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Chapter 51: Tweet

The departure of the "Qin State" merchant ship also attracted the attention of many big cannibals.

They did not reject the Qin people or the Xia people much, although they fought a war with the Saman Persians for five or six years.

It’s just—so what?

Was Samambas very submissive and lovable? At least not necessarily to the Baghdad court.

Among many vassal states, Bukhara is not at the forefront in its level of obedience. Even though there has been improvement in the past two years and the tribute is more than before, it still cannot satisfy Baghdad.

Persians, can’t be trusted, no matter which Persian!

Not only are they politically unruly, they are also eroding Baghdad's glory in business.

They grab goods from the East faster than anyone else and are complacent about them. This is the most fundamental contradiction.

Two batches of envoys from the Xia Kingdom came to Baghdad one after another, which means a lot of things. The Persians have the upper hand in trade on land, but on the sea, everyone is equal, no matter Dashi, Persia or Brahman.

The sea breeze in Basra is very gentle, and gulls and swallows are flying up and down.

When the Xia merchant ship gradually disappeared into the distant skyline, everyone withdrew their gaze, but it seemed that they did not.

Perhaps, we should have more in-depth exchanges.

Brahman is a small country, but it can send more than thirty ships to Xia Kingdom every year, sell a large amount of goods, and purchase countless commodities. So, as the king of the navigation world, how can Dashi be obsessed with his current achievements?

Silaf can provide ivory, pearls, black onyx, rubies, perfume and colored glass.

Ma Liba can provide coral, rhinoceros horn, frankincense, myrrh and styrax oil.

Mogadishu (present-day Somalia, an Arab-controlled East African land) can provide leather, gold, silver and the highest quality sandalwood.

They have so much to offer, it just depends on whether they want to expand their business.

If the Xia people can further open up and provide a stable political environment, there will be no more large-scale massacres of foreign businessmen in Yangzhou and Guangzhou. At the same time, a convenient business environment will be provided, and there will no longer be unreasonable extortion of donations, offerings, etc., and no forced purchases.

Forced selling, then they are happy to continue to expand business exchanges.

They need gold and silver from the West and silk from the East.

The sea breeze blew gently, and the first tea shop quietly opened in Basra.

Dikhkan Izmir used ten Slavic slaves to exchange for a batch of tea leaves from the Xia people. Out of boredom, he tried to run this business.

Since they can't drink alcohol for doctrinal reasons - at least officially - then maybe they should try something else.

The louder the reputation of the great Eastern country spreads, the easier this business will be.

During this mission, many things are changing positively.


Just as Wang Heizi and others began to return, Shao Shude had already stayed in Yunzhou for ten days to handle government affairs.

The Yunzhou elders have a good impression of the saint.

During the tug-of-war between the Tianping Army and the Xuanwu Army that lasted for several years, Yunzhou was bullied miserably. When he was at his most desperate, he was greatly encouraged every time he heard some news from the west.

A series of battles between Xia and Liang in Heyang, Luoyang, and Chenxu were all fueled by the Tianping Army shogunate and widely publicized, which greatly enhanced their determination to resist to the end.

After the fall of Zhu Liang, the relationship between the two sides began to deteriorate, but they were exhausted and could no longer resist. Within a few years, the three towns of Tianping, Taining, and Ziqing fell one after another without much suffering.

What's more, when Wei Bowufu went south to burn, kill and loot, it was Master Wang who sought justice for them.

The image of this imperial court in Yunzhou is positive. Otherwise, Yunzhou Academy, one of the five major new military academy, would not exist.

Because of the existence of this new military academy, the economy in Yunzhou is relatively prosperous, and the people have benefited greatly.

Of course, Yunzhou's main interest is the trade going south to north and east to west.

They are an important bridgehead for the Hebei economy headed by Wei Bo. They have many Yellow River crossings and frequent business trips.

Looking eastward, as the maritime economy becomes increasingly active, Yunzhou has also received its own share of benefits.

It is true that the biggest beneficiaries of maritime trade are various ports. But as the economic hinterland of foreign trade ports, they cannot have no benefits at all. To put it bluntly, they are all in the same chain of interests, and the difference is just who has more and who has less.

At least, as a large county whose population is gradually recovering, Yunzhou provides sufficient human resources. You must know that the population of Ziqing Town is relatively sparse.

Business has such a magical effect that it can connect different sectors to form a relatively complete economic cycle system.

Agriculture cannot do this.

It is closed and exclusive. It works when the sun rises and breathes when the sun goes down. It is self-sufficient. It is best not to ask for help in your life.

Once there is turmoil, even if they separate themselves to protect themselves, they can still be stable on one side.

However, commercial capital is very eager for a complete and unified domestic market, and they will spontaneously maintain this system until they lose confidence and feel that it can no longer operate freely.

Business is really a magical thing.

"I've been watching the situation of the Yunzhou Academy for a while, and it's actually pretty good." Shao Shude looked at the prime ministers and privy envoys and said, "At least it's much better than the Shaanzhou Academy."

The eyelids of Li Zhong, the deputy envoy to the Nanya Privy Council, jumped.

Fortunately, the saint had a strong idea of ​​abolishing the Shaanzhou Yuan before. Although he did not do so in the end, he had strong opinions on this recruit training yamen and had ordered to eliminate useless waste and reduce the number of employees to less than 10,000 people.

