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Chapter 14 Attack Here

 "Confucius said: 'A gentleman is filial to his relatives, so loyalty can be transferred to the king; he is a brother-in-law, so obedience can be transferred to his elders; he is responsible for the family, so governance can be transferred to officials. This is how actions are built in, and his reputation is established.

In later generations.'" At the school in Wuquan County, Lanzhou, Wu Rong was teaching the students the classics.

During the Imperial Examination, there were a total of twelve classics, all of which had to be tested, and "The Classic of Filial Piety" was one of them.

Wu Rong actually likes this job. The monthly salary is three cents, which is thirty-six cents a year. During the four seasons and eight festivals, gifts such as fruits are given out. Even on some important festivals, the gifts will be more generous.

For example, during the winter solstice last year, he got a Jie sheep and took it home to raise.

He has already brought his family to Lanzhou.

My hometown, Yuezhou, has been ravaged by war over the years. Warriors are killing each other, and the people can't live a peaceful life. Currently, it is said that a warrior named Qian Liu is the strongest, but who knows, maybe one day his subordinates will rebel, and he will

The heads fell to the ground, but in the end they were still killing each other, with no end in sight.

The imperial court has become more and more disgraceful in recent years. The middle-ranking officials are arrogant and domineering, and do not pay attention to discipline. The prime ministers of Nanya are also incompetent. They don't know what they are doing all day long, and they don't know how to refresh the government.

It’s getting worse!

As for Longyou Town, how should I put it? Although it is a vassal of Shao Shude, the governor of Shuofang, on the surface it is Prime Minister Xiao who is in charge of the government. The king of Lingwu County does not pay much attention to small things, and only controls the major affairs of the Longyou states.

The direction gave Xiao Xiang a lot of autonomy, which made them, a group of scholars from Chang'an, feel much more comfortable.

Wuquan County has not been established for a long time, only in the past few years. The household registration is not large, with only 30,000 to 40,000 people. Most of them are descendants of Tianbao people who were originally ruled by Tubo. In addition, there are some newly arrived people from Henan Prefecture, who are herding and farming.

, life can only be said to be okay. I can live on, but I can't say that I am rich.

There are a total of 20 students in the county school. They are young and do not look very smart. Especially the new students who entered this year have no basic knowledge at all. It is said that they failed to pass the martial arts test and can only study literature.

When Wu Rong first heard about this, he was stunned for a long time, and then he sighed: People's hearts are not as old as they used to be!

He didn't know where to start teaching these students without any foundation, so he left them all to teaching assistants and concentrated on cultivating others.

But those students, how should I put it, even if the factors of cheating in the exam were not taken into account, Wu Rong didn’t think they could pass the exam, no matter what subject! They couldn’t pass the exam!

Teaching and educating people in the county school has been regarded by Wu Rong as a matter of cultivating sentiment and tempering the character. Anyway, the students also know in their hearts that in the future, they will at most work as a clerk in the yamen at the state and county levels, or as a driving officer in the shogunate.

, there is no hope of becoming a Jinshi or honoring one's ancestors - if such a day comes, it can only be their descendants.

There are also two Tibetan students in the county school. They were forced to come here by the county. It is said that they were recruited by the shogunate.

The Tubo students were quite young when they entered school, around 17 or 18 years old. I heard they were already married, which made Wu Rong: "..."

Although their studies were not very good, they were sincere and respected their teachers. They gave away more than ten sheep a year, and they didn't know which tribe they belonged to.

It was really too much! Wu Rong was very touched by being so open-minded and eager to learn, and he secretly made up his mind to teach these two students well even if he worked hard.

Turning Hu into summer is also one of the great things for literati.

Two Tibetan students came a little late today.

When Wu Rong saw it, he felt unhappy, but he still said gently: "We have arrived, but you two came too late."

"Master." The two students saluted together.

"Well, do you still have questions about the lesson I taught last time? If so, you can talk about it now." Wu Rong said pleasantly.

