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Chapter 33 Rootless Ping

 The eldest son is now possessed by the movie star and is putting on a show.

Because of the continuous heavy snowfall, it was extremely cold. And because many of the newly arrived people had relatively simple houses and insufficient preparations for various winter supplies, many people suffered from the cold.

After Shao Dalang heard this, he ordered the warehouse to be opened and distributed warm blankets and firewood.

One house was so bad that he even took out his two villas, a farm and a pasture, and let the elderly, women, and children live in them.

After doing all this, he took his horse and braved the wind and snow to visit various counties to see which farmers were short of food and clothing.

It is true that the Yili River Valley is not a large area, and you can visit every place. But although it is not big, it is not small either. It is impossible to visit every township and village community, so you can only take a quick look at it.

But it also makes sense to take a quick look at it.

He used to often criticize his father for liking to perform with his second brother, laughing and joking secretly. But after he stepped into this position and was responsible for the safety and happiness of the people in the eight counties of the Yili Valley, he understood his father again.

Unless you are in a certain position or a certain age, you may not be able to understand certain things.

When my father performs, will he perform until his face is blown open by the cold wind? Will he perform until his hands are frozen like carrots? Will he perform until he engages in household chores with the people, sitting there for half a day, and then adjusts the policy agenda after returning?

If this is a performance, then the people welcome such a performance because they get benefits.

There are tens of thousands of people in Yiliba County, and their origins are complex. There are snatched slaves, resettled soldiers, normal people, criminals who have traveled far away, and waves of hot-blooded young people coming here - this is it.

In the middle of winter, there were also martial arts disciples who stumbled over after missing their departure date, shivering from the cold.

There are so many people with different ideas. If you want to knead them into a ball and work like an arm, in addition to common interests, you also need the leader to have enough prestige and affinity - he now understands his father, and he will become a father next.


"Yang Dutou, such a heroic figure, died in the battle." Some soldiers in Xiaoliu Village, Xitong Township, Huiyuan County sighed.

"It's a bit like Kou Yanqing back then. Facing the wolf cubs of the Tianxiong Army, he carried a heavy sword and dared to fight in alone. I heard that he rushed for ten steps before he died." The person who said this was carrying a heavy sword.

With a Bianzhou accent, only people from Bianzhou would cherish the "glorious deeds" of former general Zhu Quanzhong.

No one corrected him.

They are all warriors who work hard for their lives, and people like Kou Yanqing can be considered heroes, so there is no need to belittle them.

"Yang Dutou was not killed in the war." A soldier with a Guanbei accent said: "He died of a recurrence of an old injury, and the metal wound cracked."

"Everyone who was killed by an arrow on the battlefield spread the news."

"Fart! The Persian arrows didn't hurt him at all. When the doctor sawed the arrow shaft, Yang Dutou ate three big bowls of rice."

"Okay, okay. I'm too lazy to argue with you. If I have the time, I might as well clean the stables."

"Who asked you to keep three horses? You are so rich, you deserve to be cleaned."

"How to speak?"

"Everyone, please calm down, His Highness is back."

Several soldiers who were drinking and chatting immediately shut up.

"It's too cold today!" Shao Siwu dismounted, threw the reins to his entourage, and said with a smile: "You guys are in a good mood. I've only been away for less than two hours, and I've already warmed up the wine."

"See Your Highness." Several people stood up and saluted.

"Everyone, please sit down." Shao Siwu turned to his entourage and said, "Take care of the yellow sheep. We won't go back to the post house today. We will cook the meat here."

"As ordered." The entourage took a yellow sheep caught on the road, boiled water and skinned it.

Shao Siwu sat among several government soldiers, everyone was a little cautious.

Shao Siwu felt a little emotional.

He recalled the scene when he toured the countryside with his father. The old soldiers spoke with great airs, as if they had no control over their words. They dared to say anything domineering and their attitude was quite arrogant.

The soldiers in front of them are actually their nephews. They are young, the oldest is only in their twenties. Compared with their fathers, they are really much more respectful.

People will change.

It has been twenty years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, and the social atmosphere has undergone visible changes.

The people who migrated from Hebei, the "old people" in their forties are different from the young people in their teens and twenties.

It’s hard to say exactly what the difference is, but there is this feeling. The subtle expressions, tone and inner thoughts revealed from time to time all show that the new generation of Hebei young people are not as unruly as their parents.

This is not a bad thing.

The situation around the Yili River Valley is complex and full of crises. It is not good for the immigrants to be too respectful, but it is also not good to be like Wei Bo, Chengde, and the previous generation of Youzhou who were in a smoky atmosphere and refused to accept anyone.

Now I'm making a compromise and it's just right.

"The war in Bukhanna may be gradually calming down." Shao Siwu took the warm wine handed to him by the soldiers, took a sip, put it down, and let out a satisfied sigh.

Everyone was smiling.

King Zhao's appearance is quite to their liking.

Rugged, heroic, and informal, he stirred food in the same pot with the soldiers when he went on an expedition, and he didn't have the slightest bit of elegance.

