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Chapter 37 The Dock

"I have been observing Li Keyong for ten years. He is just a warrior in troubled times. He is no different from the military leaders in the world. However, he is good at fighting. There are indeed many talented people under his command. He was lucky enough to get the treasure land of Hedong, so he became the king for a while.

"If he can conquer the world, I will immediately find a tree with a crooked neck and hang him to death." Feng Yanqing said unceremoniously.

"Grandpa!" Feng Xuan said angrily.

"Do you think Li Keyong is ambitious?" Shao Shude asked again.

"This is the strange thing." Feng Yanqing said: "It seems to be ambitious, but it seems to be unambitious. After thinking about it, there is only one opinion. Li Keyong's greatest ambition is just to make other feudal towns surrender to him.

He is the master. He considers himself a member of the clan, acting as the eldest son of King Zheng, and has an unspeakable disobedience to the saint. If the world is peaceful, he may not send troops to attack other towns. However, the world is like this, and the customs are like this.

He was also affected and sent troops to capture the city, but the territory that could be captured was not in his hands. The three states of Xing, Ming, and Ci were given to An Jinjun, and the two states of Ze and Lu were given to Li Hanzhi.

Virtue, he will still seal it out, then withdraw his troops and return to Jinyang to live his own life."

Pure old-school warlord!

Relying on family ties, kindness and charisma to win over subordinates, and after gaining territory, they enfeoffed them en masse.

When my younger brother is in trouble, if conditions permit, he will even come to his aid from thousands of miles away, no matter the cost.

If the younger brother disobeys, he will be beaten and scolded on the spot without mercy.

Be loyal to others, and if you owe a favor, you must pay it back.

If someone owes you a favor, you may not pay it back unless it is really urgent.

If you are in trouble, you may not open your mouth to ask for help because you can't save face.

This is how a big brother in the world behaves!

Perhaps it is this true temperament that has attracted many people to join him. Moreover, his reward and punishment model is quite attractive to warriors. After all, who doesn't want to be a local emperor?

Compared with him, Zhu Quanzhong was not an old-school warlord, so his approach was very different.

Huazhou An Shiru, who was a Jiedushi envoy himself, could not be included in the "reward and punishment incentive mechanism" of the Bian Army, so he had to die. But his generals, such as He Delun and others, were included in Zhu Quanzhong's account and used according to their talents.

, don’t worry at all, because these generals can be included in the incentive mechanism of the Bian Army.

If it had been Li Keyong who conquered Huazhou, An Shiru would have begged for mercy, said a few soft words, softened his attitude, and made some sacrifices, and he would have probably continued to be the governor.

Being friends and brothers with Li Keyong is actually very good, and sometimes you can even take advantage of him. He is not stupid and knows that you are taking advantage of him, but for the sake of face, he may not show it.

Shao Shude admired Li Keyong very much because he saw the shadow of his own youth, and he was also very loyal back then.

But since he became a politician, he has slowly changed. He has compromised in the face of various realities, planned various conspiracies, and is not aboveboard at all. He has become an old cunt.

My adopted brother is still the same adopted brother ten years ago. He seems to have changed slightly in recent years. I don’t know if it’s an illusion.

Brother-in-law, don't compromise in the face of reality. I just want to see if a person can be the same from beginning to end. The persona is always the same persona without any change.

"Ke Yong sent an envoy to invite you, how do you think you should reply?" Shao Shude asked.

"Just deal with it." Feng Yanqing said directly: "Either we send a group of troops to go to the grassland, it doesn't matter whether we fight or not. Or we send a group of people directly to Jinyang, just say we are sending troops to help, and we can handle it.


Shao Shude nodded slowly after hearing this.

Damn it, if I had known, I would have sent Tuoba Renfu to Jinyang and asked Li Keyong to call him to death.

This guy has already arrived in Henan. He has not made a single move. He is asking for food, grass and equipment all day long. As the saying goes, he has nothing left to eat and cannot do anything. Do you expect him to fight Zhu Quanzhong head-on? It's a dream.

Shi Wei, Xi Xi, and Shao Shude don't want to do it yet. Isn't this a cheap A Bao machine?

Once the things on the grassland are started, they may not be over within a few years, which will take too much time. Now the main focus is on the Central Plains, and we must first tighten the net surrounding Zhu Quanzhong.

"I have to repay the favor of my sworn brother. As for how to repay it, I'll think about it again." Shao Shude took the tea cooked by the beauty and gestured with his eyes. What happened? Serve tea to Lang Jun first, so that the old man can do it.

Where to put it?

Feng Xuan smiled and poured tea for Feng Yanqing.

Old man Feng didn't look very good-looking, and then he noticed that his daughter was wearing very loose clothes today. He realized something in his heart, and his face suddenly relaxed.

"Let's go back to what happened in the river." Shao Shude asked again: "Does Mr. Pei dare to place a bet?"

"Pei Er is so courageous. He is still looking forward and backward, hoping that Pei will take the lead first." Feng Yanqing sneered.

Feng Yanqing had mixed feelings about the behemoth Pei.

The big families such as Feng, Pei, Xue, and Wang are in the east of Hedong. Naturally, they cannot be harmonious. There are always disputes over interests. The Pei family is rooted in the river, and the Feng family is also in the river. In Shaanzhou, there are also frictions and competitions between them.

Yes, it's normal for them not to be able to look past each other.

But in the face of such a big thing as plotting to seize Hezhong, Feng Yanqing still hopes that the Pei family can join in, because he has greater certainty. But that group of people is really depressed, and they can't agree on it yet, and they are dead.

