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Chapter 30 Westbound

 Wu Rong walked carelessly in Ci'en Temple.

Today is the Bon Festival, and the temple is full of tourists coming to celebrate.

Scholars, businessmen, family members of officials, families of soldiers, etc., they all came out to play whenever they had free time.

Wu Rong drifted with the crowd, but he couldn't feel the excitement at all. He was just a passer-by in Chang'an after all.

Twenty years of long scientific examinations, but so far I have not been admitted as a Jinshi. But if I am not selected as a Jinshi, how can I fulfill my ambition? How can I continue to stay in Chang'an?

 It’s all a lie! Without the support of high-ranking dignitaries, it is as difficult as climbing to the sky to become a Jinshi!

Wu Rong sighed, and his mood became even worse.

“It is a rare thing for the king of Lingwu County to recover the Longyou prefectures.” Two scholars walked by and talked while walking.

“The general at the border is in a state of intoxication and has no intention of making progress. I didn’t expect that there are still people who are willing to defend the border for the country and even regain the lost territory.”

"The year before last, when the Dingnan Army entered Chang'an, I thought that Prince Lingwu, Zhu Mei, Li Changfu, and Wang Chongrong were the same people. However, looking at it now, there is something different."

“Of course it’s different. There was no large-scale plunder of Chang’an, and the military discipline was first-class. To be honest, in those days, my sister was always worried about being plundered by insurgent soldiers.”

“Haha, my sister is so pretty, if the rebels take a fancy to her, she will be carried away directly.”

 “How many states were recovered?”

 “I heard that it is the four prefectures and eleven counties of He, Wei, Lin, and Lan.”

“Are there any Tianbao survivors?”

 “There should be.”

The two scholars passed by quickly. Wu Rong was stunned and felt a little strange.

More than a month ago, he vaguely heard someone say that the Dingnan Army had recaptured Lan and Wei Prefectures, and now it had also recaptured Lin and He Prefectures. This military leader was a bit strange.

There were many people gathered in front, and bursts of cheers could be heard from time to time.

Wu Rong looked up and saw that it was Baixi.

Chang'an has almost settled down since the year it retreated from Huangchao. Even during the turmoil when the town was moved to Hezhong the year before last, the Dingnan Army, Fengxiang Army, and Xinning Army only fought outside the city, and the Hezhong Army and Hedong Army did not enter the city. Chang'an

After the false alarm, the people quickly returned to their peaceful lives.

There was no war or turmoil, and the recovery was so fast. But even such a humble request seemed as difficult as reaching the sky.

"Did you hear about it? The Dingnan Army sent people to the Imperial College to recruit doctors of Confucian classics. They are all officials of the eighth or ninth grade. If you don't get admitted to the Jinshi, there is no harm in applying for it. The monthly salary is 11,000 yuan. They are teaching assistants.

, six thousand yuan a month." While watching the show, two more passers-by started chatting.

“This is the salary from Xiazhou, and it’s discounted.”

“That’s good. When will this happen? Teach some students so that you can enjoy the lessons yourself and won’t delay the scientific examination.”

"Scientific examination? There is nowhere to write the test. How can I get a Jinshi? I really want to go to Hewei to see the hometown of Liangjiazi, I don't know what it looks like."

“The customs are mixed in Xirong.” One of them said: “Don’t you hear that ‘there are hundreds of thousands of households in seven miles of Liangzhou, and the barbarians can’t even play the pipa’?”

"Don't the princes of Lingwu County want to tame the Chinese style? The people are trapped in the Fan, and Li Jiazi does not hear the sound of the Chinese. Now it is time for you and me to work hard."

 “Cui Er, you actually want to go to Hewei?”

“There is a poem by Li Shangshu that says, ‘In order to drive out the captives in the north, and to restore the old territory in the west,’ the king of Lingwu County is planning a big event, and I want to help him out.”

 “You don’t want to take the imperial examination?”

"I have been taking the exam for more than ten years and I don't want to take it again. Although my surname is Cui, I can't do anything. It is better to go to Hewei and become a doctor of economics, even as a teaching assistant. If I can survive, I will take over my family.

