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Chapter 43: Border Patrol (2)

  "Wei Cao Zhen was tired and moved to the rank of Sima. Every time he went on an expedition, he shared the joys and sorrows with the soldiers. The military rewards were insufficient, so he often gave them family wealth, and the soldiers were willing to use them."

“Liang Chun, the general of the Western Wei Dynasty, had a persevering nature and was good at caring for people. He distributed the rewards he received to his subordinates. Therefore, every time he invaded the enemy’s territory, he gained his strength.”

"Shi Xiong is the governor of Fengzhou. Xiong Lin is very honest in wealth. Every time he defeats thieves and performs meritorious service, the court will give him gifts from time to time. He does not enter his private room. He is placed at the head of the military gate. He takes one point and distributes the rest. In this way, the soldiers feel their loyalty.

Think hard."

"Wang Xuanmo marched north for General Ning Shuo, and the soldiers were too many to leave. Yuan Mo also engaged in profiteering, and charged eight hundred coins for a piece of cloth, which doubled the popularity of the people. When Wei Taiwu's army arrived, he retreated and scattered all his subordinates.


"Li Yong was the governor of Heyang. Yong originally used the people of the city to make a fortune and banned the army. He bribed the traffic and then went to Fangzhen. He first served as the governor of Zhenwu and then transferred to Heyang. Wherever he came, he took corruption as his duty and relied on his friendship.

Not afraid of the charter, he gave a banquet of fruits and painted them with wood carvings. The crowds gathered so much that people couldn't survive, and chaos broke out, which lasted for several months. Wenzong demoted Yongfeng to the governor's history."

"What a good book!" Late at night, Shao Shude closed a rough handwritten book and couldn't help but admire it in his heart. The book was given to him by Chen Cheng. According to Chen's words, he was not interested in it, so he might as well give it to Vice General Shao.

, or gain.

There is indeed something to gain! The book is unknown, but it must have been written by someone from this dynasty. After the mid-Tang Dynasty, people were fond of talking about military affairs, and various military books emerged in endlessly, but the quality was ultimately uneven. Chen Cheng was discerning, and he dedicated his military books to himself

, I don’t talk about the quality. It mainly talks about the methods of many generals since the Wei and Jin Dynasties. It talks about both the good and the bad. It is very valuable.

There are some things that Shao Shude has been doing vaguely, and he doesn't know if they are right or not. Now that he has verified the methods of famous generals from ancient times, his confidence has greatly increased. There are some things that he did wrong that he didn't know before, but now he feels suddenly enlightened and even scared.

.Managing an army, like leading troops to fight, is a profound knowledge. Of course, you must learn the knowledge on the battlefield, and the knowledge off the battlefield cannot be ignored either. Remember it.

After closing the wordless heavenly book, uh, the nameless book of war, and the "Question and Answer" sent by Song Le, locked it in the box, Shao Shude picked up the horizontal knife and left the camp with Yang Liang, who was temporarily acting as a personal soldier.

, began a routine inspection.

They will not be in Daizhou City, but near Fanzhi County, eighty miles northeast of the city. The county is "supported by streams on three sides and is extremely dangerous." It is currently controlled by the Datong rebels, with more than 3,000 soldiers and horses stationed there.

The preparation base for their march south. They used troops several times on behalf of the northern camp, but failed to capture it. This time, Li Kan led a large army to patrol the border and wanted to take this opportunity to have a chance.

The nearest camp of the Hedong Army is only more than ten miles away from Fanzhi County, close to the Tuo River. In addition to the more than 10,000 soldiers and horses sent from Jinyang, soldiers from Zhongwu, Yicheng, and Heyang towns were also recruited from Daizhou.

Thirteen thousand people, including more than 10,000 Dai Zhenbing soldiers and Tu Tuan villagers, the total force exceeds 30,000. It can be said to be a large-scale field group. No wonder Li Kan wants to have a chance of being controlled by the rebels.

For a long time, there were important strongholds such as Fanzhi County, Dabao garrison (Note 1) and even Pingxingzhai (Note 2).

According to the intelligence, Li Guochang has more than 10,000 troops from Yuzhou. It is not known where he is currently stationed. Li Kan is at least a festival commander, and the generals in Hedong are also experienced in military affairs.

