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Chapter 6 Tidy up (2)

Shao Shude returned to Lingzhou before the New Year.

He first went to Huile, Lingwu, and Baojing counties. A total of 20,000 households of newly recruited Qiang and Hu sergeant families were mainly distributed in these counties. He wanted to see what the current situation was.

Lingzhou is already the wealth center of Shuofang Town.

This year's autumn tax began to be collected in August, and the statistics have been completed so far. From 35 counties in ten prefectures in Shuofang Town, Wende collected a total of about 4.54 million dendrobium of grain and beans, about 510,000 pieces of silk, and 10 yuan of money in two summer and autumn equinoxes in the second year of Wende.

More than ten thousand yuan, this is household tax and local tax.

In addition, taxation has also increased to more than 14,000 min, salt profits have remained at around 200,000 min, and the money for selling horses has increased to about 350,000 pieces of silk.

Lingzhou contributed more than 40% of them. These eight counties were the hens that laid golden eggs in Marshal Shao's hands.

Nine years of peace, nine years of crazy immigration, nine years of hard work and nine years of war dividends have finally yielded this gratifying result.

There is a price. Starting next year, the pension for soldiers killed and disabled in battle will increase to more than 213,600 Hu. It was their bravery that made the ten prefectures of Shuofang, the ten prefectures of Longyou, the three prefectures of Hexi and the three prefectures of Xinning

Long-term peace has been maintained, the economy has developed rapidly, and the people can live and work in peace and contentment.

This is a necessary price.

There are a total of 20,000 families of the newly arrived Qiang and Hu sergeants, half of them are Tibetan, a quarter are Uighurs, and a quarter are Long family (including a small amount of Tatars, Sogdians, Dangxiang, and Qiang people). Counting the sergeants

I, more than 100,000.

The arrival of these people also increased the registered household population in the ten prefectures of Shuofang Town to more than 832,900 people, about 168,000 households. Counting about 600,000 Tibetan people, it was close to the total population of the Hetao area in the Western Xia Dynasty in later generations.

These ten states, except for the Feng and Sheng states, which still have some room for development, have basically reached the stage limit. The rest is to work hard on internal skills, sort out various industries such as agriculture, industry, commerce, etc., and develop them carefully and meticulously.


There is no doubt that after years of fighting, both Shuofang Town and the other three towns have missed too much work in improving local people's livelihood, and now it's time to make up for it.

What Shao Shude is most concerned about now is the issue of public education.

There were a total of 140,000 Qiang and Hu people, and most of them were crowded together in Lingzhou. This Hu wind was so strong that it was suffocating.

"Are these the family members of Sergeant Qing Tangdu?" Shao Shude asked, pointing to a village in a certain township in Huile County.

The Daxue Mountain area of ​​Huizhou is logging day and night, and a large number of wooden rafts are flowing down the river and concentrated at the wharves of Lingzhou counties. The construction of new villages requires too much wood for houses alone.

Now, counties in Lingzhou have also developed some brick kiln industries to meet the consumption needs of some people for building houses.

After all, there is a surplus of food, which can feed more people who are not engaged in agricultural production, allowing the development of brick kilns, winemaking, textiles, wood, leather and other industries.

Without solving agricultural problems, industry and commerce will be water without a source, and it will be difficult to make progress.

After all, employees in these two major industries do not farm. If food prices are too high, it will be difficult to maintain a living with part-time income, and related industries will naturally shrink.

As a time traveler, the first thing to solve is always the problem of eating, not inventing a steam engine.

If you don’t have enough to eat, who will build a steam engine for you? Where can you recruit employees for all aspects of the industry chain including mining, transportation, smelting, processing, manufacturing, sales, and maintenance?

The number of workers separated from agricultural production required by the industrial system is extremely large, and it is difficult to imagine that it would be based on a society with very limited food production.

