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Chapter 24 Competition


On the gray-brown field, a large group of people are moving forward.

Adults carry packages on their backs and walk on both sides of the road. There is space in the middle for carriages, with women and children sitting in the carriages.

These vehicles are not small. They come from Shaanzhou to transport grain. Each vehicle can carry twenty-five bushels of dendrobium. If they are squeezed together, ten or eight women and children can be accommodated without any problem.

There is a small river in front of it. It actually took less than two years to dig it. Zhang Quanyi led the people to work together. After it was completed, more than a hundred hectares of farmland could be irrigated, which benefited the people and greatly increased the harvest.

I don’t know what happened, but after crossing the river, someone suddenly felt sad and burst into tears.

This emotion quickly infected other people, and everyone burst into tears.

The ancestral graves and homes are all in Henan Prefecture, how can we leave!

The escorting Huazhou sergeant felt irritable and drew out his horizontal sword. He was about to kill a few people to show his authority when Judge Sima Ye came over.

He was Wang Bian's confidant and could easily stop the sergeants from making blind moves.

These are the people from Shihaozhai, Sanxiangzhai and some scattered villages nearby, totaling nearly 9,000 people. Now they are all moving to Guanzhong. I don’t know where the final destination is. I heard that it is Feng, Sheng and Erzhou, but

Some people also say that they are going to Liang and Ganzhou, but they can't agree on one.

The people brought almost everything they could.

Food rations, cloth, cooking utensils, farm tools, livestock, and if there is no means of transportation, they can also take away the furniture if there is any.

Sima Ye glanced at the crying people.

Someone was crying and wiping his tears. The hen in his arms jumped down. He immediately stopped crying and chased the hen all over the ground.

Someone was leading a sheep, followed by a dog. The sheep and the dog barked together, almost drowning out the man's cries.

There were also scholars who seemed to have studied for several years. Their clothes were patched and they looked up at the sky.

It's so sad that the scholars in Henan are so poor that they still want to farm.

The deputy general who led the team was a little impatient. Such mournful voices were most taboo in the army. These people are not the relatively docile people in Guanzhong who live in peace. Henan has been plagued by disasters, and no one knows how to fight in recent decades.

In many battles, the common people have a spirit of bravery, how can we allow them to act like this?

During the attack on the stronghold, a lot of people were killed, most of whom were relatives of these people. If someone raised their arms at this time, trouble would occur if they were not able to protect them. If they start to attack and cause casualties, everyone will be punished.

"Everyone, King Renyi of Lingwu County." Seeing that everyone was almost crying, Sima Ye cleared his throat and said.

But he was quickly interrupted.

"Benevolence and righteousness are nothing!"

"It's better to release us back. It's hard to leave our homeland and we really don't want to travel far away."

"We are fighting and killing all day long, but there is one person who truly cares for the people? We are miserable."

"Let me go back."

Sima Ye was a little ashamed and didn't know what to say.

The deputy general glared at him and drew his sword directly. The sergeants also picked up their bows and arrows, and the noise suddenly stopped.

"Let's go! If you continue to talk nonsense, don't blame me for killing people!" the deputy general snorted coldly and said.

The people vented for a while, and when they realized that there was no hope of returning home, they lost their temper. So they could only lower their heads and continue moving forward.

"Alas!" Sima Ye sighed, got on his horse and headed towards Shaanzhou.

He has to rush to Huazhou to arrange temporary housing and food for these people. Who will come to hand over to him next will be known when they arrive.

It's hard for people to leave their homeland! When Qin Zongquan rebelled, a large number of people fled, but Zhang Quanyi did such a good job in Henan Mansion that the people lived a stable life and no one wanted to leave. What could be done.

More than ten miles east of Qianhao Village, the Huazhou Army was so powerful that they killed the Bian soldiers until they could no longer stand and fled.

The momentum of this army has increased.

During the attack on Shihao Village, Shao Shude personally supervised the battle, and the soldiers of the three armies marched down with their orders.

Afterwards, they continued their efforts and broke down two strongholds in a row. They also cooperated with the Shunyi army to jointly capture another one. They obtained more than 100,000 hu of grain and captured more than 10,000 people.

After Lien Zhan and Lien Ke, one part of the Huazhou Army escorted the Henan people back, and the other part arrived at Qianhao Village, preparing to continue searching for the Henan people.

But perhaps because of the smooth fighting and the need to plunder the population, they headed east until they met the Bian army.

The Huazhou soldiers had become accustomed to fighting the field soldiers in the past few days. When they saw that the enemy was showing no mercy, they formed their formation and fought on the spot.

The battle was "fierce", with the two rookies pecking at each other. After fighting for a long time, the Bian soldiers could no longer hold on and the army collapsed.

