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Chapter 90 Residence in Luoyang

 Guo Chongtao returned to his residence in Tonglifang.

He bought this house, which is not big.

Tongli Square is not a big square, at most it is only one-third the size of Mingjiao Square, Yiren Square, etc. It is also close to Xintan Pier, with frequent business trips and very noisy.

Some people like this kind of place because it is lively and prosperous, such as the former Tang Yinggong Li Ji.

Some people don't like it because it's too lively and not quiet enough. Moreover, most of the people living here are nouveau riche businessmen full of copper odor, which feels like it lowers the style.

The nouveau riche also bought their houses. More than 20 years after the founding of the Xia Dynasty, some people had begun to sell houses in the core areas of Luoyang.

At that time, Luoyang was in ruins, and the imperial court issued the "Edict to Build Houses" and approved a large number of people's applications to build houses. In fact, the ruins were too unsightly, the current situation was turbulent, and the imperial court had no money due to continuous wars.

Mobilize non-governmental forces and let capable people contribute their own money and food, clean up ruins, and build houses.

Most of the houses for sale on the market come from this way. Some people's fathers and ancestors were officials, and they were the first officials to come to Luoyang, but their children and grandchildren failed to become officials, or failed to become officials in the capital, and they were short of money.

Cruelly, I no longer planned to return to Luoyang, so I sold my house and cashed out a fortune - obviously, these houses, which had only cost money to clean up the ruins and build houses, had increased in value dozens of times.

Guo Chongtao bought a house like this. He liked the excitement very much. He often climbed up to the second-floor attic and watched the cannon boats coming and going on Xintan, watched various goods being unloaded, and then watched many goods being distributed wholesale.

Spreading it around, this is how the pulse of the empire beats. He likes it very much.

Feng Dao also bought a house in Luoyang, which was smaller than his. It was located in Ludao, Luxin, Chongrang, and Lirenfang in the southeast of Luoyang. It was a legacy of Zhang Quanyi's administration, and it was the first place to be cleared in Luoyang.

, the landlords have changed almost every time in the past twenty years, and almost all the first batch of Luoyang residents sold their houses and left.

The small courtyard that Guo Chongtao initially set his sights on was located in Luxinfang. It was a dilapidated house without any aesthetics, and its structure and materials were all problematic. It actually sold for more than 1,000 yuan, so why not grab it?

Feng Dao bought this kind of house, and he only wanted copper coins, silver coins, and silk, let alone food.

Living in Luoyang is not easy either.

However, if you become a third-rank or higher official in the capital, or a fourth- or fifth-rank official in a key department with real power, the imperial court will lend you a free house to live in during your tenure. It is spacious, elegant, elegant, and the location is good, and it is definitely worthy of it.


Guo Chongtao is about to take office as governor of Zhili Province, but he is not a capital official, because Daoism is in Ruzhou, south of Luoyang.

He has no chance to return to the capital for the time being. He can only wait until the day when the prince... the prince... comes.

Guilty! Guo Chongtao was slightly unnatural.

"Bang bang!" The sound of smashing the wall came from across the street.

Guo Chongtao looked around, and then cursed secretly: It's the end of the twelfth lunar month, and the craftsmen are not allowed to go home to celebrate the New Year. What are you doing?

That is the home of Kang Fu, the sixth commander of the right wing of Tielin Army who recently moved to Luoyang.

This man was born in Hedong, and was originally a member of the army of Yingkou County. Because he attacked the Bohai Sea, he made many military exploits in the Western Regions, and was soon promoted to an officer of the Forbidden Army. He was forty-one years old.

Guo Chongtao still has some opinions on Kangfu.

As a member of a general family in Yuzhou and a native of Shatuo, Kangfu had always been valued by the King of Jin. As a result, he quickly surrendered after being captured and kept a vague distance from the old people in Hedong. This kind of behavior was disgusting.

However, Kangfu's career in the army was really stable. As a soldier, he participated in several battles and seized the opportunity, which made many people envious.

Guo Chongtao vaguely remembered that when the prince led the troops to attack the Bohai Sea, Kang Fu was in the tent, and he seemed to have done some meritorious service. Wouldn't he have defected to him at that time? Last year, the prince reorganized Tielin and Wuwei's second army, and Kang Fu somehow left An.

Yingkou County of the East Prefecture was transferred here and transformed from a government soldier to an officer of the Forbidden Army. If there is no problem, no one would believe it!

He was promoted again and built a new house. Kang Fu was in good luck.

The quality of the old house opposite was so poor that Kangfu seemed to despise it, so he applied to Luoyang County to build a new house directly on the spot - with such a high profile, sooner or later someone would mess with it!

Guo Chongtao stood in the attic and looked at it for a long time. He found that Kangfu's new house was quite interesting. It seemed to have a fire pit. This should be a habit he brought back from Liaodong.

All the original wooden walls were demolished and replaced with brick walls. The foundation had already been laid and the walls were built more than two feet high.

In the past few years, the business of brick and tile kilns around Luoyang has been booming, and the scale has expanded. The largest one is said to produce 200,000 bricks per month, which is enough to build the yard of the Kangfu family - if it is a small private house

, tens of thousands of bricks are enough.

