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Chapter 26 Feelings

 Chinese Valentine's Day is also an important festival in China.

The streets and alleys of Bianzhou are filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

You said we are still fighting? In which year are we not fighting? Even if we fight once or twice a year, do we still have to live longer?

What's more, the king of Dongping County conquered east and west with great achievements, and the athletes of Bian Song Dynasty fought bravely and defeated stubborn enemies many times. What is there to worry about?

Weizhou presented grain and silk, Zhenzhou presented horses, Ezhou presented tea...

These subordinate vassal towns were so frightened that they paid tribute every year and were extremely respectful.

The filial piety received from other towns gradually turned into rewards and pensions and returned to the army, and then circulated to ordinary people's homes. The taxes paid by the prince of Dongping County were relatively light among the towns, and he rested with the people, which made his life more prosperous.


"The weather is not good, it will not be sunny on July 7th." Several businessmen quickly rushed into the wine shop.

"What would the guest like to order? Our store has newly brewed star wine and newly made Tongxinxiang. If you want to eat some pancakes, I will steam them right now." The store owner came forward to welcome us and asked enthusiastically.

"The store is really smart. It's only noon and everything is ready. Anyway, how can we go against the store's kindness and serve food to my brothers and me?" the leader said with a smile, and then led everyone to sit down.

The shop quickly brought out the meatballs and star wine, and the cake had to be steamed freshly. It was so big that it had to be cut up with a knife to eat.

"We can no longer do business in Wansheng Town. We suffered losses last year and will lose again this year. We might as well sell them out."

Wansheng Town is adjacent to Bianzhou in the east, Hulao in the west, Bianshui River in the south, and the Yellow River in the north. It is located in the north-south, east-west water and land junction, and is also known as Wansheng garrison and Wansheng village.

It was originally a military fortress, but because of its excellent location, developed water transportation, and gradually increasing population, it became a famous commercial port.

By the time of the Northern Song Dynasty, the population was more than 100,000, and a large amount of taxes were provided. There was even a gate in Bianliang that was changed to Wansheng Gate because it opened in the direction of Wansheng Town.

"The summer thieves went east last year and came again this year. Water transportation was cut off, and even the best business was ruined."

"Can't we drive away the Xia thieves? Prince Dongping has so many soldiers and horses and fights every year. His killing skills are not better than those of the Xia thieves. The Xia thieves only fight a few battles a year? Why can't they be driven away?


"Alas." Several people sighed together.

This is something that everyone can’t understand.

Shude originated from Lingxia, where the land was barren and the people were poor. Which of the several vassal towns he wiped out was obtained through bloody battles? How do his soldiers compare with the Bian soldiers? But they have been broken into Henan Prefecture twice. This year's war is coming.

It's not over yet, at least all the waterships bound for Heyin have stopped, the cargo being loaded and unloaded in Wansheng Town is pitiful, and there are not many people to see.

Autumn can be known with just one leaf, but the people of Bianzhou City are still enjoying themselves, but the merchants like them are worried to death.

Chang'an has always been a terminal for commerce between the country and the dynasty, and it will remain so even now.

Cloths, tea, silk, money and grains from the south of the Yangtze River, porcelain, traditional objects, and tributes are generally collected and distributed in Bianzhou by water transport. Medicinal materials, furs, dried fruits, livestock, and even commodities from the further west regions from the northwest are also collected and distributed here.

Sold elsewhere.

Once the war broke out in Luoyang, these businesses were immediately shut down.

Although the merchants in Guanzhong suffered losses, no matter how you looked at it, the merchants in Bianzhou suffered greater losses because they used to eat the most and make the most profits.

As long as there is a war, regardless of victory or defeat on the battlefield, Shao Shude will first suffer a small loss in commercial tax, and Zhu Quanzhong will suffer a large loss in commercial tax.

The economy is really the most profound thing hidden under the dazzling superficial appearance of armies, emperors, generals and ministers.

Without money, everything is difficult and everything will fail.

In this day and age, big-headed soldiers especially cannot cut off their money.

