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Chapter 7 The Soldier King

 It was sunny on June 20, the second year of Dashun.

Golden eagles move gracefully across the sky.

Above the surface, there are sparkling waves and lakes and swamps everywhere.

In the woods, birds and magpies gather together and sing softly.

Wild ducks float leisurely on the water by the lake, taking a bite of fresh water plants from time to time, looking very happy.

The golden eagle flew down silently.

The wild duck felt threatened, fluttered its wings and quacked.

How could the golden eagle let go of the food in its mouth and rushed down like lightning?

"Dong dong dong!" The thunderous drum beat sounded, and the golden eagle flew low and flew straight ahead.

In the wilderness, there are neat "squares" everywhere.

Within the square, silver light flashes from time to time.

There are also banners like forest flags, rustling in the wind.

"Dong dong dong!" The drum sounded for the second time.

A block began to move, and they advanced slowly, holding up the sharp blades with a cold light.

They walked slowly at first, then gradually became faster, and the front row also dropped their weapons forward.

The queue was very neat, and there was only the sound of whistling wind, rustling footsteps and the sound of beetle leaves clashing all around.

Meng Zhixiang's mouth and tongue were a little dry.

He held a long flag and rode his horse in the wilderness.

On the opposite side, a whole phalanx of infantry was pressing towards him with rifles and rifles raised.

The silver blade shone brightly, and whether it was an illusion or not, Meng Zhixiang even saw blood on it.

"Huh!" The first row collectively lowered their arms and quickened their pace.

Meng Zhixiang had goosebumps all over his body. He drank too much water in the morning and felt like peeing.

"Dang, Dang, Dang!" the sound of the clang sounded.

As if a spell had been cast on the block, it stopped just behind the line of flags.

"Pah!" Big beads of sweat fell from the tip of his nose and splashed into the dust under his feet.

The seventeen-year-old boy looked pale.

Riding alone into the formation, if nothing else, your courage alone is different from ordinary people. How many people in the world can do this without changing their expression?

The wilderness was completely silent except for the rustling of flying flags and flags.

Meng Zhixiang raised his head and looked at the high platform in the distance, where there was a signal giving orders.

He was relieved, and together with more than ten people, he rode away from the stop line.

"Dong dong dong!" The drum sounded for the third time.

"Crash!" A row of sword and shield hands came forward, half kneeling on the ground.

The flag fell.

The sergeants in the front rows also knelt down with their guns drawn.

"Woo!" the horn sounded.

There was silence all around.

This is the archery session, but there is a military formation opposite, and they are all our own people, so of course they can't actually shoot.

"Dong dong dong!" The drum sounded for the fourth time.

The sergeant who was half kneeling on the ground quickly stood up.

The entire phalanx ran quickly in unison, and everyone looked solemn, even ferocious.

"Kill!" The sergeants stopped in front of the second line of flags and flags, and stabbed forward fiercely.

"Xilulu!" The protons holding long banners could hardly control their horses, and even the horse of a wealthy businessman's son ran wildly.

Zhang Huaiding's face didn't look very good either, and his horse snorted uneasily. He tried hard not to make a fool of himself.

Soon, orders came from the high platform, and they left the formation one by one.

A square formation also came from the opposite side. The two formations were about the same number of people, and they were facing each other with murderous intent.

"Dong dong dong!" The drum sounded for the fifth time.

Two flags were displayed on the high platform, one green flag and one white flag.

In the left compartment, teams began to be drawn, and the formation was adjusted from a square formation to a horizontal formation, with drums playing in the formation.

The right compartment kept the square formation still and beat the drum in response.

This is the military training plan preset by the "Director's Department", and both armies have completed adjustments.

Soon, the formation in the right compartment began to change.

Their sergeants were well-trained, and under the command of the officers' commands and flags, they transformed into a sharp formation.

After the transformation is completed, beat the drum to signal.

When the left wing was halfway through the transformation on the opposite side, it immediately changed its formation and became the Yanyue Formation.

After the transformation is completed, beat the drum to indicate the same.

On the high platform, everyone watched intently.

The left wing comes from Tielin Army, with 2,000 people, and the right wing comes from Wuwei Army, with 2,000 people.

Both sides showed off their tactics and changed their formations when the opportunity arose. Their movements were orderly and clearly well-trained.

"Is it possible for the rest of the army to achieve this level?" Shao Shude asked, looking at the generals and staff.

Many of the generals had dissatisfaction on their faces, but because of the commander's power, no one refuted.

"The two armies of Tielin and Wuwei were given money and two sheep, and each returned to their own formation." Shao Shude ordered: "The next formation will be Feng'an Army and Tiande Army."

Confrontation drills continue.

After the confrontation between the Feng'an Army and the Tiande Army, there are the Jinglue Army and the Dingyuan Army, followed by the Tianzhu Army, the Tianxiong Army...

In fact, the performance is pretty good!

Especially the Jinglue and Dingyuan Second Army, almost all of them were veterans, and their formation changes were dazzling, busy but not chaotic, and full of a strange sense of beauty.

Tielin and other troops actually include a few new recruits from Kanto. Although they have been training for a year, they cannot be compared with the veterans.

This is still a formation. If compared with physical strength, spear skills, archery skills, experience, and psychological quality, it is even more inferior.

Marshal Shao praised Tielin's army, but everyone didn't say anything, but they were dissatisfied in their hearts. Their performance was not much better than ours!

"A certain person likes to fight in formations." Shao Shude said while watching: "Arrays are the foundation of any army and cannot be abandoned in a day. In addition to being good at formations, one must also be skilled in skills, dare to fight and be willing to fight, and have high morale. To achieve this,

, no one can defeat us!"

