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Chapter 25 Behind the Enemy

 Tuhao Village was destroyed, Shuangqiao Village was destroyed...

News came one after another, and Xie Yanzhang was irritated as he was being wounded. More than a dozen arrows were taken out from his body, but he didn't notice anything and was still thinking about things.

Ge Congzhou walked in and looked at him intently.

"Master, we have to go to Huaixi to recruit troops." Xie Yanzhang said.

Ge Congzhou understood what he meant.

The Cai people in Huaixi were very famous in the country because they were unruly and rebelled against the imperial court for a long time, and they were also very capable of fighting.

The reason has a lot to do with the Huhua that began during the Kaiyuan period.

In the third year of Kaiyuan, there were thousands of Turkic tribes with "ten surnamed tribes in the left chamber with five and six in the left chamber, five in the right chamber with five crossbows missing, and Gao Wenjian in the Goryeo Moli branch". They were placed in Huaixi by the imperial court, and specially brought from the Tang Dynasty

Dengzhou set up a piece of land specifically for them to live and graze.

In the 10th year of Kaiyuan, the Kangdaibin Rebellion in the six prefectures of Hequ was put down. After the rebellion, a total of more than 50,000 Turks, Sogdians, and Zhaowu surnames were resettled in Xu, Ru, Tang, Deng and other prefectures in Huaixi.

After the Anshi Rebellion broke out, Dong Qin (Li Zhongchen) and Tian Shengong led three thousand Pinglu troops and the Hu tribes that relied on them to go south, and later served as the governor of Huaixi.

Hou Xiyi and Li Zhengji from Goguryeo led another part of the Pinglu Army, more than 10,000 people, to go south to Ziqing. However, they were Chineseized and were completely different from Huaixi.

Since then, "people in Huaixi are engaged in hunting rather than farming, and their migration is unpredictable." "Although the land is in the middle states, the people's hearts are too barbaric." The Han people have also been greatly affected, and the barbarism has been serious, because from Jiedushi to generals to lower-level officers

, either a barbarian or a barbarian Han.

The literati of the country called them "Huaiyi" and "Cai thieves". They had been separatist for decades. The Huaixi Mule Army was so famous that it took the court half the world's efforts to pacify it.

It has to be said that it is a strange thing that Huaixi, such a heartland place, has turned into a "Huaiyi" people, half herding and half farming.

Of course, this has also become a very high-quality source of troops. After the king of Dongping County pacified the Qin clan and took over the Huaixi states, it became the main source of cavalry and an important source of infantry.

"We'll talk about recruiting troops later." Ge Congzhou said: "How does it feel to fight against the Xia bandit cavalry?"

"It's no problem to charge forward. In order to carry bows and arrows, they use seven-foot short spears. Our army's commander's spear is twice as long. They will naturally suffer big losses when they charge." Xie Yanzhang recalled it and said: "But they have many people.

His archery skills were precise, and when he saw that the ambush failed, he led his troops to withdraw. The bandits pursued You Dou, and suffered heavy casualties. Many people panicked and did not choose their way back."

"There are not many cavalry left. There are troops in Huaixi, but most of the horses have been taken away." Ge Congzhou said, "Have you thought about how to deal with the Xia cavalry in the future?"

"If you don't compete with them in horse riding or archery, you can honestly use the long spear. The Xia thieves are stupid and insist on using short spears, so they use horse spears and long spears to defeat them. When fighting immediately, how can short weapons defeat long weapons?"


As the saying goes, the arms are incompatible with each other. When the cavalry and archers face the pike cavalry, they are at a great disadvantage. Unless the terrain is rugged or relatively open and they have room for maneuver, they will basically be defeated.

Li Jilong's Jingsai Army in the Northern Song Dynasty, carrying a simple version of the horse-mounted long lance, faced off against the Liao cavalry who were proficient in mounted archery and used swords in close combat. They fought head-on and repeatedly defeated the Liao cavalry, killing tens of thousands of people before and after.

"Making a horse is not easy. In the future, you can use a special lance, which saves money, is lightweight, and can also carry a bow and arrow. The Xia thieves and silver spears are doing the right thing. After they have practiced it, the cavalry army is no match for them." Ge Cong

Zhou laughed.

Maybe it's time for this thing to be eliminated.

