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Chapter 32 Ending

 Two months passed by in a flash, and by the middle of the twelfth lunar month, as the new year was approaching, the commercial atmosphere in Luoyang became stronger and stronger.

At this time, a special market opened again: the slave market. However, it was quietly moved outside the city in order to save the face of some people.

The Persian scholars who had moved to the Imperial Academy did not know that they were still writing books all day long.

Yes, they brought thirty camels' worth of books, but how could this satisfy Shao Shude's appetite? The knowledge in his stomach also had to be written down, and not only written down, but also systematized.

He is not picky about food and wants everything. He even asks to write down the calendar of his big meals.

The people from Honglu Temple were responsible for the translation, but only one of them was proficient in mathematics, so he was too busy. We had no choice but to invite several students from the Imperial College who knew Sogdian to come over and discuss the details together.

Among the twelve Persian scholars, including Bardiya, only half are pure Persians, and there are four Sogdians and two cannibals, so second-hand translations can be made.

After the book translation work was completed, the Imperial College sent people to organize, proofread, and even re-edit it, and finally sent it to Shao Shude's desk, where he personally decided which ones would become teaching materials.

These tasks are boring, lengthy and cumbersome.

It does not have the heroic spirit of a warrior on the battlefield, nor does it have the sweet talk and sword-fighting in the court, but it is indeed an important part of consolidating the foundation of an empire.

Shao Shude's ambitions are too great and he is willing to do whatever it takes, so that's all he can do.

In fact, he is also silently paying attention to the progress of this work. Every time he completes a part, someone will sort it out and copy it for him to review in advance.

He found that among the books on the Twelve Camels, mathematical knowledge accounted for the largest proportion, while the rest were about astronomy and navigation, fine arts and architecture, customs, philosophical speculations, etc., and even the "Book of Creation" was included. It was like a ghost——

Well, this book doesn’t need to be translated.

It can be seen that what they are best at is actually mathematics, mechanics, architecture, astronomy, navigation and the like - the latter ones have a lot to do with mathematics.

This is also normal.

Other subjects require too much productivity, and it is difficult to say how much development they have achieved if the level of productivity is low. In comparison, mathematics is the subject that least requires productivity, because it can be discussed in a sit-down manner, relying only on a smart brain and good

If you have a good academic atmosphere, you can continue to dig deeper.

This realization made Shao Shude slightly regretful.

But he can accept it. The times are like this. With one person's strength, he can only make the times slightly progress, but he can't go against the will. He has done enough, and he can't really go against the will.

In ancient science, except for mathematics and a large number of applied mathematics subjects, other subjects were relatively primitive. The land of China would do well to catch up with this wave, and the rest will depend on the fate of future generations.

At least, he has improved the status of the so-called "miscellaneous subjects" and given them the opportunity to become officials, which has provided the soil for scientific development.

Without the protection and support of upper-level political figures, science can only falter.

In the past, there was the shackles of the medieval church on the development of science, and later there was the negative influence of Confucianism's dominance in this regard.

Europeans finally got rid of the influence of the church and broke free from the shackles.

Can the Chinese return to the state of contention among a hundred schools of thought during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States era? He does not know that he has already turned the steering wheel and stepped on the accelerator. The rest can only be counted on future generations.


"You can make Yang Liang the Duke of Renshou County." In the Shendu Garden, Shao Shude looked a little sad. He just heard him say: "His son Yang Sen can be canonized as the Duke of Renshou County, the founder of the country, and he can grant two thousand households."

Yang Liang died. He died in Juzhanti.

It has been some time since the news came back.

Heavy snow closed the mountains, and the messenger detoured to Bingdaban in the north and returned to Shule via Gumozhou.

Shule did not dare to neglect and immediately sent the message back to the capital five hundred miles away.

Normally, if we retreat in September and the heavy snow has not yet closed the mountains, the messenger will not take such a detour. But this year the weather was abnormal. It started snowing in mid-August, and it continued for several days, with snowflakes as heavy as a mat.

At that time, Yang Liang led his army to defeat more than ten cities in Bakhan, and tens of thousands of people attacked the Juzhanti area.

The Persians could not spare any troops, so they could only close the city gates and assume a posture of being beaten, waiting for the Xia army to retreat on their own.

But heavy snow disrupted all plans.

Yang Liang calculated the time and looked at the weather. He felt that after withdrawing his troops and heading east, the mountain road must have been heavily blocked by heavy snow. It would be extremely dangerous to force the crossing.

Therefore, he simply divided his troops and plundered, gathered all the grain and grass he could grab, slaughtered all the livestock he could grab, and recruited cattle and sheep from the Turkic tribes, slaughtered them and made preserved meat, plus the grain and grass he carried with the army, he felt that he could hold on until

It won't be a big problem next spring.

After doing this, he simply made up his mind to continue fighting westward and indulged in military discipline to boost morale.

At the end of September, the army advanced to Juzhanti City, but failed repeatedly.

Turkic mercenaries arrived from the west. Yang Liang ordered Governor Li Siyuan's army to attack the city. He led thousands of elite troops and defeated the Turks, beheading more than 3,000 people and capturing 2,000 people.

The disastrous defeat of the reinforcements greatly shook the will of the defenders to fight together.

Yang Liang came to the city in person and commanded the siege. During this period, he also killed two Forbidden Army generals who were unsuccessful in attacking the city.

The tribal soldiers and the people captured by Bukhan suffered heavy casualties, but the fighting never stopped.

By mid-October, the defenders were already shaky.

Yang Liang, who came to the city in person to boost morale, was unfortunately hit by a stray arrow and was injured and fell off his horse.

