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Chapter 20 Liangquan County

 "Most of these armors were used by Yang Shouzhong to win over the Fengzhou sergeants. And their origins are probably from the Shence Army in Chang'an." In Tangcang Town, Fu Cunshen looked at the armors scattered all over the place.

, said.

"The emperor still has money, so he has to grab it." Wang Jianji was covered in blood. When he was helped to sit down, his legs were shaking. This was a symptom of dehydration, but he was still very excited and started talking.

Don't even open the door when you come.

The leader of a small team, if he wants to climb up, can he do it without risking his life? Even the commander-in-chief used to be a knife for others in Hedong. If he does not do well, he will be chopped into pieces by the rebels.


No matter how capable and knowledgeable you are, if you don’t have status or power, you can’t do anything.

In this battle, a total of 300 pieces of armor were seized. Even if some of them were damaged, they could be used after being repaired, which made people envious.

Fu Cunshen, Wang Jian and the other two looked on silently.

When he was under Li Hanzhi, he didn't necessarily have enough food to eat, let alone armor and equipment. There was no stable territory, and there were not enough craftsmen to make equipment. The only people who relied on him were his blood and courage.

But do warriors really don’t need armor and equipment? Of course not.

They don't know how much they envy the enemy's sophisticated equipment, although the enemy may not necessarily have what they can defeat.

The armor rate of the thieves reached 60%. How many things did Yang Fugong steal from the capital?

Jiedushi's official position, armor, equipment, and even money and food were all given to his fake son. He then used the fake money to win over the soldiers from Xing and Feng Provinces to serve him. Very good, use the money from the court to do your own things.


It's a pity that the captured armor and equipment have to be handed over to the grain commander. They can keep some of them, but if they take too much, they are seeking death, so most of them have to be sent away. Maybe the commander sees their outstanding military exploits and returns extra

Give me some, I hope so.

"Thirty miles to the southwest is Fengzhou City. Do you want to go there?" Wang Jianji licked his lips and asked.

"Wait for the order to kill the Taoist envoy." Fu Cunshen shook his head and said.

Breaking Tangcang Town was already a great achievement. How could they capture Fengzhou City with a small number of people like them? As a general, you must be good at judging the situation and recognize your own strength. You must not be too greedy, otherwise the army may be overturned.

Zhuge Shuang was ill and went on an expedition before, leading an army of ten thousand people to attack Xingzhou. Yang Shouzhong sent troops to help, but Zhuge Shuang could not defeat the siege for more than a month. Then there was chaos in the rear and he was forced to retreat. This time Yang Shouzhong must have no troops to support, but

Fengzhou City cannot be captured by just a thousand of them. It would be difficult for the entire Tianzhu Army to come.

It is better to attack some easy-to-win strongholds and accumulate merits than to attack the fortified city head-on. Besides, in the current situation, the priority is to attack the city and attack the heart. With an army of 70,000 to 80,000 soldiers divided into four groups, it is still possible to

Given the righteousness of the imperial court, do the people of Fengzhou really want to resist to the end?

Xingzhou has surrendered, what are you waiting for? Is it worth dying with Yang Shouzhong?

On April 30th, Shao Shude personally led the main force to Tangcang Town. Because the rebels did not dare to leave the city, the Tianzhu Army had already advanced to Malingzhai, 35 miles away to the west, and was attacking fiercely.

Shao Shude had carefully understood the entire battle process in Tangcang Town and was very happy with the bravery of the Tianzhu Army. He sent an order to select two hundred pairs of intact armors from the armors they sent and return them to Fu Cunjingying, who had made great contributions.

"There are only a few hundred grains in Tangcanglin. Envoy Zhao, can you explain that Yang Shouzhong of Yangzhou is no longer able to support the Fengzhou army?" Shao Shude asked after inspecting the camp fence.

"Commander, the six thousand soldiers of Wu Zang Sergeant's Division have penetrated deep into the Ziwu Valley Road. Yang Shouzhong has too much time to take care of himself and spends a lot of money. How can he possibly support Fengzhou? In his heart, he may have given up long ago." Zhao Guangfeng replied.


