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Chapter 36 Fame

 The setting sun is like blood, and crows are flying around.

Liu Han looked at the corpses on the ground and the surrendered soldiers sitting on the ground dejectedly, and suddenly burst into tears.

Several cavalry sergeants looked at this man inexplicably.

You were so brave in the battle just now and killed several people, now you are crying like a girl?

Liu Han knelt on the ground, no one could understand his mood.

Some people here bravely defeated the three armies when attacking Zhu Xuan, built a pontoon bridge to cross the river, and fought to the death without retreating.

Some people here showed no fear when they beat Wei Bo, and they killed the soldiers until they cried for their fathers and mothers.

There were some people here who bravely climbed to Caizhou first, killed the thieves, and then continued to pursue them.

Some of the people here were recruited by him personally from Ziqing.

Most people here have seen battles more than ten times.

Such a powerful force was defeated by such ridiculous tactics.

The sifted soil turns into dust and is blown up by the wind, blocking the mouth and nose, making the livestock restless and mad, and then disrupting the army and causing the whole army to collapse.

Yu Oritsugu came over on horseback.

He was not a forgiving person, but for some reason, he suddenly understood Liu Han's mood.

The troops built hand by hand were tempered in the high-frequency wars in the Central Plains where they attacked almost day and night. They got along with the soldiers day and night, and may even have saved each other's lives. Such a cohesive and combat-effective army

, it’s not impossible to lose, but it would be difficult for Liu Han to accept defeat in such a way.

You used tricks to defeat me and ruined my hard work. This feeling is really complicated and difficult to describe.

Even if you are defeated in a frontal battle, it will feel better!

Liu Zijing, deputy envoy of the Cavalry Army, also came over. He signaled, and several sergeants took Liu Han off the ground.

"Liu Dutou, you are not convinced?" Oritsugu asked with a smile.

Liu Han looked up at the sky and said nothing.

Zhu Yourang was found from under the car and escorted over. He knelt down neatly and shouted "spare my life".

"Are you willing to surrender?" Oritsugu Yutaka admired Liu Han, and also wanted to get some news from Liu Han, so he advised.

"My family has lived in Bianzhou for a long time, so I can't surrender." Liu Han turned his head and looked at the Xia general who defeated him carefully, and said: "There is nothing more to say, and I can't be used by the Lingwu County Prince.

Kill or behead him, feel free to do so. After serving in the army for so many years, there are not many old brothers left who have fought together. I should have known that such a day would come."

"You are the head of the capital, I have no right to kill you." Oritsugu smiled, then with murderous intent flashing in his eyes, he looked at Zhu Yourang and said, "Is this Zhu Quanzhong's fake person?"

"Returning to the general, the criminal's real name is Li Rang. His family has been doing business for generations and has some savings. I hate that Zhu Quanzhong has been fighting all the time, and he took a fancy to my family's wealth, so he took me as his adopted son and entered the Zhu family tree. I have always been in vain with him -


"Shut up!" Oritsugu Yu felt disgusted when he heard this. It was a waste of time to talk to such a villain.

"Pull him down for torture," he ordered.

Zhu Yourang panicked when he heard this and said hurriedly: "No need to torture, I will do anything."

Liu Han gave him a look of disdain.

There are many brave men in the Xuanwu Army, such as Wang Zhongshi, who has the best swordsmanship and swordsmanship. Every time he faces a battle, he moves forward bravely, with wounds all over his body, and never retreats. Zhu You gave up to this guy, what a shame!

After Liu and Zhu were escorted away, Zhejiyu looked at the prisoners of the Bian army sitting on the ground. There were about two thousand people, plus hundreds of drivers and masters.

The victory army dispatched three thousand soldiers this time, and thousands of them were killed in the battle. Normally, this should not be the case.