The lance is so light, and it can also carry a bow and arrow. The movements on horseback are simple, and there are not as many tricks as the horse. The requirements for riding skills are not high, but it is difficult to break the habit.

However, the power of such cavalry is greatly reduced when attacking infantry. After all, it is not as powerful and heavy as the horse, which can sweep across.

"The Xia thieves have more than ten armies including Tielin. Each army has cavalry and pawns who are good at riding horses. Do you know how to deal with them?"

Xie Yanzhang hesitated a little when he heard this.

In Silver Spear City, he is still confident to deal with cavalry such as the cavalry army, but the Xia thieves' cavalry who follow the infantry, wear iron armor, use long horses, and have better riding skills than you. They can be regarded as an enhanced version of the Huaixi cavalry.

, how to deal with this?

They do not carry bows and arrows, they are only designed to attack infantry and deal with enemy cavalry.

Ge Congzhou also knew that this issue was embarrassing him, so he changed the subject and said: "My son, do you know why the Xia thieves specially set up silver spears, iron cavalry and other troops? It is obvious that they will suffer a loss when fighting the enemy cavalry, why do they still set up?"

"Or to attack behind enemy lines."

Ge Congzhou nodded approvingly and said: "Mengzhou came to report that there was a group of thieves riding one man and two horses, galloping along the south bank of the river and passing through Heyin County."

Xie Yanzhang raised his head suddenly, not caring about wrapping up his injuries.


In the area east of Heyin County, a large group of cavalry was chasing the defeated troops.

As soon as the bowstring sounds, it is like a scene like harvesting wheat.

More than 3,000 people from Yanshi and Gong County rushed to the village, abandoned their carts and grain, and fled in all directions.

Wang Chong moved the flag quickly and quickly turned to the front.

The cavalry abandoned their bows and drew their swords, and charged diagonally into the largest group of civilian women.

The swords and swords slashed continuously, and the Henan masters screamed in agony. Some people were so anxious that they jumped directly into the small ditch on the side. They didn't care about the chill of late autumn, and they jumped and swam, trying their best to escape to the other side of the river.

A group of knights rushed over, put away their swords, took out their riding bows and fired, causing large blood flowers to appear on the river.

After shooting, the leader whistled, put away his riding bow, took out his sword again, and rushed to another place.

This is what the Flying Bear Army and the Cavalry Army should do. Fighting with people head-on is to use your shortcomings to attack the enemy's strengths.

The focus of strategic cavalry is different from that of tactical cavalry.

In today's Central Plains, almost all of them are tactical cavalry, specializing in practicing the ability to charge head-on and fight with enemy cavalry. Strategic cavalry probably only existed when the country was in prosperity.

"Whoever surrenders will be spared death!" Some cavalrymen who had learned Mandarin were walking around in circles, shouting loudly.

And his shouting really had an effect. Some masters didn't hear it and still ran with ferocious expressions. Some people couldn't run anymore and sat on the ground waiting to die. After hearing this, they were overjoyed and fell to their knees directly on the ground, shouting "Sparse life"!

Thousands of horsemen were quickly divided into two parts, one went to the distance and stood ready, and the other came to receive the prisoners.

"Envoy, what should I do with this food?" Wang Chong asked, looking at the large carts scattered all over the wilderness.

"Count the number of prisoners. Take those who can be taken away and let the prisoners be transported. Those who cannot be taken away, burn them all." Yang Hongwang said without hesitation.

"As commanded."

After giving the instructions, Yang Hongwang did not wait at all, leaving three hundred cavalry here, and then led a large group of cavalry roaring eastward.

They brought a large amount of cheese and dried meat with them, which was very hungry and could last for more than ten days. In addition, they also captured things along the way, which could also be used to replenish food and feed the war horses.

Running long distances is how it should be. The only shortcoming is that it is a useless horse.

On the sixth day of October, they arrived at the south bank of the Yellow River, just north of Gong County and southwest of Wen County, Mengzhou.

Yang Hongwang led people up a hillside, overlooking the flat wilderness.

There are a lot of rivers and woods, which is really annoying! The direction is restricted at critical moments.

There are also many fortresses. It has been two years since the Qin Zongquan was destroyed. Why haven't they been demolished yet?

On the Yellow River pontoon at the foot of the mountain, a large group of masters were transferring grain and grass.