The Ziwu Valley Road was opened in the Qin Dynasty and was half abandoned by the Western Han Dynasty. In the fifth year of Emperor Ping's reign, Wang Mang reopened it and officially named it the Ziwu Valley Road.

During the Yongping period of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Baoxie Road was opened, and the Ziwu Valley Road was gradually abandoned. During the Yongchu period of Emperor An, the Baoxie Road was destroyed by the Qiang people, so the Ziwu Valley Road was rebuilt. Later, the Baoxie Road was repaired, and the Ziwu Valley Road was no longer used.

At the end of the Han Dynasty, Zhang Lu cut off the Baoxie Road, and people had no choice but to use the Ziwu Valley Road.

Generally speaking, because it is more dangerous, almost no one goes to Ziwu Valley when there is Baoxie Road. This is the situation.

The infantry in the left wing of the Yi Congjun took the new Ziwu Valley road that was popular in the country, that is, from Chang'an to the south into Ziwu Valley, and after leaving the valley, they took Ziwu Pass, Daqin Garrison, Huangjin Ancient Garrison, Longting to Yangzhou, with a total length of more than 630 years.


This road was opened by the spirit of the King of Nanliang. It is also a fast passage for Fuzhou to send lychees to Chang'an. It can be ridden by horses and is relatively easy to travel.

The other one is actually the old road of the Qin and Han Dynasties, more than 800 miles long, with continuous mountains and dense old forests along the way. The mountain roads are remote and difficult to travel, and it is impossible to carry heavy luggage. Once the water rises in summer and autumn, it will be even more difficult. So Wei Yan suggested taking this road.

As far as Chang'an is concerned, it is simply seeking death, and any commander with a sense of stability will not agree to it.

The Dangxiangshan people who had not hidden the Jieming belt took over the Ziwu Pass controlled by the imperial court. After the Qin garrison (located in the Qinling Mountains), they marched all the way to the southwest and unexpectedly captured the ancient golden garrison city. This city was built by Zhang Lu and the terrain was dangerous.

After occupying this place, they easily controlled Yangzhou Huanghuang County.

Yang Shouzhong had no choice but to build a stronghold in a dangerous area in the west and build up a strong force to try to stop the Dangxiang Mountain people from advancing westward. But at this point, it was actually difficult. Wu Zangjieming immediately divided his troops and occupied the west.

Xiangxian and Yang Shouzhong's soldiers and horses confronted each other.

The confrontation between the two armies is probably the situation that Yang Shouzhong least wants to see. Because he has few soldiers, even if he temporarily recruits Ding Zhuang, he will only have 7,000 men at this time. He has to defend the imperial army coming from other directions, and he is weak on the left and right.

The sign of defeat has appeared.

"There are no more than a thousand people in Fengzhou City, and there may be some strong men among them." Shao Shude also felt that Yang Shouzhong was too busy to take care of himself and could not support Fengzhou.

"When General Zhuge attacked Xingzhou, how many troops did Yang Shouzhong send to help?" Shao Shude asked again.

"Three thousand."

"If Fengzhou had three thousand more soldiers, it would really be difficult to fight. Now that there are only a thousand soldiers, it would be easy to attack." Shao Shude laughed and said: "In this battle, I want to send the Tielin Army to attack it. One battle will determine the outcome! Erlang!

If we don't go to battle and see blood from time to time, I'm afraid we will be crippled."

"Congratulations, Commander." Zhao Guangfeng praised.

On the first day of May, the main force arrived at Fengzhou City. At this time, reports came from Malingzhai that the Tianzhu Army had defeated them and beheaded more than 200 people. In addition, Li Tangbin had personally led 3,000 people to the west of Fengzhou City and could respond to the main force at any time.

Siege the city.

Fengzhou City is not big. After all, there are only more than 5,000 people in Liangquan, and the number of people who usually live in the county is estimated to be only a thousand. How big of a city is needed? And to defend Fengzhou, we mainly defend the peripheral strongholds, such as Huangniuling and Tangcang.

Town, Malingzhai, etc. When the enemy troops attacked the city, the day lilies were all cold.

"Send people to surrender." Shao Shude ordered: "Let the soldiers and civilians in the city know that the imperial court's 200,000 troops are coming to kill, so that they can take care of themselves."

"Unexpected profit meets strategy."

"The end is here!"