"If the business in Wansheng Town is no longer available, where should we go?"

No one could answer for a while.

"If we continue to fight, I'll see where Prince Dongping gets his money!" someone said angrily, but was quickly stopped.

"It's not the king of Dongping County who wants to fight, but the Xia bandits. Besides, the Xuanwu towns have much more money and food than the Xia bandits, so don't worry."

"The Prince of Dongping County has no worries, but by the time he defeats Shao Shude and captures Lingzhou, most of us will have died of hunger."

On Chinese Valentine's Day, it is customary for the state and the dynasty to give a day off.

As a grain envoy, Xiao Fu could not take a vacation. He returned to Bianzhou from the Puzhou front line to supervise grain and grass.

Henan is a good place, there is no doubt about it.

“The mulberry branches are green in the summer rain, and the ears of wheat are yellow in the autumn wind.”

Since the Ming Dynasty, the tributes from Bian, Song, Hua, Chen, Zheng and other states have been "Ruimai".

In the entire Henan Province, only Xu, Pu, and Guang prefectures do not grow wheat, but millet.

After Xiao Fu entered the city, he hurried back home, and then left the city under the escort of soldiers.

There are acres of mulberry forests on both sides of the road, and some spring wheat is planted under the forest. The ears are full and golden and attractive.

"Grow millet and wheat under the mulberry trees, and pay tribute to your father and mother at all times." I don't know why, Xiao Fu suddenly had an idea and sighed with emotion.

"Mr. Xiao, do you have any instructions?" Wang Yanzhang of the military academy heard Xiao Fu seem to mutter a few words and quickly rode forward and asked.

Xiao Fu's official position is the governor of Huaizhou, and of course he is only a distant leader. His mission is to be a grain envoy. This is the real job.

Wang Yanzhang's status is not high. He is currently a junior officer in the shogunate. I heard that he will be filled with official positions such as military governor and Yuhou in a while, which can be regarded as a high promotion.

But how should I put it? There are many yamen and yuhou, far more than just one. If you can't do both yamen and yuhou, you will still be a middle- and lower-level general.

"It's nothing." Xiao Fu shook his head and said with a smile: "Wang Military Academy, I see that you have superb riding skills and unparalleled martial arts. An iron spear can make a tiger angry. It is a pity that you are buried in the military mansion."

Wang Yanzhang is also a little worried. He is thirty years old, and he has not been able to get a chance to get ahead. Riches seem to be far away, and leading an army to gallop on the battlefield is even more of a luxury. What can be done.

"Xia Jundong leaves Henan Mansion, what do you think will happen in the end?" Xiao Fu asked again.

Wang Yanzhang was a little surprised. Is this a test?

"I'm afraid it will be difficult to make progress. I have been to that place. The mountains are rolling and difficult to fight. Even if you cross these mountains and pass the passes around Luoyang, it will be difficult." Wang Yanzhang replied briefly.

"The scouts in the army have reported that the Xia thieves are recruiting talented people to work in the fields in Henan Prefecture. Does Wang Military Academy know what this means?"

This was the first time Wang Yanzhang heard about this and he was very surprised.

"The bitter cold in Lingxia is not as good as in Henan." Wang Yanzhang thought for a while and said: "Henan has two crops a year, while Lingxia can only get one crop. The difference in grain harvest is too big. There is also money and silk, and the difference cannot be calculated.

.Only there are many horses and cavalry, but the people's sentiments are complicated, and the Tibetan people are not easy to manage, which is very demanding on energy, and the supply is also limited. Some people think that the Xia thieves should be suffering from lack of money and food, so they need to farm to solve part of the military needs. Lingxia tax

The burden is probably far greater than that in Henan, and the people can no longer bear the squeeze."

Xiao Fu was noncommittal.

There may be a huge gap in terms of food, but there may not be much difference in terms of goods.

He was in charge of money, food and rewards, and was particularly sensitive to these things. He also took the time to understand his opponents. Shao Shude's good management skills had already left a deep impression on him.

