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Chapter 17 Mountain People

   Even when the Dingnan Army was attacking Weiyuan in the west, the world was still turbulent.

Zhou Bao, the governor of Zhenhai, did not trust the yamen army, so he recruited thousands of his own troops and called them "back building soldiers". Their treatment was double that of the yamen army. Then he drank and had fun in the back building every day, "indulging in sensuality". So the yamen government

The army rebelled, and Zhou Bao fled in a hurry and called for support from the soldiers in the rear building, but the soldiers in the rear building also rebelled. There was a mountain of wealth in the city, and most of the soldiers were taken advantage of.

When Marshal Gao Pian heard that Zhou Bao had run away, he ordered his generals to arrive at his tent and line up to celebrate. However, many people in Yangzhou starved to death every day and the market was in depression. I don’t know how happy Marshal Gao was.

Gao Renhou, the governor of Dongchuan, fought several battles with Chen Jingxuan, and won more than he lost. However, Gao Renhou was once a subordinate of Chen Jingxuan and could not bear to push each other too far. He owned the land of Zi, Mian, Pu, Ling, and Rong five states, and originally had more

There were many, but the imperial court established the Dragon Sword, and Suizhou and other prefectures carved out many prefectures and counties, and Gao Renhou actually accepted it.

 Chen Jingxuan currently controls twenty states, and his strength is almost three times that of Gao Renhou, but he actually has more defeats than victory, which is outrageous.

There are also three forces in central Sichuan, Zhao Jian from the Five Prefectures of Longjian, Yang Shouhou from Suizhou Town, and Yang Shouliang from Qiongnan Town. The governors under the three of them also support their own forces.

 At present, Zhao Jian is conquering the disobedient Langzhou governor Yang Maoshi. This is Chen Jingxuan's confidant. Since Langzhou is rich, he will definitely want to seize it quickly.

Yang Shouliang was attacking Shuzhou under his own rule, because the governor of Shuzhou was also a member of Chen Jingxuan and refused to accept Yang Shouliang's rule.

Yang Shouhou was relaxed, but Gao Renhou didn't dare to hit Chen Jingxuan.

 Chen has been dismissed from the post of Xichuan Jiedushi, and his title of county king has also been taken away. Several Shuzhou governors used this as an excuse to support their own troops. The forty states in central Sichuan were in complete chaos.

Zongquan of Qin sent people to attack Bianzhou, but he didn't know that Zhu Zhen, who had recruited more than 10,000 troops from Ziqing, was suddenly attacked and killed more than 10,000 people. Zhu Wen tasted the sweetness and sent people to Heyang, Shaanxi and Guo to recruit troops.

"Zhu Quanzhong goes to other towns every day to recruit troops and steal other people's soldiers and horses. This abacus is really good." General Shao Shude slapped the report on the case and said with a smile.

  Chen Cheng lowered his head and said nothing. Commander, didn't you also send people to Heyang, Shaanxi and Guo, Henan Prefecture of the Eastern Capital, and even Xing, Ming and Cizhou in Hebei to recruit troops?

In fact, this was what Chen Cheng suggested. During the Western Expedition to Lanzhou, there were casualties and casualties among the sergeants, so of course they had to make up for it. In the past, they had to make up for it locally, but think about it, it’s not worth it. If a strong man joins the army, not only will he not be productive, but he will also waste money.

I have a lot of money and food to support them, but I am at a bit of a loss, so I might as well go to another town to recruit.

 Zhu Quanzhong's banner was to eliminate the Qin Zongquan, and Marshal Shao's banner was to recover the lost land in Helong. The imperial court was too lazy to care about it and approved all of them.

To be honest, Qin Zongquan is a real threat. Zhu Wen is fighting with others, and it is understandable that the Jiedushi of each town allows him to recruit troops.

But Marshal Shao had no immediate interest in regaining the lost land in Helong, so they had to spend money to clear the way. Marshal had no money, so he only had to send horses and other supplies that were needed in the war-torn land.

Meng Fangli took it, Wang Chongying took it, Li Hanzhi of Heyang, and Zhang Yan of Henan Prefecture even took it. Especially the last two, they were open to recruiting troops and didn't care about anything. Anyway, these places often changed hands, and they fled here and there.

They fled, but they didn't occupy it for a few days. Maybe Qin Zongquan's people would fight back, and they would have to run away again. They had no long-term plan at all, and it wouldn't hurt to take the soldiers' families with them.

 Henan is full of soldiers, and there is a real shortage of horses. Thousands of people may die or be injured in a big battle.

 Qin Zongquan left such a deep impression on everyone that there are currently too many unowned prefectures and counties in Henan. If Zhu Quanzhong can survive this hurdle, he will be able to occupy a large number of prefectures and counties without even fighting.

