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Chapter 33 Expedition

 Wu Rong and Wei Zhuang looked at each other, feeling a little surprised.

Wu Rong lamented that Wuquan County was a small place after all, with little information. He didn't know that the famous Wei Dalang had also come to Shuofang and became a judge.

Wei Zhuang did not expect that Wu Zihua, who was famous for his poems, was also an official in Shuofang. Maybe it was Longyou Town, but anyone with a discerning eye knew that it was the territory of the Lingwu County King.

Wu Rong had just received an order to come to Hengshan to see the commander-in-chief. The reason was that he had done well as a Doctor of Classics in Wuquan County and was recommended by Xiao Yu, the governor of Longyou, to serve in Shuofang.

The Prince of Lingwu County really kept his word, and if he did well in educating the Tibetan people, he would be promoted as an assistant professor or doctor.

This is actually rare in the imperial dynasty. Low-level officials in Confucian classics and medicine basically stay there all their lives. It is difficult for them to be promoted or transferred to other yamen.

Wu Rong originally thought that he would find a position in the ten states of Shuofang or in the shogunate, but no one expected, the king of Lingwu County actually asked him to be the magistrate of Fushi County.

Fushi is the first county in Yanzhou. The original county magistrate had just retired from office and the position was vacant, so Wu Rong was asked to take over.

It's just that this is a county under Baosai Town.

Is Baosai Town the same as Longyou Town?

The two came to Hengshan today.

The commander got up early in the morning.

He lives in a large house in a deep alley with willows planted in front of the door. This is a rare group of Han-style buildings in Hengshan. Most of them were built in recent years. The owners are either businessmen from other places or Chinese party members.

In order to distinguish themselves from the tribesmen and become the so-called superior people, the nobles no longer bothered to compare themselves with cattle, sheep, and food, but chose a more advanced lifestyle.

"Since you have a balance of more than eighty silver dollars, why didn't you claim it?" When the two came to the alley, Prince Lingwu was talking to a businessman.

"I will go to the Autumn Society Festival, so why do I need to receive money?" the businessman replied.

Shao Shude was a little surprised. These days, there are still people who have such confidence in the vassal commander Wufu.

"What is for sale?"

"Beeswax, musk."

"What to buy?"

"oxen and horses."

"What do you think of the accounting method?"

"Convenient. No need to carry a cart full of copper coins or silk."

"How many cattle and horses have been purchased this year?"

"One hundred cows and forty horses."

"How does it compare to previous years?"

"A lot more."

Shao Shude smiled. In this era of business, especially for wholesale merchants, one or two orders a year is actually enough, so the trade fair model of centralized trading is very reasonable.

If this person is not bragging, it means that he has now picked up the business that he gave up in the past due to difficulties in currency settlement and other factors. The frequency of commercial transactions has increased, the amount has increased, and the circulation speed of goods has become faster. For the final consumer, in fact,

is beneficial.

For example, a horse dealer in Yanzhou received a bunch of low-quality copper coins from elsewhere and went to the Suizhou livestock market to purchase them. However, they refused to accept the money, causing his business to fail. Then the supply of horses in the Yanzhou market would be

A portion will be lost, the price will rise, and the end user will suffer a loss.

Merchants who sell horses also make less money or even lose money because a potential transaction goes bad, because raising horses also costs money.

Nowadays, the whole country is in a money shortage, but there is no way to solve it.

During the Wu Zong Dynasty, the money shortage was alleviated by integrating Buddhist statues in temples, but this only addressed the symptoms but not the root cause. We must seize the bulk wholesale market with the largest demand for money. If we can reduce the occupation of this part, then the money will really be enough.

Because it was these wholesalers who would haul several or even a dozen cartloads of copper coins across states and counties to do business.

"You don't have to worry about this silver dollar ticket from now on. In a while, it will be available in Yanzhou. There will also be an expo market in Yanzhou." Shao Shude said with a smile: "It won't be long."