"Hui Dashuai, there are 5,000 households in the Qing and Tang Dynasties, and this county is allocated 913 households, totaling 4,656 people, and they are divided into various townships. This village is not newly established. It originally had 44 Han households and 12 party households. Now it has been moved here.

There are 21 families of Tubo sergeants, 10 Uighur families, and 9 Long families, a total of 96 families, 501." The county magistrate had obviously done the work in advance, so he was able to answer immediately.

"This is a big village." Shao Shude praised: "Half of the 100 households are Qiang and Hu. How can we educate them? Is there any strategy?"

"The prefecture has summoned all Cao Si officials and assistants for discussion, and everyone agreed that they must first calm down and never no longer nomadic," the county magistrate replied.

"How to stop them from being nomadic?" Shao Shude asked.

During this western expedition, more than 800,000 large livestock were obtained, of which cattle accounted for more than 70%. The problem of insufficient number of beef cattle that had been worried due to the vigorous promotion of the three-crop rotation system was greatly alleviated.

The year before last, I was worried because I needed one million cattle. Finally, I won over the chiefs of the grassland tribes and established the cattle farm, but only about 200,000 cattle were obtained. This year, the number of cattle loaned out by the cattle farm

The number has reached 340,000, and private individuals in Lingzhou have also purchased at least 100,000, so the gap is still huge.

But if you include the seizures from the Western Expedition, one million cattle will not be a problem.

However, don’t be too happy! There are now 168,000 households in Shuofang Town. If the non-agricultural household registration is removed, if the three-crop rotation agricultural production model is fully implemented, the demand for cattle and other large livestock will reach about 3 million, leaving a gap

It’s getting bigger and bigger, which is really a happy trouble!

Shao Shude made a rough calculation and found that the number of official cattle currently raised in various animal husbandry supervisors is about more than 100,000. From now on, the Tibetan tribes in the four towns of Shuofang, Longyou, Hexi, and Xingning will pay tribute to more than 2 million cattle every year.

Large and small livestock, including more than 400,000 large livestock.

To reach the number of three million, it will take at least four years, maybe five years.

Fortunately, the promotion of the three-crop rotation system also takes time, so take your time. Concentrate your efforts on Lingzhou first and make Lingzhou "great". Next, you can promote it in other prefectures and counties in Shuofang Town and lay a solid foundation step by step.

As for the other three towns, Shao Shude encouraged them in principle, but would not provide much assistance. They could only find their own solutions.

"Commander, the three-plantation system of agriculture and animal husbandry can help these Tibetan people calm down." The county magistrate replied: "This county has just recruited a famous county doctor of agriculture from Chang'an. This person looked through the state's mid-level records and found out

I went to visit farmers in Longxing Temple and found out that if livestock can be fed purely by grazing on six acres of grassland, and high-yield pastures such as alfalfa and turnips can be grown, only one acre will be enough. The newly arrived Tibetan people live together with the Han people, and they only need to learn how to grow millet and wheat.

, beans, and pasture, and you can settle down.”

"The Tibetan people are good at taking care of livestock, but they don't know how to farm. How can we ensure that they learn?" Shao Shude asked again.

"Perhaps you can leave this matter to the village elders, Li Zheng." The county magistrate said confidently: "The county will send people on horseback to walk around the villages. If the grass, millet and wheat grow well in the fields, they will reward them.

Silk and silk; if there are many wastes, people will be arrested and punished."

"It's not a good idea to arrest people." Shao Shude laughed and said, "I'll punish him with grain and the livestock will be fine."

"The commander-in-chief is right."

This method is actually somewhat feasible.

Furthermore, many Tubo people know how to farm. They are not nomadic people, but do both farming and animal husbandry.

The Long family and the Uighurs are not all nomads. Before the Anshi Rebellion, the imperial dynasty's expansion of the Helong land had changed the way of life of some Tibetan people. After Helong fell to Tibet, because of the Tubo rule, Tibetans would breed

The proportion of land has further increased, but it is still different from the customs on the grasslands in the Yinshan area - the grasslands north of the Yinshan Mountains are almost purely nomadic, and there is little farming.

