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Chapter 67 The Troubled War


In the river city, the soldiers were very busy.

They gathered in groups and clamored everywhere: "Wang Yao wants to be the military envoy, and he is promised ten yuan per person."

"Haha, Wang Ke only rewards you four times, why should you sacrifice your life for him?"

"Wang Zan, where is Wang Lin? I have scattered all the family wealth and added two more strings, and we will protect you as a governor."

"You still have to allow me to wait for three days for the big plunder."

"Haha, you can plunder for ten days without any reward."

Every household in Hezhong City has its doors and windows closed.

At present, the city is still barely maintaining the most basic order, with only sporadic looters. But if it is left unchecked, who can say that they will not be robbed?

A messenger was riding a horse on the street. Xu was used to being arrogant. He scolded the sergeant who was blocking the road and was immediately pulled off his horse.

"Poof!" He slashed with the knife and the messenger's head rolled to the ground.

"Let's go, open the city gate and welcome Wang Yao into the city."

"Does what Wang Yao said still stand?"

"How dare he not count?"

"Let's go! Let's go together!"

A few people raised their arms and shouted, and soon dozens of people followed.

They shouted loudly along the way, and when they arrived at the east city gate, it was already dark and crowded with hundreds of people.

The guard was at a loss and just wanted to scold him, but he was stabbed with several spears.

In the other direction, some people were taking the opportunity to make noise.

"That old dog Tao Jianzhao, who suffered a defeat in Fenshui and lost many brothers, dares to control us."

"I heard that he has tens of thousands of dollars, why don't we get it ourselves?"

"Kill Tao Jianzhao!"

"Kill this old dog!"

A large group of soldiers gathered and rushed to the gate of Duyu Housi. The guards immediately switched sides and joined in, leading them in.

"Tao Jianzhao was greedy for Mo's rewards and killed Paoze. He killed this guy!"

"Kill Tao Jianzhao!"

"Kill the old dog!"

The rebels were in a frenzy and would kill everyone they saw.

Tao Jianzhao, who was discussing matters in the military mansion, felt something bad when he heard the noise. He hurriedly left the government hall and ran away.

"Kill this old dog!"

Tao Jianzhao, who was halfway up the wall, was pulled down. He was instantly greeted by dozens of weapons and soon became silent.

The soldiers who killed the general became more and more frantic and began to loot everywhere.

Cui Qing, the judicial official, was found hiding under the table and was immediately pulled out and chopped into several pieces.

Xue Song, the official in charge of the shogunate, often punished soldiers who violated military discipline. He was blocked in the government hall and died from dozens of arrows in his body.

Wang Yan, the food envoy, was captured by the rebels. He was spared because of his good reputation, but several of his followers were killed.

After slaughtering all the Yuhousi in the capital, the rebel soldiers brought firewood and set fire to the stern military government office.

In the camp outside the city, Shao Shudezheng and Feng Yanqing were sitting opposite each other drinking tea.

"Does the commander know that the Xuanzong Dynasty once established the central capital?" Feng Yanqing asked.

Shao Shude nodded: "The establishment was discussed in the eighth year of Kaiyuan. In the first month of the ninth year, Puzhou was promoted to Hezhong Prefecture and the central capital was built. It was abolished half a year later."

"Of course." Feng Yanqing admired Shao Shude's habit of loving reading, and said: "At the time of Puzhou, although it was Shangzhou, there were only 18 officials and 214 subordinate officials. Since he was promoted to the government, there should be officials

There were 28 people and 328 subordinates. There was a temporary shortage of officials. At that time, there were Turkic rebellions outside, wars were increasing year by year, and the army was restless. There were floods and droughts inside, the rivers and Huaihe Rivers were red, and many people were hungry. In addition, the construction cost was huge, so

Come on. Marshal, does he know why Xuanzong wanted to establish the central capital?"

"The capital of Yao and Shun was surrounded by mountains and rivers both inside and outside, strangling the throats of Qin and Jin, and caressing the backs of Youhe."

"Haha, the commander is indeed a warrior." Feng Yanqing smiled and said, "But I want to talk about money and food."

Shao Shude gave Feng Yanqing some tea.

"Commander, there is thick smoke billowing in the city, and there may be trouble." Zheng Yong, the tenth general of the private army, hurried in and reported.

"What?" Before Shao Shude could speak, Feng Yanqing's eyes lit up and he turned to Shao Shude.

"Commander, this is a good opportunity." Feng Yanqing said, "It's not just about capturing the city in the middle of the river."

This was a bit cryptic, but Shao Shude understood it instantly.

