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Chapter 1 Opportunity

"Then, it's settled!" Outside the Fuyundui Temple, Shao Shude picked up the mare's kumiss and drank it all in one gulp.

The tribe leaders also picked up their wine bowls and drank them all in one gulp.

It is no longer clear who built the Fuyundui Temple. Anyway, in the Zhenwu Army and Tiande Army areas, both Han and Hu people attach great importance to the temple on this mountain, and people often come to worship.

There is also Mulan Temple next to Fuyundui Temple, and it is unknown who built it. Du Mu wrote a poem: "Bending the bow to fight as a man, I dress up and paint my eyebrows in my dream; I thought about returning the wine several times, and put it on Fuyundui to wish the concubine Ming."

The heaven-sacrifice meeting with the Yinshan tribe was held here. No one objected and everyone thought it was natural.

After the heaven-sacrifice meeting, Shao Shude left the largest five leaders alone and discussed with them the establishment of Niuzhuang.

The so-called cattle farm means that each family takes part of the grassland cattle and sells them to farmers in the Tang Dynasty in the form of installment payment. No payment is made in the first two years, and payment starts in the third year. Direct payment is made for four years. Each cow is given two husks and five measures of wheat per year.

, the total amount is ten dendrobium. According to the recent increase in grain prices, the total value is five dendrobium.

At this time, a prairie bullock was worth about three cents, and overall it was quite profitable.

At least more than half of the cattle and sheep on the grassland are concentrated in the hands of the chiefs of various tribes. In some tribes with a huge gap between rich and poor, most of the cattle and sheep are even concentrated in the hands of the chiefs, so this matter can only be discussed with them.

As you can imagine, this is quite difficult.

If it weren't for the fact that Marshal Shao's prestige is at its peak and the leaders have to sell to save face, there would be no discussion at all. It's not that they are unwilling to sell. In fact, this method of paying the full price in six years can make them extra money.

After receiving a lot of food, the main problem is that people are worried that they will not be able to get their money back.

To put it bluntly, Marshal Shao was using his credibility to guarantee this. The leaders pinched their noses and came up with about 60,000 cows. Looking at them, they were even prepared to not take them back.

Shao Shude was both angry and funny. He originally estimated that there were a total of 300,000 cattle in the Yinshan tribes, but in the end he only took out 60,000. If there were any more, there would be no more. Some were too small and inappropriate, and some had to be kept.

Producing milk, in short, is both a shirk and a practical difficulty.

Shao Shude didn't take it seriously either. This matter can only be done slowly. After completing a business, they will slowly change their minds.

In addition, family members of sergeants who have cash or stored grain can buy it directly, and grassland people also welcome it. Over the years of peace, trade between the grassland and Han Dynasty has become more and more frequent. Nowadays, many grassland herdsmen are used to eating and taking grain.

Go and exchange livestock with them, both parties will make a profit.

The news about the high yields achieved by farmers in Longxing Temple in Lingzhou has spread in surrounding counties, and now many people want to imitate this model. The shogunate organized various tribes to set up cattle farms to solve the source of some cattle, and the families of wealthy sergeants

If we purchase some directly, it is estimated that at least 10,000 households will be able to implement the three-crop rotation system next year.

When they succeed in stably achieving high yields and harvest more than two bushels of wheat per acre, more and more people will follow suit. For some things, the government will take the first step, and when everyone benefits later, they will do it spontaneously.

, there is no need for the government to come forward anymore.

"One more thing, we will probably go on another expedition next year." After saying this, Shao Shude carefully looked at the faces of the five leaders. After seeing that they had no obvious objection, he smiled and said: "Don't worry,

It’s still the same as this year, each ministry has 6,000 people.”

In the battle to conquer the five states of Helong and Longzhou, the Yinshan tribe was killed one after another, and more than a thousand people were disabled.