"After you successfully settle down, how do you continue to educate?" Shao Shude continued to ask.

He didn't think everything would be fine once the Tibetan people settled down. It wasn't that simple.

In fact, exchanges between different ethnic groups will lead to the phenomenon of acculturation. There are so few Sogdians, and the Tang Dynasty has such a large population, but they still absorbed a lot of Sogdian things, from clothing, food, music to religion.

There are all aspects.

Although the Sogdians have become the same as the Han people, the Han people in the Tang Dynasty have also become different from the Han people in the Han Dynasty.

People in the Tang Dynasty liked to eat Hu cakes and sit on Hu beds. They had many musical instruments from the Western Regions and their costumes were also different...

The people in the northwest under Marshal Shao's rule, even the Han people, now like to eat dairy products, and they are more "Huhua". Although this is not a problem in his opinion, the Han people in the Guandong area do not eat milk very much.

It’s also hard to see dairy products.

Shao Shude passed a village in the morning and found that the migrated Uighurs had brought a lot of Uighur bean (chickpea) seeds. It is conceivable that this crop, native to West Asia, will slowly become popular in Shuofang Town.

Chickpeas are produced in West Asia. They are naturally very drought-tolerant and should be resistant to barren soil. They can be grown in any soil and have strong adaptability. It should still have a very positive significance for the northwest region.

I just don’t know how nutritious it is and whether the yield is high. The yield of soybeans grown in the current three-crop rotation system is too low, only about 60 kilograms per acre. Although it is a miscellaneous grain for the people, it is really too low. If

The yield of chickpeas can be slightly higher, so it would be good to plant this instead.

And if chickpeas are spread over a large area, the eating habits of the people in the northwest will definitely change. You see, there is one more difference from the Han people in Guandong. Food is also a part of culture.

Acculturation, that's what it means.

"After the Tibetan people settled down..." The county magistrate was a little stuck for a moment and didn't know what to say.

Shao Shude waved his hand. He understood the other party's embarrassment. Wouldn't the next step be to study and get an education? But how is that possible!

Universal education is the most expensive thing! In later industrialized societies, education expenditure has always been the largest item of fiscal expenditure. During the modern industrial revolution, industrialized countries clearly needed a large number of educated workers, but the finances just could not support them!

The popularization of education is extremely painful and is simply a bottomless pit.

Shao Shude didn't know how other time-travelers could so easily set up schools, popularize education, and avoid this financial black hole. New China has such a strong executive power. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, it took ten years to launch a national literacy program, but only the illiteracy rate dropped.

It has dropped by seven or eight percentage points. Shuofang Town is now almost entirely illiterate, and it is impossible to assimilate through education.

"Let's do this." After thinking for a while, Shao Shude said: "Let the Tibetan people learn Mandarin first. This is the most basic thing. There are now 65,000 households in Lingzhou. I didn't want to continue sending Han people here. Now it seems

, we still have to let more people come over.”

"This year, a certain society will send at least 1,000 households from Guanzhong and 2,000 households from Shuzhong to eight counties in Lingzhou. In the future, we will try to avoid moving in new Tibetan people, at least for ten years."

"The families of the rebel sergeants in the four prefectures of Fangfang were originally going to be sent to Helong, but they were given an advantage. There are 1,500 households here."

"Three thousand sergeants sent by Xingyuan Prefecture to the Heyuan Army moved their families to Lingzhou."

"There are a total of 7,500 households of Tang people, almost 40,000 people, which should offset Hu Feng a little. If Lingzhou doesn't tidy up, it will be almost the same as Youzhou before the Anshi Rebellion."

This is true for Lingzhou, and the other nine states in Shuofang Town will naturally follow the same approach if conditions permit.

It is urgent to straighten out the folk customs.

This chapter has been completed!
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