In addition to brick kilns, there are also lime kilns and wood drying kilns.

Despite the endless variety of profitable businesses in Daxia, business has never been bad for bricks, tiles, lime, and lumber.

Among the first group of dignitaries to come to Luoyang, if Xiao Yun and Xiao Yun brothers had family members, they had family members who ran brick and tile kilns, and the business was extremely prosperous - I heard that the Xiao family was doing this business when they were in Lingzhou.

It is a well-known fact that saints like brick houses. The emergence of brick-wheel kilns greatly increased the output of bricks, and the prices dropped sharply, and the entire market suddenly became bigger.

Nowadays, those who have some money want to convert their wooden houses into brick houses, or at least a mixed structure of brick and wood. Those who are more sophisticated can just spend a lot of money to buy a strip of stone and mix it with bricks to build a house.

The bricks and tiles produced in each brick kiln are sold out almost as soon as the bricks are put into the kiln. There is never a reason why they cannot be sold. It is just sitting on the ground counting money. It is more profitable than selling illegal salt or mining for gold -

-To be honest, digging for gold is really not very profitable, unless it is a gold mine that has not been discovered by the court and is mined privately.

However, there has been a new trend recently. With the popularity of Persian mathematics and architecture, many noble families hired a large number of architects to renovate their villas outside the city and built many high-rise buildings with masonry structures.

The mathematicians were designing and calculating on site. After the entire project was completed, the cost was not as high as expected. Moreover, each of them assured that such a stone building would last for hundreds of years and serve as the foundation for family inheritance.

Guo Chongtao was speechless.

Daxia doesn’t know how many years it can be passed down. How can this noble stone house last for so long? But then again, the houses of the past dynasties cannot be preserved, mainly due to wars, and the biggest damage to buildings in wars is

It was arson - Huang Chao had set fire to the palace back then. In the end, it was only through the donation of wood by the gold merchant Jiedu envoy Li Xiang that the three palaces of Chang'an were rebuilt.

If it is a stone house, maybe it is not so afraid of fire.

Guo Chongtao shook his head, the world has changed a bit.

It did not change many things drastically at once, but changed slowly over decades, allowing people to slowly adapt. When I looked back decades later, I suddenly woke up and realized that the entire society had been turned upside down.

Will people die and the government cease?

Some do.

Some never will.

Today, he has done a lot of things, and he is perhaps the person who has changed the face of traditional society the most in history.

Guo Chongtao silently recalled the scene of entering the palace yesterday.

The sage was obviously testing their understanding and acceptance of the new dynasty. He asked himself questions and answered them quite well.

In fact, this is also his true inner view.

He hated some parts of the New Deal and supported other parts. Feng Dao should be similar, but the parts they supported and opposed were probably different. Guo Chongtao can be sure of this.

Feng Dao should be a relatively traditional Confucian literati. He must be very opposed to the reform of the imperial examination. In other words, the reform he hopes to see is not like this. If Feng Dao were to preside over it, he would probably cut down on rote subjects such as Ming Jing.

Cut down on miscellaneous subjects such as Three Histories, Mingshu, Mingshu, and Mingfa, and increase the number of admissions to Jinshi subjects.

But he is cunning and pragmatic.

He supported the new dynasty in public and made many useful suggestions along the lines of the sage, so many people considered him a "New Dealer".

Thinking of this, Guo Chongtao wanted to laugh.

Feng Dao is an extremely traditional Confucian scholar, but he is very good at violating his own will and giving in to his superiors, and he can also do a very good job.

In this matter, Guo Chongtao still admires him very much. He can deceive himself, easily "get into the drama", and he can also act very well, as if he is real.

For such a person, even if he knew his true inner thoughts, a saint would probably make great use of him.

Damn, there are too many demons and monsters in this world!

In the next few days, Guo Chongtao has been active in Beijing, mainly visiting generals and officials from Hedong.

He sadly discovered that there didn't seem to be much.

When the King of Jin was still alive, the highest ranking among the generals of the Jin Dynasty was Li Cunxiao, the governor of Yaozhou and the Duke of Jinxiang County. However, he had been dead for many years and his influence had long since dissipated.

After Li Cunxiao's death, the remaining ones were not very successful. The position may not be low, but it is not high either. The appearance of being in the middle is depressing.

After Guo Chongtao paid a visit, he gave up.

The New Year came soon, and when the first ray of sunshine rose from the east in the 10th year of Tongguang (925), he was silent as he looked at the cathead, cod and saury prepared by his family with great excitement.

Fish is delicious and can even be used as salt, saving a lot of money.

Guo Chongtao still remembers that when the old servant who went to buy fish came back, he was very happy and said that he had quick eyes and quick hands and grabbed more than a dozen fish from Xintan and Nanshi.

Recalling the dried sea fish hanging under the eaves of every house in Beijing, Guo Chongtao discovered that some festival habits seemed to be constantly strengthening. They were getting stronger with each passing year.

Prince, he should support the New Deal, right?

Guo Chongtao learned from different channels that the prince should support the New Deal. He had made many remarks in public and even excluded officials who did not support the New Deal from the East Palace.

Then, he had no hesitation and took advantage of his free time during the New Year to read through the books written by the saints.

This chapter has been completed!
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