"As the deputy envoy of the Tielin Army, you will be responsible for the siege."

"The general will obey his orders."

War drums beat and flags waved.

Looking down from the top of Fengzhou City, we can see the continuous sound of drums near the Chinese army's tent in the camps that stretch for more than two miles, and the various camps are also beating drums in response. There are also soldiers galloping continuously, passing orders to and from.

Soon, the camp gate was opened from the inside, the trench bridge was lowered, and the Tielin Army filed out in battalion units.

One team after another, one battalion after another. The formations were tidy and murderous.

Shao Shude rode a war horse, escorted by hundreds of soldiers, to the front of the formation to watch the battle.

Ye Liyu took a brief look at Shao Shude's position and tried to persuade him not to come forward, but that position was relatively safe, so he didn't say anything and directly named a few people and stepped forward to surrender.

Before a few people got close, arrows fell from the top of the city, which made the meaning obvious.

"We have less than a thousand soldiers, but we won't surrender. Pass the order and order Li Tangbin to start a feint attack from the west of the city." Shao Shude sat firmly on his horse and ordered.

Due to the terrain, the attack on Fengzhou could only be done from the east and west sides.

Soon, Shao Shude could hear shouts of killing coming from the west across Fengzhou City, and the mobilization of enemy troops at the top of the city also proved this.

"Zhu Quanzhong attacked Caozhou. He went down to the city in one day, attacked Puzhou and captured it in one day. How many days will it take for me to attack Fengzhou?" Shao Shude looked at the generals and asked.

Ye Li Yu slightly tensed up and said with emotion: "The Tielin Army is the commander's personal army, and they should break the city in one day."

The generals also expressed their opinions one after another.

"I'll wait." Shao Shude laughed and said, "Let the rebels see the majesty of the Tielin Army."

The war drums beat.

A tenth general led two battalions of soldiers, guarding the assembled siege ladder and slowly advancing.

Behind them, several battalions of soldiers came forward, spread out, held their armor and shot upwards.

Arrows and stones flew across the city, and the battle became intense as soon as it began.

"Commander, there are Yang Shouzhong's cronies in the city, most of whom have kidnapped the Fengzhou general and forced him to resist the heavenly soldiers." Zhao Guangfeng came forward and said.

"Whoever he is, we will defeat him with all our strength."

As soon as he finished speaking, the ladder truck had arrived at the bottom of the city. The two ladders opened one after another, and the sergeants poured out of the carriage, holding shields, swords and guns, and rushed up with gritted teeth.

"Kill!" The arrows on the top of the city became more and more dense. Even if the soldiers attacking the city were guarded by large shields, they still suffered heavy casualties.

"Pfft! Dang! Ah! Kill!"

The commander-in-chief personally observed the battle, and the sergeants of the Tielin Army worked particularly hard and charged forward regardless of casualties.

Someone rushed forward and was hit by more than ten arrows.

Someone rushed forward and was pierced by several spears.

Some people were pushed down the city and screamed repeatedly.

Someone was covered in fire and rolled down crying.

Others were hit by stones and died silently.

"Wow..." A large vat of scalding golden juice fell down, and more than a dozen warriors wearing heavy armor rolled down the flying ladder with screams.

The rebels took the opportunity to pour oil and throw torches, causing a ladder truck to burst into flames.

The infantrymen of the Tielin Army below the city were extremely angry. They picked up their bows and arrows and shot down many thieves.

Shao Shude rode forward for a while.

The soldiers made an uproar. Lieutenant General Lu Ming grabbed the reins of the horse and said urgently: "Commander, please don't come forward!"

"How can I just sit back and watch when the soldiers are tossed and turned under the enemy's attack?" Shao Shude clamped his horse's belly and walked forward for a while.

Li Renfu, who was on guard at the perimeter, was in a hurry and hurriedly organized two teams of people, holding large shields in front, to firmly protect Shao Shude.

"I am here to watch the warriors defeat the enemy." Shao Shude dismounted and said calmly.

The soldiers of Tielin saw this and their faces turned red.

"What kind of battle are you fighting?" Ye Liyu kicked the ten generals who had retreated, and directly ordered a battalion of soldiers to attack the city himself.