Wang Bian was born in the Fifth Army of the Shence Right Army. He received the orthodox military education of the Shence Army and was familiar with military books.

He had been standing high up, carefully observing the battle situation.

The Art of War says: "When the flag moves, there will be chaos."

The Bian army was defeated, and the flags were thrown away instead of being moved randomly.

"The formations are changing, and the troops and horses are waiting to attack."

Well, the Bian army had a reserve force in the rear, but they kept watching and did not dare to rescue. After the front army was defeated in the battle, they actually started to run away.

"The thieves are in a panic, fighting each other for passage, and attack without suspicion."

The Bian army's rear formation did not engage in the battle and fled. During the escape process, they fought with each other and got into a mess.

"When a bird rises, it falls down."

There is a small forest on the left front. There are no birds rising suddenly, so there should be no ambush.

So why are you hesitating? Chase!

With a wave of the flag, the Huazhou Army pressed forward across the entire line, and everyone fought bravely to take the lead.

The fleeing Bian army was like a postman, and each of them fled very quickly.

The two sides chased each other and gradually ran away for two miles.

At the same time, large groups of cavalry led horses out from the northwest and southeast directions.

Liu Zijing, the deputy commander of the cavalry army, got on his horse and said hello. More than two thousand Beiweidu fine cavalry also got on their horses and began to trot and accelerate.

About three miles behind the woods in the southeast, Xie Yanzhang also rushed forward with more than a thousand cavalry.

Their speed was very fast and their goal was very clear. They rushed straight into the pursuit of the Huazhou Army, which was in a somewhat scattered formation.

Wang Bian saw it from a distance on the hillside and was so angry that his whole body turned cold: "The dog thief, he came out of nowhere!"

At the same time, he also regretted it very much. He shouldn't have been greedy for petty gains. But the problem was that everything he did was based on military principles and he didn't make any big mistakes. Why was he still ambushed?

No one could answer his question.

The cavalry of the Bian Army was very experienced. They rushed in from the disconnected place of the Huazhou Army and cut it into two pieces.

Then he circled back and took advantage of the chaos of the Huazhou Army to kill them wantonly.

The infantry of the Bian Army who were fleeing in front also slowly stopped. They gathered their formation, then turned back to fight.

The Huazhou soldiers completely lost their fighting spirit and scattered everywhere.

The sound of horse hooves in the northwest became more and more rapid, and it was obvious that it had begun to speed up.

Xie Yanzhang, who had just gotten excited about killing, felt his heart tighten.

If the dust is high and sharp, it will come by carriage and horse; if the dust is low and wide, it will come on foot.

Where did this cavalry come from?

"Strike the gun!" Without any hesitation, he ordered the infantry to stop the pursuit and retreat as a whole.

At the same time, he led the cavalry and rushed forward to meet him. Like his father, he was very decisive and brave.

The cavalry from both sides collided in the open field.

In the overwhelming rain of arrows, a large number of Bian Army cavalry fell off their horses. However, they were not afraid. After enduring this period, they held on to their horses and rushed into the enemy's formation.

The two sides passed each other, each screaming incessantly.

Xie Yanzhang was extremely skilled. He picked up the body of a rider carrying a Weidu head-on, threw it aside heavily, and then led the man around on horseback, waiting for a fight, when another wave of arrows came towards him.

Seven-foot short horses, bows and arrows, and the tactics of the Hedong cavalry!

"Withdraw!" The opponent has many people, and they are skilled in horsemanship, close combat, and archery. Now they have to divide their forces and outflank them from both wings. They can't fight any longer, otherwise the precious cavalry will be lost here.

The second phase of the chase began quickly.

The riders on the back of Weidu didn't even bother to take care of the Bianjun infantry, biting the Bianjun cavalry. At the same time, some people blew horns, seeming to call for reinforcements from their comrades who were wandering nearby.

This was a carefully prepared "fishing" with the purpose of killing and injuring the Bian Army cavalry. To this end, they did not hesitate to use the Huazhou Army as bait.

The fields were filled with smoke and dust, blood was spilled, and fierce cavalry fighting stretched to the distant horizon.

In Shihao Village, Shao Shude summoned Chen Cheng, An Xiuxiu, Li Duo, He Wei, Zhe Siyu and others to discuss the military situation.

"Now the situation is clear." Shao Shude sat on the tiger-skin chair with the generals surrounding him, looking at the map spread out on the desk.

"Ge Congzhou has made three moves now." Shao Shude said: "The first move is to seize the enemy first. He sent the fake Xie Yanzhang to lead 4,000 cavalry and divided the troops into three groups in an attempt to sneak attack our army. As a result, they ran into Dongchu at Xiashi.

The Flying Bear Army fought well in this battle, killing more than 200 people, and more than 500 Bian Army corpses were found in Xiashi County."

