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Chapter 56 Adventure

"What's your name?" Shao Shude looked at the person closest to him and asked.

"Li Ergou." The man replied respectfully.

"Wei people?"


"Wei people are so courageous." Shao Shude sighed: "Why did you go to sea?"

Li Ergou didn't know how to answer. He held it for a while and then said: "I can't live anymore."

"Weibo states have moved so many people and have a lot of land. How can we not survive if we farm the land well?" Shao Shude asked.

Li Ergou seemed to have broken the pot, and Zhiqiu replied: "It's really not what I want to cultivate the land. I don't have much money all year round, and I am exhausted to death. I earn very little, just to feed my family."

If you can eat some meat and drink some wine during this time, you will be a good thing in the world. This kind of life is nothing more than nothing, it is better to go to the sea to make a living, even if it doesn't work, you will die if you die."

After hearing this, Shao Shude was noncommittal.

He knows that in today's world, there are many people who hold Li Ergou's thoughts. Not only do they have great disdain for farming, but they are definitely not willing to farm honestly. Without him, he would be too tired, have no money, and be bullied. Instead of that,

In that case, it's better to go out and make a fortune, make a fortune if you make money, eat bran and swallow vegetables if you don't make money, and have nothing to complain about when you die.

The Cai thieves in Henan are also like birds. The furthest ones would rather go to a barbaric place like central Guizhou to serve as soldiers than farm the land honestly in their hometown.

Plant the land, plant the land!

Shao Shude actually feels that he has been very successful. At least, he has influenced a considerable number of martial arts disciples, allowing them to work at home and farm, and to calm their hearts and no longer become a factor of social instability. However, under the inertia of one hundred and fifty years,

It's impossible for everyone to be so honest, just the few in front of me.

They don't have the ability to cause trouble on land, so they have no choice but to make trouble at sea, even if they were landlubbers before.

But then again, how many people who are sailors and pirates are not landlubbers? They are all monks halfway.

The Wei people just sold some armor to the pirates at the beginning, but later they discovered that these pirates were just like that, and it would be better to end it themselves, which would definitely make them more prosperous than them.

The situation is like this. There are too many "talents" in the country. Other kings are pursuing "wild talents", and the Great Xia Dynasty really wants to get rid of these talents who are not talents.

"I have read the nautical chart you presented." Shao Shude looked at the roll of nautical charts spread out on the table, and traced back and forth the outlines of the land and islands depicted on it with his fingers.

The eyes of Li Ergou and others showed hope.

This is a sea chart that they got through life and death, plus great luck. If it can be recognized by the saint, it will be easy to achieve great success.

"How many of these islands have you discovered?" Shao Shude asked.

"Twenty-six were found," Li Ergou said.

"Is that really that much?" Shao Shude asked.

Li Ergou hesitated, but finally said honestly: "There may be about thirty, but they are difficult to find. There is often heavy fog in that place, and it is easy to get lost. There are many small islands, and if you get lost, the risk of running aground is very high."

Shao Shude nodded.

What they are talking about is the Kuril Islands. Because of the intersection of cold and warm currents, there is the largest fishing ground in the world: the Kuril Islands Fishing Ground (Hokkaido Fishing Ground). It is also the intersection of cold and warm currents, and it is extremely easy to form heavy fog, which is a very serious problem for navigation. A big threat. They circled around the interior of the archipelago without getting lost or sinking on the rocks. They were very lucky.

Of course, they are just survivors. They are not the only ships heading north to explore, and others may not be so lucky.

"Are these islands valuable?" Shao Shude asked again.

"There are many turtle heads on the island. During the fishing season, they are so densely packed that they can almost fill the ditch. Bears and foxes will guard the river banks. When they encounter a turtle head that cannot swim, they will step forward and catch it." Li Ergou Said: "We managed to hunt two bears, and the skins have been offered."

"I won't take your bear skin for nothing." Shao Shude said: "There are also turtle heads in Liaodong, but they are not anything valuable. Besides turtle heads and bears, what else is there?"

"There are especially many fur seals, seals, and beavers."

"Are there any savages?"

"I've never seen one." Li Ergou said: "I sent people to different islands twice to get fresh water, but we didn't encounter any savages."

"Is it possible that I didn't look for it carefully?"

"Your Majesty." Li Ergou was a little anxious and said immediately: "The island is not big. We have searched the entire island and found no trace of the savages."

"I believe you." Shao Shude smiled gently and said: "However, I guess there are more islands in this sea area. Forget it if I didn't find them all this time, there will be opportunities in the future. But -"

At this point, he paused briefly.

Li Ergou's heart skipped a beat and he didn't know what he meant.

"You guys came back too early." Shao Shude sighed and continued: "I just saw the outline of the land in the north and went back home. I didn't even plan to get close to the land. I sent someone to go up and have a look. It's very unfortunate. You should, it’s a great opportunity wasted.”

The northern land drawn by Li Ergou and others in the chart is actually the Kamchatka Peninsula.

Unfortunately, they did not send anyone to the island. They only took a trip around the sea. After drawing the map, they made a few notes, mentioning the high mountains and dense forests in the area and the abundance of fur seals and walruses. Then they turned around and returned.

