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Chapter 64 Double Bad News

 They are all infantry, they look down on cavalry!

You just came here now to pick fruits, right?

Xia Sanmu threw away the curled-edged Mo Dao, picked up a spear abandoned by the enemy, and continued to charge forward.

The armor on his body was full of damage, and blood occasionally seeped out. He didn't know how many wounds he had sustained.

The soul-stirring footsteps extend towards the river.

"Crash!" the sergeants rushed into the shallow water that overflowed onto the river bank.

There is no one to command, no one to boost morale, everyone knows what they should do, and everyone is working tirelessly to reap the lives of the defeated enemy troops.

"The ghost is coming!" someone cried and jumped directly into the river.

They were huddled together on the bridge.

The people from south to north have not fought against Dingnan, and they still want to rush over and fight.

People traveling from north to south have lost their fighting spirit and just want to escape back to the south bank.

"Puff! Puff!" Changsha kept stabbing, and screams came one after another.

Humans are really strange creatures.

When he fell into hysterical emotions, he had no sense, no judgment at all, and even lost most of the innate instincts of animals.

The enemy soldiers on the bridge would rather expose their undefended backs to the stabbing Changsha, would rather jump into the river wearing iron armor, or even swing their swords at their own robes, than turn back to fight.

A more brutal massacre than before begins!

The sergeant from Dingnandu rushed onto the bridge and chopped it off with a knife. One of the heads fell off, rolled around in a circle, and then fell into the river with a plop.

With the blow of a stick, someone always screamed and died, but there were too many people and they couldn't fall down at once. The dead were sandwiched between the living, and the living cried and screamed.

Xia Sanmu threw away the spear stuck in the thief's sternum, took a long Ke ax, and swung it vigorously.

"Plop! Plop!" I don't know how many people fell into the water.

The heavy swordsman slowed down his pace, holding a wooden stick (bàng), and the sergeant with an ax stepped forward in tacit understanding. The cooperation was simply wonderful.

The narrow bridge became a nightmare for Pu Jun.

People kept coming from the south, and the bridge was almost crowded, and it was difficult to move one's arms and legs.

Wherever Changke's ax swept across, those who bore the brunt suffered broken bones and tendons, and those swept away by the residual power fell into the river one after another.

The sergeants in Dingnandu advanced slowly like this, and waves splashed into the sky from time to time on both sides of the bridge. This was the last struggle caused by a large group of soldiers falling into the water.

The mud at the bottom of the river was stirred up, and the turbidity was tinged with blood, and there was a faint cry of unwillingness before death.

I'm afraid no one will dare to eat the fish from Fenshui in the short term.

Destroying everything, this is what we are talking about!

The short pedestrian bridge rushed across.

At the end, almost all the people standing in front were sergeants holding thick wooden poles.

The walls were covered with red and white dirt, and with the blood all over their bodies, they looked like hungry ghosts descending from the earth.:.

Hundreds of people clung to wooden poles, waded through the shallow water, and rushed towards the Pu army soldiers who were hurriedly forming formation.

"Buzz!" An overwhelming rain of arrows came, and more than a hundred soldiers who were wading in the water fell silently.

"Crash!" The person behind looked calm, with the strong smell of blood all over his body, and the white arrow feathers, wading through the shallow water, holding the wooden pole high, and rushed over.

"The ghost is coming!" The front row of the bandits were all the defeated soldiers who had just been contained. They were brave enough to shoot arrows from a distance, but they were really timid when fighting face to face, so they turned around and ran away.

And their rout naturally affected others. The two thousand Pu troops who had just formed their formation were defeated by hundreds of Dingnandu sergeants holding wooden poles.

"Dang, Dang, Dang!" The sound of a clang sounded from the other side of the river.

"Call your troops." Xia Sanmu spoke for the first time since the close combat.

More than a thousand Dingnandu sergeants slowly gathered together.

They were breathing heavily, and many of their clothes and armor were damaged. Some were even so eager to kill that they had stripped off their clothes and armor, exposing their upper bodies.

Most people have already changed to a second weapon.

The long sword is covered with large and small gaps.

Mo Dao's blade has been curled up due to the continuous slashing of bones and flesh.

More than a thousand people formed a small formation at the south end of the bridge, and many people began to pick up almost brand-new weapons on the ground that had been thrown away by the Pu army.

Large shields, spears, heavy swords, whatever they are used for. They are all veterans who have practiced martial arts for more than ten years and have seen dozens of battles. What equipment can't be used?

More than a thousand people stood there, and Pu Jun watched from a distance, but no one dared to rush up and cause trouble.

On the north bank of the Fen River, the scattered troops of Pu's army were repeatedly charged and killed by the cavalry. Two thousand men from Tao Jianzhao's troops who had just crossed the river and were still in unsteady positions were also routed.

The clever defeated soldiers hid in the shallow water up to their ankles and begged for their lives.

Those who ran around became the trophies of the cavalry, and their heads were collected and piled together.

In the camp on the north bank, the infantry filed out in order and headed south along the bridge.

Gu/span>The leader was Tielin Army Xuanweidu, with a thousand men.

On the watchtower in the camp, Wang Yao felt the urge to urinate.

"What are you doing here, nephew? The whole army is crossing the river to fight the thieves to see if they dare to fight!" Shao Shude glanced at Wang Yao and said, "I have said before that Wang Ke's bridge was built for us. . He should understand now!"

Wang Yao nodded in agreement and turned around to go down.

Shao Shude took another look at the Pu army camp.

