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Chapter 34 Hehe County

On February 17, the sixth year of Qianfu's reign, the north wind howled and the sky became gloomy. The main force of Tiande's army had passed through the flood valley and camped three miles north of Kelan Army City.

Kelan Military City, or Kelan Town, is located on Kelan Mountain, two miles east of Langu County. In the first year of Dazu, Empress Wu established the Kelan Army, which initially had a thousand troops, and later increased to 6,000. It was abolished in the Kaiyuan period, and the Tang Dynasty

At the end of the year, the Kelan Army was resettled, with more than 4,000 soldiers in charge. Also in the third year of Chang'an after Wu, the Yifang County of Lan Prefecture was analyzed and Langu County was established here. It was abolished in the second year of Shenlong and restored in the twelfth year of Kaiyuan.

It can be said that the existence of Langu County and Kelan Town is entirely for military purposes, to prevent the northern grassland cavalry from going south and to block the Lan and Shi states on the flanks of Taiyuan Prefecture. Last year, Li Keyong attacked the east of Kelan Army.

The defeat of Cao Xiang in Honggu, which is more than ten miles away, perfectly proves the necessity of the existence of Kelan Town. Without this city, the Datong Army would have gone south long ago!

After the Tiande army passed through Honggu, they sent the vanguard cavalry to Langu County. At the same time, the infantry brigade accelerated their march and headed straight for Kelan Army City. Everyone knew that this was the time to make achievements, so everyone rushed to be first and worked bravely.

They rushed straight to the vicinity of Kelan Town before encountering an obstacle - a group of Kelan soldiers guarding the passage, loudly scolding the approaching Tiande troops and ordering them to retreat.

The vanguard was from Sun Ba's capital in Xicheng. He already knew that Kelan's army was a "rebellious army", so he ordered the attack without any psychological hindrance. The defenders had few soldiers and only resisted for a while before they fled into the mountains. Sun Ba haha

He laughed loudly, and immediately led his men to chase after him, and rushed straight into Kelan Military City before giving up.

Hao Zhenwei and Qiu Weidao, who were waiting for news outside the city, were a little surprised when they heard that Sun Ba had captured the Kelan Army City without bloodshed. Thinking about it carefully, it makes sense that most of the people left behind were the old, weak, sick and disabled of the Kelan Army.

Everyone else went to Lanzhou City to have fun, right?

Not long after, You Yi sent Tian Xing's men and horses to report again: when the cavalry rushed to Langu County, some Kelan soldiers wanted to close the city gate. Unexpectedly, the Tutuan countrymen in the city suddenly rose up, defeated them, and released the Tiande cavalry.

Entering the city, the cavalry took advantage of the situation and charged in, killing, wounding, and capturing more than a hundred rebel soldiers. Now they have firmly controlled the county town.

Hao and Qiu were very excited that the first battle to quell the rebellion went so smoothly. Without any delay, they immediately led the main force of the army to the county seat, while Sun Badu guarded the Kelan Army City on the mountain, waiting for the next order.

Langu County is not big, with a total of five townships and a population of less than 30,000. It is a typical mountain agricultural county. There are some valleys and flat lands on both sides of the Kelan River (today's Lanyi River) for cultivation and cultivation, which is the highlight of the county. However, due to the rebellion,

Due to the raging violence, not many people were seen along the way. A large number of local villagers gathered in Weiwubao Village, equipped with spears, bows and arrows, nervously watching the Tiande Army Brigade.

At noon, the army entered the city in batches. Hao Zhenwei occupied the county government office without hesitation, while Qiu Weidao occupied an empty courtyard as a place to stay. After lunch, the generals went into the county government office to discuss matters. Shao Shude's status was not high and he stood a little.

Far away, but it doesn’t matter.

"I, the general, will camp on behalf of the north to recruit the envoy Commander Cui, and we will soon quell the rebellion of Kelan's army." Hao Zhenwei sat on top, looked at the generals, and said in a deep voice: "You are not new recruits anymore. You should know that we need to quell the chaos.