In the past, it didn’t matter if I didn’t take the Jinshi exam, I couldn’t pass it.”

 You don’t want to take the exam after failing it for more than ten years? Wu Rong glanced at the speaker in surprise.

Somehow, he suddenly thought of Gu Feixiong. He had failed to pass the Jinshi examination for thirty years. In the fifth year of Huichang, Emperor Wuzong of the Tang Dynasty, who had heard the name of his poem for a long time, could no longer stand it. When he saw that he was not on the list of Jinshi candidates, he could not stand it anymore.

Gu Feixiong's name was added directly, and he passed the Jinshi examination.

Someone who appreciates Gu Feixiong's poetic talent wrote a poem with emotion: "When I was a child, I already understood your poems. When I reach high school, I need to meet the Holy Master to know it."

This examination room is really dark!

For some reason, Wu Rong felt that a certain string in his heart was suddenly broken, and he suddenly felt a sense of relief.

 He left Ci'en Temple with a big smile, regardless of the surprised looks of others.

There was a huge crowd outside Ci'en Temple, and every shop was packed with people.

“Seller, Weizhou Xinfu, how come the price of Astragalus and Musk is still so high?” someone asked outside the medicinal material shop.

“You also know that in Weizhou’s Xinfu, how can businesses come there so quickly?”

“Will the price drop in the future?”

 “It should be possible.”

 Wild horse skin, brown cloth, carved feathers, yak tail, gum glue, deer antler, licorice...

Wu Rong looked at the various commodities. These were tributes from Hewei in the past. The merchants lamented over and over again and had a lot of high-priced goods on hand. If similar products from Hewei came in, they might lose money.

Just like when the city of Yanzhou was built and the situation in Guanbei stabilized, a large number of horses entered Guanzhong through Yifang, causing the horse price in Chang'an to drop sharply. The recovery of lost land is not just a spiritual boost. If managed well, it can also

produce practical significance.

"Perhaps we can really go and have a look at the Hewei states." Wu Rong stood on the street and murmured to himself: "The Shuoye Great Wall is closed, but the old road at the source of the river is open. It would be great if it is connected. In this world, maybe we need some

Something different.”

Wu Rong was wandering outside, while Xiao Yu returned home slowly.

The news that Prince Lingwu had regained the Hewei provinces spread quickly in the capital. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that there were people among them who were adding fuel to the flames. The march of the Dingnan Army to the Memorial Courtyard should have played a big role.

The purpose, self-explanatory, is to increase the prestige of Lingwu County King. He conquered the Hewei provinces, and officials at all levels should be in great need to fill the prefecture and county positions. This is not a Kanto prefecture and county with all officials, but one recently acquired from Tubo.

With the lost land recovered, not to mention the literati and officials, there should not be many who can speak Mandarin.

Furthermore, I heard that there are many Tibetan people in the Dingnan states. If they want to turn Hu into Xia, they should also need scholars. The Xiao family may not have soldiers, but they have a lot of scholars and official resources at hand. Wouldn't they complement Lingwu County Prince?

My brother has made up his mind to increase investment in the disaster-defeating army. This is an excellent opportunity. Looking at the current situation, although Li Tang is not exhausted, Guo Zuo will probably not last too long. If the Xiao family

If you want to continue to maintain wealth, you must choose a new master to serve. Zhu Quanzhong already has Xiao Fu in the south, and the Dingnan Army is so close to Chang'an, so it needs to increase investment.

“The methods of Prince Lingwu are not quite like those of a martial artist...” Xiao Qun gently twirled his beard and thought to himself.

"Mr. Lang, what did Prince Lingwu do again?" Mrs. Wang came in and asked with a smile: "Today, I donated some gold bran in the temple. I heard that Lanzhou and Hezhou are rich in this product. If uncle can

It will be much more convenient to leave Zhenhewei. Our Lanling Xiao family can also receive the blessing of the Buddha."

