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Chapter 42: Xin Deng Sui

 "The Tibetan people did not cultivate plows in the old days, but physiognomists now cultivate corn and millet." After the Double Ninth Festival, the Hewei states returned to a simple and peaceful life. Surrounded by a large group of soldiers, Shao Shude arrived at Didao, Linzhou.

A certain township on the outskirts of the county.

There is not much to say about Hezhou.

Xiao Yuan is a veteran in government affairs, so he naturally knows what to do. Moreover, his work has been done very well, so there is no need to comment too much, just create a good external environment for him. The thirty-three counties in Longyou are developing well, and in the future

It can also provide supplies for the Eastern Expedition.

Linzhou was originally the headquarters of the Administrative Army. During the Liangzhou War, the army was ordered to go north to attack the Liugu Tubo from behind, and now it is also garrisoning the Qingtang City.

After the Jinglue Army left, the local situation in Linzhou was relatively stable. The only external threats to the two counties in the state were probably the Tubo and Qiang tribes in Taozhou in the south. After the remnants of the Langqu and Fufuling clans fled south,

, it was eaten and annexed by various tribes in Taozhou.

Before Taozhou fell to Fan, it governed the two counties of Meixiang and Lintan, both of which were located in the Taoshui River Valley. To be honest, the flat land area was not large and could not support a large-scale planting population unless efforts were made to transform the terraces, but really

That's not necessary.

The Tubo and Qiang tribes here also practice both farming and animal husbandry, but obviously the "pastoral" component is much stronger than the "cultivating" component.

Their population is not too large, probably tens of thousands. This strength is quite embarrassing. There are many deficiencies in attacking He and Linzhou, and they will also face attacks from the Wei and Minzhou Tibetan tribes. They were grazing in Minzhou

The one you belong to is the Tuoba tribe. They can raid your home base by going up the Taoshui River Valley. How dare you act rashly?

In addition, Hezhou still has 4,000 yamen soldiers from the Tiande Army, and 2,000 state soldiers reorganized from the Shence Army. The Cai people previously recruited from Henan, after reorganization, there are only 5,000 or 6,000 left, and they are also assigned to the five states of Hewei.

If the state soldiers really fight, they may not get a good deal, so the situation here has always been relatively quiet, even though the strategic army has been transferred north.

Shao Shude actually wants to capture Taozhou. This is because in terms of terrain, after capturing Taozhou, there will be fewer ways for the Tubo and Qiang people to invade, and the security situation in Hezhou will be greatly improved. Weizhou, Lin

The prefecture will also become a hinterland safety zone. At least half of the more than 15,000 government troops stationed in He, Lin, and Lan prefectures can be removed. The available mobile field forces will be greatly increased, which will be beneficial to future campaigns.

However, it is best for Taozhou to focus on political appeasement, supplemented by military attacks. You can send people to test it out and take your time. Start with mutual trade first, and then encroach on it step by step.

As for the two "ups and downs" states in the south, the Qiang tribe is the main force, which is even more boring. They recruited Lanzhou during the last western expedition. As a result, they were very respectful on the surface, but there was no tribute at all, and it was impossible to go out to fight.


To this day, Shao Shude is too lazy to pay attention to them. He is incompetent to rebel and unwilling to surrender, so he should leave it alone for now and deal with it later.

There are also many Tibetan tribes in Linzhou. Didao, there are more than 40,000 Tubo, Dangxiang, and Qiang people in the two counties of Daxia. The reason why there are so many is because they surrendered too quickly...

During the first westward expedition to Lanzhou, the Hewei and Tubo resisted resolutely, resulting in heavy casualties and the destruction of many tribes. However, the Linzhou tribe surrendered before the army went south to Hezhou, allowing the tribal population to be greatly preserved.

"These Tibetan people have learned the art of farming and have become good people." Outside the countryside, Shao Shude looked at the rural villages carefully and said.

He had a hunch that in another two years, it might be difficult to have the opportunity to return to Longyou.

This was a land he had conquered before, the result of the bloody battles of tens of thousands of soldiers. He wanted to take a second look at it.

There are more than 70 households in the village, making it a big village.

According to Li Zheng, who was accompanying him, this village was originally inhabited by Qiang people. In the first year of Wende, 19 households of immigrants from Haowei County, Jingzhao Prefecture came, and this year, 25 households of immigrants from Yunyang County came, including Tibetan and Han people.

Mixed places, living together.

I strolled towards a farmyard. The door was ajar, flower vines were wrapped around the top, and lentils were dancing in the wind among the vines.

There are several peach trees in the courtyard. Their flowers have faded and their fruits have fallen. They stand there alone.

The vegetable patch on the right is full of turnips, which can still grow in winter. If the harvest of corn and wheat is not good, sometimes turnips have to be used as the staple food.

Condiments such as onions and leeks are planted around the vegetable bed. They can be sold for money at country fairs.

On the right side of the vegetable patch is a soil slope, with melons planted on the sunny side.

"Where is the owner of this house?" Shao Shude asked.

"The men went up to the river to dig canals, the healthy women were cutting grass and collecting firewood, and the children must be herding sheep."

Shao Shude was startled, and then he remembered that only Shuofang Town, Longyou, Xining, and Hexi had to pay the firewood donation, and they still had to pay it. This is a typical "exclusion of tax", and it is collected as a household tax surcharge.

A total of ten bundles of firewood need to be delivered every year and collected in batches.

"This house is not newly built, but is it the former residence of Tianbao survivors?"

"Come back to the Commander-in-Chief, Luo San, the head of the household in this house, is of Tubo origin. He said that his ancestors were Tubo masters, and his family was in decline. I can't remember the name. Guangqi later changed his surname to Luo. The five brothers are all in his hometown.

