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Chapter 46 Arrangements

After passing Shihaozhai and entering Xiashi County, upon seeing the rolling mountains, the sergeants subconsciously showed some smiles on their faces.

I don’t know how comfortable it is to have food and wine, no need to set up camp every day, and no need to prepare for war all day long.

Xiashi County is much busier than it was a while ago. Before there were only sergeants, but now there are many more civilians, and they are all from Shaanzhou. They even include many people captured by Shuofang's army from Henan Prefecture.

They were busy repairing various forts everywhere.

The foundations of the forts are all there, most of them were built during the Anshi Rebellion, then gradually abandoned, and now they are slowly being used again.

The places that warriors favored more than a hundred years ago are still applicable today. The fortress does not need to be big, it only needs to be able to station a few hundred soldiers and horses. It is usually located at a high place, rather than setting up a fortress on the road.

If the Bian army attacks Xiashi from the east and wants to take the post road, it will be great fun, but I don't know if they dare to come here.

The armies that came out from the east have now basically withdrawn one after another, with the Tianxiong Army being the last.

There were a lot of reeds on the carriage, and Li Lin was very comfortable lying down. After lunch, the military deputy envoy Niu Li came to visit him.

"Stay in Shaanzhou to recuperate. The Tianxiong Army is going to Luonan Road to set up defenses." Niu Li said before leaving.

Li Lin immediately recalled what he had learned at Xiazhou Martial Arts School.

Luonan Road, as the name suggests, starts from Luonan County, Shangzhou, and has two destinations: Dongdu and Shaanzhou.

When Tubo invaded Chang'an, Emperor Daizong was lucky enough to go to Shaanxi. Guo Ziyi went south to Niuxin Valley in Lantian, and then wanted to go to Xingzai via Shangzhou. At that time, his plan was to go northeast via Luonan Road to Shaanxi, but he did not go to Shangzhou later.

The generals came to Luonan to welcome him to take charge of military affairs.

There is another branch of Luonan Road, starting from Luonan County and heading east along Luoshui to Lushi County.

The Lu family has a post road to the north to Shaanxi and Guo, and to the east to Luoyang.

Tianxiong's army went to Luonan Road to defend, but it was actually defending against the Bian army heading north from Lushi County. In addition, Shao Shude also went to Wenjinshang Town and asked for additional troops to be sent to Luonan County to prevent the Bian army from detouring back to Shaanxi and Guo. Although he also

I don’t believe that the Bian soldiers would go so far, because the cost of transporting grain and grass along the way is too high.

"Lushi County in Guozhou is really a critical place. We must get it back sooner or later, otherwise the Bian soldiers will detour to Shaanxi and Guo, and there will never be peace." Li Lin, who was still a captain in the military, had already worried about the general in charge.

This is actually a special place for martial arts students.

They learn a lot of complicated things and can look at problems from a higher level, which means they can read the battlefield situation more rationally and have stronger subjective initiative.

More than 90% of the members of the traditional army are illiterate. They have reached this stage simply by their bravery. If the superior officers ask them to fight, they will just fight. They are too lazy to take care of other aspects and don't know how to take care of them.

The existence of Luonan Road also illustrates one thing from another perspective: with the transformation of the environment by successive dynasties, the role of the famous Hangu Pass and Tongguan Pass is gradually declining.

Just like the new Shangshan Road opened during the Jinglong period, tens of thousands of strong men were used to build the road, and almost half of them died. This is a typical road construction.

Tongguan was originally a fortified city, but as more and more small roads became available, the imperial dynasty successively built seventeen forts such as Jindou Pass to block these small roads that could bypass Tongguan.

Hangu Pass has been abolished during the Guo Dynasty, but even if it existed, its role was much reduced compared to the Qin and Han Dynasties.

The carriages and horses rattled and arrived in Shaanzhou a few days later.

At this time, in Shaanzhou City, the status had just been decided: at Shao Shude's suggestion, Li Fan, who proclaimed himself the Shaanxi Guoliu Empress, convened the military generals and assistants to discuss matters. Everyone had no objections, and he was considered successful in ascending the throne.

Li Fan immediately ran to Shao Shude to express his loyalty and served him respectfully, addressing him as "father" in private.

"Erlang has to do a few things now." Shao Shude did not accept Li Fan as a pretender, but he did not reject his title, and the two of them talked relatively close to each other.

"I obey my instructions." Li Fan's posture was very low. He was just a vassal, which was a little embarrassing, but compared with wealth and power, what did this mean?

"The Bian army is divided into two groups and coming with great momentum. Shaanxi and Guo are in danger. Today it is time to gather soldiers. One is to go south to Lushi, Zhuyang, Yucheng and other counties to repel the Bian army's invasion of Guozhou counties. The other is

Send people to Xiashi and garrison troops. The three of them will firmly control several counties north of the river and must not let them be lost."