Cut the mess with a sharp knife, and don't give the rebel army time to react. The last time they got revenge, the rebel army recommended ten generals, Jin Zhi, to stay behind the Kelan army's soldiers and horses, and occupied Lanzhou. Wu Bin had a gap with him, so he led two thousand people to walk on the stone.

Prefecture. The whereabouts of Jia Jingsi, the Kelan Army envoy, are unknown. Li Shao, the Hedong Observation Envoy, rushed to Hehe County. With a small number of soldiers and few generals, he was in danger. Everyone, the Datong rebels in the north are sharpening their swords, and there is chaos inside.

I plan to delay and want to advance quickly."

Hao Zhenwei's words were said with a firm tone, which meant that it was not a discussion, but a decision. None of the generals had any objections, except Qiu Weidao, the supervisor of the army, who made one point: "General, I want to go to Hehe County.

Invite Li Shao back. Regarding the situation in Lan and Shi Erzhou, he still needs to come forward to communicate with the camp."

Hao Zhenwei pondered for a moment and said: "The troops are tight and cannot be divided any further."

"This..." Qiu Weidao was also a little confused. He cherished his own life very much. Although the two hundred or so people from Shao Shude's army guard looked decent, they were small after all. If they encountered a large group of rebels, they would not

Is it dangerous?

"Supervisor, don't panic. Kelan's army is scattered everywhere now. How many of Jin Zhi and Wu Bin can be restrained? Even if they swallow up some soldiers and horses from prefectures and counties, there won't be many. Qiu Shi

You just need to be cautious, and Lieutenant General Shao is invincible, what can happen?" Someone suddenly said next: "Since we are going to invite Li Shao, how can we do it without taking some risks?"

Shao Shude glanced at the person who spoke. He seemed to be Shi Rong, the tenth general of the North City, a confidant of Hao Zhenwei. This guy spoke in a frivolous tone and did not pay attention to the nominal number two figure in the Tiande Army. It was really disgusting.

Qiu Weidao also glared at Shi Rong when he heard this, but the guy didn't take it seriously at all. Instead, he looked at the supervisor with a smile. He was indeed a martial artist, extremely arrogant.

"Shi Rong, Supervisor of the Army, is right. From Langu County to Hehe County, along the Kelan River Valley, the road is flat and easy to travel. It takes only seven or eight days for two hundred miles. Now that the rebel army is scattered, your troops

There are more than 200 guards in the army, and I will send another fifty elite cavalry to send them off, which is enough. Seeing such troops with bright armor, the rebels will not dare to make mistakes." Hao Zhenwei said. In fact, he also

If they want to drive away the supervisory army, there are many things that the Tiande army has to do next. Whether it is collecting property or annexing the Kelan army, it is best not to have anyone holding back, although this Qiu Shijun seems to have always known him well before.

"Since the generals spoke like this, I have nothing to say, so I left." After that, Qiu Weidao, who looked a little unhappy, stood up and left the county office. Shao Shude quickly followed and returned to the Military Supervisory Courtyard together.

The atmosphere in the Supervisory Army Courtyard was more or less solemn. Qiu Weidao kept a dark face and said nothing, and Shao Shude didn't know how to persuade him. He witnessed the whole thing and knew that Qiu Weidao just wanted to show his face and make a contribution, that's all. Civil Service Officer

The pursuits of warlords are different from those of warriors. For example, the Tiande army only wants to quell the chaos and make money. Officers with a certain rank also want to gather the rebels and enrich their own ranks. This is the true nature of a warlord. But Qiu Weidao, the supervisor, is different.

, he was in a hurry to find Li Shao, the Hedong observation envoy. Once he was invited back to Lanzhou to take charge, it would be an opportunity to appear in front of the big shots in Beijing. How could he miss it?

However, he is a little afraid of death after all. If there are only about two hundred people around him, there is something wrong after all. Even if Hao Zhenwei just promised to send fifty extra cavalry to him, he is still not at ease. But now that the matter has come to this, it is useless to blame oneself.

It was he who brought up the matter, but he didn't want to change his mind. The more than 200 miles from Langu to Hehe had to be completed with tears in his eyes.