But it was too late for them to surrender. Some of them fled desperately and refused to surrender. Others resisted until the end. Their fighting will was really good. They were worthy of being with Sun Ru, Shi Pu, Zhu Xuan, Zhu Jin, Luo Hongxin, Qin Zongquan,

The sergeant Li Keyong fought with—good guy, Zhu Quanzhong was really aggressive in his military affairs, fighting every day, and these wars were too frequent.

Starting from the Guangqi period, they fought against the Qin Zongquan. After a series of bloody battles, they finally destroyed this fierce god. Then they attacked Erzhu in Shandong, and Shi Pu also came out to join in the fun. It was commonplace to attack two vassal towns at the same time. During the Wende period, one against three

.The frequency and intensity of this war is higher than that of Shuofang's army.

Marshal Shao tried his best to only fight one opponent at a time. What was Zhu Quanzhong doing?

"Take all the prisoners away and change camps." Oritsugu Yu ordered.

The sergeants were ordered to clean up the battlefield quickly.

Naturally, the corpses of the Bian army will not be exposed in the wilderness.

It is our duty to fight each other for our own masters. There is no unsolvable grudge in private, so there is no need to be so extreme, just dig a hole and bury it together.

Food, arrows, crossbows, swords, guns, armor, etc. that can be taken away are loaded into vehicles and taken away, and those that cannot be taken away are burned.

We are not afraid of being seen by the Bian Army. In the battle just now, some clever Bian Army rangers and scouts had already run away. We couldn't hide the news, and we didn't intend to hide it.

Although this battle was a bit tricky, a win was a win. The victory-defending army suffered heavy losses, which must have caused some shock in the Bian army.

Since leaving the army, Xia's army has won consecutive battles in Henan Prefecture. After careful calculation, they have completely annihilated Hao Zhenwei, Feng Ba's second division of more than 3,000 people, and the victory army of more than 3,000 people, plus the scattered troops under Ge Congzhou's command.

There were more than a thousand cavalry and cavalry, and Caizhou had hundreds of soldiers. The victory was actually quite impressive.

In addition, three generals were killed, namely Feng Ba, Hao Zhenwei and Zhang Yanshou.

Feng Ba and Hao Zhenwei may not be important, and not many people care about them, but Zhang Yanshou once saved Zhu Quanzhong's life and was not an unknown person in the Bian Army.

Of course, we must not forget the captured Liu Han and Zhu Yourang. After a series of battles, the Bian army was killed in pieces. About 8,000 people were killed. Xia Jun's trip to the east was a famous one.

On the eighth day of November, the cavalry army marched through Luoyang City with large and small vehicles and more than two thousand prisoners.

Thousands of people were guarded by auxiliary troops and marched westward.

Zhang Quanyi walked up to the city in person.

Leaving aside the impact of this Xia army's eastward march on the world situation, as far as Henan Prefecture is concerned, it is absolutely devastating.

Henan Prefecture is bounded by Heyang Town to the north, Xuanwu and Xuanyi Prefectures to the east, Shaanxi and Guozhou to the west, and Shannan East Road to the south. It was originally very stable and there was no threat of war.

But now it seems that the situation has changed dramatically.

The Xia army set out from Tongguan and crossed the Hangu Valley Road. As long as it passed through the two mountains in the east and west, the road would be easier. If it passed through Xin'an County, it would be a flat plain, and Luoyang would be exposed to its front.

After several years of hard work, there has finally been some improvement in civil affairs, alas!

Zhang Quanyi returned to his home in despair.

He has also been researching Shao Shude recently.

The first "dealing" with him was probably when he was in Guanzhong. At that time, his name was Zhang Yan, and he was also following King Huang. Shao Shude was Zhuge Shuang's general. They fought several times and were defeated.

Some people in King Huang's army kept laughing at them, saying that they did not know how to fight, and were beaten to shame by an unknown person in the army.

After following King Huang to fight in the Central Plains, he suffered too much and felt depressed, so he took his troops and fled, teamed up with Li Hanzhi, and finally got a place in Henan Prefecture.

