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Chapter 4 Li Guochang

Li Guochang? Father and son took over the second town?

Shao Shude pushed open the door, looked at Lu Huaizhong, Ren Yuji and others who were talking in the courtyard, and said: "Come in and talk." After that, he sat down on the bed with an ugly expression.

Perhaps many time-travelers think that fighting is a good thing and are happy to see it, but Shao Shude is different. Having experienced many battles, he only knows that fighting is a very dangerous thing. No matter how brave and clever you are, you can be fierce in the military.

In the dangerous fighting field, there is not much chance of survival. Born in such a chaotic era in the late Tang Dynasty, and still located in the chaotic frontier fortress state, Shao Shude has long had no extravagant hopes for the future. He just wants to live in the future.

Struggling to survive in this troubled world.

Living is better than anything else!

Shao Shude had heard of Li Guochang. His birth name was Zhu Xie, and he was the Shatuo chieftain. He became famous for suppressing the Pang Xun rebellion in Xuzhou. In December of the eleventh year of Xiantong (870), Li Guochang left General Jinwu

He was transferred to the positions of Zhenwu Linsheng Jiedushi, Camping Field Envoy, Observation and Disposal Envoy, Administrative and Fallen Envoy, and Zhenbei Protector. It is commonly known as the Zhenwu Army Jiedu Envoy. It has been in service for more than seven years.

Li Guochang's son was Li Keyong, who had little courage and was very famous in the Northland. Shao Shude was also very interested in such a historical figure and had always wanted to meet him. But I heard that he served in the Datong Army (Note 1) and left.

If it is too far away, it will stop thinking.

But, what happened to "father and son occupying two towns"? Li Guochang was already the envoy of Zhenwu Army, could it be that Li Keyong became the envoy of Datong Army? Isn't this too sensational? How could the imperial court allow this to happen?

"Grandma, Li Keyong killed Duan Wenchu, the Datong army envoy, and asked himself to be the queen. The court did not allow it, and ordered Li Guochang to tell his son to remove him as soon as possible." There was only one chair in the room (note 2), and it was already occupied by Shao Shude.

Lu Huaizhong took a futon, sat down on it, and said: "It's ridiculous, how is this possible?"

"That means Li Guochang disagrees?" Shao Shude asked with raised eyebrows.

"How can you agree? No, the imperial court appointed Li Guochang as the military envoy of Datong. Li Guochang destroyed the book-making and killed the supervisors. He refused to be replaced and was very arrogant. Bah, father and son are not good birds!" Lu Huaizhong spat,


In fact, this was the second time that the Tang court transferred Li Guochang to the Datong Army. The first time happened six years ago, that is, in the 13th year of Xiantong (872). Li Guochang was then the military commander of the Zhenwu Army.

, specializes in killing senior officials, and the court cannot bring peace, so they transfer him to the Datong Army as a defense envoy. Guochang "pretends to be ill and refuses to go", and the court has no good solution.

Li Guochang's son Li Keyong was also a very arrogant person. When he was serving as the Yunzhong Shou Envoy, one day he and his colleagues in the town gathered in the mansion in the morning and made a joke for some reason. The colleagues "congratulated" him on his promotion.

Ke Yong didn't refuse and sat directly on the coach's seat. Just at this moment, Datong Defense Shi Zhimo came in and saw that his seat was taken by someone, so he didn't dare to say anything. Later, Datong Defense Shi Duan Wenchu ​​died due to successive years of famine.

It is understandable that Li Keyong directly killed the soldiers and took his place. He was a very domineering character.

After Duan Wenchu ​​was killed, Li Guochang knew that something was going wrong. But he couldn't bear the temptation of father and son occupying the two towns together, so he pretended to be a force and reported to the court: "I beg the court to get rid of the Datong defense envoy as soon as possible. If you violate the order, I will ask you."

A handsome Taoist soldier will fight against him, but he will not betray his country by loving his son."