The businessman was speechless and did not dare to talk.

Shao Shude stood up. It took a lot of effort to rectify this extremely primitive economic system.

If there is sufficient money supply in the market, then business will be active. When business is active, the consumption and purchase volume of goods will both increase, then manufacturers will have orders and profits. And only with profits can we talk about technology.

invention, promotion and progress.

If the opposite is done, the government will invent and promote it. Under the current government structure, it will definitely not make money, unless it is a monopoly industry, or it opens a restaurant in a prime location like the Northern Song Dynasty court did. Over time, financial losses will occur.

Make this behavior unsustainable and eventually return to the starting point, as if nothing happened.

Of course, the basis for all this is to form a unified market first. If a unified market is not formed, it will be like a feudal state with one rule in each place and numerous tax cards, and it will be very difficult to do business.

He was prepared to take over Danyan, Fufang, and even Tongzhou, a market with a population of hundreds of thousands.

"Judge Wei, Dr. Wu is here." After letting the businessman leave, Shao Shude walked up to the two of them and said with a smile: "How do you feel about Dr. Wu coming from Yanzhou?"

"It's relatively stable." Wu Rong thought for a while and said, "But the situation in Guanzhong is tense, and the people are afraid of catastrophe."

"Why?" Shao Shude asked knowingly.

"Dean Xu Yanruo was an official. However, as soon as the chariot entered Jingyuan, he was driven to death by the rebel army. Dean Xu escaped with his own life and fled to Chang'an. Yuan Shi, the envoy to restrain the troops in Yaowu Town, abandoned the army and fled to Jingyuan.

The three states have been occupied by the rebels. The imperial court is probably going to send troops to attack them, and I don’t know what kind of trouble it will cause." Wu Rong shook his head.

This time he took the route of Huizhou, Jingyuan, and Pingning to Hengshan. When passing through Jingyuan, he heard about the major events that happened, so he hurried eastward without daring to stop for a moment.

"Dr. Wu, do you think this imperial conquest will be successful?"

"Coming back to the commander-in-chief, if the army is still the same as before, it will be impossible to succeed." Wu Rong's robes were washed cleanly, and his face had a calmer look, similar to the former soldier who had failed in many trials.

There has been a big change than.

Some people, even if they are thirty or forty years old, may only have a mental age of twenty years old due to factors such as experience, and their minds are relatively simple and naive.

Some people, even if they are only twenty years old, have experienced too many things, seen too many things, and have strong experience, so their minds will naturally mature.

Wu Rong used to be the kind of person who kept taking exams, failed many times, and then sent poems to friends. He was a relatively simple person. But in the northwest, he saw a lot of things, met all kinds of people in person, and watched a lot of things.

After the war, it grew rapidly.

"The purpose of calling you back this time is to make you the magistrate of Fushi County."

"Commander, Fushi is from Guo County, Yanzhou..."

"It doesn't matter." Shao Shude waved his hand and said: "I have ordered the Tianzhu Army to go south first and stationed in the five cities of Yanzhou. In two days, I will leave. After practicing in Hengshan for so long, it is time to move.


"Judge Wei."


"Yan, the branch secretary should come up with a charter for the financial plan of Dan and Danzhou and organize it as soon as possible. You have also brought many people over from Lingzhou, so don't let me down."

"I will obey the Commander-in-Chief's orders."

"So, get ready and follow me south." Shao Shude looked at the soldiers in the distant valley who were practicing array transformation and said.

Tens of thousands of troops are not brought here to watch a show, so they will naturally be put to use.


"Forty thousand troops set out to fight, Prime Minister Zhang is so majestic." In Duting Post, Ximen Zhongsui raised his wine bottle and said with a smile.

"When you return from quelling the rebels, you will become more powerful." Zhang Jun drank two more drinks and started talking more.

This is his first time taking charge of the army.

To be honest, he was very intoxicated by this feeling. There was no other reason than face, honor, and majesty! Especially the scene where everyone was surrounded by people, it was so addictive.