Shao Shude was even sure that Li Ergou and others probably thought that the Kamchatka Peninsula was the mainland, because they did not go around to the west side of the peninsula to take a look, so they naturally did not know the actual situation.

"Your Majesty, we can't do it unless we don't want to." Li Ergou yelled and said: "At that time, the north wind was howling and the huge waves were rolling into the sky. The ship was sailing hard and it would capsize if not careful. After some discussion, we decided to So I decided to ride the wind south and return to Muzhou."

"What a pity." Shao Shude sighed.

Li Ergou is also a little regretful. If he had been braver at the time, would the ending have been different?

No one dares to vouch for it. Maybe the ship capsizes and everyone is dead, or maybe they successfully survive that dangerous period and can continue to stay for a long time. But now that it’s over, what else can be said?

"The ocean current you mentioned is very interesting. Do you know where it flows?" Shao Shude stopped worrying about the chart and asked about another matter.

Li Ergou frowned and thought hard for a while, then said: "Your Majesty, it should be flowing in the northeast direction."

"Are you sure?" Shao Shude asked.

Li Ergou opened his mouth, not daring to confirm.

How can one be sure about ocean currents? What if it turns a corner in the middle? This is very possible.

Let me just say one thing: land can affect the direction of ocean currents. Who knows if there is any land in the north.

"What will happen if we follow the ocean current to the northeast?" Shao Shude asked.

Li Ergou opened his mouth even wider.

What will happen? Will the ship be destroyed and people will be killed?

"That's all, I won't embarrass you." Shao Shude laughed loudly and said: "The sea charts are still very valuable. At least, the islands, land, ocean currents and places where whales and sea beasts come out are all valuable."

Li Ergou felt at ease, as long as His Majesty recognized what they had fought so hard to get back.

"Of course there will be rewards." Shao Shude said: "But you have only completed half of it, which is a pity. If you can go further along the ocean current, why would I begrudge the position of county prince? Now this half-assed achievement, give me a

County men are all reluctant."

Li Ergou was a little disappointed, and the brothers standing behind him were also a little disappointed.

Indeed, they found a coincidence. They just set off from Sakhalin Island, sailed north and east for a certain distance, and then returned.

This credit is indeed not weighty enough or convincing enough.

"That's all." Shao Shude sighed and said, "I won't force you anymore. It seems that you are content with wealth..."

"Your Majesty." Li Ergou knelt down, kowtowed, and said loudly: "I would like to sail again and draw a more detailed chart."

Shao Shude was silent for a moment and said: "Your courage is commendable."

The key members of Li Ergou also knelt down and said in unison: "Your Majesty, we are willing to go."

"Brilliant!" Shao Shude praised and said, "I won't let you work in vain. Li Ergou can be awarded the position of county male. Taichang Temple will decide the location of the food seal as soon as possible."

"I thank your Majesty for your kindness." Li Ergou was overjoyed and kowtowed repeatedly.

"Don't rush to be happy yet." Shao Shude waved his hand and said: "This prince is not that easy to get. Amidst the strong winds and waves, and dangerous storms, you have to make another trip to draw a more detailed chart for me. If

The credit is great enough, not to mention the county man, but also the county uncle. Li Qing, do you hear me clearly?"

"I know." Li Ergou responded in a deep voice.

Shao Shude continued to look at the sea chart.

From his point of view, this chart is a bit crude and has many errors and omissions. But after all, it is a great initiative. It is very valuable to get this information after a difficult voyage.

He will not take the initiative to draw a map of the world, because there is no way to prove it, let alone explain it. The mysteries of this world must be solved step by step by people of this time and space.

Li Ergou is a greedy warrior and "adventurer", but Shao Shude uses his greed.

If you have no desires and no demands, things will be difficult to handle. This is true.

"I will give you another batch of property." Shao Shude added: "After collecting it, go to Chishanpu to see if there are any suitable ships and order one. Your original ship is too small and too old.

It’s really not suitable for long voyages. With a new ship, it will be even more powerful.”

"I obey the decree." Li Ergou responded.

He knew that the original ship was indeed a bit old and the quality was not very good. When encountering bad weather, he would operate the sails with trepidation every time, for fear that he would not accurately grasp the direction of the waves, causing the ship to tilt or the keel to break.

If you can go to a shipyard to build a new ship, the safety will indeed be much better.

Shao Shude nodded. The lieutenant general Wang Yanfan brought a gift list and handed it to Li Ergou. Then, thanking him profusely, they walked out of the business together.

"There are so many strange people." Shao Shude said with emotion.

If Li Ergou can discover anything during his second voyage next year, it may bring huge benefits to the world - from a long-term perspective.

If not, then there is nothing we can do and he will not interfere.

Some things require a little luck and the courage to continue.

Just because nothing happened to Li Ergou this time does not mean that he will still be intact next time. From a probability perspective, he is very likely to die in the sea. This world needs Zhang Ergou and Wang Ergou to stand on his shoulders.

Generations of people work together to accomplish a great cause.

The spirit of adventure, the desire for wealth and status, and the hunger for honor are the core motivations that drive them to "seek death" again and again. I hope people with an adventurous spirit will not die.

This chapter has been completed!
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