Look, how righteous and awe-inspiring. If the rebellious son disobeys, I will personally lead the troops to conquer, which can be said to be a righteous act to destroy relatives! As a result, the imperial court is not a fool, and immediately followed the trend, using the detailed information of Si Nongqing as a consolation envoy to the Datong army to appease the troops.

Servant Lu Jianfang was appointed as the defense envoy of Datong, replacing Li Keyong, the so-called "retainer" with an unfair name.

Li Guochang suffered such a dumb loss and didn't know what to do for a while. If he immediately launched an army to rebel, his strength was still somewhat insufficient. In April, amid hesitation, the imperial court pressed forward step by step and ordered the new Datong Defense Shi Lu Jianfang to change his position.

The military governor replaced Li Guochang. As for Li Guochang, he went to Datong Army to serve as the defense history officer. Hehe, let the father sit on the throne occupied by the son. Li Keyong, do you refuse or not?

As soon as the imperial court issued this decree, Li Guochang and his son were immediately forced into a blind corner. They could no longer pretend to be forced, so Li Guochang directly rebelled, killed the supervisors, and did not go to Datong to take up his post. At present, he has led the main force to march eastward to join his son Li Keyong.

The combined forces defeated the Zhelu Army City (Note 3), defeated the Kelan Army, and threatened Hedong. The new Zhenwu Army Jiedushi Lu Jianfang originally planned to use the imperial edict to instigate some Zhenwu Army officers and soldiers to weaken Li Guochang

As for the military situation, he died of a sudden illness as soon as he reached Lanzhou, which did Li Guochang a small favor.

"The methods used by Li Ke were very cruel. He not only killed Duan Wenchu, but also trampled his bones with war horses, which was simply shocking. The imperial court was furious after hearing this, and ordered Tiande and Xia Sui Town to join forces and march eastward to attack Zhenwu Army.

That's what happened to my old lair." Ren Yuji added at the side.

"The Tiande army only has 4,000 troops, so they still need to send troops?" Shao Shude frowned even more. He knew that Lu Huaizhong was a rough man and had many friends in the army. He was often well-informed, so he asked: "The soldiers in Xicheng are only 1,000.

Are you going to send someone out too?”

"It seems like this so far. I found out that Xicheng sent 300 troops, Fengzhou sent 300 troops, and Tiande Army City sent 1,500 troops, a total of more than 2,000 people. The military commander in front of the Yamen is the military envoy, and Hao Zhenwei is the military escort.

Commander, march eastward along the Yellow River and enter the territory under the jurisdiction of Zhenwu Army. I don’t know where Xia Sui’s troops came out.” Lu Huaizhong said. From the look of him, he didn’t care at all. Shao Shude even suspected that he was eager to fight.

"Then there's nothing we can do! We are soldiers of General Sun Shi. General Sun Shi is going on an expedition, and we all have to follow him." At this point, Shao Shude suddenly stood up, walked around the room twice, and slapped him with a fist.

He said: "It is a blessing, not a curse, but it is a curse that cannot be avoided. Li Guochang and his son are so heartless that everyone in the world can attack them together. Old Li, please go and check our inventory immediately. Do we have all the swords, guns, bows and cards, military uniforms and slaves?"

If there is a shortage - no, there must be a shortage. Just count the numbers and I will personally go to General Sun to ask for them. The army is about to go on an expedition, and Ambassador Li Cheng will not be reluctant to even part with this."

According to regulations, each Tiande army must have a spear, a cowhide shield, a bow (with three sets of strings and thirty arrows), a horizontal knife, and three leather ropes (for capturing prisoners).

This is something that everyone has. In addition, a team should also have ten long-handled axes, ten hooks, sickles, and ten sticks. These are not available to everyone. They are usually issued according to the personal characteristics of the soldiers.

As the leader of the team, Shao Shude also had a flag pole with animals painted on it, which he had to carry on his back during battle. In addition, he was known as a good archer, so his bow was specially made and he had twice as many arrows as others.

In addition to the thirty ordinary arrows, there are also ten armor-breaking arrows, ten long stack arrows, ten heavy arrows, and a long-handled sword (the sword and the spear are inserted crosswise in the back).

