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Chapter 34 Reality has no form

 Outside the Anren Army City, Fu Cunshen frowned deeply as he looked at the Tubo army that was defeated and fled as soon as the battle began.

What kind of battle is this?

To be honest, although the Tianzhu Army has a good record, in terms of the proportion of veterans, it is actually not as good as other armies. The Cai people have a lot of new recruits. Although they have been trained for almost two years, they are not as good as those who have been fighting for more than ten years.

It's still hard to compare with the veteran army.

There is no real fight against the Tubo people!

The cavalry that was almost completely annihilated before was defeated so cleanly that it was hard to tell whether it was a real fight or not. But the Tibetan army that came out of the city to fight in front of them had more than 4,000 people. In the end, they only fought for a moment.

After being defeated, the general withdrew.

"Military envoy, Tubo is trying to lure me into the city. If our army breaks into the city, the captors will close the city gates and fire their bows and crossbows. There will not be one of our troops left in ten. This city cannot be entered lightly." Seeing the army envoy Li Tangbin.

Ordered to pursue the defeated Tubo troops, Fu Cunxen quickly remonstrated.

Li Tangbin looked him up and down and said: "General Fu, the Japanese army has been defeated and the soldiers have no fighting spirit. If we don't pursue them now, how can we attack the city after they regroup?"

"The captive army may want to lure our troops into the city, gather together and annihilate them." Facing the military envoy who had always said he was incompetent, Fu Cunshen did not intend to reserve his opinion. He only listened to him say: "The captive army has four thousand people, and there is one in the front line."

They collapsed, the rear formation ran faster than the front formation, and the general rushed into the city immediately. No matter how weak the Qing, Tang and Tubo were, they could not have such virtue."

"No need to say more!" Li Tangbin waved his hand and said: "Vice-General Wang has led his troops to pursue us. We will see the outcome later. If we are so timid in fighting and miss the opportunity, we might as well go home to farm and herd sheep.


Fu Cunshen did not get angry at Li Tangbin's sarcastic words, but just cupped his hands.

Li Tangbin is the military envoy, and whatever he says is what he says, and there is no possibility of Fu Cunxen disobeying his orders.

Wang Jianji led a battalion of 500 soldiers, chasing the fleeing Tibetans and attacking Anren Army City.

The soldiers resisted for a while at the city gate, but the number was too small and they were quickly dispersed.

Wang Jianji wore two layers of heavy armor and held a spear four feet long. He shouted loudly and stabbed two Tibetan soldiers one after another.

The Tubo tribal army was too weak. They didn't even have a few pieces of iron armor. Most of them wore furs and furs. They didn't look like warriors at all. Well, they really weren't warriors. They were all strong tribesmen recruited temporarily and had only received the most basic training.

Wang Jianji quickly rushed into the city with his soldiers.

The Tubo people fled in all directions, with no one left to resist. Those with horses even escaped from the south gate long ago. The foot soldiers without horses threw away their equipment and ran away desperately. Those who could not escape even tried to hide.

After entering the house, they were eventually searched out and made prisoners.

Not long after, the Tubo military flag on top of the city was cut off and thrown down.

Li Tangbin glanced at Fu Cunxen, snorted coldly, and led the large army into the city.

Fu Cunshen's face was a little red.

This time he was wrong, but the battle was still a bit weird. If there is a next time, he will stick to his opinion.

With a sigh, Fu Cunchen collected his emotions and followed into the city.

"The Commander-in-Chief has an order. The Tianzhu Army will be stationed at the Anren Army City, and the Feng'an Army will go out ten miles to the village." An order rider ran over and conveyed Shao Shude's order. Fu Cunchen was startled, what was the Commander-in-Chief's plan?

Use the Anren Army City as the main camp and continue to wait for the Tibetan tribes to come to "meet the alliance"?

The previous alliance was mostly from the tribes in the Haomen River, Xingling, and Xingxiu Sea areas. Next, they should be able to attract more Tubo tribes with their successive victories, right?

This place is still more than fifty miles away from Qingtang City. Normally, there should be some tribes. If no one comes to surrender next time, then most of them will not come. They will definitely gather together to resist the conquest of Shuofang Army.

On the way to the Anren Army, Shao Shude came to find Chen Cheng and asked: "Everyone in the Jiangshun tribe said that many tribes in Xingxiuhai went south to Qingtang City, taking Dingkou, cattle and sheep with them.

. Guan Kairun also sent back a military report. The Tubo tribes, young and old, are moving westward from the Yuhaijun area. Are they planning to fight me in Qingtang City?"

"Tubo has been running Qingtang City for many years. There are many tribes in the Heyuan area and all kinds of industries are prosperous. They will not give up easily." Chen Cheng replied: "This city is huge. In the past, more than 14,000 Heyuan troops were stationed in the city.

The north of the city lies on the Huang River, and there are mountains or military strongholds on the north bank. They are at the corners of the city. It would not be surprising if the Tibetan army gathered here."

Shao Shude nodded and said: "It would be best to let the silver spears feel the depths of Qingtang City. I am at An Renjun, waiting for a response. By the way, I will plunder the troops and recruit the Tubo people to surrender, so as to understand their specific strategies."

It would be best to recruit the tribes in the Huangshui area to surrender, most of them will know this very well."

"Congratulations, Marshal." Chen Cheng praised.

The east is dimly lit, the dawn mist is like a veil, and the distant mountains and nearby ridges sparkle with silver light in the morning dew.

"Get ready to go!" Wang Chong took the hidden spear handed over by his own soldiers, with a fierce look in his eyes.

The sergeants slept in the open all night and were in good spirits. For the herdsmen who often ate ice and snow on the grassland, this was really nothing.