“How can it be so easy to set up a town on the Hewei River?” Xiao Yu sighed and said no more.

It is the common practice of the country for the prime minister to go out of the town to serve as a military envoy. The king of Lingwu County first reported to the two prefectures of Delan and Wei, and recently he returned to the two prefectures of Linhe. There was talk in the court of setting up Hewei Town to lead the river.

The four prefectures of Wei, Lin, and Lan, and if there are Min and Tao prefectures, will also be included to govern Powhan County in Hezhou.

 But there is still a big problem here, that is, Zhu Mei of Fengxiang Prefecture is the envoy of Fengxiang Longyou, and at the same time, the area under his jurisdiction also includes Longyou Prefecture County. How to deal with this?

Of course, this is still a trivial matter. The biggest problem is how to get Shao Shude, the king of Lingwu County, to approve it.

Today, there is no one who can serve as the commander-in-chief of two towns. Zhu Quanzhong of Xuanwu also made Hu Zhen the military governor of Yicheng. Li Keyong of Hedong, his brother Kexiu was the military commander of Zhaoyi, so there is no one.

This is an example of one person holding two towns or even several towns. It’s not that these warriors didn’t want to, it’s that they didn’t dare, or they didn’t want to make it too ugly, so they had to erect an archway to cover it up.

Strictly speaking, Shao Shude has annexed several towns. But on the surface, the commander-in-chief of Shuofang Town is Li Shao, the commander-in-chief of the Zhenwu Army is Song Le, and the defense commander of the Tiande Army is Sun Ba, so they have not taken over several towns.

So, if Hewei Town is established, with Shao Shude's attitude of cherishing feathers, he probably won't be able to carry out two towns on one shoulder, and will definitely have to find a facade to cover it up.

Chang'an is now in such a state that it is really not suitable to stay any longer. His brother plans to go out to suppress Hewei, and he also supports it. Sending a group of official seedlings to Hewei is the first step for Xiao to show his goodwill, but this alone is not enough to win the trust of the people.

Prince of Lingwu County.

Li Hang, a confidant of King Lingwu, also came to Chang'an a few days ago. During the conversation, he revealed something. The Hewei prefectures were newly restored, and he hoped that the imperial court would issue an order to recruit people to strengthen the borders.

My brother understands clearly that this is a emptiness in the state and county, and there is an urgent need for people to cultivate land and reclaim wasteland. To be honest, this matter is not easy to handle, because the people in Guanzhong are still getting by. If it cannot be supervised by the imperial court, not many people may be willing to go.


 My brother agreed to help with this. This was Xiao's second favor to the Prince of Lingwu County.

 But it doesn’t seem to be enough.

He had once entertained the idea of ​​marrying the Prince of Lingwu County, but his daughter was smart, filial, smart, and had the best appearance among the daughters of the ministers. It would be too shameless to send her to the Prince of Lingwu County as a concubine.

.As for choosing one person among the clan, it is barely acceptable in terms of face, but it may not make them fall in love with each other.

The competition within the Xiao family is also fierce. Once he loses his position as the direct lineage, Xiao Yu can't imagine what will happen.

But no matter what, the position of Hewei Jiedushi must be fought for. The position of Chang'an Prime Minister is now a big fire pit. If you jump out as soon as possible, you may have a different world.

"I still have to go to Xiazhou in person! I have to let the Lingwu County Prince know that my brother will be the governor of Hewei Province.

The problem of lack of talents can also prevent other people who cannot clearly see the situation from going up and causing chaos." Xiao Yu patted his thigh and made up his mind.

Mrs. Wang was startled and glanced at Xiao Yu angrily.

Xiao Yun glared back at him and said: "Take care of your daughter and don't go outing with a bunch of noble girls all day long. In the future, when you get married and you don't know anything, how can you help the family?"

"Aren't you going to choose one of next year's Jinshi? What do you want to help?"

“Jinshi is useless.” Xiao Yu stood up impatiently and said, “I will leave for Xiazhou in a few days, and I will leave everything at home to you.”

This chapter has been completed!
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