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Chapter 92 New people and old people

 Chen Cheng did not leave Chang'an after becoming an official.

The Zhengdan Dynasty Meeting is coming soon, and on this day, all ministerial officials above the ninth rank in Beijing, honorary and casual officials, and envoys from foreign vassals must attend.

He will leave after the first lunar month.

When he had nothing to do, he was also writing books, which was encouraged by the saint.

When the king and his ministers parted, it was not too ugly.

The saint bestowed upon him a lot of property and granted him several sons, although he did not advocate that his sons become officials.

The book is mainly about the past forty eventful years.

As people get older, they like to reminisce.

The scene of meeting the saint for the first time did not fade with the passage of time.

"Since you are the left official of the shogunate, why do you still stay here?"

"Xiaguan's benefactor, Marshal Cao, has passed away, and his family is far away in Yancheng, Chuzhou. He is short of money and has no face to return to his hometown."

A smile appeared on Chen Cheng's lips.

The saint back then was high-spirited and ambitious, and he was obsessed with annexing friendly armies and expanding his strength.

He succeeded.

Due to the meritorious service of Li Guochang and his son in the conquest, they obtained the first piece of territory, and then they conquered east and west, gradually growing in strength.

Why can saints succeed? Probably because they have enthusiasm in their hearts.

This enthusiasm has not faded even after forty years.

Forty years is a lifetime for many people.

In the past forty years, the saint has changed a lot.

From a moral model who loved his soldiers like his sons and protected the people, he became a decisive and decisive founding hero with a kind face and a dark heart.

Most of the original ideals have been eroded by time and left on the road at a certain stage of life.

Only that enthusiasm was never willing to be discarded by the saint. He always protected it tightly in his arms and regarded it as a treasure.

Why bother? Chen Cheng sighed.

Perhaps this is where he is inferior to a saint. People probably need faith, otherwise they will fall into the abyss completely without any bottom line.

"Enthusiasm." Chen Cheng held the brush in his hand and wrote two big characters.

Those who achieve great things must have extraordinary talent, but they also need perseverance.

"After all, I am vulgar..." Chen Cheng put down his pen and looked at the golden sunshine outside the window, saying nothing for a long time.

He suddenly thought of Song Le.

If he were still here, what would his attitude be?

When the sage attacked Huangchao in Guanzhong, Song Le received immigrants in Suizhou, opened rivers and built canals, turning both sides of the Wuding River into golden wheat fields. He also connected with Yinzhou and Linzhou to ensure the stability of the rear.

The sage was in charge of the horse administration, and Song Leduo took care of him and repeatedly asked questions.

The saints promoted farming and animal husbandry simultaneously, and Song Yue vigorously promoted it and inspected everywhere.

The saint opened martial arts and miscellaneous schools, and Song Le gave full support.

What was Song Le thinking at that time?

Chen Cheng felt a little regretful. Although there wasn't much dispute between him and Song Le, they were not particularly close either. One was good at planning the overall situation, while the other was quick and quick. They were not on the same path.

The friendship is not deep, and the words are not deep either. It's a pity, it's a pity.

However, Chen Cheng had a vague feeling that Song Le's deepest desires and the ideals he upheld should be consistent with his. What they pursued was to assist the wise monarch, bring peace to the troubled times, and restore long-term peace to the world.

You want to be Xiao He, and I want to be Zhang Liang, what's the difference?

As for the others, Chen Cheng hasn't paid much attention yet.

Zhao Guangfeng was at least half a person who could catch his eye, while Xiao Yu and Lu Siye only knew how to flatter him.

They are good at doing things, but they have no ideas of their own and cannot provide useful suggestions to the emperor. Such people are just "craftsmen" who do things according to orders, and they are not worthy of a second glance.

However, this is what the saint needs right now, right?

He does not need people with ideas and concepts, because he has already set the general direction. What he needs now is officials and even successors who can execute his will.

The emperor who has entered the twilight years of his life is so confident and willful. However, he still accumulated huge prestige in his prime. He is always right. No one dares to question it. If so, then ask him to leave.

Chen Cheng breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, he had no resentment towards the saint for allowing him to become an official.

On the contrary, he is very grateful for his current status, but he just instinctively wants to protect the Shao family.

Perhaps the saint was not wrong.

Since forty years ago, he has always been right, fighting every step of the way and defeating all his opponents.

Perhaps there is more than one path for a wise king in ancient times.

In the Han Dynasty, there was also the Huang-Lao theory. After recuperating and recuperating, the national power reached its peak, which finally gave Emperor Wu the capital to squander.

He was just a little worried.

Times have changed, and the customs are no longer what they were in the Han Dynasty.

At this time, is it possible not to give up the status of Gaodejiao and use rituals to suppress the chaotic people's hearts?

No one can give an answer.

The saint wants to use his life to suppress the world.

Even the heir was chosen as a warrior, and two generations of father and son took over the task of suppressing the world to ensure that his ideas were not interrupted by social unrest.

Chen Cheng admired such lofty ideals.

This is no easier than conquering the world, and may even be more difficult. The sage's boldness in gambling is also shocking.

He was just a little worried.

It wasn't himself he was worried about.

He was worried that the golden wheat fields would become barren.

He worries that the bustling city will turn into ruins.

He was worried that the old, weak, women and children would become food in the mouths of the beast soldiers.

He was worried that the country he had worked so hard to manage would be shattered into pieces.

He was worried that the saint's immortal achievements would be ruined in one day.

"It's smoke and mirrors..." He picked up the pen again and wrote four words.

No one can see the future clearly.


