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Chapter 10 Play

 On the road leading to Xicheng, a large group of herdsmen were heading south.

Wang Yu had a straight face, as if everyone owed him a few ounces of money. All the generals knew that Wang Jun was not happy, because the commander-in-chief gave Xinquan Army Envoy Yang Yue a new appointment: to command all the armies on the Southeast Road.


According to the detailed explanation, Yang Yue can command all the troops including the Xinquan Army, the Dingyuan Army, the Huizhou Prefecture Army, the Tuoba Tribe, the Huizhou Fan Tribe, and the Yinshan Fan Tribe, and even the local Fuzi and Tutuan Xiangfu in Huizhou.

All are under his jurisdiction.

The Dingyuan Army has 7,500 troops, and the Xinquan Army only has 4,000 troops. What kind of path did Yang Yue take to be awarded such an important task?

However, after the military order was issued, Wang Yu had nothing to say, it was just that he was unhappy. Under the order of Commander Yang Du, the main force of the Dingyuan Army began to move south. The Tuoba tribe and the Yinshan Fan tribe followed behind as temporary auxiliary troops, escorting a large number of

Bring food, grass, equipment, and go to the West Envoy City to build the city.

That place has been captured, and 700 Tibetan bandits were killed. He suffered only more than 100 casualties, which was a great victory. But Wang Yu didn't see it that way. First, he took advantage of the sneak attack, and secondly, his own cavalry died!

Wang Yu was heartbroken to have his cavalry attack in the dark and then dismount to fight on foot.

Lack of mounted infantry!

The army is walking on the valley floor in the mountains, on the gentle slopes of the hills on both sides. On the left are the herdsmen of the Zhuanglang clan of Yuequan and the Hun clan of Kedun City. On the right are the Qibi clan of Baidaochuan, the herdsmen of the Geshu clan of Shannan, and the King of Cangcai.

The cavalry of the Tuo family led the way at the front. More than 10,000 people from the Tuoba tribe followed behind, with large and small carts loaded with grain, grass and city building materials.

Going south from Huizhou, the terrain becomes more and more complex. In addition to large open valleys, there are rolling hills everywhere. There are thousands of ravines among the hills, and forests, mountain springs, streams, and pastures are dotted here and there. In theory, it is

It can hide a lot of people.

This is the case on the other side of Hengshan Mountain. Besides farming, the Dangxiang people also graze cattle and sheep on the gentle slopes and hills. There are rivers, streams, pastures and lush forests in the mountains. For the nomadic people, survival is not a problem.

Wang Yu did not dare to neglect, and asked the four groups of herdsmen to drive their cattle and sheep to graze in the mountains on both sides. There was no need to keep up with the speed of the army, just walk slowly. You could also camp and stay according to their own rules at night, and continue walking during the day.

While walking, I searched for any Tubo people hiding in the mountains, threatening the army in the valley and plain below the mountains.

"Hengshan Dangxiang should be the one to come to this wretched place!" Wang Yu swung his horsewhip angrily and said angrily: "Will Hengshan Dangxiang only offer women to the commander?"

When the generals heard this, they all turned their heads away, pretending not to hear.

However, what the military envoy said was right. This terrain is comparable to that of Yanzhou, probably because it rains more, the trees are denser, and the pastures are more fertile.

At this time, a large number of mountain people from Hengshan Dangxiang are needed. They walk quickly in the mountains, and some of their moves are breathtaking. They are naturally adapted to the environment here. Moreover, the horses they graze in the mountains are also very adaptable to climbing, and they are as good as the flat plains.

Horses bred in different places are completely different things.

At this moment, if there are 20,000 mountain infantry, they will basically have peace of mind. The main force of the brigade can safely advance along the river valley and plain without worrying about the retreat, and it can even threaten the Tibetans' retreat.

Cai Songyang, the Marquis of Dingyuan Army, automatically filtered out the complaints in front of Wang Yu.

Fortunately, the deputy envoy Li Yixian was supervising the Tuoba tribe's baggage team from behind and didn't hear what he said just now. He and Shao Desheng had a very close relationship with the commander. It was said that they had been sneaking together when they were young, and they became partners after joining the army.

Without his personal entourage, he almost wore a pair of trousers. If the accused and the Mu Zang clan and the Yeli clan knew about it, the Wang Jun envoy would be hated.

"Military envoy, the scouts just came to report that General Wei repelled another Tubo attack and beheaded more than 300 people. They captured a few prisoners and asked if they were from the Langqu tribe. They must have felt the pressure.

." Cai Songyang rode his horse over and reported.

Du Yuhou is in charge of military law, military orders, cavalry, scouts, etc., and will also recommend marching routes to the generals of an army. It is equivalent to the liaison staff, intelligence staff, and marching staff when the staff system prevailed in later generations. It is the complex of an army.

The third person.

"We have been exerting our strength on the Zuli River in the east, which made the Lu Ma tribe very anxious. This time, we suddenly turned to attack the Guan Chuan River without any warning. The Lan Qu tribe was also caught off guard." Wang Yu smiled after hearing this and said, "Don't worry about it.