Shao Shude set the number of soldiers to recruit at 10,000. This was a number he decided upon after calculating his family's financial resources. Family members could also be brought, and were even encouraged to bring family members.

In addition, he also sent people to recruit farmers and open up the harvest. With the war in Henan, many people should be willing to come. Especially in recent years, many people have moved their families to live on the territory of the Dingnan Army.

Sending a person from Henan and someone from Hebei to show up and explain the situation will have better results.

 When Zhu Quanzhong unifies Henan and restores local order, it will not be that simple to trick people. Taking advantage of the collapse of the situation now, if you don't take advantage of it, you will be in vain as Marshal Shao.

“Commander, Datong Ma Xing Bao has recruited more than 2,800 households from Henan this year. Will it continue to be resettled in Lingzhou? These people should have arrived in Suizhou.” Chen Cheng asked.

"Let's continue to open Lingzhou, there are still few people. The newly acquired land in Weizhou may be repeated, and it is not suitable to move people to farm." Shao Shude said: "In addition to the income earned this year, all the households in the town will be resettled in Lingzhou to enrich their household registration."


“Lingzhou must have 50,000 households to be considered complete.”

 “What about this Weizhou thing?”

 “Send someone to warn you and wait until Yang Yue finishes the fight.”


 In the high mountains east of Lanzhou, two groups of people were fighting fiercely.

There were about four hundred people on one side, half of whom were armored and well-equipped with weapons. One group even held long-handled swords and advanced like a wall. They were unstoppable.

The other side had about five hundred people with few armors and mediocre weapons. They were beaten back and forth, and the dozen or so people behind them were even planning to flee.

The brave ones naturally volunteered to join the army, and the armored ones among them were the heavy-armored infantry of Hengshan City. All four hundred people were from Hengshan Dangxiang. Their ancestors had lived in the mountains with thousands of ravines, and they had long adapted to the local environment, that is, " "Berlin with many hills and mountains". Now in the rolling hills east of Lanzhou, we are basically fighting at home, which has a huge advantage.

Later Song Dynasty people once described these Hengshan Dangxiang mountain people in detail: "There are mountain tribes in the West who are called 'Bubazi'. They go up and down the slopes, in and out of streams. They are the best at reaching high and far distances, and they are good at walking with light feet... They are also called infantry." Among them, the most powerful soldiers must be selected first, and they will all use the sword-cutting sword. Don't use one general to rule them, just like Li Siye in the Tang Dynasty used the Mo-dao technique."

"Han Shizhong's Epitaph" commented: "It is a custom in the north that a strong man is good at riding a strong horse, wears several heavy iron clothes, can fly up and down the hillside, and cannot be hurt by an arrow."

Wearing several layers of iron clothes and flying up and down the hillside, this is indeed a pretty good physical strength. He is also tall, almost two meters tall, and he endures hardships and endures hunger at the same time. He is very cost-effective.

Marshal Shao was able to recruit them into his army because of his wife's favor. Of course, this was a joke. The Dangxiang tribes were quite afraid of the name "Shao Bapi" of Lingwu County King. However, he made clear rewards and punishments, treated everyone equally, and did not discriminate against Hengshan Dangxiang. , naturally there are warriors from various departments who are willing to serve.

On the other hand, the Tubo people don't actually go up the mountains. They tend to graze at the foot of the mountains. The herdsmen and the mountain people who farm and hunt in the mountains are essentially the same thing. They go to the mountains to station troops, just to defend themselves against dangers and to avoid difficulties. The army just retreated when they saw the difficulty.

But they seemed to have miscalculated. Unexpectedly, the two of them, Fu Zang and Jie Ming, brought thousands of mountain people with them, most of them were sergeants who had been registered in the Yamen Army. With the equipment and discipline, they were able to make up for the last problem. The weak link now kills the bow-legged herdsmen and has the upper hand.

 In mountainous areas, there are naturally methods of fighting in mountainous areas. If you are not used to it, you will naturally have to be educated. The group of Tibetan soldiers in front of us has one hundred more people, but it is about to be supported.

"Kill!" Hengshandu's Mo Dao Shou marched into the wall and struck down hard. The Tibetan soldiers on the opposite side immediately fell to the ground. Some of them died particularly miserably, half of them being chopped off by the innate supernatural power of Mo Dao Shou. The blood on his shoulder was gushing like a fountain, it was too horrible to look at.

Coincidentally, in another mountain, a group of rebel sergeants climbed up a steep slope at night. The Tubo people had a stockade set up on it, with more than 300 soldiers stationed there, overlooking a mountain valley. Whenever a large army passed by, they would You can lower rolling rocks and trees from the mountain and shoot arrows from a high position at the same time, which is a great threat.