Wang Yong's house was full of distinguished guests, and there was constant laughter and laughter.

There are seven prime ministers in the political affairs hall of the state, two of which are ministers of Zhongshu, two ministers of subordinates, one secretary and supervisor, and the remaining two are usually one or two of the six ministers.

Wang Yong was previously the Shaofu Supervisor, a position that was half a rank lower than that of the Six Ministers. As a result, he was promoted to the rank of Minister, which can be said to be a rapid advancement. More importantly, this is because Jian is in the heart of the emperor. He is in the political affairs hall.

The weight in the marriage can no longer be treated as a servant. Even Zhao Guangfeng and Xiao Yu probably have to be polite.

Officials with a background in agriculture immediately wiped away their bad luck and came to pay homage to him one after another, so much so that the road in front of the palace was blocked.

Brother Yeluhua also came, accompanying the last one, timid and bowing to everyone he saw - he was actually the magistrate of Taji County, and his official rank was not low.

Yes, he is not an agricultural student, he is a descendant of Khitan.

However, during his tenure as the Prime Minister of Lantian County, he cooperated happily with Sinong Temple and contributed a lot. Therefore, he was regarded as an official of the agricultural department and was invited by Wang Yong to attend tonight's banquet.

He was both happy and worried about this.

I am happy that the prime minister values ​​me, so I will lean against a big tree to enjoy the shade from now on.

What worries him is that he has been branded with the Department of Agriculture. If he loses power and is liquidated in the future, he will not be able to escape.

However, do small people have a choice? Most of them don’t.

A big shot expresses his appreciation for you, but what will happen if he doesn't take the initiative to post it?

Brother Hua is not stupid, he knows what to do.

"The saint promoted me -" Wang Yong sat high on the table, holding up the wine bottle, and said with emotion: "To be honest, I didn't expect it. Under the new dynasty's elegant government, agricultural science has flourished, and you all have a future. Work hard, and you will be released.

I will take credit for your achievement. Come and drink from this cup."

"Drink this cup to the full." Everyone laughed happily and raised their glasses to drink.

What I want is the words of Wang Xiang.

Are they working diligently to get promoted and make a fortune? Moreover, officials with a background in agriculture have a hard time. Many of them work in Sinong Temple or the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Even if they go to prefectures and counties, as long as they are not chief officials, they will usually be assigned

The hardest and most tiring job is the so-called "teaching students to teach farmers and cultivate mulberry trees", which requires frequent trips to the countryside, and you can't stay in the yamen drinking tea for a long time.

How can you get nothing out of such a big effort? Wang Xiang’s words really boost morale!

Brother Yelu Hua was quite encouraged.

He was originally the magistrate of Lantian County. To be honest, this position is the county magistrate's deputy. Logically speaking, as long as you don't want to argue with the county magistrate, you will be relatively relaxed overall. But when he was in Lantian County, he was assigned a special job by the county magistrate.

After going to Sinong Temple, I had to do all kinds of hard and tiring work, my legs almost broke, and I was not well received by the county magistrate.

This is the difference between Zuo Er officials and chief officials.

Now that he is the head of a county, he has the final say over everything in Lantian County, and it feels much more refreshing.

The county lieutenant responsible for the specific implementation was a martial artist with a cheerful temperament and was willing to run. He was very diligent in urging classes, issuing drafts, catching thieves, transporting and even distributing the seeds and livestock sent by Sinong Temple, which made him feel much more relaxed.

The county magistrate and the bookkeeper were also polite and did not dare to confront him. Life became more comfortable day by day.

Our agricultural lineage needs more chief officials and senior officials, otherwise the situation will not be able to open up and we will always be suppressed.

Once you are suppressed, the difficulty of achieving results will be infinitely higher. Over time, you will be looked down upon by others, and it will be difficult for you to reach the level of elegance and become mainstream.

Therefore, the step of Wang Xiang entering the political hall is very critical, so that everyone has a backbone and can roll up their sleeves and get started quickly.

Of course, the most important thing is the support of the saint.

Without his orders, how could the Prime Minister enter the political hall? Do you really think that by writing a book called "Theory of Blood" and gaining some fame, you can rule the world? It's impossible.

Not to mention, many people are criticizing this book.

After drinking for three rounds, Wang Yong clapped his hands.

Everyone followed the sound, but saw him stroking his beard and saying: "You are all outstanding men at that time, so there is no need to say more about your abilities. The reason why our agricultural school is favored by the saint is that it is beneficial to the country and beneficial to the world. I can

Entering the political affairs hall, you all have to do your part."

"We studied agriculture hard, and all the hard work was achieved through hard work. Under the scorching sun, we walked all over the fields. When the wind and rain came, we walked through the Pichi Pond. I finally got down to rest, and my body and feet were covered with mud.

This official position is too dishonorable!"

"But there is no way, what we eat is this bowl of rice, and what the saint values ​​​​is that we can endure hardships. From now on, we can't slack off. There is no room for sand in the eyes of the saint. If we let him down, our agricultural lineage will be destroyed.


"It's the same thing!" Wang Yong picked up the wine bottle again and said loudly: "Whoever does a good job and achieves results, I will personally ask for credit for him. If any prime minister in the political hall dares to say otherwise, I will personally take him to the fields.

Look around, you won’t hesitate to tear yourself apart. Come, drink this cup to the full, work hard after drinking, and work hard!”

Brother Yelu Hua raised his wine glass from a distance and drank it all in one gulp.

A faction in the official circles of the country was completely formed, and he was already a member of it.

This chapter has been completed!
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