"The second move was to set up an ambush in Weishan, and the Feixiong Army ran into it. They finally retreated in time, with the loss of more than 370 people. The casualties of the Bian Army are unknown, but they should not be many. Our army was defeated in this battle."

Shao Shude thought he had lost the second battle, and Ge Congzhou also thought he had lost. This was because the standards were different.

"The third move is to send people down the mountain to lure the Chinese soldiers in the area east of Qianhao Village, and set up an ambush to fake defeat. The Chinese soldiers were defeated. If the cavalry had not arrived in time, the consequences would have been disastrous." At this point, he glanced at Zheji. Yu.

Wang Bian has already come to complain.

The cavalry army did not regard their allies as human beings at all and were extremely cold-blooded. In order to eliminate the cavalry of the Bian army, they actually watched them fall into the trap. It was not until the cavalry of the Bian army was dispatched that they began to mount their horses and attack the enemy.

"In this battle, with more troops fighting fewer troops, more than 700 Bian Army cavalry were killed, and our army lost 200, which is considered a small victory." Shao Shude also subconsciously ignored the casualties of the Chinese soldiers and said: "We are facing off against those who are good at using weapons. Do the cavalrymen of the Bian Army feel that they have suffered a loss?"

"It's a bit of a disadvantage." Oritsugu Yu replied: "But the men are very skilled. If there were not rivers nearby and woods blocking them, they would have been killed long ago."

"You're talking big words!" Shao Shude laughed and scolded: "One inch is long and one inch is strong. The Bian army's horses are twice as long as our army. To be able to fight like this is to take advantage of the surprise attack and the large number of people. They are also practicing their skills hard and are not afraid of death. Don’t underestimate the world’s heroes. Next time we meet, the cavalry of the Shunyi Army will attack.”

An Xiuxiu responded loudly, but Zhejiyu didn't answer.

In front of Shao Shude, he was the only one who dared to use this attitude.

"This is not Ge Congzhou's fighting style." Shao Shude stood up and started pacing with his hands behind his back. The generals got out of the way.

"He used his troops many times, was good at covering up attacks, and was as powerful as thunder. He often attacked suddenly before the enemy could react and won a great victory. During the reign of Emperor Guangqi, Zhu Zhen went to Ziqing to recruit troops. When he encountered bandit soldiers, he came from Zhou Lead thousands of people, attack three places in one day, and defeat the bandit army." Shao Shude continued: "Why does such a brave and enterprising general use these feeble tactics with me?"

"He has few soldiers, so he can only defend the city with ordinary people. But under such a disadvantage, ww still tried his best and played several tricks. In fact, he tried his best." Shao Shude said: "There were four thousand cavalry from Zhou Zhou. , there should be only more than two thousand left, so there is nothing to worry about. There are still hundreds of Zhang Quanyi's cavalry in Ruzhou, joining Zhang Yanshou's tribe in Caizhou, but it doesn't matter, just send a ranger to keep an eye on him to see if he dares Head north to Luoyang."

"Tomorrow, we will continue to collect people from Henan Prefecture and send them to Guanzhong." Shao Shude said with the last word: "Ge Congzhou is competing with me. Don't care what he thinks, I will just fight mine. Flying Bear, Iron Cavalry Second Army The auxiliary soldiers also brought horses, one hundred men per group. When encountering enemy scouts, the rangers would surround them. I will make Ge Congzhou a blind man to see if he dares to lead his troops out of Xiaoshan and fight me decisively. "

He has been fighting for ten years and has encountered opponents of various styles. In terms of ability, Ge Congzhou was the first person to make Shao Shude suffer a small loss, and he was still at such a disadvantage.

If possible, it is best to kill him in this battle!

If he had the opportunity to lead tens of thousands of elite troops in the future, Shao Shude did not dare to say that he would definitely win.

This kind of general who came out of the dead body is very talented and learns very quickly. At first, he may not be used to the Shuofang Army's style of attacking with overwhelming cavalry at the slightest disagreement, but after a long time, he will probably think

Come up with various countermeasures.

Shao Shude felt that Ge Congzhou's skills were much better than those of Pang Shigu and others. Zhu Quanzhong had not yet fully explored this treasure.

Henan has a lot of people. It doesn't have the sluggish environment like Hebei where military academies are close to the party and ordinary people can't get ahead. Therefore, talents are emerging one after another, and they can all be reused slowly.

There was Ge Congzhou in the front and Wang Yanzhang in the back. They were both loyal and brave, but they were really formidable enemies.

This kind of person should not die in the attack on the feudal town. Wouldn't it be a great kindness if we could have the opportunity to conquer the Khitans in the north and the Uighurs in the west?

This chapter has been completed!
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