If those who are laid off are dissatisfied, they will be suppressed.

Now, it seems that Yunzhou Academy can be saved.

He also looked at this place. Most of the soldiers came from Yun, Yan, Wei, Bo, Xu, Zhen and other prefectures. In short, they were mostly from the eastern half of the old Henan Road and Hebei.

They are all places where "fierce soldiers" have appeared since the mid-Tang Dynasty. After more than ten or twenty years of peace, their ferocity has somewhat subsided, but they still dare to fight and fight, and they have a spirit of bloody courage.

The sage once said that even though Weibo Town was bullied by various people in the late Tang Dynasty, if they eliminate the long-standing disadvantages and vigorously rectify it, they have great potential and can continuously produce strong warriors.

Li Zhong recognized this concept very much, and it was indeed the case.

"The Confucian classics students in Yunzhou Academy are also very good." Shao Shude added: "Teaching loyalty to the emperor and patriotism may not be effective at the beginning, but after five years, if you talk about it every day, talk about it every day, and think about it all the time, no matter how stubborn the warrior is, he will become

It's different. They have done a good job in this, and they deserve to be rewarded. The Privy Council will give them a separate examination of merit, reward them with money when they deserve it, and promote them when they deserve it, without hesitation."

"I obey the decree." Li Zhong said.

Although he is only a deputy envoy, he still has considerable authority. What's more, this is a task assigned by the saint himself, and there is no obstacle to its execution.

"Let's talk about other things." Shao Shude changed the topic and said: "A Baoji led his troops to the Altai Mountains and defeated several tribes of Khazar Uyghurs. They plundered cattle and sheep and killed many people. Then he went north and attacked the Xigasi people.

The troops fled north. All the ministers discussed what to do."

"Your Majesty may be able to use this matter to force Yugas and even Ogus." Li Zhong said confidently.

"You mean to let me fish in troubled waters and take advantage of it?" Shao Shude asked.

"Exactly." Li Zhong replied: "Your Majesty, the Ugus people can actually be described as having no ambitions. Their performance gives people a feeling of being content with being mediocre and settling for a corner. The ambition of the Ogus people is

It is not a small matter, but because of the discord with Persia and frequent wars, even if there are ideas, they are powerless. It may not be a bad thing for the Khitan to go west. Your Majesty can send people to recruit the defeated Khazar Uyghurs and Xigas tribes in the north

Set up a palace in the court, divide the pasture, and establish a slave department."

"Li Qing's idea is to wait and see what happens?" Shao Shude asked.

"Keep your borders guarded and wait and see what happens. The Khitan people are bound to find a pasture in the Western Regions as a place to settle down. But no matter how barren the pasture, there is an owner, and war is inevitable." Li Zhong said: "

Even if Abaoji knew that there was a bowl of poison in front of him, he could only drink it in one gulp."

"A very wonderful discussion." Shao Shude praised, then looked at Xiao Qu, the minister of Zhongshu who was accompanying him on the eastward journey, and asked, "What do you think of Xiao Qing?"

"Your Majesty has already made plans in his mind, and I will second my proposal." Xiao Zang said.

"That's alright." Shao Shude laughed and said, "Let Abaoji have a dog-eat-dog fight with them first, and then we can argue when we are exhausted."

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty," everyone responded in unison.

"One last thing." Shao Shude picked out one from a pile of memorials and said, "How to proceed with the matter of the grassland tribes extending the grace order? Yang Qing, tell me."

The so-called "Grassland Extension Order" mainly targets the Monan tribes.

For example, the Hetao Weicai tribe, Rouzhou Qibi tribe, Sanquan Zangcai tribe, etc. actually have a very large population. It is not difficult to recruit 50,000 cavalry per family on average. They are already a force that cannot be ignored.

Yes, in the process of Shao Shude's conquest of the world, these tribes made great efforts, and countless people died on the battlefield.

But time has changed and now they are too strong, and they have gradually become an eyesore.

In this matter, Shao Shude did not intend to be lenient.

Previously, rumors had spread among the Cangcai, Qibi, and Zhuanglang tribes that they wanted to divide the people, cattle, sheep, and pastures among several heirs. However, over the years, it was just a show. The allocated pastures were very small.

The humans, cattle and sheep only account for a small part of the tribe's overall strength, and it obviously feels perfunctory.

Now, the court is going to take serious action.

"Your Majesty." Yang Yao organized his sentences and said: "Some things should be done sooner rather than later. If you do it now, there will be less resistance. If you do it in the future, you may not be able to succeed."

Shao Shude looked at the other people.

"Your Majesty, taking advantage of the strong fighting power of the Forbidden Army, this matter should be handled as soon as possible, I second my opinion." Zhao Kuangning, deputy envoy to the Privy Council of Beiya, said.

"I second the proposal," said Xiao Qu, the minister of Zhongshu.

"I second the proposal."

"Then let's do it." Shao Shude made up his mind and said: "Let the leaders of each department come to Dengzhou to meet them. I will buy wine to meet them. The various departments of the Forbidden Army and cavalry should move where they should. How to set up defenses, the Privy Council will decide.



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