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Chapter 8 The gongs and drums

 In the second year of Dashun, there were more than 3,000 households in Yanzhou with a population of more than 17,000. The local tax revenue was about 115,000 dendrobium. The household tax was mainly leather and camel hair, and the tax was pitifully small.

, it’s only more than 2,000 yuan, after all, Yanli has nothing to do with them.

This fiscal revenue is relatively bleak among the ten prefectures in Shuofang, and has been "consistently ranked" second from the bottom for many years.

However, Shao Shude is quite satisfied with this. His congenital conditions are too poor, and it is a bit difficult to improve his ranking after four or five years of hard work. He mainly looks at the data, which has increased by 70% compared with before Cheng Ru took office, which is already very good, which shows that he is using


In Youzhou next door, there are more than 1,500 households, about 10,000 people, most of whom are Pingxia Dangxiang herdsmen who have registered households. Over the years, they have learned to work part-farming and part-grazing, registered a household registration, and been included in the control of the shogunate.

But the management is manageable, but there are some problems in culture. Last month, about 500 households from Shuzhong were sent from the south. They were originally intended to be sent to Shengzhou, but were later rerouted to Youzhou for resettlement. They first rented land on military farms.

, adapted to the Guanbei environment.

Hu Feng is strong and needs to be hedged.

In principle, Yan, You, and Xia, the three states with vast grasslands, will not add new immigrants. They will mainly rely on cannibalizing Pingxia Dangxiang and Hengshan Dangxiang to allow them to settle down and promote the three-crop rotation system.

They farmed part-time and gradually accumulated household registration.

The half-grazing and half-farming production model is conducive to conserving soil fertility and will not make the land barren after long-term farming. The output is higher than that of simple grazing. The production model of half planting grains and beans and half raising livestock is also more conducive to Tibetan people. It is simply

It is a powerful tool to attract nomadic people to settle down.

However, states and counties are also measured in absorbing Tibetan people.

They adhered to the orders issued by the shogunate that could only be understood but not spoken, and "nibbled" rather than "swallowed". The method was relatively gentle. It was a blunt knife to cut the meat, which was easy for digestion and would not cause the tribal leader to rebel on the spot.

After having lunch at Cheng Ru's Mansion, he originally wanted to stay for two days, but Cheng Ru's two daughters appeared in front of him intentionally or unintentionally several times. Shao Shude got annoyed, so he left Cheng Ru's Mansion and inspected Wuyuan.

, Baichi Second County.

Cheng Rui stayed by the side.

"Is this private road half abandoned? During the expedition against Lingzhou, the cavalry troops crossed the river through this private road and detoured to the rear of Lingzhou." Standing on a dirt road full of weeds, Shao Shude asked.

The country's post road system is very developed. In principle, you are not allowed to smuggle through the trails created by the people.

When Cui Shi opened a new road in Shigu in Jinglongzhong, the imperial court banned pedestrians. Business travelers took the Shangshan Road again and took the new road to Dachang Pass to pay taxes.

There is a 1,200-mile long east-west post road from Lingzhou to Suizhou. If a businessman does not take this road and is caught by the tax police, he may be punished until he bursts into tears.

Of course, that was in the past. Now the three towns of Shuofang, Xingning, and Weibei have removed all internal checkpoints, and only collect customs duties at the border areas entering and exiting. In the internal hinterland, it doesn't matter whether you go through the official route or not, no one will punish you.

"Some people have passed this road." Cheng Ru replied: "Last month, Dangxiang from Hexi Province passed through. Tuoba Renfu brought two thousand riders and more than a thousand vassals. He passed by and went south to Qingzhou."

It took a lot of effort to recruit Tuoba Renfu from the east.

This guy hesitated again and again, but finally gave in. Apparently he was afraid of being attacked by a joint attack from the Chishui Army, the Yumen Army, and the tribal armies of Gan and Liang Prefectures.

However, he used the excuse that he had broken up with Li Renmei and had to keep troops on guard, so he went south with only two thousand cavalry, plus more than a thousand cavalry and miscellaneous troops he had just recruited, most of whom were Dangxiang, Tatar, Uighur and other miscellaneous tribes.

Three thousand riders marched eastward. Although it was a bit of an errand, and most likely they would be very slippery in battle and not know how to fight vigorously, it was the first step after all.

Tuoba Renfu, haha, good times are yet to come.

The Yinshan tribe was also mobilized a while ago. The Zhuanglang clan, the Geshu clan, the Hun clan, the Wang clan, and the Qibi clan each sent a thousand troops. They were led by Qibi Zhang, with a total of five thousand cavalry, and they joined the Dijin Zeweicai.