It is true that the court officials are noble, but when they go to court, there is only one mule and three taels of servants. Compared with the commanders of the feudal towns who are accompanied by big banners, flags and flags like a forest, and soldiers like clouds, the gap is insignificant.

When Ximen Zhongsui heard this, his eyes narrowed.

He is a fastidious person.

On weekdays, his official uniform is fresh and neat, and his beard is meticulously groomed. In front of unfamiliar people, his mood and anger are basically invisible, and he looks very well-educated.

But people who are familiar with him know that some small subconscious movements often represent his emotions, such as tapping his thigh with his left index finger, which means he has murderous intentions and wants to get rid of them quickly.

"Zhang Xiangfu has a drink. I am waiting for news of your triumphant victory in the capital." Ximen Zhongsui said calmly.

"I'm drunk, I won't drink anymore." Zhang Jun pushed Ximen Zhongsui's hand away and said with a smile: "The Xia Ming sword on my back is shining on the frost, and my horse is riding out of Xianyang in the autumn wind. The people in Jingyuan are ugly, and their ears are broken while talking and laughing.


"Xiang Zhang compares himself to Xie An, Pei Du, and the Zhang brothers in front of the saint. Naturally, he can capture them easily." There was wine spilled on Ximen Zhongsui's robe, but he didn't seem to be angry at all, and he still complimented.

Zhang Jun also drank too much. Previously, the saint gave a banquet to practice in Anxi upstairs, and he drank a lot in the excitement. Now in Dutingyi, Ximen Zhongsui held a banquet to practice again. After drinking a few drinks,

He had a limited capacity for drinking and his eyes were blurred.

Ximen Zhong then put down his wine bottle and sneered secretly in his heart.

Yesterday, there was a false report, and the sage sent a female official in the inner court to send a message to Zhang Jun, asking him to go to the palace to inquire about it.

What does this mean? It means that the saint does not trust the Beisi lieutenant who single-handedly supported him.

After Ximen Zhongsui received the news, he immediately went to the next door palace in person and eavesdropped on the conversation between the monarch and his ministers through special channels.

Everything else is nothing, just a cliché. Zhang Jun is a big talker and knows how to choose nice things to say to the saints. Ximen Zhongsui can even recite his words silently.

But there was only one sentence that made him secretly vigilant.

"I will first eliminate worries, and then help your majesty eliminate internal troubles." These were Zhang Jun's original words.

Ximen Zhong then thought about it carefully and concluded that external worries should refer to the foreign vassals, while internal worries must refer to the officials of the Northern Division.

The Shence Army is usually in the hands of the Zhongguan, but when it comes to expeditions, the generals are selected from the Nanya court officials until they return and hand over military power.

If Zhang Jun comes back in victory and plots something with the emperor, and is caught off guard, Beisi may really suffer a big loss.

After all, the military power has not yet been handed over, Zhang Jun is still the commander-in-chief of the Shence Army, and with the support of the emperor, it is indeed more dangerous.

You are unkind and I am unjust. Since you want me to die, don’t blame me for using any means to punish you!

Zhang Jun stood up with the support of his entourage, cupped his hands and said: "Without any effort, ten troops will be sent to the Ximen Palace Supervisor to see you off, so I will go on my own."

Liu Chongwang, who was the judge of the camp, was waiting outside, saluted Ximen Zhongsui, and then followed Zhang Jun away.

"It's a pity Liu Sanlang. If you follow this man to go to war, you will definitely not end up well." Ximen Zhong then shook his head and laughed: "To speak loudly before things are done is to be narrow-minded and will retaliate. People like this can also be prime ministers. Saints are getting better and better. This is outrageous, and he should be taught a lesson."

The autumn wind has swept away, and the fallen leaves are flying outside Dutingyi.

The setting sun shone on Ximen Zhongsui's body, casting a large shadow.

The Shence Army is on the march!

This chapter has been completed!
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