For these thousand people, their families can receive one bushel of grain per month for ten years, which is the same standard as the Yamen Army. Before the Western Expedition, Marshal Shao had to pay about 120,000 bushels of food as compensation in a year. After the Western Expedition,

After that, tens of thousands more dendrobium will be spent a year. It has only been more than five years since the first group of military dependents received food gifts, and the number is also small. If we do not increase food production as soon as possible, as the scale of future wars will become larger and larger.

, the expenditure in this area will also become larger and larger, and sooner or later it will be too much.

But Shao Shude did not intend to give up this policy, because it was an important part of maintaining the morale of the disaster-defeating army. Why couldn't the enemy attack the formation? Why did the sergeants dare to fight hard? It was not because they had no worries!

The purpose is to dispel the worries of the sergeants and make them dare to die, so that the army in trouble can have combat effectiveness. Just like Zhu Quanzhong did, the leader of the team died and the whole team was beheaded. It is not the right way after all to rely solely on harsh punishment. Otherwise, why?

There were deserters from the Xuanwu Army everywhere, so much so that Zhu Quanzhong started tattooing soldiers' faces to catch deserters?

As soon as the leader of the team died, the sergeants had no intention of fighting and fled one after another. Isn't this a joke?

Tattooing on the face is a humiliation only for prisoners. If the sergeants are treated like this, do they still think they are human beings? How can their morale be high if they are looked down upon everywhere?

"May I ask the King of Lingwu County, if the South West Road of Shanshan will be conquered next year?" asked Zhuang Langshen, the leader of the party behind the mountain and the inspection envoy of Pìtí Spring.

"Exactly. Arrive in Xiazhou before the Spring Festival next February." Now, there is nothing to hide from them.

On this expedition, Shao Shude did not ask them to bring cattle or sheep. The reason is that last year's westward expedition to Helong did not make much, and they may still have lost money. Ordinary sergeants were overjoyed when they received rewards, but most of the cattle and sheep were provided by the leader.

For them, the income and expenses are disproportionate and it is purely a loss-making business.

During this expedition, after entering Guanzhong, donations must be sent to the local people to provide food, grass, and rewards. Shannan West Road is also very wealthy, and everyone comes to help. Of course, Marshal Zhuge will also express his feelings, and all the ministers will

People can finally make a fortune.

"Anyway, be prepared. Six thousand people will arrive before the Spring Society Festival. Don't miss the deadline!" After talking about these two things, Shao Shude didn't plan to stay any longer and headed south directly back to Xiazhou.

Looking at the number of armored cavalry that had increased to 210, all the leaders were a little afraid. The men and horses were all wearing heavy armor, and the thorns could not penetrate, which gave people a very unusual visual impact.

Marshal Shao named these 210 armored cavalry "Iron Harriers", which was very pretentious. At this time, they were all waiting outside Fuyundui Temple in armor. After leaving for a while, they had to put their equipment on the pack horses, just for the sake of

Show off.

After leaving Yinshan, Shao Shude drove non-stop all the way back to Xiazhou via the Hetao Grassland.

When he was in Dijinze, he temporarily stayed for two days and chatted with Wei Cai Sudu about sending troops. Later, he met with Bencai and Zengren master and disciple.

The temple in the Longxing Temple branch is very impressive, but the preaching effect is, how should I put it, very average. There are very few believers, and the offerings made by believers are even less.

Shao Shude thought for a while, should he allocate some funds to them so that the missionary effect would be better? He would have to discuss this with his staff after returning.

After leaving Dijinze and quickly returning to Xiazhou, there was another wave of heaven-sacrifice gatherings.

Marshal Shao felt that he was almost turning into a work machine. For more than three hundred days a year, he was either out fighting or dealing with various affairs in the town. Even hunting, his former hobby, had become a large political gathering, with a gang of

The old men of the tribe are scheming, calculating their little capital, and making various compromises of interests.


On the contrary, the concubines at home don't have to do anything. They just sit in bed and wait for the handsome man to come home and "serve" them. After that, they have to go out and fight for their children. It's hard for men!