The two looked at each other, and then one of them said bravely: "Master, I'm here to say goodbye today."

Wu Rong was stunned and said: "You have only been in school for two months, and your foundation is shallow. This is the time when you need to study hard."

"Master, we are about to go on an expedition with General Zhang," said a student.

Wu Rongru was struck by lightning and went out to fight?

"Master, when I failed the martial arts exam, I came to the county school to study. Now that I have the opportunity to go on an expedition with the army, we are going to try our luck in the future, so I came here to say goodbye." Another student said.

Another heavy blow! Wu Rong felt a little dizzy. He failed the martial arts test, so he came to study literature. Now he is going to war, so he became a martial artist again?

"Going to war with General Zhang? Which General Zhang?" Wu Rong refused to give up and continued to ask.

"Zhenwu Army envoy Zhang Yanqiu is currently camping in the south of Liangzhou to recruit envoys. He wants to lead his army north to attack - er, Tubo."

"Why did Zhang Yanqiu come to Longyou..." Wu Rong really didn't care about this kind of fighting and killing recently, but he didn't doubt the authenticity of what the two Tubo students said.

Fang really likes to recruit Tibetan soldiers. The remaining Tibetan tribes in Lanzhou were basically not affected in the last war and surrendered quickly after the war. It is normal for them to be asked to send soldiers to join the army.

Wu Rong was feeling dizzy and didn't know when the two students left.

After leaving school, he met Qin Gui, the tribal envoy of Lanzhou capital, on the street.

This man is full of white hair, but he is very energetic and walks with great momentum, no less impressive than the young people.

"Dr. Wu." Qin Gui took the initiative to salute.

"Guan Qin, where are you going in such a hurry?" Wu Rong asked.

"It's not a secret anymore. General Zhang ordered Lanzhou to supply forage, grain and beans, and the army will go north to conquer the six-grain Tubo. Time is urgent, so I will go to various ministries to urge them." Qin Gui said.

There are still some Tubo and Qiang people in the four counties of Lanzhou, so there is a post of capital tribal envoy here, which is managed by Qin Gui, and the deputy envoy is Dong Zheng.

Wu Rong vaguely knew that a war was going on in Liangzhou, which was separated by a mountain to the north. But he didn't expect that the Hewei states would also send troops. Was it because the war was unfavorable?

Thinking of this, he sighed. Isn't the most important reason why he is willing to move to Lanzhou is that it is stable here? There is also some emotional factors. If Lanzhou is also going to suffer a military disaster, where else can we go in this huge world?

At this time, outside Lanzhou City, a large group of soldiers were marching.

At Jinchengguan Ferry, people shouted and the traffic flowed like a dragon.

Zhang Yanqiu stood on top of Guancheng, overlooking the post road in the distance.

On the post road is an endless marching column, which is the 7,000-foot cavalry of the Kailue Army, as well as a large number of Tibetan and Han Confucians accompanying the army.

The Jinglue Army set out from the Linzhou area. In addition to leaving 500 men to guard the city fortress, all the main forces stationed in Dalai Valley, Chang Castle and other places were transferred north to assemble in Lanzhou to collect supplies.

In the unseen distance, the main force of more than 3,000 Feng'an troops stationed in Guangwu Liang has also moved north.

The two armies will march along the Nishui (Zhuanglang River) valley, crossing Guangwu County (a county under the jurisdiction of Lanzhou, southeast of today's Yongdeng County), 220 miles to Changsong County in Liangzhou (now Xihuangyang County in Gulang County).

River area), nearby is the home base of Hongyuan Valley, one of the six valleys of Tubo.

After leaving Hongyuan Valley and walking one hundred and twenty miles northwest, you will reach Liangzhou City.

Except for Hongchi Ridge near Hongyuan Valley, the entire journey is almost entirely flat valley land with water and grass, making it very convenient to advance.

