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Chapter 8 Lai Chi Road

   "Where are you going to set up the camp?" The cavalry army's chief and deputy envoys Yu Oritsugu and Liu Zijing arrived soon. Shao Shude talked with them for a while, and after clarifying the goal, he asked again.

"We will set it up in Yongfengcang for the time being." Oritsugu Yu looked at the map and said: "There shouldn't be much food stored in Cangcheng, and there aren't many defenders. After the food is collected, it can be stored here. It will be rainy season later.

Yes, it will be much easier to have a Cangcheng..."

Yongfengcang is 35 miles west of Huayin County. When the Wei River enters the river, there is Weijin Pass and Weijin Ferry. Three miles to the east is Tongshui, and one mile east of Tongshui is Tongguan.

 The south of Guan Guan is surrounded by Tongshan Mountain, and the north is adjacent to the river, opposite Fenglingdu. This is the road you must pass when entering Guanzhong from Shaanxi and Guo.

"Yongfengcang is good and can be used as a temporary camp location." Shao Shude praised: "The troops in Guanzhong are sparse, and the Shence Army is vulnerable. If the garrison guards in various states, counties, and passes do not come out to cause trouble, then ignore them. But you can go deep.

Zheng, Huayin, Xiagui, Pan, Weinan and other counties collect grain and grass to prepare for the needs of the refugees. Especially the three counties in Huazhou have extremely rich household registrations, so there should be a big harvest. Well, pay attention to military discipline and don't go directly by yourself

If you rob, give donations to the local big families and gentry, and let them think of their own solutions. If anyone robs the people, behead them!"

 “As ordered.” Zhe Siyu and Liu Zijing replied.

After Zhe Siyu and Liu Zijing left, Shao Shude summoned Yang Hongwang, Zhe Congyun and Wang Chong.

Mu Dingli and Bai Gu, the guards of Zhongyongdu, were still east of Fuping. Shao Shude asked them to go directly to the five counties of Tongzhou to collect grain and grass, and then accept the command of the Huazhou camp.

In the Leopard Cavalry Capital, there are three horses per person, that is, the daily riding horses, the pack horses carrying drinking water, equipment and armor, and the war horses used for fighting. The war horses usually do not carry people or carry anything. They are just fighting to maintain their strength.

When in good condition.

A horse can eat three times as much food as a person. Two thousand more horses means six thousand more people eating. Even according to Master's standards, 1,200 husks of grain will be consumed in a month.

When not on an expedition, it is easy to say that fodder can be used. Soldiers who care for their war horses will add extra meals, usually bran, beans and common wild grains on the grasslands. But after an expedition, they must feed food. The habit of the army in trouble is to feed

Beans and forage are supplemented, and the consumption is still quite large.

 As for the horse being fed grain from beginning to end and not eating grass, that is too luxurious and cannot be afforded for the time being.

“General Yang Shi, do you have more than 200 iron kites riding on them?”

“Come back to the commander, there are 249 horses and horses in the Haozijia.” Yang Hongwang replied.

 Saving things is not easy!

Suizhou Duzuo Academy has jurisdiction over Longquan and Dabin, Xiazhou Duzuo Academy has Shuofang East, West and North Zuo Academy, Lingzhou Duzuo Academy has Huile and Huaiyuan, and they were newly established in August last year.

There are eight workshops in Huaiyuan New City, with more than 5,000 official craftsmen and more than 10,000 apprentices, working hard to make various instruments.

 Rifles, long spears, short spears, horizontal knives, machetes, shields, iron armor, vests, etc., the nutrients needed for these war machines all need to be made by them one by one.

It is already very good to be able to save 249 to ride the iron kite. Moreover, the production capacity should be greatly improved this year, and it will be improved even faster next year, because some of the apprentices recruited in previous years can gradually be made independently.

equipment, which freed up quite a few veterans, allowing them to concentrate on making the extremely labor-intensive armors and vests.

The territory is not much smaller than that of Xixia, but the foundation is still not as good as it is. Both the population and the number of craftsmen are far inferior. Next year, a policy can be introduced to allow the Dangxiang and Tubo ministries to take turns sending a specified number of craftsmen to serve in the three major capitals.

Help make equipment.

Sages can ask each state to send craftsmen, musicians, etc. to the capital for duty, can’t the Qingtianzi do the same?

 “You went to Henan, do you know how to fight?”

“Come back to the Commander-in-Chief, there are thousands of soldiers in the Leopard Cavalry who have been training hard for many years, just to defeat the enemy in battle and kill the thieves on the spot where their corpses are left standing.” Yang Hongwang said loudly.

Shao Shude smiled and said: "I am very pleased that the young man has such courage. But now I am in a hurry to start a war with Zhu Quanzhong and Li Keyong. I am not sure."

Yang Hongwang's expression changed after hearing this, and he immediately replied: "The general has no intention of specializing, but he will follow the commander's orders."

"When I went east this time, I listened to the commander's orders. The first purpose was to gain population, concentrate it in Shaanxi and Guo, and then send it north to Lingxia in batches. There is enough land, or even too much, and there is no need to occupy more land.

The land is in urgent need of population. In short, recruiting refugees is the first priority. Anyone who stops them will be killed without hesitation. Li Hanzhi, Zhang Quanyi, even Li Keyong or Zhu Quanzhong's troops - everyone can be killed!"

