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Chapter 34 Arrangements and People

 In fact, the Western Expedition army has already begun to reorganize its troops.

Before leaving, Shao reorganized the armies, mainly the newly recruited foreign troops, the Tiande Army and the Zhenwu Army.

The old method is to transfer men from the other armies and organize them into the Tiande and Zhenwu armies. The people exchanged from these two armies are broken up and incorporated into the other armies.

This time, even the Yi Cong Army participated in the reorganization. There were three thousand infantry in the left wing and loyal and brave cavalry in the right wing. Those with meritorious service were promoted to join the Tiande Army and serve in the Zhenwu Army. This was a tribute to the troops they had been fighting so hard for over the past few years.

It's certain.

Party members can also be officers in the Yamen Army as long as they perform meritorious service.

During the reorganization process, of course some people's interests have been harmed, and some have been promoted and made fortunes. But the reality is that, who makes you a foreign brand? However, after the reorganization is completed, you will still have the opportunity to make military exploits again and get promotions.

There is no way, Marshal Shao only trusts his old subordinates. Nowadays, most of the middle and upper levels of the army are from the "Tielin Clan", and the rest are either from the Marshal's wife family or old friends.

Newcomers should first gain the commander's trust little by little. These days, the first thing a leader requires is not to be hacked to death by his subordinates. Therefore, unless you are lucky or have a really high level, it is possible to be like Yang Yue.

When you come, you will be given important responsibilities.

But General Yang was also hidden for a while until the commander-in-chief relieved his doubts.

After the reorganization is completed, it is time to decide who will stay and guard Hewei. This is a major event and cannot be ignored.

Shao Shude also discussed with his staff for a long time, and then talked with the generals separately, and finally decided to mobilize the army to go south and station it in Didao County, Lisuo, Linzhou, with the defense area from Chang Castle in the north to Dalai Valley in the south.

Guangwu Liang, an important military area in the west of Wuquan County and southwest of Guangwu County, will be garrisoned by the Feng'an Army. The Pingyi garrison in Hezhou and Fenglin Pass will be garrisoned by two thousand people each from the Tiande Army.

With 15,500 troops left behind (the battle losses on the books have not yet been replenished), there are still 4,000 Xinquan troops in Xinquan Military City in Huizhou who can rush to help at any time, which is almost enough.

There are no state soldiers in the five states of Hewei and Wei for the time being. It's not that they don't want to, but there are no people and no money, so they can only be left empty for now. When Xiao Yuan takes office, the court will probably send two thousand Shence troops to escort them, so let them serve as state soldiers for each state.

The Tuoba tribe has recently added a lot of manpower, mainly the captured Tubo Dingkou. The number of the tribe has exceeded 20,000, and they have been given a lot of cattle, sheep, horses, camels and captured equipment. The tribe will go south to Minzhou to Taoba

The water basin was used for grazing and was used as a screen.

The area in the northeast of Gaolan County is still looking for minerals. Once found, the mines will be mined, smelted and minted to make money.

He, Lin and Lanzhou, except for a few who escaped, also captured about 30,000 Tibetan tribesmen. Shao Shude has ordered that all of them be sent to Lanzhou and Huizhou for grazing. As soon as the mine is found, everything will be prepared.

After that, the strong men of the tribe were gathered to work in the mines, while the strong women and children were responsible for grazing and producing.

The Huizhou Prefectural Army is responsible for supervising this matter. If there is insufficient manpower, the Xinquan Army will assist.

Because the Linzhou Tibetan tribe surrendered in time, they were allowed to graze and farm in the original pastoral areas. There are now about 50,000 to 60,000 Han people and more than 100,000 Tibetan people in the five Hewei and Weizhou states, totaling about 200,000 people. This is under their rule.

.The Qiang Tibetan tribe in Longzhi County, Shanzhou is also considered an internal possession and will be managed by the Hewei Town shogunate in the future.