Of course, if it were just this aspect, we wouldn't be so worried.

The most fertile land in the world is undoubtedly Hebei, followed by Henan. And the richest vassal town in Hebei is still supplying goods, money and food to the king of Dongping County. No vassal town in the world can compare with Bianzhou.

What he worries about is both internal and external.

"Wang Military Academy, Bianzhou has been in peace for many years, and many sergeants have settled here, right?" Xiao Fu asked again.


"Children from military academies are mostly born in the marketplace. From your perspective, if you recruit soldiers from them, will you be able to get brave warriors?"

Wang Yanzhang thought about it seriously and said: "It's okay to deal with ordinary feudal towns, but if you deal with Jin thieves or Xia thieves, I'm afraid it will be a bit difficult."

Xiao Fu nodded again, this was insightful.

Born in a privileged environment, naturally he is not as able to endure hardships and dare to fight as his parents.

Everyone is watching what happened to the Chang'an Shence Army.

The officers and soldiers of the Bian Army settled in Bianzhou. Because their incomes were relatively high, their children had a good life since childhood. However, they lacked a sense of vigor, which was due to internal worries. But this is also a common problem in towns all over the world. Maybe Bianliang is too wealthy.

Just stand out.

"The imperial court set up Zhaoxin's army to collect gold, merchants, Jun, and Fang in the four prefectures, with the thief general Li Yanling as its commander. Also, the thief commander Zhe Zongben sent troops from Junzhou and repeatedly attacked the east road of Shannan. What did Wang Military Academy think the Xia thief wanted to do?


"Or is it a plan to attack the east and the west, claiming to attack Xiangyang, but actually attacking Tang and Deng?"

"If he takes Tang and Deng, what will happen to me?"

"There is no peace in Huaixi."

Besides, there is also worry!

Xiao Fu increasingly felt that this person was a good person, with vision, knowledge, and very good martial arts skills. He wanted to observe him again, and if his character was good, he could recommend him to Prince Dongping.

When recommending a person to be an official, one must be responsible and he does not want to be hasty.

It is not easy for the Xiao family to achieve its current status.

As a descendant of Xiao Yu, he has lost the qualification to marry Gaodi scholars.

The eldest son Chuqian and the second son Chugui were married to either colleagues in the shogunate or in the army, and their status could only be regarded as middle-level. The eldest daughter married Ge Congzhou's righteous son Xie Yanzhang, but Ge and Xie were considered

He is not a general, and his status has not yet risen.

It is not easy to maintain this family business.

He inexplicably thought of Xiao Yu and Xiao Yu in Hezhou, and his heart tightened suddenly. He could not get involved in this matter again, otherwise it would definitely arouse the suspicion of Prince Dongping.

"Ah, it's going to rain." Wang Yanzhang suddenly shouted.

If this rain continues for ten days and a half, it will affect the millet and wheat harvest.

Xiao Fu looked at the southern sky, and there were already large clouds drifting over, as if there would be lightning and thunder at the next moment.

He couldn't help but look back at Bianzhou.

The city is still bustling and lively, which seems to indicate that Xuanwu Town's career is at its peak.

Inside the Xiaojiangkou Pier, people screamed.

Along with the supplies and reinforcements arriving by boat one after another, the number of troops at hand was greatly increased.

Of course, food and grass are not enough!

But it doesn’t matter. The wheat is ripe in Xiangzhou and grain is everywhere, so why should we be afraid?

Wang Chong led his men to carefully serve the war horses.

On the packhorse, the silver armor shone brightly. Inside the carriage, the long and thick horse trunks were very cold.

A thousand armored cavalry, under Zhe Zongben's repeated urging, finally headed south from Shangzhou at the risk of starvation.

Zhe Zongben led his troops outside, but the defense inside Xiaojiangkou Village was even tighter.

They frantically dispersed all the scouts and rangers, allowed everyone in and out, and strictly blocked all news.

Now it's just a matter of waiting for an opportunity.

This chapter has been completed!
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