One thousand of his cavalry went to Shaanxi and Guo by way of Xiazhou.

These tribes have been at peace for too many years, and even the vendettas between tribes are gradually disappearing. If they continue to be raised, they may be useless. Just go east to see blood, and improve their combat effectiveness.

Cheng Ru also knew that the commander-in-chief recruited Ma Dongchu from the Tibetan tribe.

He thought darkly, could this be an attempt to consume the Tibetan population? The combat effectiveness of those tribal soldiers was very questionable. They were loose and loose, and their weapons were not sophisticated. They were afraid that they would be overwhelmed by the horses once they went into battle.

But it’s wrong to think about it. There aren’t many horses in the grassland. After the tribal vendettas have decreased, even fewer people are willing to raise horses. Not everyone among the herdsmen can ride a horse. This time, the cavalry is deployed, so at least they can live a decent life. It is an inter-tribal war.

If these people are lost, the leaders of all departments will be heartbroken.

Shao Shude didn't know what Cheng Ru was thinking, but his guess was pretty much the same.

Now we are recruiting cavalry from the grassland tribes, but we will also recruit infantry in the future.

For the grassland tribes, raising horses is extremely uneconomical, and they generally do not want to raise more. At its peak, the Liao Kingdom had a population of tens of millions, and a standing army of about 200,000 in peacetime, including 150,000 infantry and 50,000 cavalry. In wartime

, the palace army was recruited, there were 100,000 people, and the majority of them were infantry. These people were well trained, but when treated as regular troops, the serious cavalry of the Liao Kingdom was actually only 100,000 people.

There are one million horses in the country, which is more than the 760,000 horses at the peak of this dynasty. They are allocated during war to be used by the infantry for horseback maneuvers.

In terms of the composition of its military force, the Liao Kingdom was actually dominated by infantry, and the Xi people were famous for their infantry warfare, even though they were nomadic.

There is no way, most herdsmen are very poor, and it is unrealistic to raise horses on their own.

Shao Shude has recently been forming a mounted infantry, and plans to recruit strong men from various tribes for training. Although they do not have horses, and most of them have average riding skills, they will eventually be able to ride horses, which saves a lot of training costs.

When they first threatened Hedong, the Yinshan Tibetan tribe gathered tens of thousands of herdsmen. The leaders temporarily distributed horses and prepared their own equipment for battle. There was still great potential to be tapped.

After patrolling in Wuyuan and Baichi for half a month, Shao Shude returned to Yanzhou.

Pei Tong, who was transferred to the Tingwang Division, received news: in Weibei, where spring sowing and farming were over, the two towns of Huazhou recruited 100,000 masters to enter Shaanzhou, and the two prefectures of Shaanxi and Guo also recruited 50,000 masters to prepare for the war.

"Li Tangbin has a lot of soldiers." Shao Shude hesitated for a while, and finally signed the ultimatum with his seal.

The Heyuan Army and the Jishi Army marched eastward with a total of 16,000 infantry and cavalry.

The Tianzhu, Tianxiong, and Shunyi armies that were originally stationed in the area still had 16,000 troops.

The rebel army has temporarily expanded to 18,000 soldiers.

Zhe Silun's Fengxiang army has returned to the town, but the two thousand guardsmen of the Duhufu still remain in the area.

A total of 52,000 troops! For the Shuofang Military Group, this is the most powerful general in the field. The shortfall in last year's battle losses has also been filled by new recruits sent by the commander-in-chief's yamen. It can be said that they are fully staffed.

Moreover, there are many miscellaneous names in these troops!

The Heyuan Army, the Jishi Army, and the Shunyi Army, with the exception of some people, are mostly the original members of Lao Fan Town. Before they were reorganized, their loyalty, morale, equipment, and combat effectiveness were not as good as those of their direct descendants such as Tianzhu and Tianxiong.


There are tens of thousands of mountain people in the Yi Cong Army, and the Qing and Tang Dynasties in the right wing are not very trustworthy.

Political creature Shao Shude did not give anyone any possibility of rebellion, so he ordered: "Secretary Lu, write a few more ultimatums."

"The first assignment is to appoint Li Tangbin as the economic envoy of Heluo, and Wu Zangjieming as the deputy economic envoy. He will join the army in Yiyi, and the 20,000 bodyguards will be commanded by Wu Zangjieming. When marching and fighting, the envoy will decide with one word.

, all departments must obey orders. If anyone disobeys orders, he will be killed without mercy."