This Shao Shude is really my nemesis, and maybe also Li Hanzhi's nemesis.

Li Tangbin was captured by him and now became a general of the Xia army.

Fu Cunshen, Li Duo and He Wei, who were subordinates of "good brother" Li Hanzhi, were also abducted and served as generals in the Xia army.

How long are you going to trick me!

"Grandpa, would you like to send someone to inform General Ge?" the eldest son Zhang Jizuo asked softly, almost following behind.

Ge Congzhou was in Ruzhou, gathering troops from Cai, Xu, Chen and other states. He heard that General Pang Shigu had returned from the south. Many of his soldiers who were on guard against Sun Ru were withdrawn.

Although Ge Congzhou did not make any mistakes, he sent troops twice, once to set up an ambush in Xiaoshan, and most of them failed. He failed to annihilate the main force of the Xia thieves with silver spears. Once, he sent Hao and Feng to attack the Xia thieves' food road in a detour.

There was no news, and most of the army was wiped out.

The later abandonment of the Weishan camp was also based on the order of King Dongping to lure the Xia bandits eastward, so that they could station their troops around Luoyang and lengthen the grain road so that they could use various means.

But a failure is a failure. He will probably be deprived of his power to command troops, and he may even be recalled to Bianzhou. Why should he contact him now?

"Ge Congzhou is about to lose power. Please send someone to inform General Pang. That's all. I'll write this letter myself. You can copy a few more copies and give them to a few couriers to set off at night and send them to the south." Zhang Quanyi thought about it.

After thinking about it, he said.

The reason why we wanted to do it at night was because the Xia Army's roving activities were quite rampant outside and we were afraid of being intercepted.

We set off in the middle of the night and the surrounding area is so vast. As long as we are not too lucky, we should be able to deliver it in time.

Of course, it didn't matter even if it was intercepted. The content of the letter was of his own discretion and would not involve the movements of the various troops of the Bian Army. He would simply talk about the defeat of the reinforcements and the vanguard Baosheng Army.

After writing the letter to Pang Shigu, Zhang Quanyi felt it was inappropriate and wrote another letter to Ge Congzhou.

His son Zhang Jizuo took it and copied it separately.

Zhang Quanyi sat quietly in the room. He thought of his younger brother Zhang Quanwu, who was now an idle official in Taiyuan.

Perhaps, you should also write him a letter?

He hesitated.

I want to write, but I'm afraid of Zhu Quanzhong. I don't want to write, because my instinct of being a loser in troubled times kicks in, and I think I should bet more.

That’s all, I won’t write anymore.

The situation in Jinyang doesn't look like it can be accomplished, not even as good as Lingxia.

The setting sun shone in through the window and shone on Zhang Quanyi's face, which was as tangled as an orange peel, these old cunning people in troubled times.

He also thought about whether he should contact Li Tangbin to establish a relationship, but it seemed that the time was not yet ripe.

Alas, the current situation is so confusing.

The Xia army seems to have the upper hand, but Shao Shude's home base is too far away from here, and it is impossible to support many large armies to fight in Henan Prefecture. The momentum of Prince Dongping is so good, and there are many soldiers. Even if there is a temporary setback,

Sooner or later the summer thieves will be driven away.

Unless Shao Shude can capture Hezhong, only then can he equal Xuanwu's strength.

hold on.

Is there going to be a war over there in Xin'an County? Can my son Jiye be the traitor of Xia?

Zhang Quanyi couldn't help but walked into the study and picked up a map of the geographical situation of mountains and rivers around Luoyang.

"Come here." He suddenly shouted.

"Commander." The general walked in and said, "Commander."

"Send an envoy to inform my son that if the Xia thieves come to the city, they must guard the city and never go out to fight. If the Xia thieves plunder, just let them plunder. After the Xia thieves retreat, there is always a chance to clean up the mess.


"As commanded."

This chapter has been completed!
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