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Chapter 23 Resources

 On the first day of October in the second year of Dashun, Shao Shude took 4,000 Shunyi troops as the vanguard, led 10,000 cavalry troops, and 10,000 Huazhou troops to go eastward. He left Shaanxi and Guoxi via Xiaoshi and surrounded Shihao Village.

The main force of Silver Spear had been recovered, and Shao Shude personally called Yang Hongwang, Wang Chong, and Zhe Congyun.

"The Battle of Xiashi was fought well." Shao Shude first praised Wang Chong: "When marching and fighting, the first priority is to maximize strengths and avoid weaknesses. You used the terrain of the mountains and river valleys to defeat the cavalry of the Bian Army. This is a meritorious service."

"It's a pity that we couldn't capture the traitor general Liu Kangyi." Wang Chong said regretfully.

There were two groups of cavalry in the Bian army, but they didn't encounter them all the way. They ran into Yang Hongwang's troops and fled after seeing more than 900 cavalry and armored cavalry.

"It's okay, I'll give you another chance now." Shao Shude said with a smile: "First go back to Shaanzhou to repair the equipment, collect food and grass, replace the horses, and rest for two days. Then we will detour to the mainstay, one person and two horses, along the south bank of the river, and pass through Mengzhou towards

Go forward to the area around Fugong County, Henan Province. If you encounter the enemy halfway, attack if the thieves are weak, and avoid if the thieves are strong. If you encounter the enemy's team escorting grain and grass, you can attack decisively, burn the enemy's grain, grass, equipment, and draft animals and kill them all if they cannot be taken away.

.Well, the Leopard Riders are all here to stay.”

Yang Hongwang and Wang Chong took a deep breath and took their orders one after another. Zhe Congyun was a little regretful. He was the tenth general of the Leopard Cavalry and could only stay with the commander.

Mainstay Mountain is located in the Yellow River. The so-called mainstay is a landmark.

Gong County is a county in Henan Prefecture, located north and east of Luoyang.

From Shaanzhou, you can walk along the south bank of the Yellow River in a big circle and go to Mengzhou to reach the rear side of Luoyang. However, because you have to pass through Mengzhou, you are likely to encounter the main force of the Bian Army gathered in Zhengzhou and east of Heyang, so Shao Shude let

They try not to bite the hard bones and pick the soft persimmons.

If you really can't find the target, there's no harm in withdrawing. Their existence is a big deterrent to the Bian army. Li Keyong is probably in a difficult situation now, so this can relieve him some pressure.

I just don't know what moves Ge Congzhou will make. His men are mainly Henan soldiers and generals, most of whom are infantry. Now we have to see if he can withstand the pressure.

After the Feixiong Army left, Shao Shude personally watched the battle of the Huazhou soldiers.

Wang Bian's troops were once attacked by Hao Zhenwei and suffered heavy losses. Most of the expanded troops are new soldiers.

Moreover, Huazhou is comfortable and prosperous with commerce, and the people lack a spirit of poverty and relatively cherish their lives. Compared with the disaster-ridden Henan, the violent Hebei, and the extremely poor northwest, the people of Huazhou are not ruthless enough.

If you are not ruthless enough to yourself or others, you are not the best source of soldiers.

At this time, the war drums were beating, and the 5,000 cavalry soldiers dispersed in battalion units. The furthest ones even reached the area east of Qianhao Village, hunting and killing Bian Army messengers and rangers who appeared in the wilderness.

And attracted the remaining 3,000 riders of the Bian Army to come out to fight.

The Cavalry Army is not the same thing as the Flying Bear Army. Although the powerful and heavy horse is abandoned in order to carry bows and arrows, its melee combat ability is not weak. All members are wearing armor, and many of them are even wearing scorpion armor.

Of course we have to thank the saints for so many armors.

The Shence Army was probably the most well-equipped unit in the Tang Dynasty. After the disastrous defeat of the 40,000-strong army, most of the armor was captured by the Jingyuan Army, and then most of it returned to the Shuofang Army. In addition to those taken from the Chang'an Treasury,

He received more than 20,000 pieces of armor and became rich overnight.

Now Shao Shude wanted to kill the cavalry in Xie Yanzhang's hands and eliminate this annoying "existence fleet", and then the initiative would be completely in his own hands.