The three things Shao Shude mentioned are all urgent matters that Shaanxi and Guo are facing now.

Defeating the invasion of the Bian army is the top priority. After all, Shaanxi and Guozhou have more than 10,000 sergeants. There are also state soldiers and county soldiers in the local area. The folk culture is martial, and the combat effectiveness is not bad.

In his early days, Zhu Quanzhong sent Zhu Zhen to Ziqing to recruit troops, and Guo Yan to Shaanxi and Guo to recruit troops, each recruiting more than 10,000 people. If the people's customs were weak and the people's foundation was poor, Zhu Quanzhong would not be able to take them seriously.

Henan was plagued by disasters, and a large number of people fled to Shaanxi and Guozhou and even Guanzhong. The population of Shaanxi and Guozhou actually increased abnormally to about 200,000 people in this era, and the economy also had a certain foundation.

We have money, food, soldiers, and the quality of the reserve troops is not bad. If we don't make good use of them to fight against the Bian army, what else can we do?

"The Shaanxi and Guo soldiers have few generals, and they may not be able to fight against the Bian army. I hope my father can help." Li Fan was still very wise and pragmatic. He knew that to defeat Zhu Quanzhong, he could not do without the help of the Xia army.

Shao Shude observed his expression carefully and said: "I know your talent, Erlang. It is precisely because of this that I support you to become a postgraduate in Shaanxi. If you have any specific requirements, you may as well put them forward, I can do it."

, never refuse.”

"Please also ask my father to leave a large army in Shaanxi and Guo to help our soldiers repel Quanzhong."

"Well, in that case, you might as well be more careful."

"Please ask my father to appoint capable generals to lead the army to guard Hucheng, Lingbao, Xiashi and other counties in Hebei. Only in this way can the people in the town be at peace."

"These places are indeed very important. It is normal for Erlang to be worried. I will help you."

Hucheng, Lingbao and other counties were the places that Shao Shude ordered Shuofang's army to seize. However, the Shaanxi and Guo army did not buy it. Hucheng County closed its doors and did not allow the Wuwei army to enter the city. Lingbao had three thousand sergeants who were Zhu Jian's old troops.

, let alone give up the place to you.

Counties such as Pinglu in Hebei are almost in the same situation and are uncooperative.

If Shuofang's army comes forcefully, there is really a possibility of a fight.

Now that Li Fan has become the governor of Shaanxi Province, he has ordered the states and counties to cooperate. Both sides have reached a new level, and the matter has been resolved relatively satisfactorily.

"Commander." Zheng Yong, the tenth general of the army, called in a low voice from outside.

"What's the matter?" Shao Shude asked.

Zheng Yong has a sense of proportion and knows what things can be said publicly and what things can only be said in private.

"News came from Chang'an that Prime Minister Du Rangneng was envoyed by the imperial court and came to Shaanzhou to help our town resolve the fight with the Xuanwu Army." Zheng Yong said.

The imperial court sent people to mediate disputes between feudal lords and towns, and this did happen from time to time.

But judging from the current situation, shouldn't we hope that the Xuanwu Army and the Shuofang Army will continue to fight? Isn't "dog eating dog" the most ideal situation for the court?

That's right, where is Shaanxi and Guo? Now that the army has gathered and transportation has been interrupted, the tributes sent to the imperial court from the towns in Henan and Hebei cannot be transferred.

In addition, Shuofang's army's apportionment in Jingzhao Mansion was indeed too harsh, with countless amounts of money and food, and a large number of concubines were conscripted, but they have not yet been released, so it is understandable that the court cannot bear it.

"If Prime Minister Du is coming, can he still be stopped?" Shao Shude said with a smile.

Zheng Yong understood and quickly went to explain the matter to others. He was just a messenger, and Zhao Guangfeng was in charge of this matter. If he was not around, officials Zuo Er would also handle it.

"Prime Minister Du came to Shaanzhou just to help me and Quanzhong fight, I'm afraid it's not enough." Shao Shude glanced at Li Fan and said, "Maybe Wang Chongying also regards Shaanxi and Guo as his own territory. His son Wang

Yao is the governor of Jiangzhou, and I heard that he is somewhat ambitious, and maybe he wants to compete for the throne of Shaanxi commander."

Although the Wang family only took control of Shaanxi and Guo during the Zhonghe period, they may not have considered it their own territory.

When Wang Chongying was transferred from Shaanxi commander to Pusu commander, he also announced that his son Wang Gong would go out to control Shaanxi and Guo. This shows that military leaders in troubled times still attach great importance to their territory.

Nowadays, there is a war in Shaanzhou, Wang Gong was killed, and the army "elected" Li Fan as the post of Shaanxi Liuliu. This is in line with the current atmosphere of the military election system, but it is not in line with the interests of the Wang family.

Zhu Jian and others have been sent to the river. It should soon become clear what Wang Chongying's attitude is.

This chapter has been completed!
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