chaff, so they moved the people from Guanzhong to the states in Guandong."

"In the early Tang Dynasty, after the proliferation of household registration, there was also the system of 'Leqian'. People flocked to Huainan and Jiangnan to alleviate the dilemma of too many people and little land."

"Today, I have personally launched a volunteer mission to exterminate the murderers. Although there are not many people and few land, it is not difficult yet, but people have no long-term worries, and they must have immediate worries. This is an upright and royal method. Immigrants can eat, live and work in peace and contentment, and let the people live like human beings.

So. Is that what you want to see, crowded together in the neighborhoods of Chang'an and Luoyang, selling their sons and daughters and becoming beggars?"

Zhang Bi was a native of Biyang, Tangzhou, and had been an official in Huxiang. He had a good relationship with Yi Jing and had many exchanges of poems and books, so he rushed to speak for him.

And what he said was true.

The word "immigration" was not invented in modern times. In ancient times, the population was unevenly distributed and transportation was difficult.

Places with large populations were developed earlier and to a higher degree. In fact, there is not much wasteland left for people to cultivate.

In places with a lot of wasteland, the level of development is very poor, the natural conditions are harsh, and the transportation is inconvenient.

When Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty came to power, the country's population was already very large, especially in Guanzhong. One family cultivated a few acres of land and could barely survive. In the event of natural or man-made disasters, it was inevitable to run out of food, so "immigration to eat" appeared.

this phrase.

During the reigns of Emperor Gaozong and Empress Wu of the Tang Dynasty, the land owned by Guanzhong soldiers ranged from a few acres to more than ten acres. With such family conditions, why should they be soldiers? So the "Leqian" system emerged and immigrants immigrated to Huainan.

After the Anshi Rebellion, the population fell to the bottom, but after more than a hundred years of segregation of vassal towns, the population increased significantly. Before the Chao Rebellion, the total number of registered households in various provinces totaled 30 to 40 million people.

This population does not seem to need to be immigrated, but the Tang court continued to migrate people to the south of the Yangtze River because of uneven population distribution. The population of Hebei almost exceeded that of Tianbao's peak period, but the Tang court could not control it and could only let them control it.

Prisoners were sent to the south of the Yangtze River. But the population in Guanzhong was also very dense, so they could move out.

After Shao Shude captured the white land of Henan Prefecture, Ruzhou, Heyang, the devastated Zhengzhou, Jinjiang, Tang Dengsui, Xiangyang and other places, the source of immigrants was also the people of Guanzhong who were relatively well protected by him.

If we don’t immigrate, everyone will be poor together. People will become shorter and thinner as they grow taller, and they will eat more than they can eat. Is this humane?

"Zhang Bi, what qualifications do you have to call me Han Donglang?" Han Zai glared and scolded: "You are a person who follows the influence of others."

Zhang had a knot in his throat and was waiting for a theory, but was interrupted.

"Everyone." Yang Zhu stood up, pressed his hands down to signal everyone to be quiet, and then said: "It's all for perfecting the scriptures, why bother arguing with each other? Just discuss the matter."

After finishing speaking, he thought for a while and said: "The points mentioned by Han Yushan are actually quite reasonable. There were officials in the south of the Yangtze River who built large eucalyptus trees and sent thousands of families to the Western Regions. The sage also issued an edict to rebuke this matter."

After finishing speaking, he looked at the clerk who was recording the information and said, "Please record this in detail and submit it to the saint."

"As ordered." The little official wrote down the focus of everyone's debate in detail with his pen flying.

Before this article, he had already filled several pages.

It can be seen from the records that even people like Han Donglang are aware of the various chaos caused by more people and less land, and are very worried about it. The difference is that he thinks this is against human ethics, and there are various tragedies on the immigration road.

It's very inhumane. But if you ask him how to solve the problem of too many people and too little land, he won't talk about it. He will only point out the problem without any solution - in fact, apart from emigration, there is really no better way at this stage.

In addition, some people refuted the article "Currency". They believed that this kind of book should not be published because it would cultivate more business-minded people. They took Hebei and Huaihai Road as examples. Immigrants went fishing at sea, and there were actually people driving boats.

Then, they bought their catch, and then provided various supplies including drinking water, and repaired damaged fishing gear, which reached the point of "crazy".

They believe that people who go to sea are greedy for profit, especially whalers. They are unruly, aggressive, and difficult to discipline. They also laugh at the poor scholars. After the peaceful and prosperous times, such people will be the source of trouble.

Other land-based traders also have various problems.

In short, the point is that these people are running around, corrupting the public morals, making the people no longer simple, and making them feel itchy. For this reason, there are countless people who abandon farming and fishing, and engage in business. They are essentially the same as the warriors who go to the battlefield to fight for wealth.

It's the same as above.

There are so many kinds.

Yang Zhu carefully read these records and privately thought otherwise. At least opinions of this level were not enough to convince the saint and were useless.

He was once summoned by a saint and discussed similar issues.

The sage said that there are two ways to stabilize the world.

The first is to turn the whole country into a "big countryside", where everyone practices ancient rituals, performs rituals at sunrise and rests at sunset, binding people to the land. It is best not to leave the village or hometown for the rest of their lives.

For the second method, he mentioned a difficult-to-pronounce word: dynamic stability.

Let a restless person go to war or fish.

By killing enemies and making meritorious deeds, and by fishing and getting rich, he gained status and became at peace with himself.

If you die on the battlefield or are buried in the sea, there will be no worries.

In addition, sending restless people away is also an idea.

Since the difficult times, those who cause chaos in the army are often a few people coercing the majority. These thorns in the army have prestige, courage, and ambition. Once given a chance, they can cause great things.

The Tianwu Army under King Zhao's tent in the Yinli River Valley has a large number of children from martial arts families from the Central Plains. They know nothing but killing with swords. Rather than staying at home, it is better to lose their poison to the outside world.

You must know that those who dare to cross half of the Great Xia to go to the Western Regions have the determination, perseverance, and ambition to make the best choice. There is no way out if they stay in the country. This is the real instability.

Send them away, once and for all, your worries will disappear.

The saint was actually not sure which way was better, but he did not want to choose the first one.

Yang Zhu felt that the sage's philosophy had some truth to it. Today, he even personally made a suggestion, asking the sage to write down this paragraph for the world's scholars to read.

The book "Zhizhi" may have imperfections, and even a lot of content that is difficult to accept, but if it is finally completed and used as one of the "Serious Classics", generations of readers will read it day and night. Over time, readers will still be able to read it day and night.

Will it be difficult to accept?

A hundred years from now, perhaps if you propose ideas similar to Han Xie's, they will be considered deviant.

Don't underestimate the power of "reciting day and night". According to the sage, this is self-brainwashing. In the end, you will be unable to extricate yourself.

Nothing works against scholars, but the imperial examination is most useful.

This chapter has been completed!
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