Perhaps because they heard the news, there were sergeants guarding the ferry with long guns and rifles and bows. They built a temporary fence and there were quite a few of them, more than a thousand people.

"Wang Chong!" Yang Hongwang suddenly shouted.

"The end is here!"

"You take Qianqi and rush to the convoy south of the ferry. I want to see if the Bian Army infantry is moving."

"As commanded."

Qianqi quickly dispatched.

On the pontoon bridge, the defenders discovered the cavalry coming from behind the mountain.

They hung long spears beside their saddles, held horned bows in their hands, and rode lightly with light armor, bringing up a large plume of smoke.

"Dang, Dang!" A shrill warning gong sounded, and at the same time, someone lit a beacon, and a column of smoke curled up.

"Whoosh!" The grain transport team was in chaos. There was the brave master who relied on the convoy to take out his rifle and shoot.

"Buzz!" They were answered by a rain of arrows falling like locusts.

Silver Spear Du Qianqi didn't go straight towards the convoy at all, but went around sideways.

As they walked around, everyone set up their bows and shot arrows.

The arrows pierce the flesh, and mourners fill the fields.

The rumble of horse hooves circled to the rear. The formation of the Silver Spear Knights had stretched into a long dragon, and the sound of bowstrings kept ringing.

Untrained people are fragile, mainly because of their poor psychological quality. After seeing their fellow villagers being shot by arrows and falling in a pool of blood, some people ran around in panic. And their actions further affected other people,

Panic spread everywhere and the scene was chaotic.

"Shoot!" Kang Yanxiao roared at the ferry crossing of the pontoon. More than a hundred archers stepped forward and shot in turn, nailing all the civilians who tried to rush to the pontoon to escape to the ground.

Subsequently, hundreds of Xiangyong under his command came forward, holding long spears, and stood ready.

Others began to pile up vehicles and debris to create obstacles for the cavalry to attack.

Yang Hongwang felt a little regretful. Why didn't the Bian army defender go to war?

Wang Chong led thousands of horses to charge left and right on the south bank. After a while, his horse power was exhausted, so he slowed down his horse and sent people to collect the master who had not escaped before he could. Then he lifted up the cart under the eyes of Bian's army and loaded it up.

Food is transported away.

As usual, burn whatever you can't take away.

"Zhen Envoy, why don't you go out to fight?" Several of his team leaders stared at him and asked.

Kang Yanxiao, a native of Hedong, was born in the ninth Zhaowu surname. He fled to Bianzhou for some reason and was replaced as the captain of the team. After several battles, he had accumulated merit and was promoted to deputy general. However, his soldiers were all from Bianzhou, Song Dynasty and other states, and the relationship was

It's a little subtle.

"Look over there." Kang Yanxiao pointed to a forest in the southwest and said, "It is already the time for birds to enter the forest. However, the birds and magpies are lingering and do not dare to fly in. There must be an ambush here. If we go out lightly, wouldn't we?

Is it being taken advantage of by the enemy? The pontoon bridge may also be burned down by then."

After finishing speaking, Kang Yanxiao looked at the faces of several people and said: "I have ordered people to light the beacons. A large army will come to rescue them later, so don't worry. The bandit army will move slowly with so many carts and prisoners."

, the reinforcements rely on the fortress, they have no worries about food and grass, and they can rest and recuperate. As long as they make no mistakes, they can definitely drive away the bandit cavalry."

Of course, there is still half a sentence left unsaid. So what if we drive them away? The initiative lies with others.

They won't attack the infantry in strict formation.

When encountering a large group of cavalry, looking at the behavior of the bandits, they would either lead them to an open area to fight, or they would roar away and avoid fighting.

What else?

We have to think of ways to deal with these rangers. They can't do it head-on, but the constant harassment is very annoying and affects morale greatly.

Henan Prefecture has continuous mountains, which is a benefit.

The fortress is also a benefit.

He has been to Shihao Village, Ganhao Village, Sanxiang Village, Shuangqiao Village and other places before. The distance between the villages is generally about twenty miles. This distance can ensure that the infantry brigade can march without being harassed by the cavalry.


The other thing is to strengthen the walls and clear the fields! People can eat less, but horses cannot.

I hope that after suffering a loss this time, things can change. Otherwise, wouldn’t we have to rush back to Hedong again?

This chapter has been completed!
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