Fengzhou is poor, but it does its best to supply soldiers. Because the Hu and Han people live together in the area, the situation is complicated, and the people in the state need to rely on the protection of Tiande troops, so they do their best to ensure the supply of equipment for the officers and soldiers, unless it is really not available.

"There are some arrows missing. The leather armor, walking bow, and horizontal sword were damaged and sent to the city for repair, but they have not been returned. I will go and remind you. It should be fine, so I won't bother the team leader." Li Yanling said quickly: "That's true.

There is a huge shortage of military uniforms. This year’s autumn clothes have not been distributed yet, and spring clothes are also in short supply. This matter..."

According to the same system, each soldier should have a Shu shirt, undershirt, crotch, hakama slave, half arm, jacket, cotton trousers, futou, forehead wiper, two pairs of shoes and socks, and a quilt bag. Tiande Army every year

The spring and autumn clothes were issued once each, but this year the spring clothes were not issued due to financial difficulties, or the clothes were issued in shabby clothes, and there were many shortages in the army. To be honest, Shao Shude felt that their Tiande Army was interesting enough. If he changed to other military towns, the coach would dare to do this

, he had rebelled a long time ago. This time, he took advantage of the opportunity to go on an expedition and received the missing spring clothes together with the reward of autumn clothes. The grain officer in Xicheng did not dare to talk nonsense.

"I'll beg for Spring and Autumn Clothes myself." Shao Shude said bluntly: "By the way, let's see if we can get a few pairs of armors. With these on the battlefield, the brothers in the team will be safer."

Lu Huaizhong's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this. He has always been brave in battles and did not avoid arrows, but he also suffered a lot of injuries because of this. If he could put on a pair of iron armor, it would be even more powerful. The security guard rushed into the enemy's formation and made chaos

He was hacked and killed indiscriminately, and when he was killed, he fell on his back.

"Head of the team, go quickly, Lao Lu is waiting." Lu Huaizhong stood up suddenly and said with a smile.

Ren Yuji glanced at Shao Shude, thoughtfully. It seemed that the armor on the Dangxiang Chief Qu was hidden correctly. The Zhenwu Army was so capable of fighting that it would be impossible without some tricks.

"A few brothers were killed or injured this time, and the vacancies must be filled. Lao Li, you can handle this matter. Go to the west of the city and find six who can shoot, and try your best to recruit them. Don't forget to give

The settlement expenses will all be paid from the account." Shao Shude reminded again.

"The leader of the team is Renyi. It's good enough to give them food and drink for those poor people. Giving them money and food is too kind." Ren Yuji said bitterly after hearing this.

The area to the west of the city is where Hu and Han people live together. In the past, when Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty conquered the Turks, he placed tens of thousands of tents in Fengzhou, and naturally there are also those in the west city. However, over the years, these Turks were gradually sinicized, and some switched to farming.

, some are still herding cattle and sheep, but overall they are very poor and not as good as the Han people.

Of course, there are also many Uighurs, Dangxiangs, and Sogdians living there who can’t even distinguish their own ethnic groups. They are also very poor and have always been the main source of soldiers for border commanders. As for the Han’er, because they occupy the best places beside the canal, they are also very poor.

In this land, life is relatively affluent, so he is not very willing to serve as a soldier. However, Shao Shude often recruits Han people, at least Han Chinese Turks, into the army. If it is not possible, he will recruit Shannan party members or exiled Uighurs. Li Yanling knows his preference, but

No need to give special instructions.

The plan was decided and everyone went their separate ways. Shao Shude was no longer sleepy and sat quietly in front of the window thinking about the next thing.

Note 1: Datong Army, Datong Jiedu Observation and Disposal Envoy, and Yunzhou Governor, leading Yunzhou, Wei, and Shuozhou.

Note 2: The chair is the modern Mazar.

Note 3: Zhelu Military City is located in the northwest of Wuzhai County, Shanxi Province, and belongs to Shuozhou under the jurisdiction of the Datong Army Jiedushi.

This chapter has been completed!
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