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Chapter 25 Results

 Khitan, Xiren, Shiwei, Tatar, Uighur, Tuyuhun and other tribes have always been the source of troops fiercely contested by Li Keyong and Youzhou Town in the late Tang Dynasty.

Shao Shude looked at a rough map temporarily drawn by his subordinates and thought to himself.

Liu Rengong's "Eight Armies Behind the Mountain" and the "Silver Saddle Khitan Straight" of the Later Tang Dynasty are typical examples.

Yinshan and the grasslands north of Yanshan, just like the Hexi Corridor and the Longyou area, are home to a large number of foreign races. They are large in number, hardworking, and good at riding and shooting. The vassals in the Central Plains compete for hegemony, and their troops are tight. From time to time, they recruit troops, which becomes a fight.

Cannon fodder on the field.

Nowadays, there are three people who are the most ruthless in using Tibetan soldiers in the Tang Dynasty, namely Shao Shude, Li Keyong, and Li Kuangwei, who represent the three major northern forces.

There are also many Tibetan soldiers in Chengde Town, mainly Xi people and Khitan people. This is related to their origins. The Xi people are members of the Jiangmen family group.

Although the Jiedu envoys from whom the Xi people were born were changed, the aristocratic group of Xi people who were brought over by King Li Shi of Yi and Li Xiancheng and his son slowly took root. After Chineseization, they were still connected with the grassland, and Ma

The government administration was also very good. If Li Keyong wanted to attack Chengde, he would probably have a lot of fun.

"My sworn brother can no longer recruit troops. This is a big loss for him." Shao Shude sighed.

The human resources in Hedong are just like that. Although there are many, they have fought wars all year round and died in battle. The economic decline caused by the war will bring the population growth to a halt or even drop sharply.

If you can't recruit troops outside the Great Wall, how can your sworn brother rely on him to fight against Zhu Quanzhong?

The population under Zhu Quanzhong's rule was greater than that of the Fan and Han people in the four towns of Shuofang, Longyou, Hexi, and Xining combined. He managed the place well, and Zhang Quanyi's Henan Prefecture was developing well. In the long run, it will be difficult to increase


Could it be that Hedong's luck was interrupted by me? Shao Shude was a little unsure.

There is an inexplicable relationship between the sworn brother and the Tatar tribes. He will definitely try to open up the grassland again. Or he may propose to use the road to go to the grassland to recruit troops. So should he agree or not?

Shao Shude hesitated.

It depends on the situation. If he is really beaten too badly by Zhu Quanzhong, let him go.

On the eighth day of May, Shao Shude returned to Xuanhongchi and made an alliance with the chiefs of various tribes.

Because the black chariots Shiwei and Shanbei Xi did not come, most of the Tatars fled far away, and only some of the Uighurs came, mainly relying on Tuyuhun to support the scene.

At this time, there were tens of thousands of Tuyuhun people around Xuanhong Pond. They had fled when Li Keyong attacked, and now they have returned one after another. The grassland in Datong Basin was reluctant to give up. After all, it was the capital of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

There is no doubt about the beauty.

The small tribe of Uighurs and Tatars captured by Shuofang's army totaled 30 to 40,000 people and now became Shao Shude's slave tribe.

For his third slave, Shao Shude did not treat him badly and specially selected a place for them: Yanchi (Daihai), Shenhexing, and Shenhebei area.

This place is located between Shengle, the original capital of the Northern Wei Dynasty, and Pingcheng, the later capital. The emperor went on hunting tours at any time, twice a year, and the quality of the pasture was outstanding. There were fish in the salt ponds, forests nearby, and freshwater lakes, as well as

The river system runs through it, so fishing, hunting, planting, and grazing are all possible, so raising people like them is not a problem.

This land was in the ambiguous zone between the Zhenwu Army and the Datong Army. After Shao Shude occupied it, it became clear from now on: it belonged to the Shuofang Army!

With more and more tribes under his rule, Shao Shude also felt that it was necessary to establish some rough systems.

The Libo Academy and the military staff had discussed it before, and Shao Shude also gave his own plan. He felt that it was almost time to implement it, so he called Chen Cheng and Zhao Guangfeng.

Chen and Zhao carefully looked at the draft that Lu Siye had polished.

Basically, it is to regain the name of Zhenbei Protectorate, which has existed in name only, and actually manage the Tibetan tribe.

The title of Protector of Zhenbei was originally one of the many titles held by the military governor of Zhenwu Army, but now it fell to Shao Shude, the military governor of Shuofang.