All the generals responded naturally.

"Erlang, how about watching the military exercises today?" Shao Shude asked, holding his son's hand.

"Mighty!" Shao Chengjie replied. This was probably the only adjective he could find in his poor vocabulary.

Everyone laughed.

"You have met the soldiers today. Do the soldiers recognize you?" Shao Shude asked again.

Shao Chengjie shook his head.

"Don't shake your head and speak." Shao Shude said with a straight face.

Seeing his always amiable father with a straight face, Shao Chengjie was a little panicked and immediately nodded and said: "I don't recognize him."

"Then follow me to get to know the soldiers. I don't care about the other vassals, but the son of the Shao family, how can I not get close to the soldiers?" Shao Shude took his son's hand and slowly got off the high platform, surrounded by his own soldiers.

, walked towards the sergeants who were sitting on the ground.

"This is the Tielin Army." Shao Shude pointed to a large flag fluttering in the wind and said: "My grandfather has been working hard for more than ten years. You don't have to trust anyone in the future, but you must trust the Tielin Army. Back to

I am more comfortable in the army than at home. Follow me."

Seeing the commander approaching, the sergeants stood up one after another.

"This is Li Sanlang. He has been serving under my father since he was in Tielin City. He was from the Kelan Army. He was still a boy of seventeen or eighteen at that time, and his martial arts skills were very sparse."

The sergeants burst into laughter upon hearing this, and Li Sanlang blushed.

"Now Li Sanlang is already a deputy general. He has made many military exploits. He can shoot while wearing armor and hit six or seven out of ten arrows. My son, you must know that in all things in the world, as long as you study hard and practice hard, you will always make progress."

Chengjie nodded as if he understood.

"This is You Erlang. In the past, all the members of the Zhaoyi Army were old men." Shao Shude walked up to another person, patted his chest, and said, "A man like an iron tower. When he attacked Xingfeng, he was wearing several weapons.

, You are still fighting fiercely, and you are the first-class warrior in the world!"

Yujiro is a rough man, covered in armor. Where he stands, he is indeed very oppressive.

"This is Zhao Dalang, who stole a dancing girl from his father."

Everyone laughed again, their faces filled with envy.

"In the battle to break Li Changfu, Zhao Dalang was extremely brave and beheaded six levels of soldiers, including two team leaders." Shao Shude continued to introduce: "My son must remember that warriors must be treated with courtesy and must not be humiliated.


"No one in this town can humiliate the warrior!"

The sergeants felt happy after hearing this and shouted loudly.

Some of the new soldiers from Guandong and those who surrendered from Tongzhou, Jingyuan, were also impressed. The relationship between this commander and the sergeants was quite harmonious.

Shao Shude took his son and moved on.

There were two people, one large and one small, all wearing bright red military uniforms. Everywhere they went, sergeants gathered around them, laughing loudly from time to time.

Shao Shude knew many junior officers and veterans of the Tielin Army. Some of their deeds were recounted in such a detailed way that the person involved may not be able to remember the details clearly, but Shao Shude was able to tell them in one sentence, which obviously took a lot of effort.

Everyone on the high platform looked from a distance, and the father and son were like the kings of soldiers. Everywhere they went, people gathered around them, and the officers looked on with smiles and didn't care.

With the strength of the Tielin Army's twelve thousand infantry and cavalry, handling the affairs of the town should be easy.

The Wuwei, Feng'an, Dingyuan, Xinquan, and Jinglue armies were also part of the Tielin army, and their initial officers and veterans all came from the Tielin army.

With these people under control, no one can shake the Shaw family's position in Shuofang.

To gain a deep understanding of the sergeants and win the morale of the troops, Taizong was the only one in the country to do this.

After leaving the Tielin Army, Shao Shude took his son to the formation of the First Army.

"Great Khan!" The two thousand cavalrymen under the direct control of the Pro-Military Division bowed down one after another.

Yulin and Woyang palace subordinates, plus Tuoba and Liugu tribes, totaled 2,000 people. Previously, 500 soldiers were lent to Wang Bian, and now they have returned to Jian.

The daily training of this group of sergeants is under the responsibility of the Military Affairs Department of the Protectorate, and the troop mobilization is under the jurisdiction of the General Army Department.

"Erlang, this is my private army of the Shao family. It is not an army organized by the shogunate." Shao Shude introduced softly: "However, it also needs to be well managed and rewards will continue. The name of this army is the 'guards' army'. In a few days

On the day, my father will go to Yulin Palace and Woyang Palace to stay for a while, gather the heads of various departments, and keep in touch with each other. You can get to know each other well."

"I understand, grandpa."

"All the Shao family's capital is here." Shao Shude touched his son's head and said with a smile, "Are you shocked?"

Shao Chengjie looked at the guards and soldiers who were all kneeling on the ground. They were obviously the 'Qiang Hu' mentioned by the gentleman. Can they really be trusted?

"The guards and soldiers arrived last night, it was very hard." Shao Shude said, "Why don't my son reward them with wine and meat?"

Shao Chengjie glanced at his father and saw him signaling with encouraging eyes. After hesitating for a while, he said in a childish voice: "Please enjoy the delicious food."

Shao Shude laughed loudly and asked the translator to pass on the order: "I will give you five pieces of wine, five pieces each of milk and preserved meat, and a plate of fruit."

After hearing this, the guards and soldiers were overjoyed and thanked Shao Chengjie one after another.

The child was flattered, Shao Shude held his hand tightly and asked him to accept this gift calmly.

This chapter has been completed!
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