All precautionary preparations were made. As Li Kan's de facto pro-soldier, Tielin was positioned around the commander's tent and had important responsibilities that Shao Shude did not dare to ignore.

There are a total of more than 1,200 sergeants in Tielindu. At Chen Cheng's suggestion, they were divided into three battalions according to Zhaoyi Army's custom, namely the front camp, the rear camp and the heavy supply camp. The front camp was the most elite, with 600 soldiers and more than 200 pieces of armor.

, each man has a rifle, and is currently in charge of Lu Huaizhong, who is the most capable of fighting. The rear camp has 500 soldiers. Shao Shude thought about it for a long time and finally decided to hand it over to Ren Yuji. Li Yanling is in charge of the supply camp as usual, and this will be temporarily supplemented.

Hundreds of local men from Xin and Dai Erzhou served as auxiliary soldiers. As for the other hundreds of miscellaneous soldiers, Shao Shude personally captured them, with Chen Cheng's help, and they barely managed to hold them up.

At this time, the 600 sergeants of the front camp had already fallen asleep, and most of the rear camp had also fallen asleep. Only some sergeants were on duty in the camp according to the principle of rotation. Shao Shude led dozens of soldiers, messengers, and patrols to patrol carefully.

They visited every corner of the defense area. The night in May was as quiet as water. Wherever Shao Shude went, the sergeants were all upright and in good order.

Sometimes he would stop and talk to the sergeants. Of course, being an officer or a general requires dignity, but you should also give appropriate respect to the soldiers, so that they feel cared for and valued on a spiritual level. In addition,

If you can still be satisfied in material terms, it will not be difficult to get them to return to their homes. This is the art of controlling people that Shao Shude learned from later generations. It does not come from military books. He thinks it is good and has been practicing it to this day.

There are other soldiers and horses in the Chinese army camp, such as 3,000 people from Zhongwu Town in Henan and more than 2,000 people from Hedong's coach Zhang Yanqiu. They each have their own defense areas, which Shao Shude cannot control and should not control.

In addition to the main camp of the Chinese army, there are other troops and horses of other units, camped ten miles along the Tuo River.

"It's so fucking spectacular!" Shao Shude thought to himself, 30,000 troops are such a grand scene, what if it is 50,000, or 100,000? The company is several miles away, hey, will the command be ineffective? I'm afraid.

The front camp was engaged in battle with the enemy, while the rear camp was still lighting fires and cooking, taking their time. How to coordinate, how to fight, and how to cooperate are actually very particular.

These things should be the secrets of generals, right? I really want to learn them!

In addition, there are no suitable talents on hand. The commanders of each battalion must have considerable qualities. They must be familiar with the army, experienced in battle formations, good at caring for the soldiers, and good at observing the situation. Alas, their own level may not be as good as it is now.

Any commander-in-chief of each battalion, let alone those under his command. If he wants to survive in this troubled world, he will definitely not be able to rely on his own efforts alone. He must also train other people, and even recruit talents from outside.

 Otherwise, do you want to command one or two thousand people in your lifetime?


 Early on the morning of May 26th, Li Kan summoned the generals to discuss matters.

There are tens of thousands of troops, and the company camp is so far away. It is not that simple to hold a "plenary meeting." The general is not in the camp and is attacked by others. If the deputy is not good enough and is defeated by the enemy, what should be done? So?

, this kind of meeting must not be held often. Once it is held, most strategies must be decided and then implemented until victory or variables appear.

The army chiefs and generals came one after another with their own soldiers. Shao Shude and Tielin Du's soldiers stood guard in front of the camp gate. The soldiers were led aside to wait. The generals who were qualified to enter the tent and discuss matters were only allowed to enter after handing over their equipment.


The generals were majestic. Everyone looked at Shao Shude carefully and seemed to be very curious about this general Li Kan who came from the foreign army. However, most of them did not show any obvious expressions of likes and dislikes. Only the tooth general He Gongya was trained to use

Zhang Yanqiu was different. The former snorted coldly, wondering where Shao Shude had offended him, while the latter was kind-hearted and exchanged a few pleasantries.