Why did you have such a brain in the first place that you kidnapped so many women and take them home? And you still have to take responsibility for them one by one? But with your lust and heart, you still can't help but do it. You are such a bitch!

"Commander, Deputy Ambassador Chen is back." He had just returned to the Yamen to make a pot of tea when Li Renfu, the tenth general of the army, came in to report.

"Let him come in." Shao Shude gathered his energy, sat up straight, and said.

"Commander, I'm lucky to have fulfilled my duty and met Marshal Zhuge." Chen Cheng walked in with a dusty look on his face.

"Thank you for your hard work, Deputy Chen. Let's warm up with a bowl of tea first."

"How dare the labor marshal do it himself? Let someone do it."

"Deputy Ambassador Chen braved the cold wind and severe frost and ran outside for me. He is so loyal and diligent. What's wrong with pouring a bowl of tea? Please sit down." Shao Shude poured a bowl of Lingzhou fragrant tea by himself and sat down.

Asked: "What is the situation on Shannan West Road?"

"Not very good." Chen Cheng shook his head and said: "Xing, Feng Erzhou has been pulled over by Yang Shouzhong. Marshal Zhuge led more than 10,000 people to conquer the city and besieged the city for more than a month. However, due to Zhuge Zhongbao's independence, he could not defeat it.

He retreated hastily, but Yang Shouzhong took advantage of him, and the people of Xingyuan Mansion became more and more disorganized."

"How is Marshal Zhuge's health?"

"I'm plagued by all kinds of diseases, and my end is coming." Chen Cheng thought for a while, and then said truthfully: "If I can rest peacefully, I might be able to live for two more years. But I sent troops in the snow and wind in the middle of winter, and I didn't fall down on the spot.

It’s pretty good.”

"It has reached this point..." Shao Shude sighed.

He was not sure when Zhuge Shuang died in history, and he lived a few more years in this life. But his adopted son Zhuge Zhongbao also betrayed him, which should have been a big blow to him. There were undercurrents in various states in Fang Town.

Move, if Yang Fugong presses harder, I don't know what will happen.

"What did the Marshal say?"

"Admiral Zhuge talked a lot about the fight against Li Guochang, his father and his son, and Huang Chao. He was very interested and talked for a long time. He said that he had met too many people in his life and suffered too many losses. There were so many handsome young people and so many heroic young men.

He was not happy at all. He was extremely happy after seeing the commander, because the commander knew how to repay his kindness and kept his promises. Now he really saw the right person." Chen Cheng said: "Commander Zhuge must have felt that his time is running out.

, in the eleven prefectures on the west coast of Shannan, we have suppressed one end and floated the other. We are lacking in energy and strength. We have to mobilize foreign troops into the town and use thunderous means to clear out the rebels."

Shao Shude was startled after hearing this.

Marshal Zhuge has been kind to me. These days, there are so many ambitious people who want to get ahead but have no chance. Are they unwilling to work hard? No, they can do it without risking their own lives.

, they can even disregard the lives of their family members. Don’t they have the ability? No, many people are really amazing and talented, but they just don’t have the chance and end up dying in obscurity.

Having ability and ambition is not enough! You must be appreciated, cultivated and given opportunities by others.

Marshal Zhuge has been ups and downs all his life. When he gets old, he gives himself a chance. This kindness must be repaid.

"Let's take a good rest when we come back. We'll see you after the first month." Shao Shude took a sip of tea, looked at the frost outside the window, and said: "I didn't give Yang Fugong a way out this time. He couldn't even take back his life. I guess he couldn't.

In a few days, there will be some action again. Li Hang is still in Chang'an and has not returned. When he comes back, there should be further news."

"Commander, when we were passing Fengxiang Mansion, I saw soldiers being mobilized, and there were soldiers coming from the direction of Qinzhou. Zhu Mei, I think she also has some ideas." Chen Cheng added.

"Zhu Mei, we have an old friendship with Marshal Zhuge." Shao Shude said: "Let's rest first, we will definitely send troops next year!"


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