"Your Majesty, you have sent someone to deliver a batch of equipment. Your subordinates have already sent someone to sign for it. We have a plan in place——"

"You can watch the distribution by yourself. I still have something to do." Qiu Weidao waved his hand and went straight to the backyard, leaving Song Le alone in shock.

After the Tiande Army captured Kelan Town and the capital of Langu County, they captured some prisoners, about two to three hundred people. Hao Zhenwei was quite reasonable. He knew that Qiu Weidao's Fifth Guard Team only had 210 people and was not full of personnel, so

After selecting 50 able-bodied men and sending them over to make up for the shortfall, Shao Shude was able to set up an army of ten soldiers.

Of course, Shao Shude was not polite to these surrendered troops. He directly broke them up and mixed them into each team. At the same time, he selected ten people from the old five teams to serve as personal soldiers - his original two personal soldiers had already gone down to join the team.

Yes, this time the ten people are a mix of old and new, but Cai Songyang, the leader of the team, is an old man from Xicheng.

And with people, of course, there must be equipment. Hao Zhenwei brought some arrows, spears, rifles, horizontal knives, etc., but refused to give the others. He finally asked for ten pairs of armor, and Shao Shude gave them to him directly.

The combat effectiveness of these ten people has suddenly reached a new level. The number of armors in the entire team has reached more than thirty, which is very impressive for a small team with a total number of only 260 people.

Traveling for the army is never an easy task. Although the journey is less than ten days, food, medicinal materials, weapons, pack horses, carts and even camping equipment are all indispensable. Shao Shude is a very rigorous person, and at the same time he has a mature and prudent attitude.

Li Yanling helped and quickly gathered these things and loaded them on the cart and packhorse.

In the early morning of February 18th, after breakfast at the Military Supervisory Academy, the troops took care of their equipment for a while, and then received the order to set off. Hao Zhenwei did not send anyone to send him off. He was very busy, and the large and small troops under his command

The leaders were fishing for money everywhere in the city. The captured Kelan Army officers were really unlucky. They were tortured until they were inhuman form and forced to vomit out the money they had swallowed. Qiu Weidao, out of sight and out of mind, hurriedly urged everyone on their way.


The road to Hehe County is not difficult. Just walk along the Kelan River Valley. There is a direct highway, and the total distance is about two hundred miles. Starting from February 18th, Qiu Wei Road, Shao Shude and his party stayed overnight.

We kept going until noon on February 25th, and finally arrived near the mouth of the lower reaches of the Kelan River.

At this time, the Kelan River had just thawed, and the clear water was flowing quietly. It turned a corner here and headed south, forming a rare shoal crossing. There was a village at the bend of the river, home to more than a hundred families. Shao Shude sent Li Yanling on board

In advance, they exchanged silk for some water and borrowed a few houses for Qiu Weidao and others to rest. There were more than 300 people, as well as horses and carriages. It was impossible for them all to live in the village unless all the villagers were driven away.

Along the way, everyone did not encounter any danger. Qiu Weidao was worried at first, but after walking for seven or eight days, he encountered a group of rebels, probably dozens of people. When he saw them from a distance, he ran away

Even so, Shao Shude did not order a pursuit. After all, they only had two legs, and some of them might not be able to walk fast. As for the fifty-man cavalry sent by Hao Zhenwei to escort them, haha, they had no intention of moving at all.

After walking here, less than a few miles further south, you will find Hehejin. Next to Hehejin is Heheguan, which was the pass of the Great Wall in the Sui Dynasty. It is now abandoned. Hehe County has a population of about 10,000. In the 1940s,

The south bank of the Weifen River mouth inside and outside. The Northern Wei Dynasty established Weifen County in the Weifen Valley. It was changed to Linjin County in the seventh year of Wude in the Tang Dynasty, and to Hehe County in the first year of Zhenguan. There is Weifen River under the city and joins the Yellow River in the west, so it is called

Li Shao, the observation envoy in Hehe and Hedong, was frightened by Kelan's rebellious army and is now hiding here to watch the situation.

Qiu Weidao did not intend to stay here too long. After resting for an hour, he ordered to set off and spend the night in Hehejin tonight.

This chapter has been completed!
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