Troops can be led by different generals, but they can only have one voice when fighting. Emphasizing this sentence is also a lesson learned from the chairman of the committee, fearing that Ji Ming will not obey Li Tangbin's command.

"In the second part, the cavalry of each department was used intensively. There were more than 8,000 cavalry in total. They were led by Bai Gui, the envoy of Youyi from the Yi Congjun, and he was appointed as the envoy to attack Heluo Youyi."

After saying this, Shao Shude asked someone to find him from the Bai family.

Bai was one of the maids that Shao Shude brought to Xingde Palace to take care of her daily life, and she was always with her.

Bai came soon. She looked a little scared, thinking she had done something wrong.

"Write a letter to your brother." Shao Shude took him into his arms, caressed him gently, and said gently.

Although Bai had already slept with him several times, he still blushed with embarrassment in front of the soldiers and Lu Siye.

"I can't read." Bai's voice was trembling.

"Secretary Lu will write it for you, you can just dictate it." Shao Shude shouted: "Choose a few interesting things from childhood and have a family time with your brother."

Of course Lu Siye knew how to write, as an old secretary. He wrote with absolute sincerity, which made people feel a sense of family affection in their hearts after reading it. Naturally, there are other things besides family affection. Bai Shi didn't know it, but Bai Gui definitely understood it.

"The third part is to mobilize tens of thousands of Shaanxi and Guo troops to go eastward, and Li Fan will personally lead them as guest troops."

Among the other armies, Shao Shude did not make it clear who would go east to fight and who would stay in the rear, but for the Shaanxi-Guo army, he made it clear: go out and fight.

"In the fourth part, King Bian of Huazhou sent his troops out of Tongguan, inspected the passes, and divided his troops to stay behind."

"The fifth assignment is to appoint Zhu Liang as the grain envoy and also as the village envoy of Xia Shihuang."

Most of the food and grass on the front line were stationed in Shaanzhou, especially in Xiashi.

"The sixth part is for the military envoy's Yamen to allocate grain, grass and equipment from Lingzhou to be transported down the river and stored in Yan and Dan prefectures first. Weibei Jiedu envoy Ren Yuji sent people to negotiate with Wang Chongying.

He said that he needed to borrow some ferries in the river and waited for his reply."

"The seventh one is Zhao Guangyin who went to the Imperial Academy to pay a visit to the Nanya Bei Division and said that he needs to borrow some ships from the Shaanzhou Transfer Academy."

In the early years of the Kingdom, when Taizong attacked Wang Shichong, he had to transport grain from Tongguan to the vicinity of Luoyang to support his army's expedition. But Zhu Quanzhong had a navy, and when Liang and Jin were fighting for hegemony, this navy was not able to freeze when the rivers were not frozen.

, played a key role many times, so much so that Li Cunxu waited until the river froze in winter and the Bianjun navy was rendered ineffective, before he marched south in a big way.

Navigation in this section of the river is relatively dangerous, and there is also the threat of the Bian Army Navy. It is hard to say how useful it will be. Anyway, it will be used first as a supplement to the logistics line.

Without water transportation, fighting would be too painful.

The imperial court used to transport grain from Yangzhou to Heyang, and it cost thirty dollars to do rice.

How much would it cost to transport grain from Lingxia to Guanzhong by land?

There is an example in the later Tang Dynasty.

Yao Yanchou, the military envoy of the Yingning Army, brought 30,000 infantry from the Central Plains, combined with the 20,000 infantry and 2,000 cavalry from Guanzhong, and escorted An Congjin as the military envoy of the Dingnan Army to attack the northern part of the Guan Guan. Tuoba Renfu

They gathered 50,000 party infantry and 30,000 cavalry, but lost consecutive battles and dispersed their troops. In the end, they relied on defending the fortified city of Xiazhou to defeat the Later Tang army.

The main reason for the retreat was that transporting a bucket of millet from Guanzhong to Xiazhou "cost thousands". The distance of transporting grain across Hengshan was actually not long, but the cost was more than a hundred times that of water transport in Henan.

The cost of transporting grain from Tongguan to Luoyang by land would be sky-high, while Zhu Quanzhong could transport grain and troops by water.

After a long stalemate, I really don’t know who is losing.

After Lu Siye finished writing, Shao Shude saw that there were no problems, signed and stamped it, and sent it to Duyu Housi to go through the process.

Wang Yu, the envoy of the Dingyuan Army, has also led 8,000 cavalry south to the gold merchants.

The "war season" has begun in full swing, and it really doesn't stop all year long.

This chapter has been completed!
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