There were only a few dozen people who climbed up the mountain and quietly approached the Tubo fortress at night. The Tubo people's attention was mainly on the front, and they had little preparation for the steep slope behind. It was night again, and after being climbed up by this group of people,

, you can imagine how panicked.

 “Hulala...” Someone set off a fire, and the fire burned very quickly due to the wind.

This was a deliberate attempt to create panic and confusion, and at the same time, it was also a signal to attack, allowing the comrades waiting secretly at the foot of the other two sides of the mountain to take the opportunity to attack the mountain.

 “Kill! There is a thief! Cut him to death! Drive this group of people out quickly!”

Soldiers from both sides spoke different languages ​​and began to cut and kill with their swords.

The Tibetans were suddenly attacked, and their organization was thrown into chaos. The sergeant guarding the dangerous path in the mountains saw the chaos in the rear, thought they were being attacked, and hurried back to help.

Their departure also resulted in a shortage of troops to guard the dangerous path. General Fu Zangdu Bao, who was waiting at the foot of the mountain with his troops, saw this and led hundreds of people to attack fiercely. He quickly dispersed the enemy in front of them and quickly moved towards them.

Attack the stronghold.

The dozens of people who rushed to the front wore two layers of iron armor handed down by the commander himself. They were his powerful backers. After seeing that their side had successfully created chaos on the mountain, their morale was boosted and they stepped forward bravely.

If gods stand in the way, they will kill gods, and if people stand in the way of others, they will kill each other in an instant.

 Being Wei's person means "the brave one who follows oneself" in Dangxiang language.

"Song Hui Yao Collection: Fanyi" records that on July 3rd of the second year of Yuanfu, twenty party members returned to the Jingyuan Road Economic and Strategy Department.

As long as you have the strength, you can carry it on your back."

In Dangxiang language, the sounds of "snake" and "bei" are similar. The words "dragon" and "eagle" are both pronounced as "wei". Beiwei means snake dragon or snake eagle. They are usually accompanied by warriors around generals.


In the Northern Song Dynasty, there was the "Beiwei Army". Shen Kuo's "Mengxi Bi Tan" mentioned: "The flag team is like a pile of brocade, and the silver armor is carrying the Wei back." This is the "brave army" stationed in Shaanxi.

, using long-handled giant axes and hook-and-scythe spears to deal with the Xixia cavalry, which shows that they clearly understand the meaning of Beiwei in Dangxiang language.

Han Shizhong was the first person to establish the Beiwei Army in the Southern Song Dynasty. After the middle of the Northern Song Dynasty, the Beiwei Army was a very popular designation, but it was an informal name. After the Southern Song Dynasty, the generals of the Western Army used Beiwei as their official designation.

It was no longer limited to infantry, but also cavalry, and gradually spread to other armies.

Shao Shude once thought about whether to gather the Beiwei around the party generals to form a Beiwei army. Later, he thought that it would not be good to deprive other people of their warriors' personal followers, so he gave up.

After Beiwei personally accompanied by Fu Zang Du Bao rushed up, dozens of mountain people and athletes who had climbed up from the back mountain were being surrounded and killed by the Tubo people. Their arrival was just in time. They killed them from behind, and the Tubo people were immediately defeated.

They all ran away.

As more and more Hengshan soldiers rushed up the mountain, the Tubo people did not dare to hold on. Some ran away with their heads in their hands, some knelt down and begged for surrender, and some even rolled down the steep slope in a hurry. In the night, they did not know where to fall.

How many injuries did you get from the fall?

 After capturing the stronghold, Sergeant Hengshan chopped off the heads of the Tubo people one by one, hung them around their waists, piled up firewood, and burned the stronghold to the ground.

Within a few days, 5,000 Hengshan soldiers had captured seven villages and killed nearly 2,000 enemies. Their performance was brilliant and eye-catching.

Some people might just be ordinary sergeants on the plains. But in the mountains, they are elites, running across the mountain streams, running up and down, walking as fast as flying, as if they were walking on flat ground. They are natural mountain infantry, and the Tubo people drove away the herdsmen at the foot of the mountains.

It was indeed a wrong calculation to go to the mountain and defend based on the danger.

On the seventh day of May, after eight days of fighting, more than ten Tubo fortresses in the mountain valleys east of Lanzhou were captured by the rebel army one by one. More than 2,700 people were beheaded and more than 600 people were captured. At this point, more than 100 Tubo fortresses were captured on both sides of the post road.

There is no threat, and the main force of the 30,000-strong army can move smoothly.

This chapter has been completed!
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