After carrying him back to the camp, he summoned the generals and chiefs of the Tibetan tribe, and ordered Li Siyuan to lead the army and continue to attack the city.

On October 21st, the army broke through and fought.

Yang Liang breathed his last breath after seeing the city destroyed.

At present, Li Siyuan leads nearly 30,000 imperial troops, more than 10,000 Tibetan soldiers and more than 10,000 temporarily captured Bukhan Nadingzhuang, stationed in various cities.

The news ended abruptly.

"In the past, I only had two hundred soldiers, and Yang Liang was the leader of the fire..." Shao Shude sat on the dragon chair, feeling very depressed.

The good news brought by Persian scholars' eastward journey has been greatly diluted.

At this time, memories came to mind uncontrollably.

When attacking Lanzhou, they rushed and fought fiercely, broke into the city, and killed the Tubo people until they fled in panic.

During the battle of Hanzhong, he held the Mo Dao and cut off the razor sharp edge, causing the heads of wild beasts to roll.

In the crucial battle for Heyang, under Zhang Quanyi's nose, Yang Liang killed eight generals in Bian, Ankang, and left calmly.

During the Battle of Luoyang, Yang Liang fought fiercely with thieves in the ruins in the north of the city, causing Kou Yanqing to abandon Luoyang and retreat south, where he was eventually annihilated.

He also led the Golden Sword Army to defeat Nuozhenshui Absi's tribe and defeated it.

He fought against the Khitans in Ruyuan.

The prince led the army to pacify Hanzhong and went to Shuzhong. Yang Liang followed the army and killed Zhuge'an, the governor of Bizhou.

During the Western Expedition, Yang Liang went to Haozhe Town and personally led more than a thousand soldiers to Keting Prefecture. When the city was broken, he was hit by three arrows and his clothes were stained with blood.

Next, when attacking Gumo, Shule, Bukhan and other places, he was even more brave and visited the front line many times to boost morale.

He may not be a first-rate commander, but everyone who achieves great things must have several such fierce generals under his command.

Many battles are unreasonable. Your arrangements are complete, you made no mistakes, and you have advantages in every aspect, but you lose. The reason may be that someone led your best troops into the formation, messed up your formation, and turned the tables.

This world was actually brought down by Yang Liang's help.

The burial of his old brother in horse leather made Shao Shude suddenly develop a strong dislike for Persia.

He tried his best to control his emotions.

As a man gets older and his prestige reaches its peak, no one dares to admonish him anymore than when he conquered the world.

He doesn't have to play tricks with his ministers, because he is the founder of the army and the common master of the world. He can kill whoever he wants and keeps everyone silent.

But he still has sense and knows how to maintain a sense of reverence, and knows where to measure and where the boundaries are.

"The peace talks with Persia continue." He said: "By the way, do the Persians know that Yang Liang is dead?"

"I don't think I know," said Zhao Guangfeng, the assistant minister of Zhongshu.

"Then let's deceive them, saying that the whole territory of Bukhan has been captured by me, and there are not many people here, so it will be useless." After feeling sentimental, Shao Shude quickly entered the state of Shao Thief with a kind face and a dark heart, and continued:

"Send a messenger to the west, seven hundred miles in a hurry, and appoint Li Siyuan as the commander of the Shule camp and Pei Xiu as the supervisor."

"As ordered." The answer this time was Zhu Shuzong, the Privy Envoy of Nanya.

His hair has also turned gray. When he heard the news of Yang Liang's death, he recalled the happy days of killing enemies and drinking together in Hedong, and was filled with sadness.

Yang Liang shouldn't have any regrets, right? Killing the enemy or being killed by the enemy is his long-cherished wish.

What a strange person!

After a hundred years of peace in the world, such strange people should not appear again. Old Yang, go well!

"Promote Li Lin, the Marquis of Yu, the capital of the national army, as the military envoy of the Golden Sword Army."

"Shengyou, the capital of the national army, envoy Wang Jiao to the army of Long Xiang."

Ge Cong, the military envoy of the Longxiang Army, suddenly fell ill at the beginning of the first century and was bedridden. Shao Shude sent a medical officer to diagnose and treat him, but the acupuncture was ineffective and he died soon after. So He Gui, the deputy envoy of the German Army, was appointed as the military envoy of the Longxiang Army, but

He also fell ill after arriving in the Western Regions.

"The deputy commander of Liaodong Dadu Capital, Li Siben, was appointed as the Marquis of Yu, the capital of Youguo Army."

"The commander of the Yingzhou Army, Zhou Jiying, was transferred to Youyi, the capital of Youguo Army."

"Wei Rang, the military envoy to the left wing of General Shengtu, is the deputy envoy of the Tiande Army."

"Let's do this for now." Shao Shude said with some interest.

Daxia and Persia are probably fighting from two ends.

Daxia was afraid that it would not be able to control such a large land and would have difficulty supplying the front lines.

What Persia is afraid of is that Daxia is very powerful. If they really imitate the Great Khan of the Steppes and march westward, they may not be able to withstand it.

The fight between the two sides at Bakhna was actually meaningless.

Shao Shude was purely greedy for the land. If he could hold on to it while he was there, there was no guarantee that his descendants would do so.

The Persians were very passive in guarding this place, because the Alai Valley was not in their hands, and the mountains to the north were full of Manichaean, Nestorian, shamanistic Turks, Sheepmo, and Uighurs who were hostile to them.

The tribe has a huge geographical disadvantage and cannot defend it either.

Damn it, whoever occupies this place will feel disgusted.

Let’s leave this confused account as it is.

At that point, both sides were exhausted, and it was time to end things slowly.

From now on, Shao Shude's only concern is probably his eldest son who is far away in Yili.

This chapter has been completed!
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