Shao Shude said: "Whoever dares to rob someone from me is an sworn enemy."

In fact, Shao Shude has already explained to Oritsugu in detail that the momentum must be sufficient, and he must appear to be willing to kill anyone without risking his life. However, when doing specific things, he must be measured and avoid war as much as possible.

There is really no other way to fight again. When fighting, you should also pick weak persimmons to establish your authority, so as not to fight with Li Keyong. Zhu Quanzhong was torn in front of him, and it was ugly to look back and difficult to deal with.

After the cavalry set off one after another, Shao Shude led Tielin's army to continue southward. On the 30th, the entire army crossed the Wei River and arrived in the area north of Chang'an.

At this time, Yang Fugong could not sit still, and the court could not sit still either, so they sent envoys one after another.

"Please also ask the King of Lingwu County to withdraw his troops." Zhang Wan was the first to arrive. As soon as he arrived at the Weinan camp, he said with a mournful face.

“What can Ambassador Yang say?” Shao Shude asked casually, crossing his fingers on the map.

“…” Zhang Wan frowned, not knowing how to answer.

“If you have nothing to say, let’s go back.” Shao Shude continued to stare at the map and study the marching route presented by his staff.

 The route is derived from the map files provided by Xiao, which is the famous "Tianbao Lychee Road".

Yang Guifei grew up in Shu and was "good at eating lychees". After being favored, Fuzhou (today's Fuling, Chongqing), which is rich in lychees, became a tribute land. The temperature during Tianbao's reign was slightly higher than this, much higher than that of the Five Dynasties and the Northern Song Dynasty. Bai Juyi

He once said that "lychees grow in the Ba Gorge", which is two thousand miles away from Chang'an.

The speed of the Guochao Courier is "five hundred miles a day." Considering that it is sending fresh food like lychees, which is Yang Guifei's favorite thing, naturally it cannot be transported at ordinary speed. Five hundred miles is not enough, and you have to risk your life.

It travels 700 miles a day and arrives in just three days, and the taste is still fresh.

As for sending it from Lingnan, it is impossible. Basically, Concubine Hei Yang from the Tang Dynasty said this deliberately. Just calculate the distance and you will know that no matter how hard you try, it is impossible to send fresh lychees from Lingnan to Chang'an.

If this road starts from Chang'an, it will first go to Ziwu Pass, then cross the Qinling Mountains and enter the Ziwu Valley. This section is more than 600 miles. After leaving the Ziwu Valley, you will soon reach Yangzhou Lisuo

Xixiang County (now south of the county).

 From Xixiang County, go south over Bashan to Xuanhan County in Tongzhou (now between Xuanhan and Wanyuan), and then go south to Lisuo Shengshan County in Kaizhou (now Kaixian). This section is more than 800 miles.

In other words, the Dingnan Army could directly enter the Ziwu Valley without passing through Fengxiang Town, and then attack Yangzhou, Tongzhou, and Kaizhou. These three states were either the territory of the Wuding Army or the rebel states occupied by Zhuge Zhongbao.

, they all have to be captured.

  It’s just——Ziwu Valley, Shao Shude inexplicably remembered some old things from the Three Kingdoms period.

The staff also wrote down the advantages and disadvantages of this "Litchi Road". The advantage is that it is short, can catch people by surprise, and does not need to pass through the territory of Fengxiang Town. The disadvantage is that the road is dangerous and the mountains are dangerous. If something unexpected happens, the army may be capsized.


The nine thousand cavalrymen of the Tielin Army are Marshal Shao's favorites. They have strong combat effectiveness, high morale, and are extremely loyal. If they open up their posture and fight with others face to face, he will not worry at all. What he is afraid of is losing to various accidents.


 I don’t want to take risks! However, we can send a partial army to Ziwu Valley.

 Thinking of this, he already had a plan: the first layer, the second layer...the fifth layer...the atmosphere.

“Prince Mingjian of Lingwu County and the Privy Council would like to ask the imperial court to issue an edict to confer the title of King of Xia on the king,” Zhang Wan said.

Yang Fugong, an arrogant person, is willing to bribe me with the king's title, haha, he has a guilty conscience.

However, what importance does a false reputation have to me? Or put me on the fire and roast me, treating me like Li Keyong? So easy to talk to?

"The world is in chaos, and the towns are constantly being invaded and attacked. I have to protect the territory and the people, but I have only done so little. How can I be crowned a prince?" Shao Shude put down the map and sneered: "Please come back, envoy. I will send troops into the city tomorrow."

Zhang Wan's expression changed. After thinking for a while, he added: "King Lingwu, please calm down. The Privy Council has spoken in advance. If you don't want to be honored, we can discuss it again."

“Then why don’t you go back and discuss it?”

Zhang Wan had a gloomy look on her face, bowed and left after bowing.

Shao Shude stood up and his thoughts were not on Chang'an at all. After a while, he gave the order: "Send an order to Yang Yue and rush to Minzhou. He will be appointed as the commander of the Minzhou camp troops and command the Xinquan army and the Bai and Tuoba tribes.

Use the road to form a prefecture and attack Wudingjun's Xingfeng Prefecture. In addition, let Wu Zangjieming come to see me. The people of Dangxiang Mountain need them."

This chapter has been completed!
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