For the people." Li Zheng replied.

"In the future, we are not allowed to ask people to Tibetan relics. These are all Han people." Shao Shude turned his head and said seriously.

You have worked so hard to organize households and unite the people, but you still have to constantly remind people that your ancestors are not Han and you are a Tubo. What are your intentions? The villagers are ignorant and do not keep their mouth shut. It is understandable, but the same is true for the villagers.

Said, Shao Shude did not want to forgive.

The Qiang race is basically the most suitable ethnic group for assimilation. Because they have some farming skills, it is easy to establish a household, and their appearance and bloodline are closer to the Han people.

The situation of the Hu people depends on the situation. Those who look close to the Han people, such as the Uighurs, are fine, but typical white people such as the Shatuo, Zhaowu Jiuxing, Longjia, and Sogdians will have a lot of trouble. First of all, they look different.

Different looks are a constant reminder to yourself and the people around you that you are not one of your own, so the assimilation effect will naturally be poor.

It’s hard to say, but we still have to learn from Zhu Yuanzhang’s method, “People with lustful eyes are not allowed to marry each other” and try to avoid internal intermarriage. Those who marry Han people can be given some rewards appropriately, and use the huge population of Han people to dilute their blood and slowly assimilate them.


Shao Shude recalled the facial features of his step-brother Li Keyong. It seemed that there were very few white features and could hardly be seen. This should be the result of intermarriage between his family and the Han people for generations. In the future, tribes in the northwest can try to do this. But the method is difficult.

Be gentle and patient. If you force it, trouble may occur. It is best to give rewards and encouragement.

Shao Shude was not worried.

According to the Western classification of later generations, in East Asia, the Mongolian race still occupies the absolute mainstream, and the Caucasian race is only a minority, and has gradually decreased since the Han Dynasty conquered the Western Regions. How many Tocharians are there today?

"How much will be harvested from one acre of land this year?" The soldiers moved the chairs and tables and started making tea. After Shao Shude sat down, he asked again.

"In the wheat fields beside the canal, one can harvest just over one bushel of dendrobium per acre. A little further away, one can harvest eight or nine bushels of millet."

"It's not bad." Shao Shude nodded and said, "Is there any disaster?"

"It's strange to say that since the commander-in-chief recaptured Hewei, the weather has been good every year, and the crops and wheat are growing, and the cattle and sheep have been left wild."

"Tell the truth!" Shao Shude patted the armrest of the chair and emphasized his tone.

Li Zheng glanced at the horizontal sword on the waist of the soldier, swallowed his saliva, and said: "Since the end of Guang Qi, the past three years have been really good. There have been no major disasters, especially the rain, which has been quite sufficient."

Shao Shude stared at Li Zheng's face carefully. Li Zheng's legs were shaking a little and he almost knelt down.

This person probably didn't tell lies, Shao Shude knew it.

Rain is a major matter of survival.

Generally speaking, when there is less rain, a large amount of land will be idle, abandoned, farmland will be converted into pasture, and agriculture will develop from planting to animal husbandry. The population of villages will decline, and some villages will even disappear, water conservancy construction will be abandoned, and floods will begin.

appear, the soil is eroded, and dust is flying.

When the rainfall increases, the abandoned land will be used again, and people will return to the villages to plant grains and repair ditches. In the first two years, the output of coarse grains that do not require much water increased significantly, and gradually wheat cultivation became the mainstream, and livestock farming

The industry shifted to planting, and the pastures were converted to crops.

If there is no drought for many consecutive years, the agricultural and animal husbandry economy will even be very active.

Shao Shude saw a winemaking workshop at the end of the village, which mainly sells wine and also makes wine from sorghum. This is a sign of the recovery of the rural economy.

Articles and reports can be falsified, but rural industries such as wineries and mills that are closely integrated with agricultural production cannot be falsified. Xiao Yu would not build a winery overnight on a place he must pass through. There is no need for that.

"Three consecutive years of training can give you one year's savings." Shao Shude said: "Hezhou Prime Minister Xiao will not ask you for this savings. You can just pay taxes normally. However, this money and grain can be used to build Pitang to store water. Otherwise, once

If there is a severe drought, are you going to become herders again?"

"What the commander said is absolutely true." Li Zheng replied: "Li, the deputy envoy of the shogunate, is also the water official. He has been repairing the pond in the past two years. Now Luo San has gone to work on the river, repairing the pond and digging ditches.

, if it only lasts for a year or two, you can still get one."

Water conservancy facilities are of great use, but they are not omnipotent. Their function is mainly to deal with short-term droughts. For example, when crops need water for growth, if you don’t have water, the harvest of that year will be ruined. When ordinary people look at it, they probably

So he packed up his bed and became a herdsman and went to the land of Helong. Even the Han people knew how to herd animals, and their customs were very different from those in the mainland.

Deputy envoy Li, that is, Li Ding, a former member of the Ministry of Water Resources, is currently the deputy envoy of Longyou Jiedu and the water officer of the capital. Along the way, Shao Shude seemed to have seen many reservoirs that had been built or were under construction, all of which were very small.

It can only be used by one township or even several villages.

Good harvests have been obtained for three consecutive years. This is Xiao Yu's luck and his own luck. The remaining money and food left by the people can be invested in the construction of rural water conservancy facilities. This is for his own benefit, and I think the people can understand it.


The road is full of obstacles and the business is bleak. For this stall in Longyou, Mr. Xiao has done a good job.

Cooperating with aristocratic families, the benefits in a short period of time are indeed high, but the price of repayment in the future is a bit high. However, Shao Shude doesn't want to repay it anymore, he can't afford it. It's still the honeymoon period for everyone, let's talk about the future.

This chapter has been completed!
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