In fact, he originally wanted to set up an organization called Bei Ya and appoint a member of the Privy Council, but he did not dare.

The names of the institutions and official positions are exactly the same as the lair of the eunuchs in Chang'an. Do you want to become emperor?

The governor of Zhenbei was naturally appointed by Shao Shude himself. There were temporarily three departments in the governor's office: the pro-military department, the tribal department, and the unified army department.

The Pro-Military Department manages the three tribes directly under Shao Shude, namely the Tuoba tribe in Qinghai, the Liugu tribe (Shaojia tribe) in Liangzhou, and the soon-to-be-established Yanchi tribe.

Each of the three divisions sent 500 warriors to Lingzhou to form a pro-army, and the pro-military department arranged unified training and garrisoning.

These three tribes are regarded as Shao Shude's private property. For this reason, he plans to move the Tuoba tribe back from Qinghai. It is too far away to accumulate prestige through face recognition.

After Shao Shude's death, these three works were inherited by his eldest son.

The Tribal Department manages the civil affairs of each tribe, including horse administration, tribute, service, etc.

The General Army Department is responsible for the supervision, management, recruitment and command of tribal armies. For example, sending supervisory troops to each tribe, making general recommendations on the training of tribesmen, recruiting and deploying troops, etc.

Under the three divisions is the tribe at the lowest level, which is in a state of autonomy in principle and has three positions: governor, inspection envoy, and tribal envoy.

Tribes with a population of more than 30,000 have the post of governor, and tribes with a population of less than 30,000 have the post of patrol envoy. Tribal envoys are appointed as border inspectors, and tribal envoys are inland posts. These are all part-time jobs for the heads of each department.

Officials at all levels in the Duhufu can be held by Tibetan people, or they can exchange posts with the Shuofang shogunate to break the barriers between Tibet and Han. But the prerequisite is that they can write, speak Mandarin, and have a certain ability to handle government affairs.

From now on, the shogunate will only take care of the people who have registered households, and the governor will only take care of the tribes. One town, two systems, will work in parallel, and there can be a certain limit of official exchanges between each other.

To put it bluntly, it is to give Tibetan people a chance to get ahead within the system.

There have been some Tibetan generals who have made meritorious deeds and served in the Yamen army before, but now they need to be fixed in the system.

Those who are good at managing tribes within the Duhufu system can also become Han governors. Han governors can also serve in the Duhufu to experience how to manage grassland tribes.

"Commander, this Protector's Office is not that Protector's Office." Zhao Guangfeng said after reading it.

It's purely selling sheep's meat to dogs. This is entirely to provide Tibetan people with promotion opportunities within the system and increase their enthusiasm.

"Commander, after the establishment of the Protectorate Office, how will we proceed with the process of reorganizing households and bringing together the people?" Chen Cheng asked.

"Lands suitable for farming will gradually reduce the number of tribal envoys." Shao Shude said.

Chen Cheng understood clearly that this was to attack tribes with a population of less than 30,000 and slowly encroach on them. Large tribes and border tribes would not care about them. Several historical issues, such as the six major inspection envoys and the two in-law tribes in Hengshan, were estimated to be eliminated in the short term.

Can't take action.

In fact, Shao Shude thought more.

When going out to fight, tribes that perform well can be rewarded with goods. Those that perform poorly can be fined and forfeited.

He had already planned to renovate the Yulin Palace in Yulin County, Shengzhou Lisuo, which was built by Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty. The Dingkou that would be confiscated in the future would be placed near the Yulin Palace as a tribe directly under him.

Strictly speaking, this is already over the limit.

The palace is only for the emperor. What qualifications does Shao Shude have to occupy the palace? It's just that no one really cares about it.

It is really important for the supreme ruler to have a private tribe.

After the country is at peace, civil servant politics will definitely flourish. So how to ensure that the emperor will not be controlled by the civil service system and lose power?

First of all, safety must be ensured, and death cannot be unknown, such as being strangled to death by a palace maid, falling into the water, dying suddenly after taking medicine or eating, etc.

Then you must have your own people, or your own people who are not controlled by civil servants. A direct tribe managed by the royal family is more suitable. Otherwise, the emperor who cannot even command the "Jingyi Guards" will not be able to do anything.

Isn’t it frustrating?

"This system will be put into operation by selecting officials first, and then it will be gradually improved. In the future, the number of departments will definitely increase, so I wanted to add a palace account department. If we want to solve the grassland problem once and for all, we will definitely not be able to rely on killing alone." Shao Shude said.

Chen Cheng and Zhao Guangfeng both frowned, but they didn't have much resistance.