Most people have withdrawn. Are they trying to stand up against the enemy?

Inside the Pu army camp, the atmosphere was gloomy and gloomy.

More than 5,000 people who crossed the river were all wiped out!

Thousands more were lost on the bridge.

After crossing the river in Dingnandu, hundreds of people attacked with wooden poles. Due to the rout of the troops, two thousand people were scattered.

In this battle, Pu's army's courage had been knocked out.

There was noise everywhere in the camp, and people kept shouting to abandon the camp and run back to the east of the river.

Wang Ke hesitated.

There are still more than 20,000 people in the camp, which is similar to the number of enemy troops. Maybe they can still fight?

Liu Xun changed his previous approach of persuading Wang Ke to go to the front line to boost morale, and instead urged Wang Ke to return to Hedong and wait for reinforcements to delay changes.

"After the former army suffered a small setback, if we just retreat, will it cause confusion among people?" Wang Ke looked at Liu Xun eagerly, hoping that the general sent by his father-in-law would give some advice.

"Staying in the rear is not a matter of numbers. Even if there are 100,000 troops, but their morale is low, what good will it do? In today's battle, General Zhang was careless. If he established a festival, he would not take credit without authorization and swarm in, causing chaos.

Instead, they lined up in the wilderness and marched cautiously. The Xia thieves would not be able to defeat these thousands of people so easily." Liu Xun said: "The Xia thieves can only cross the river with more than a thousand people. It is still too late to leave now. The final wish of the general

After leading two thousand Jin troops to fight to the death, he tried his best to keep the army intact."

"This..." Wang Ke hesitated.

"Stay behind!" Liu Xun raised his voice and reminded: "Make a decision quickly! Either gather the army out of the camp, attack the Xia bandits crossing the river, and destroy the bridge. Or retreat directly, and the last general will cut off the rear."

Wang Ke kept thinking.

If you retreat like this, it is conceivable that your little prestige will be lost. From now on, no one will listen to you. Mutinies, pay riots and other troubles will happen every day, and there is no way to suppress it.


If you fight to the end, he also watched the battle just now.

At the beginning, Jianjiedu defeated the bandit soldiers and took advantage of the situation to invade the camp. At that time, he shouted loudly to applaud Jianjiedu. Although Liu Xun was a little worried, thinking that during the pursuit of Jianjiedu, the formation was scattered and could easily cause trouble, but in his excitement, he

He didn't care at all.

But the subsequent development left Wang Ke speechless.

After Jianjiedu rushed in, they were quickly driven out and were completely defeated. The soldiers could not find the generals, and the generals could not find the soldiers, and they were in chaos.

At that time, he wished that he had magic that could stop time, reorganize all the structures, arrange the formation, soothe the panic, and then fight again.

Unfortunately, this is just conjecture.

Jianjiedu was pushed all the way to the bridge. They had no fighting spirit and suffered heavy casualties. The other parts of the army were also thrown into chaos. Their morale plummeted and they lost their will to fight.

Thousands of people were lost just like that.

"There are still two months of food and grass in the camp. If the strong walls are weakened and we wait until the morale of the Xia thieves is low before we counterattack, will we have any chance of winning?" Wang Ke suddenly asked.

Liu Xun looked at him with evil eyes. If Wang Ke hadn't been Li Keyong's son-in-law, he would have killed him long ago.

Wang Ke sighed. He also knew that his idea was a bit too naive. Can the big soldiers wait for you for two months? Maybe they would have taken your head and presented it to Wang Yao.

Now retreating to Hedong is indeed the safest way.

"After we stay, we can no longer hesitate. The bridge is small and cannot pass many people. However, if we delay for a long time, more and more Xia thieves will cross the river, but they will not be able to escape." Liu Xun urged.

"Then" Wang Ke finally made up his mind and planned to run away.

"After staying, the Xia rebel soldiers came out of Liugu, broke into the county, occupied the salt pond, and headed all the way to Yuxiang, east of the river." Yuhou, the camp capital, and his generals arrived hand in hand, reporting eagerly.

"What?" Wang Ke was shocked.

Liugu is in the southwest of Anyi and should have a garrison. Why was it suddenly occupied? Was it defeated?

"After staying, it's not too late. Let's leave now, otherwise things may change later." Liu Xun made a decision immediately, called several people, helped Wang Ke and walked out.

Wang Ke was so anxious that he lost his mind.

The Xia thieves obviously sent troops in two directions and directly intervened in the fighting in the river. Jie County has been lost. If Yuxiang is lost again, Hedong County will be directly exposed to the front of the army.

There will be no need for them to attack the city by then, and the changes in people's hearts in the town may have many unpredictable effects.

Yes, in the eyes of many people, this war is a civil war between the Wang family's descendants, rather than an invasion by a foreign enemy, and there is no need to fight to the death. It doesn't matter who wins, Wang Ke or Wang Yao, they live their lives as usual. Between the two armies

, many of them are even friends and relatives, and it is not a big problem to switch positions at will.

So, is it really useful to go back now?

Well, it may be of some use. After all, Hezhong Mansion has been run by Wang Chongrong and Wang Chongying for many years, and there are still some legacy. But if you are not in the city at this time, things will be complicated, and it is hard to say what will happen.

"Take them with you and then leave." Liu Xun ordered: "Go back to Hedong and stick to it to wait for changes and seize the last chance."

After that, Liu Xun called over several generals and said: "Gather your troops immediately and follow me to kill the Xia thieves." We provide you with the fastest updates and free reading.:.

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