"Maybe I need to give you some more advice for the sake of your Majesty's face." Shao Shude said: "If we get Pei's support, we can quickly cut through the mess and quickly control the situation in Puzhou, which will be very useful."

"Forget it, just write a letter and give it to Pei Er." Feng Yanqing said.

"There is still time." Shao Shude smiled and said: "Wang Yao hopes that his grandpa will die so much, but he has to admit that he won't die for a while."

"Pfft!" Feng Yanqing spit out the tea in his mouth.

Father is kind, son is filial, brothers and sisters are respectful, these warriors!

In August, Shengzhou has entered the harvest season.

Surprisingly, immigrants from Sichuan planted a lot of rice in Shengzhou, and harvesting has now begun.

Of course, wheat has the largest sown area, followed by millet.

Shao Shude came to Yulin Palace and met with the nobles of Yulin Palace.

It was almost the Mid-Autumn Festival, so he rewarded some brocade robes and ribbons, and everyone was beaming with joy.

Xun asked about farming again.

"Great Khan, we also started farming this year. We opened some land by the river and planted Uighur beans."

"My department has planted turnips and alfalfa, so we don't have to worry about running out of fodder to feed our livestock in winter."

"I sent people to plant some melons and vegetables, and the harvest was okay."

After hearing this, Shao Shude had only one feeling: people yearn for a better life, and farming can lead to a better life. The subordinates of Yulin Palace could not resist this temptation, and changed part of the pasture into farmland while grazing.

Clumsily asking Han Chinese and Dangxiang people for advice on farming techniques.

This was somewhat beyond his control and made him feel very complicated.

There are now more than 3,800 households under the Yulin Palace, mainly Tuyuhun, Uighur, and Tatar. They are divided into four thousand households and thirty-nine hundred households, and their respective pastures are divided and no crossing is allowed.

We originally expected them to be mainly nomadic hunters, but unexpectedly, they also started farming. Changes in production habits will inevitably affect culture and customs, which is inevitable.

That's it, it doesn't matter.

Anyway, these people have not been included in the household registration of Shuofang Town, and they do not plan to do so. They just need to register with the Duhufu. They are all the personal belongings of the Shaw family, and Shao Shude does not intend to hand them over to the shogunate. It will be decided in the future.

The world is not intended to be managed by the imperial court.

Rulers, or rather emperors, are always solitary and thieves of the people. They only care about interests and nothing else. They will do whatever is conducive to the rule of the Shao family. If it is not conducive to the rule of the Shao family, they may not do it even if it is beneficial to the world.

The royal family still needs to have its own people, people who are free from the control of the court.

In the future, some of the prisoners captured during the conquests of various vassal towns can also be selected and compiled into the Shaw family's personal tribe.

It does not mean that we must rely on these people. There is always an extra layer of protection and an extra choice. It may work wonders at critical moments. For example, if future generations have incompetent descendants and the power falls, if it is necessary to kill powerful officials and other people are unreliable, these

The existence of human beings provides one more choice, although these people may not be reliable by then.

"You are all bodyguards and soldiers, and I have always trusted you. There is a fierce battle in Guandong, and there are many places for you and others to use them. There are currently two thousand people in the bodyguards and soldiers, and I want to expand the army to four thousand. Each of the Yulin Palace ministries has five hundred soldiers. I will choose them when I get back.

Okay, there must be no mistakes."

"As commanded."

The bodyguard army has been expanded to 4,000 people, including 3,000 infantry and 1,000 cavalry. These people will still see blood.

A few days ago, Li Tangbin reported that the three armies of Shaanxi, Guo, Heyuan, and Jishi fought bravely and defeated the Tuhao stronghold of the Bian army. He recruited tens of thousands of soldiers and built a city on the basis of the original stronghold. He asked Shao Shude to give his name.

Shao Shude replied that the city was named Dayu.

Dawu City, once the administrator of Mianchi County in the Sui Dynasty, was located in the north of Mianchi County. It has been abandoned now.

Tuhao Village is less than 30 miles west of Mianchi County, so the name is appropriate.

The construction of Dawu City is almost completed, and it will be completed in ten days at most. Shao Shude plans to station 4,000 infantry and cavalry soldiers in the city to let them see blood.

After guarding for a period of time, replace them.

With Dawu City and Wei Village in the front, Wei County in the rear can resume production with peace of mind.

In fact, the association is already cleaning up the ditches dug during Zhang Quanyi's era, and the land surveying work is also in progress simultaneously.

Mr. Huazhou, there are still many people applying for the Hengshan party, and the household registration in Wei County will be enriched soon.

In fact, Shao Shude hopes that more masters from Huazhou will apply. There are many people here but little land. The Heyuan Army and the Jishi Army are stationed in the same town as the outer town army. After the two states of Huazhou, the competition will inevitably become more intense.

Thinking about how last year we were relocating the people of Henan Prefecture to Huazhou, and this year we are trying to move the people of Huazhou to Wei County, the world is so bizarre that it is hard to explain.

With the stability of the three strongholds of Xiaoxian, Huguo, and Dawu, Shuofang's army finally gained a firm foothold in the northwest corner of Henan Prefecture.

In the direction of Shannan East Road, Tang, Deng, and other prefectures were in full swing completing the transfer of power.

Zhu Quanzhong must have known the news, but I don't know what he thought and what countermeasures he would take.

Marshal Shao is looking forward to his response.

This chapter has been completed!
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