After the time passed, the camp door was closed and the generals in the tent began to be ordered. After arranging a lot of affairs, Shao Shude also went into the tent to listen. He felt a little drifting now. At least half of the famous generals in Daibei's camp gathered here.

As long as he gives the order and "breaks the cup as a signal", he will chop these people into pieces.

 Alas, it's gone. The level is not very high, but the tail is very high. You should take this as a warning.

"...At the end of the later Wei Dynasty, Doululang killed the governor Dayemu'er and others, and rebelled in the city. Li Xiannai, a native of the state, summoned the heroes to make plans and said: 'The thieves were in a hurry, so they killed the two generals. Although their power was strong, their ambitions were arrogant, but

He did not impose any political orders, but only engaged in mutilation and stripping. He used to restrain the traveling thieves and control the mob, and the power left the bank. 'He led 300 people who dared to die, divided them into two groups, and went out at night during the noise, and the thieves gathered.

He was shocked and defeated in a battle, so he chased and killed him." Shao Shude came in late and didn't hear what Li Kan said before. Now he quoted from the classics, probably asking the generals to advance and capture the territory controlled by the Datong rebels.

Daizhou territory?

"Father and son Guochang have been causing trouble in Daibei in recent years. They have pressed for classes too urgently and exploited too much. They have even burned down cities and villages and killed soldiers and people. These are all thieves. Do you dare not attack them?" Li Kan sat on the table.

First of all, more than ten generals were separated and seemed to be discussing matters. In fact, Li Kan was talking alone, and the others did not agree or participate at all. The atmosphere was strange and terrifying.

Shao Shude stood near the door. He was already thinking wildly. If Li Kan was furious and wanted to kill the general to establish his power, how should he inform Lu Huaizhong, who was only a few dozen steps away? This guy was taking six hundred people from the front camp.

People were repairing on the side, and the soldiers were all wearing armor and holding weapons, ready to take action at any time.

"Commander, the Datong rebels are brave and have won consecutive battles. Our army is newly defeated. At this time, it is more important to calm down and plan for it." After a long silence, it was not a problem to see no one answer, so as

Guo Fei from the Marquis of Yu in Mabu came out and replied: "Li Guochang attacked Daizhou several times, and our army was well prepared to repel them all. Does the commander-in-chief mean to take the initiative? This matter is extremely risky and requires long-term planning."

Shao Shude glanced at Li Kan and saw that his face was very ugly, and he felt a little sympathetic in his heart. These Hedong generals are really shameless. Their territory is occupied by others, and they often go south to clear grass and valleys, but they are not touched at all? I judge you.

To say that you are afraid of the enemy is an understatement. Who knows if there are other reasons? He inexplicably thought of the football players in later generations joining forces to kill the head coach. Damn, that's a bit like it.

"General Guo, Li Ni and his son have few major generals, and they dare to take the initiative to attack. There are 40,000 imperial officers and soldiers in Daizhou, but they dare not go north to kill the enemy. They can only serve as guard dogs. What's the reason?" Li Kan clapped his hands heavily.

After looking at the table, he raised his voice and said: "I am leading the northern patrol, and I am not here to watch a show. Today, the generals will go back to camp to prepare troops, horses, food, grass, and equipment. Early tomorrow morning, the front army will cross the river first. I want to capture it.

If you continue to fight, you should first demoralize the rebels."

 “I obey the commander-in-chief.” The generals responded sparsely.

 Note 1: Dabao garrison: sixty miles east of Fanzhi County. During the Kaihuang period of Sui Dynasty, Fanzhi County governed this area and it was an important military town.

Note 2: Pingxingzhai: Today's name is Pingxingguan, about seventy miles northeast of Dabao garrison. It is the watershed between the upper reaches of Tuoshui River and Qishui River (now Tanghe River), and is also the Taihang Xingdao Road. It can be said that it is located at a strategic location.

It belongs to Daizhou. About eighty miles east of Pingxingzhai is Lingqiu County of Yuzhou. It is located in the Qishui River Valley and is also known as Taihang Xingdao. It belonged to Daizhou in the Sui Dynasty and Yuzhou in the Tang Dynasty.

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