Today is already the first day of April in the second year of Wende. The Feng'an army left 500 infantry to guard the walled city, and all the rest were sent out. The main force should have penetrated hundreds of miles into the Nishui River Valley. The 500 cavalry were in the vanguard. If

If nothing unexpected happens, he has probably already fought with Zhuang Langgu tribe, one of the Six Valley Tubo tribes.

We can't delay! Zhang Yanqiu turned around and went down to Guancheng, calling Yang Yi and Liang Hanyong.

There are still traces to be followed in the general's use of troops. He likes to be cautious and defeat the enemy with a dignified formation. At most, he can add some positive and strange changes.

Now the commander-in-chief is stationed in Liangzhou. There are Tianzhu Army, Shunyi Army, Iron Cavalry Army, Baoqidu and Fumo and other Tibetan tribes along the way. These are the regular soldiers. Yang Yue, the envoy of Qicheng Beheading, leads the Xinquan Army and other Tibetan tribes.

This is a strange force, one is upright and the other is strange, and they cooperate with each other.

Turning our attention to the broader battlefield, the entire army on the Liangzhou battlefield is regular soldiers, and those who set out from Lanzhou are strange soldiers. The regular soldiers are cautious, and the strange soldiers stand out. One is regular and the other is strange, and together they defeat the enemy.


When he received the urgent letter from the commander-in-chief in Xiazhou, Zhang Yanqiu guessed the general strategy just by reading the first two lines. There is no disrespect in this. The commander-in-chief's strategy is a mature and prudent strategy without any risk factors.

It can still produce results. This is the royal method of war. If you don't use troops like this, Zhang Yanqiu will look down on the commander.

Taking risks is addictive!

"Envoy Yang Youyi, the 500 cavalrymen of the Jinlue Army have completed crossing the river. You will immediately lead your troops to go west and north to Guangwu County to collect grain, and then continue northward to cooperate with the 500 cavalrymen of the Feng'an Army to attack Liugu Tubo.

." Zhang Yanqiu ordered.

"General, I will obey your orders." Yang Yi responded loudly.

"Vice General Liang, the cavalry of the Tibetan tribes in Lanzhou are still being assembled. As soon as the assembly is completed, they will be handed over to your command and go north into Liangzhou."

"The general will obey his orders."

There are also a thousand cavalry from the Tiande Army!

On this journey, the commander-in-chief wanted them to go west from Hezhou, pass through Shanzhou, and go out to Dadou Valley.

This was the route that Yang Guang led hundreds of thousands of troops to patrol the west in the fifth year of Daye.

Possibly the largest Western Expedition to date, the capital city of Tuyuhun was captured, which shocked the Tibetan tribes far and near. They met with envoys from 27 countries, collected thousands of miles of land, and established counties. From then on, they were able to march eastward with peace of mind.

During the Kaiyuan period, the imperial court set up a large fighting force here, with 7,500 soldiers in charge. The weather in this valley is changeable in summer and autumn, and it is prone to sudden rain and snow. If you are not prepared, you may suffer big losses. However, the geographical location is excellent.

It is more than three hundred miles to Liangzhou in the east and two hundred miles to Xiedan, the "king city" of the Uighurs, in the north. It is still worth the risk.

A thousand cavalry were commanded by Tian Xing, the Youyi envoy of the Tiande Army, plus more than a thousand cavalry from the Hezhou and Fan tribes. In principle, they would cooperate with the Guiyi Army and the troops of the Suzhou Long Family to attack Ganzhou. The commander-in-chief specifically ordered that if the two families did not send troops,

This road is over.

Shanzhou Tubo has already received the goods presented by Xiao Yu, the military governor of Longyou, so borrowing passage will not be a problem, and they can even provide fodder and spare horses.

Several groups of soldiers and horses have come out, good and evil complement each other, and now it depends on the outcome of the battle. Even if they cannot catch all the Ganzhou Uighurs who have entered Liangzhou, they must be severely damaged so that they will not dare to have any ambitions for at least a generation.

The Hexi states do not need a political power that is obviously stronger than others. If there is one, it will be destroyed.

This chapter has been completed!
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