"How can the commander move lightly? The general is willing to lead the troops forward. If it fails, I will raise my head to see you." Deputy General Xia Sanmu stepped forward and said.

Xia Sanmu was the original monk Sanmu. After returning to secular life, he took Xiazhou as his surname and was transferred to the Tielin Army as the deputy general of the camp.

Ye Liyu glanced at him briefly. Some opportunities require life. If you win, you can get promoted and make a fortune. If you don't win, you will die. Naturally, we are willing to fulfill our ambitions when we encounter wild fortunes.

"I will give you two battalions of soldiers." Ye Liyu said briefly: "The commander is over there. If this battle is fought well, the commander will remember it for a long time. This opportunity is worth risking your life, go ahead. !”

"Thank you, Commander, for making it happen!"

Xia Sanmu quickly ordered the two battalions of soldiers and said: "Everyone, the commander-in-chief personally risked the arrows and supervised the battle in front of the formation. If something unexpected happens, there will be chaos in the town, the generals will kill each other, and the rebels will wreak havoc. How is it different from Henan? You and others have it. My family, you should know what day it will be. I won’t say much more about this battle, just kill him! The worst he can do is die, the commander-in-chief Renyi will take care of me and other children. Kill!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" the sergeants roared three times.

Mobilization before the war does not need to be impassioned or passionate, it is all empty. Let the sergeants know why they are fighting and why they are doing this, and they will naturally fight bravely!

Xia Sanmu let the sergeants know the necessity of conquering the city as soon as possible, and this pre-war mobilization was already in place.

The sound of war drums sounded, and the two battalions of soldiers followed the reassembled ladder truck and stepped forward quickly.

Behind, Ye Li Yu Lue mobilized several battalions of auxiliary soldiers to come forward and fired volleys with their bows, suppressing the rebel soldiers at the top of the city who did not dare to take the lead.

Regardless of the cost, they fired a continuous stream of arrows. If one battalion lacked arm strength, another battalion immediately stepped forward. The head of Fengzhou City seemed to have grown a layer of white hair, which was spectacular.

"Kill!" The sergeants climbed up the ladder and fought bravely one after another.

When one fell, another one would follow. Even if someone died, they would be carried forward by the robes, and they would climb to the top of the city desperately.

The arrows under the city are getting denser and denser, and they have completely suppressed the city head.

Four aerial ladders were lined up in a row, and hundreds of sergeants roared in anger. They gave up on life and death and just wanted to board first.

They are not only fighting for fame and fortune, but also for their families and a stable life. A soldier who knows why he fights is unstoppable.

"Get the hell out of here!" Xia Sanmu waved a mace and swept it across with all his strength, like a glaring King Kong.

The armor on his body was already stained with blood, and the smell of the mace was overwhelming. After sweeping through thousands of troops, a large area was cleared beside him.

Sergeant Tielin was a veteran of many years of fighting, and they cooperated very well. When they saw what was happening, they immediately covered each other, taking turns, and more than ten people came up in one fell swoop.

They were all heavily armored. After reaching the top of the city, they first threw spears, then slashed with swords and axes, struggling to move forward to drive away the enemy soldiers. Behind them, more warriors were climbing up.

Fengzhou, the city is about to be destroyed! Xia Sanmu, the bet is won!

"Commander, the Tielin Army is indeed brave and brave, and deserves the honorable title of a close soldier." Zhao Guangfeng raised his eyebrows in joy and said.

"Fengzhou has few soldiers and their morale is not high." Shao Shude said: "Many people died, all of them old soldiers. It's a pity. It's not that easy to replace them."

"The new soldiers of the Cai people will become old soldiers after they have fought a few battles."

"It's not that simple." Shao Shude shook his head and said: "In the future, if we encounter an enemy city like Fengzhou, we can attack it. If the enemy forces in the city are united and well prepared, if there is no internal response, it is not suitable to attack by force. We will attack the people outside the city.

Move away and come back next time. What's the use of holding on to a fortified city without the people to provide food and drink? If it doesn't work once, just come twice and forcefully move away the farmers, craftsmen, and leave no chickens or dogs behind. The enemy city will be destroyed if it is not attacked. That's it.

, prepare to enter the city, Fengzhou must be broken."

This chapter has been completed!
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