There were too many Tibetan officials and Tibetan generals in the dynasty. The court did not discriminate against them. As long as they had merit, they could be promoted. Those who paid tribute normally and were promoted to Ding were also people of the Tang Dynasty. The openness of the atmosphere was really amazing.


On the tenth day of the fifth lunar month, Shao Shude ordered the renovation of Yulin Palace. Each of the Huimeng tribes set up some Dingkou, together with 3,000 households, and moved them uniformly to the vicinity of Yulin Palace in Shengzhou for grazing. The Palace Accounts Department to be established will manage daily civil affairs, and the military will be managed by

The Pro-Military Division is in charge.

The leaders of various ministries are a little reluctant, but this is actually equivalent to recruiting soldiers, and you have to obey even if you don't want to.

Helianduo was worried about Shao Shude's increased influence among the Tuyuhun tribes, but Bai Yicheng had nothing to do with it. Instead, he privately advised Helianduo to be more cautious: If Li Keyong attacks again, who will save him? Shuozhou or Shuozhou.

Shuofang's army helped to recover it.

On May 12th, the army set off one after another.

During this expedition, more than 400,000 cattle, sheep, horses and camels were seized, and the various tribes of the League donated more than 200,000, totaling about 700,000, which were converted into sheep, about 1.6 million sheep units. Give Thirteen The army of ten thousand distributed rewards in a careless manner.

The biggest result is to enhance its influence in Yunzhou.

Bai Yicheng secretly betrayed his sincerity, and Helian Duo wavered between Youzhou and Shuofang, but in fact he preferred Shuofang. There was no way, Shao had so many soldiers, it was too scary.

When we arrived at Jinhe County, we heard an urgent report from Wangsi: The saint had passed away.

"Find Li Hang." Shao Shude ordered immediately.

Li Hang had returned to Xuanhongchi from Jinyang and had been listening to Shao Shude's orders, so he immediately rode his horse and rushed to the driver's side.

"Li Farewell, news came from the capital that the saint passed away, and the officials of the Northern Division appointed King Shou as the emperor's younger brother to supervise state affairs." Shao Shude said: "At this moment, the ceremony for the new king's enthronement may have been almost completed. .You should go to Chang'an immediately and find the Prime Minister Zhang Jun and the Tenth Army Envoy Ximen Chongsui to inquire about the situation."

"The commander is not satisfied with King Shou?" Li Hang asked directly.

"No need, King Shou is very good." Shao Shude said.

The soldiers stood guard on the side and pretended not to hear the conversation between the two.

It is really un-loyal to openly comment on the prince who oversees the country, as if he will be replaced if he disagrees with him!

"First go to Zhang Jun and ask about the status of the establishment of Weibei Town." Shao Shude warned again.

"As ordered." Li Hang took the order and left.

In Weibei Town, Shao Shude's minimum goal was to have the same five states of Fu, Fang, Yan, Dan, and leave one Huazhou for the imperial court. This was also the limit that Li Maozhen achieved in history.

At that time, the two towns of Baosai and Baoda (the four prefectures of Yanyan) were controlled by Li Maozhen, and his brother Li Maozhuang was the governor of Tongzhou. The governor of Huazhou was Han Jian, which was the only opening he left to the imperial court.

Besides Weibei Town, there is also Jingyuan Town!

After returning to the army this time, most of the tribal troops can be dismissed.

There are no strong enemies in Guanzhong, and a hundred thousand troops are not needed to seize Jingyuan Town.

Once Weibei Town is established, there may be some troubles in the four states of Fufang, but how much opposition will there be in the four states where all the elites have been lost? If an army is sent in, most of the opponents can basically be suppressed, and the remaining The only thing is to gradually heal people's hearts.

"Send the order, Tielin, Tianzhu, Tianxiong, Yicong, and Feixiong's five armies, follow me south to Yanzhou." Shao Shude opened the curtain of the carriage and said. He wanted to see if anyone was there after showing off his muscles like this. Dare to challenge!

"Commander, which route should we take?" General Lu Ming asked.

"Go south from Shengzhou, pass through Lin, Yin, and Sui and enter Yanzhou."

"As ordered." Lu Ming quickly sent someone to deliver the order.

This route is the main post road from Chang'an to Zhenwu Army. It basically follows the Yellow River and Wuding River. After leaving Suizhou, it enters Yanzhou. It was also the year when Shao Shude went south to Guanzhong as the governor of Suizhou and the military envoy of Tielin. The route to Huangchao.

It must be quite emotional to revisit my hometown ten years later.

This chapter has been completed!
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