Shao Shude met with the rest of the Tibetan tribes in Shanzhou and gave them some tea and brocade robes. Don't have too many illusions about them. They are all small tribes. It's good to pay a symbolic tribute. It's impossible.

Taxed like the Neifu tribe.

Their relationship with the Dingnan Army is probably like the relationship between the Northern Five and Li Keyong, which can barely be regarded as cooperation.

In the future, when we have time, money, and population, we still have to mobilize troops against Shanzhou. When the time comes, let these people lead the way, and they can also play some role.

Min and Wei Prefectures captured less than 30,000 Tubo people, mainly old, weak, women and children. Some of these people were assigned to the three thousand prisoners who went south. The Cai people recruited from Henan, the people, if they are willing to marry

, it can also be done, in short, it is necessary to organize households and people and bring them into management.

The value of the people with registered households is higher than that of the people with attached households, and the value of the people with attached households is higher than that of the people with attached households. The goods that the three can provide are lower each level.

After everything was sorted out, Shao Shude temporarily went to Xiaguangwu County (southeast of today's Yongdeng County), located on the east side of the Nishui (now Zhuanglang River) valley.

Two hundred miles to the north from here, along the river valley, is Changsong County in Liangzhou. One hundred and twenty miles to the northwest is Lisuo Guzang County in Liangzhou.

It is a shortcut to send troops from Lanzhou to attack Liangzhou. The premise is that the area has the material foundation to support a large-scale army for a long-term campaign. This depends on Xiao Yu's ability.

Liangzhou, as the richest and most populous county in the Helong area during the Tianbao period, and its animal husbandry was extremely developed, was still very attractive to Shao Shude. Unfortunately, Liangzhou was the natural place for the Hexi Town established by the imperial court. Currently, there are

Jiedu envoys and soldiers were present, but it was difficult to execute the decrees outside the city.

We still have to find an opportunity to deal with Liangzhou Amo and Hexi Dangxiang together.


On the road from Suizhou to Xiazhou, an astonishingly large team was moving forward.

There are so many people, as many as 40,000, that if you walk on the post road, the whole road can be blocked. This was the case in the river before, which greatly affected the local order. People who didn't know better thought that the begging army was out.

It's so ridiculous that it makes people laugh.

Fu Cunshen was riding on his horse, looking at the endless procession with a smile.

For these people in Heyang and Zezhou, he has figured out an effective management method.

Every one hundred households is organized into a team, with one chief of the hundred households; for every one thousand households, there is one chief of the one thousand households. A total of seven thousand households are organized. Along the way, these people are familiar with their respective teams and get used to obeying the rules of the hundred households.

instructions, help each other, and persevere through the entire process.

In fact, the initial number of people was more than seven thousand households. But how can I put it, Fu Cunshen, Pei Tong did their best, everyone did their best.

Unlike the general begging army, those who can't walk will be given up. The chariots and horses plundered by their team in Yangcheng and Qinshui counties are all used to give rides to those who can't walk.

After arriving, continue walking and make room for other elderly, weak, women and children to ride, and so on.

After waiting in the river, Wang Chongying not only ordered to borrow food, but also provided some rest places, carriages and horses. Therefore, everyone tried their best, including Wang Chongying.

After the refugee army crossed the river in batches and arrived in Suizhou, local officials were still very surprised even though they had received the news in advance.

In accordance with the commander's instructions, they gave the vacant military camp to the common people, and at the same time allocated a batch of autumn grain harvested this year, totaling 15,000 dendrobium, which was almost enough for everyone to eat for a month.

These people got enough rest in Suizhou. Then they replenished some carriages and horses and continued towards Xiazhou.

It should be said that everyone has complaints. We have already arrived at the territory of the disaster-stricken army, why are we still leaving? But now that the matter has come to this, what else can we do? Keep walking. Fortunately, after a sufficient rest - Nanshan Dangxiang

Yelishi even sponsored a thousand cattle and sheep to replenish everyone's strength - most of them recovered and can continue moving forward.