They, let's move on. How far is it from Xicheng?"

"There are still more than fifty miles."

"Let the Yinshan tribes on both sides keep a close eye on the situation and make sure nothing goes wrong."

"As you command!"

The army continued to move forward and successfully arrived at Xicheng City two days later. Fortunately, there were no problems along the way.

There seemed to be a war breaking out in the mountains on both sides, but how many soldiers did the Zhangqu tribe have? Wang Yu didn't think that the Yinshan tribe could not cope with the stragglers of the Zhangqu tribe, not to mention that the marshal also supported them with many sophisticated knives and spears.

, leather armor, arrows.

"Build the city!" Wang Yu waved his hand, and the more than 10,000 men, women, and children of the Tuoba tribe had no time to unload their supplies and were immediately driven to repair the badly damaged Xishi City.

Of course, the auxiliary soldiers could not be idle. They sent people to cut firewood and cut grass in the surrounding areas, while they unloaded food and military supplies from the carts and put them away in categories.

In the spring in Weizhou, there is a lot of rain, so you need to do a good job in preventing moisture.


The big insect was panting and running through the mountains. He carried a total of twenty arrows in his quiver. Since yesterday, all of them have been empty. Now the only thing he can rely on is a knife in his hand.

There was another shout from behind the woods.

Soon, more than ten riders came out. They were wearing fur hats and furs, and they spoke a language that he couldn't understand. They were good at riding, and they were also good at archery, which gave him an extra headache to deal with.

As a scout, Da Chong has always been very proud of his abilities, and the tribe elders also value him very much. He lives in a spacious tent, has wine to drink, and meat to eat, and the women in the tribe often flatter him. This is a warrior.


But he met his match.

What the opponent said sounded like Dangxiang dialect, but I always felt that it was not entirely true. Could it be that he was a descendant of Dangxiang who fled to the grasslands of Tangjing more than a hundred years ago to graze herds?

Da Chong felt that his guess was very reliable, and at the same time a little sad. They were all descendants of King Mi Yao, so why did he help Shao Shude and kill each other with his fellow tribesmen?

Fierce shouts of killing suddenly erupted in the distance, attracting the attention of more than ten riders who were chasing after them. After hesitating for a while, they decisively headed west.

The big insect took a breath for a while, then used its hands and feet to crawl over a rocky place, bypassed a clump of woods, took a shortcut and hid behind a boulder, and secretly looked down.

Below is a gentle slope. On the half-green and half-yellow grassland, hundreds of people are fighting fiercely, risking their lives.

The big insect could see clearly that on the side with fewer people, there were about 200 people, wearing braided hair and brown cloth, and they were from his own tribe. On the side with more people, there should be 350 or 60 people, with their hair and fur clothes, they should be from the grassland in the north.

Coming up.

The two parties met unexpectedly in this area with mountain streams and pastures. As soon as they met, they started working without saying a word.

Dangxiang people kill Dangxiang people! The heart of the big worm is bleeding. So Shao Shude is playing with the noblest woman in your tribe and asking you to do your best to sacrifice cattle and sheep, but in the end you still fight for him? What is the truth of this?

There were many warriors on the grassland, many horses, and they seemed to have good weapons. They charged very fiercely and scattered the herdsmen of the Zangqu tribe in one stroke. They automatically divided into several groups and surrounded the Tubo-turned Dangxiang tribe and massacred them.

Arrows, sabers, spears, whatever you want.

Shao Shude was willing to spend money! He actually gave him so many high-quality swords and spears, and some people even had leather armor and iron armor! The big insect wanted to help, but he had no arrows at hand, so he could only call for help.

The strategy proposed by the tribal elders to use the complex terrain in the mountains to detour behind the troubled troops, attack their food routes, and force them to retreat seemed to be difficult to achieve.

There are so many grassland herdsmen scattered in the mountains, with springs, pastures, cattle and sheep, that they can live there for almost a hundred years. These are natural guards. How can they get back behind the Dingnan Army?

This is not how the Tang people fought! The big insect was so angry that he punched the boulder.

The war below soon came to an end.

The Kunfa Dangxiang men caught up with the braided Dangxiang men one by one, chopped them to the ground, and carefully collected their heads so that they could be exchanged for money in the future.

The clothes and armor of the braided party members were also stripped off, and the food, water, and equipment they carried with them naturally became trophies. Everyone was so poor that even if they snatched a snakeskin bag from the enemy, they would all smile.

After cleaning up the battlefield, the bodies of the Langqu herdsmen were thrown one by one into the woods at the foot of the slope, where they were left to rot and be eaten by tigers and leopards in the mountains.

The big insect left the boulder with empty steps, figured out the direction, and headed toward the southwest.

When we walked to a mountain stream, we saw a large group of grassland herders driving cattle and sheep. Their horses were spread out widely, their tents had been set up, the horses were drinking water by the stream, and the cattle and sheep were looking for food on the grass.


Some herdsmen were cooking in pots, some were milking cows, and some were trying on armor, talking and laughing.

Is this the fucking way the Tang people play?

This chapter has been completed!
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