Ge Congzhou is more experienced in using troops. In such a passive situation, what tricks can he use?

Shihao Village is not high, with a mixed structure of earth and wood, and there are not many soldiers. At this time, there are probably more than a thousand people.

The Huazhou Army assembled the accessories they brought and built several flying ladders. Wang Bian also became ruthless and personally selected four battalions of soldiers to launch attacks from the west, south and north at the same time, with the main attack coming from the west.

Direction, the people arranged here are the most capable of fighting in the Huazhou Army.

Under the stronghold wall, arrows flew everywhere.

The Huazhou sergeant looked pale. Under the supervision of the officer, he braved the dense swarm of arrow ants to attack the stronghold.

Zhang Quanyi's field soldiers were well prepared and even poured a large vat of gold juice from the wall of the village. On the wall of the village, they even saw strong men and women transporting arrows and stones. Their will to resist was surprising, and they didn't know what the army was going to do.

What did they promote?

"Kill!" On the flying ladder, the Huazhou sergeants fell like raindrops, and then more people continued to come up.

A military academy member wore heavy armor, held an iron mace, and climbed up with a large shield on his back.

The walls of the village were hacked with guns and bayonets, making a harsh scraping sound.

This man was born with supernatural power, and he pushed forward step by step, then swept across with his mace, knocking down two people in a row.

The defenders stabbed him frantically with their spears. The military academy reached out to grab the spear shaft and pulled it, causing a man to fall from the wall.

Then he suddenly took a step forward and climbed onto the wall of the village.

Four or five spears poked him at almost the same time. One of them, which reached his chest, slipped, and the tip of the spear scratched his lower jaw and left eye.

The military academy was so mad with pain that he stopped defending at all and rushed directly into the crowd of defenders. He didn't care about how many weapons were thrown at him, and he just swung his mace and smashed them with all his strength.

The Huazhou soldiers behind them became more energetic, their faces turned from pale to red, and they followed after them with a roar.

Everyone knew that the king of Lingwu County in the northwest of the famous town was watching the battle.

If a martial artist with no background wants to prosper, he must risk his life to fight for the slim chance.

More and more people are swarming up the wall, and there are people everywhere. The group formations cannot be separated, and everyone is involved in a melee.

Chopping with knives and axes, smashing with spears and sticks, there were screams everywhere, and people fell off the wall of the village everywhere.

The military academy that initially attacked had fallen to the ground silently, still biting someone's ear.

The Huazhou sergeants who jumped onto the wall one by one stepped on the corpses on the ground, forcing the defenders down step by step.

The troops in the field were just short of breath at the critical moment. No matter how well mobilized they were in advance, if they gave up their strength at the moment of gritting their teeth and wrestling, today's defeat was doomed.

"Boom!" The village door was violently pushed open from the inside.

The general beside Wang Bian waved a flag, and a battalion of soldiers ran over quickly with long spears in hand, and went straight in through the gate of the village to kill.

"It's broken." Chen Cheng said from the side: "It came down in one go without any extra effort."

"Behead the general after he is caught! The family will be made into slaves and used to farm land for the military farms." Shao Shude ordered: "Forcing people to go up the wall of the village, this person has a black heart."

Sima Ye, the magistrate of the Huazhou shogunate, watched with great concentration. When he heard this, he was moved in his heart: I am afraid that not only the family of the general will be affected, but also the more than 3,000 men, women, and children in the village will not be able to get a good deal, and I don't know where they will be.

While he was daydreaming, the east gate of the village opened wide, and a group of field soldiers jumped out in panic and fled eastward.

"Boom!" The sound of horse hoofbeats sounded, and the cavalry knights who were cruising nearby came to cover them up.

First there was a hail of arrows, which made the fleeing sergeants scream in agony. Then the cavalry rushed in and slashed with swords, quickly killing them all.

"That's too cruel!" Shao Shude looked a little angry, but he couldn't say anything. He could only wait until the war was over before ordering these killers.

People are precious resources, how can they be slaughtered at will?

Chen Cheng and Sima Ye also frowned when they saw it. The cavalry army was too murderous! Oritsugu Yu had probably never restrained his warriors. No wonder he asked the commander before if he could massacre villages and towns. Really?