Fu Cunshen could see that everyone was in good condition.

The children even still have energy to play on the grass. If they were in Zezhou or in the river, how could they have this energy to waste on you?

They were all children who were going to be eaten by Sun Ru! Fu Cunshen said to himself in a voice that no one else could hear.

As an old man who had followed Li Hanzhi early in the morning, he certainly knew the status of children, old people, and women in the eyes of the demons and monsters in Henan: after killing them, he cut the meat, salted it, and carried it with him as dried meat.

For military ration.

Their destiny has been artificially changed, which is good...

The scenery on both sides of the post road also surprises newcomers.

To the south is the endless Hengshan Mountains, to the north is the vast grassland, and in the middle is the meandering Wuding River. Pieces of farmland have been opened up along the river, and farmers are working in the fields. Millet and wheat have been harvested, and there is still room for planting.

A crop of beans. In a bad harvest year, you may have to rely on these beans to save your life.

There is no Wubao in the countryside, and the people do not form strongholds to protect themselves! This was actually discovered when they arrived at Suizhou City. At that time, Fu Cunshen thought that it was the place where Prince Lingwu started, which was quite special. Other states

This may not be the case in the county. But this country has entered the boundaries of Xiazhou. There are large areas of farmland along the Wuding River and many villages, but there is no Wubao!

Fu Cunshen and Wang Jianji looked at each other, and both of them guessed the reason: the order was stable, and the people were not at risk of being robbed, so there was no need to form a stronghold to protect themselves. Thinking again about Henan, which is full of Wubao, both of them

I sighed, it’s not easy to compare.

"Every household raises livestock, so life is not necessarily bad." Wang Jianji rode his horse for a ride around the village and said after coming back: "The villages are all on both sides of the Wuding River, far away from the Wuding River.

, empty, all grassland. Someone asked just now, and the people couldn’t tell whose land it was. Maybe it belonged to the government, but the government didn’t use it, so it was left to the people for grazing. After finishing their farm work, the children

You can drive a group of sheep out to graze."

"No worse than the people who farm in Henan and Hebei, they may live a better life." Fu Cunshen silently calculated. If a family sells five sheep a year, they can get two cents. For many people in the Central Plains,

In terms of wealth, it is already a huge fortune.

Fu Cunshen can actually understand the reason. People can't eat grass, but sheep can. If you have a large area of ​​uninhabited pasture for your sheep to graze, you can turn that grass into meat and milk.

There are fewer people and more land. This is the advantage. They farm and herd. Everyone says that the northwest is poor, but that is because the Tibetan people frequently invade the border. What if the Tibetan people no longer invade the border? Their life is really like that.

Is it bad? At least in a village with irrigated fields and large pastures around it, life is not bad.

I just don’t know if they can continue to maintain this kind of life when the number of people increases.

"I think Yang Shihou may have misunderstood." Wang Jianji suddenly smiled and said: "He must have gone to Bianzhou to join Zhu Quanzhong. But after going there, let alone whether he will be reused or not, I feel that his life may not be as good as ours.

I live a comfortable life in Xiazhou. I like to drink wine and eat meat. I don’t know if there is a lot of wine in Xiazhou, but there must be a lot of meat.”

"Aren't you going back to Heyang?" Fu Cunzhen glanced at him and asked.

Wang Jianji was a little embarrassed and said angrily: "Are you going back? If I wanted to leave, I just rode away on horseback. After all, we came out together. Of course, I can't leave you alone and leave alone. It's unjust."

When I locked you up, you scolded me every day for being unjust.

Fu Cunshen looked at the endless grassland and thought to himself: "If nothing else, there is a big river and the natural dangers of Hengshan Mountain, the life of the people in the town is pretty good. As long as the King of Lingwu County does not go against the grain and make the world angry and resentful, it will not help.

, it is still possible to separate the country and protect the territory and the people."

Maybe it’s right to come to Xiazhou!

This chapter has been completed!
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