Thinking about it, the cold wind as sharp as a knife in the Yili River Valley should have carved out such a heroic and majestic man, not the weak and elegant Cuo Da.

"After the situation calmed down over there, the pressure in the north became greater." Shao Siwu said.

"Are we going to fight the Turks?" someone asked.

"Look, there is someone else who suffered first." Someone else said.

"The male camel king?" The soldiers looked at me, and I looked at you, and then they all sneered a few times.

Shao Siwu also laughed.

No one looks down on the bearlike appearance of the male camel king.

"Didn't His Highness say yesterday that the imperial court had negotiated peace with the Persians? They didn't dare to use weapons without permission anymore, right?" someone asked after laughing.

"Peace talks are talks, but they should not be taken lightly." Shao Siwu's eyes fell on the boundless snowfield outside and said: "In these lands, after the spring warms and the flowers bloom, the grass grows and the orioles fly. The herdsmen graze freely and the farmers farm happily.

, such a rich land is rarely seen in the entire Western Region, how can the Persians give up so easily?"

Everyone was a little surprised. Is this Persian really so brave that he dared to break the contract and come knocking after the peace negotiation?

"Everything will be successful if it is not prepared. No matter what the Persians think, we must be prepared." Shao Siwu said: "It's been a year of rest this year and everything is peaceful. How do you feel?"

"When I have rare free time, I have repaired the house, woodshed, stables, and sheepfold." Someone said, "My mother-in-law was very happy, saying that some work has been delayed for more than a year."

"I cleaned up the cattle pen. The manure shoveled out was spread into the orchard. I also created seven or eight acres of new vegetable beds and planted sprouts, turnips, and carrots."

"I worked with others to dig a well so that we don't have to travel so far for water in the future."

"I went hunting in the mountains and got some good skins. I went to the city to exchange for a horse. I will have three horses when I go on an expedition."


Everyone was talking and chatting, and they all became happy and drank from the wine bowl.

this is life.

Life includes not only fighting and killing, but also daily trivial matters. The fireworks contained in trivial matters make these people who are getting married one after another particularly obsessed and satisfied.

Shao Siwu also picked up the wine bowl and drank it all in one gulp.

From the words and expressions of the soldiers, it can be easily concluded that the small political power he founded with only eight counties has initially established a firm foothold.

When a person has a sense of belonging, he is no longer a lonely ghost. No matter how far he travels, he will eventually return to the place that haunts him.

Back then, Qin Zongquan's troops were huge and arrogant, but did they have a sense of belonging? No.

There are many Cai thieves who have been forcibly recruited into the army. No matter how fierce they are, no matter how many places they ravage, they are rootless people. They wander around and destroy everywhere. Sooner or later they will be defeated.

The soldiers of the government had families, businesses, and slave tribes, so they had resilience and could withstand defeat.

There are many new young people in the Yili Valley. Whether they are allowed to serve as soldiers or recruited as soldiers, they must settle down as soon as possible, start a family and start a business. Only in this way can they truly take root and become Yili people, instead of just grabbing wealth and returning home.

A visitor to the house.

This year's precipitation has been very effective, both for him and for the people below.

Liu Mian showed him this year's household registration yellow book.

There are already more than 6,800 households in the five counties of Gongyue, with a population of more than 31,700.

These are "normal people" who work normally, pay taxes normally, and perform corvee normally.

There are already about 1,200 households in Chenghua, Gongchen and Chunji counties, with a total population of about 3,000.

These were all "sinners" who had committed crimes. Some came alone, some came with their families, and were assigned to the three westernmost counties to work on official farms, as pastoral supervisors, and in orchards.

In addition, there are a total of 15,000 military households (an average of 7-8 slaves per household), which is the real anchor of the Yili River Valley.

Compared with them, the Tianwu Army, which has grown to about 6,700 people, may not be so reliable and capable of fighting.

Shao Siwu has been persuading some of them to become common people recently and no longer be warriors. The Yili River Valley cannot afford to support so many retired soldiers. They also have to work in the fields now, and there are not many rewards. They might as well just become common people.


Next year, he will continue to deepen the foundation, clarify the internal situation, and do his best to digest the existing territory.

Of course, the memorials asking for support from my father will not stop.

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt a little lonely.

It's really difficult to be alone on the border of the Western Region. Apart from my wife, children and some old subordinates who moved westward, there are almost no one with whom I can talk.

Yes, there were not many people to talk to. He was chatting happily with the soldiers now, but he didn't lose his mind. After drinking, he couldn't get rid of the feeling of loneliness.

Such a big city has no familiar atmosphere.

He tried his best to turn the Yili River Valley into something like the Central Plains. In the final analysis, he just wanted to get some satisfaction from his lonely heart.

I saw familiar houses, familiar gatehouses, familiar wine flags, familiar schools, familiar markets...

Only in this way can he deceive himself that this is the Central Plains, where he can be closer to his father and his younger brothers and sisters.

He wanted to write a letter to his father.

He kept every reply from his father and took it out to read from time to time.

Only in this way can he feel that he is not a rootless person.

This chapter has been completed!
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