After the cavalry soldiers killed the fleeing men, they moved aside far away, inserted their swords and swords into the holsters next to their saddles, and took out their horn bows again, like a pack of wolves, ready to kill again at any time.

Shao Shude watched silently.

He knew many people in the cavalry army and often visited them during the Winter Solstice and New Year's Day. The soldiers were also willing to surround him and talk to him. They were all loyal, brave, respectful and obedient.

But he had never been so naive as to think how kind-hearted the warriors of the Cavalry Army were. Their military commander Yu Oritsugu was so virtuous that if he relaxed his control even a little, he would dare to give you a visit.

This is a sharp sword. I can control it. But after a hundred years, will my son be able to control it?

"Commander, the An army envoys have destroyed Sanxiang Village and killed more than 400 thieves." A messenger came from afar to report.

"Why kill so many people?" Shao Shude sighed and said, "Move the people of Sanxiang Village to Shaanzhou and hand them over to General Zhe."

"Yes!" the messenger got on his horse and galloped away.

Chen Cheng and Sima Ye looked at Shao Shude.

Shao Shude smiled and said: "Wait for Ge Congzhou's movement."

North bank of the river, Jiyuan County, Mengzhou.

Feng Ba and Hao Zhenwei are taking a break.

Feng Ba had 2,000 infantry and 400 cavalry, the backbone of whom were Zhaoyi sergeants who had followed him and fled south from Luzhou.

Hao Zhenwei only had 800 infantry and 200 cavalry, and the backbone were old men he brought from Tongzhou.

Both of them defected to Zhu Quanzhong out of poverty, and neither received much attention, but they were not left out in the cold either.

Whether it is Zhu Quanzhong or Li Keyong, they will give the most basic treatment to Jiang Ren who escapes from the opponent. As for whether you can get up later, it depends on your ability.

Of course Shao Shude is also good at surrendering people.

He took in An Xiuxiu, Li Han's generals Li Duo and He Ze who had fled from Hedong, and organized them into the Shunyi Army.

In the battle to attack Liangzhou, the Shunyi army worked hard and was rewarded: after the war, they devoured the Liangzhou state soldiers and added some of them to join the army. The total strength of the army did not decrease but increased. Now there are 3,000 infantry and 1 cavalry.

Thousands, which is considered to be somewhat powerful.

Feng Ba and Hao Zhenwei are now under Ge Congzhou's command, as is Zhang Yanshou, who is leading the Caizhou Army northward.

Ge Congzhou is really lucky. This is probably the first time he has commanded such a large army. If he can win, he will immediately be on par with Zhu Zhen, Ding Hui, Hu Zhen and Pang Shigu, surpassing Huo Cun, He Delun and others.

A lot of Zhang Guiba brothers.

"Have you rested enough?" Hao Zhenwei had been a little restless for a long time. When he saw the sun was at its peak, he couldn't bear it anymore and stood up and said, "It's time to set off."

Feng Ba glanced at him in surprise: "Why is General Hao so impatient?"

"You want to ask for Li Keyong's life, I'm going to ask for Shao Shude's revenge. I've rested for half an hour, that's enough." Hao Zhenwei's temples are almost completely white, and his forehead has ridges and ridges, just like the Tongguan Forbidden Ditch, and he has a determined look on his face.

, with fierce eyes.

"That's all." Feng Ba didn't want to argue with a madman, so he stood up and said, "Let's go, there's still a long way to go before we get to Yuanqu."

As the two generals stood up, the sergeants who had rested for half an hour also stood up one after another.

After sorting out the queue, we moved forward in batches towards Yuanqu County.

More than three thousand horsemen, accompanied by many donkeys, mules, and chariots, loaded with equipment, food and grass, walked alone on the north bank of the river.

There are rolling mountains on both sides of the post road, with lush grass and no human beings.

The mountain wind was cold and biting into people's necks. But Hao Zhenwei held his head high and his heart was burning.

The prince of Dongping County is generous. As long as he has merit, he may have a chance to recover. By then, he may not only take over Tongzhou, but most of Huazhou can also take over.

Hey, Thief Shao!

This chapter has been completed!
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