As the order was issued, sergeants stood up one after another beside the mountain stream, under the locust tree, and beside the meadow, and silently packed their belongings.

The auxiliary soldiers who were from the Longjia tribe brought the war horses and handed them over to the Uighur soldiers.

The entire valley seemed to come alive, with the sound of clashing equipment, the neighing of war horses, and the officers' commands everywhere.

After a long time, five thousand riders drove out of the valley and disappeared into the vast wilderness.

Two thousand auxiliary soldiers followed closely behind with an additional 5,000 war horses carrying food, water and horse supplies.

There were also a thousand auxiliary soldiers who drove some cattle and sheep to another place.

"Quak quack..." Beside the small forest in the east of Huangshui County, crows covered the branches.

They looked at the shepherd who was cutting grass outside the city with evil eyes. The shepherd was annoyed by the noise and turned around to curse a few times. The crows were unmoved and continued to stare at him.

The shepherd shuddered subconsciously, and then his chest filled with anger. He ran to a nearby hay shed and took out his bow and arrow.

"Whoosh!" An arrow flew over.

The shepherd fell out and looked at his chest in disbelief, his eyes gradually blurring.

"Quack..." The crows flapped their wings and flew away from the grove.

On the distant horizon, a large group of cavalry rushed towards the dilapidated Huangshui County like a surging black tide.

Several mounted scouts also walked out of the meadow that was as tall as one man.

There were bloody human heads hanging next to their saddles. Judging from the hair ornaments, they must be Tibetan horsemen walking outside.

Before the battle between armies, there is always a bloody, cruel, and deceitful scout battle, without exception.

The cavalry was charging and the ground was shaking. Inside and outside Huangshui County, the Tubo people were awakened from a dream.

The bells rang in the city, and a large group of soldiers rushed out from their homes and hurriedly gathered. The bells would not ring randomly. At this moment, the Tang army should be coming to kill them, and they were very large.

While gathering, the hearts of the Tibetan people were also trembling.

Although Huangshui County is not small, it cannot accommodate the entire tribe. The vast majority of the Miaochuan tribe's population is still in the pastures or villages outside the city, including the families of the sergeants. They will be attacked by the Tang Army's cavalry. What will happen to them?


The war horses rushed into the unprotected village. Arrows were flying and silver spears were shining.

Some Tibetans rushed towards the village, but were nailed to the ground by arrows on the way.

Some Tibetan people rushed out with Tibetan spears, but were directly overwhelmed by the charging horses.

Some Tibetans were hiding in tents or houses shooting arrows, but soon they had to rush out because of the fire, and were stabbed through by a spear.

The tents, houses, and haystacks all burst into flames.

Thousands of people had just gathered in Huangshui County. The commander was so blinded that he rushed out with his people.

This may be the largest cavalry battle today.

The soldiers of the Silver Spear City were divided into several groups, some charging straight with guns, some galloping and shooting, and some outflanking the rear. After fighting for less than half an hour, the Tibetan cavalry leaving the city would be dead and wounded, and the remaining ones would not dare to return to the city.

The horse ran towards Qingtang City.

The Uighur cavalry made a show of pursuing him, then gave up.

Now, they can rest assured to enjoy the spoils outside the city. There are still thousands of Tibetan soldiers in Huangshui County, but they are mainly infantry and they are not afraid at all.

The fleeing Miaochuan cavalrymen ran all the way to Qingtang City.

This time, Master Jiezan could not sit still. Facing the Miaochuan clan who insisted on withdrawing their troops, he was extremely anxious, but it was difficult to find a way to persuade them.

The Shao thieves were so badly damaged that they took advantage of their large number of soldiers and cavalry to plunder the rear areas wantonly to support the war.

Why don't you go to Guanzhong? What is there in Qingtang that deserves your great efforts? It's just a few hundred thousand people, but there are millions of people in Guanzhong. Can't you tell which one is more important?

Go to Guanzhong quickly, don't come back to harm Qingtang. You have already occupied the river and Wei, and don't you want to let Shan and Kuo go? Are you so obsessed with regaining the homeland of the Tang Dynasty? Then why don't you fight all the way?

Anxi and Beiting, are you going to fight with the Uighurs?

"Master, if I don't lead my troops back, the tribe will be gone." Miao Chuan walked around the room.

"To talk too much and worry too much will lead to no response; to say nothing but to worry will make no sense." After holding it in for a long time, Master Jiezan said this.

"Ah?" Mr. Miaochuan looked confused.

Master Jiezan sighed and gave up persuading.

"You can take away the soldiers from Qingtang City and keep the ambush soldiers in Changning Canyon," Master Jiezan said.

Miao Chuan was stunned.

His original intention was to bring back the 5,000 cavalrymen who were ambushing in the Changning Gorge. The 5,000 people in Qingtang City were still left to defend the city. Master Jiezan did not have many soldiers around him. Once he evacuated the people,

If the city is overcrowded with thousands and eight hundred people, wouldn’t it feel empty?

But seeing the determined look on Master Jiezan's face, Miao Chuan was in awe.

Although there were so many accidents, the mage remained unmoved and uninterrupted, and resolutely carried out the existing plan.

The main force of the Tang army has arrived at Anren Army City, and is only one step away from the trap. If we withdraw our troops at this time, wouldn't all our previous efforts be wasted?

Mr. Miaochuan bowed respectfully and strode away.

Master Jiezan pronounced the Buddha's name.

"Everything in the back is all illusion. Reality has no form, and there is no form. Now, all we have to do is wait for Shao Thief to get involved, and everything can be solved easily."

This chapter has been completed!
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