The problems of all the vassal towns in the river and even in the world often do not lie with the military envoys, but with the soldiers.

Maybe Jiedushi doesn't want to rebel, and the generals don't want to rebel, but the big soldiers will rebel even if they don't get what they want, even if they lose money in gambling, what else can you expect?

There have been many military turmoils since the crisis, and this situation is not uncommon. Typical examples are Wei Bo's Yamen and Xuzhou Silver Sword Capital. As the saying goes, the Yamen are made of iron and the Jiedu envoys are flowing.

When the Liang and Jin Dynasties were fighting for hegemony, Wei Bozhen was simply a grassroots, and it was useless to change several Jiedushi envoys. The Jiedushi envoys didn't want to rebel? We coerced you to rebel, that's how embarrassing it was. Even Li Cunxu, who served as the Jiedushi envoy himself, couldn't suppress it, he

The world was won because of Wei Bo, and the world was lost because of Wei Bo. "The king of Jin then used his silver spear to save the army and take Liang, and he also used his silver spear to save the army and take disaster."

If the troops are dealt with, it doesn't matter who becomes the military governor. If the soldiers are not dealt with, is it useful for Li Cunxu to be the military governor of Wei Bo? Is it useful for Zhu Quanzhong to be the military governor of Hezhong?

"Blow the drums and gather the troops!" Shao Shude ordered.

The soldiers got the armor and put it on for him.

The sound of drums resounded throughout the entire camp.

The Tielin army was well-trained and quickly assembled. The gate guards lowered the trench bridge, and the cavalry went out first, followed by the infantry, and formed an array in the wilderness.

Shao Shude was riding on a war horse and carefully observed the city wall of Hedong County. He saw that there were still soldiers guarding the city wall, but they were already sparse.

"Uncle!" Wang Yao also hurried over with a happy face.

Hedong County is a ripe fruit. With so many people secretly talking about it, sooner or later such a day will come, but I didn’t expect it to come so soon.

Besides, the angel is coming soon.

As long as the angel officially grants him the title, it will be more secure, and he can call himself Commander-in-Chief from now on.

"Shout and ask the defenders to open the city gate, otherwise they will attack the city. With their current behavior, how many of them are willing to defend the city?"

"As commanded."

Just as the soldiers were about to step forward, they saw the east city gate of Hedong County suddenly opened slowly and a large group of soldiers poured out.

"Wang Shijun, can you keep your word?"

"Ten cents per person!"

"Give it now, let us welcome you in as our commander-in-chief."

Wang Yao's face turned dark.

He promised one person ten min, but only after he became the commander-in-chief, and then taxed the people to make up for the shortfall. Now, how do you ask him to get hundreds of thousands of min?

"These thieves!" Shao Shude couldn't stand it anymore and said, "Xu Hao!"

"The end is here!"

"Enter the city!"

"As you command!"

Xu Hao's flag was quickly raised, and the three thousand cavalrymen got on their horses, accelerated slowly, and rushed towards the rebels.

"What is this for?"

"Wang Yao, you must die a happy death!"

"Brothers, we have been deceived!"

"Poof!" Just like they slashed the messenger, Xu Hao raised his knife and killed one person neatly.

The cavalry rushed into the crowd of rioting soldiers, slashing and slashing horizontally and vertically, causing ghosts to cry and wolves to howl.

On both sides of them, a large group of cavalry quickly bypassed and rushed into the city gate.

"Forward!" Shao Shude personally led the Tielin Army's 9,000 infantrymen towards the river city.

Wang Yao also reacted and immediately called for his general and ordered him to quickly lead his troops into the city.

When the army entered the city, they did not encounter any organized resistance, but there were really many rioters on the streets.

Without Shao Shude's orders, Tielin's army marched up and down the wall, firing with bows and spears, and stabbing with spears, killing these random soldiers.

Shao Shude dismounted under the persuasion of his own soldiers and advanced on foot.

His face was serious, and he was secretly thinking about whether to expand the scale and massacre all the 20,000 to 30,000 Hezhong troops in the city.

Some thieves have to use this method of physical destruction.

Wei Bojun was massacred three times in history.

During the Luo Shaowei period, Zhu Quanzhong massacred eight thousand yamen soldiers and their families, and even came up with a famous idiom.

During Li Siyuan's period, Fang Zhiwen and An Shentong slaughtered silver spears to save the army.

During Li Congke's period, Fan Yanguang executed seven armies including Pengsheng, Zhongxiao and Zhongsu.

During Shi Jingtang's period, Wei Bo was in military chaos again and was almost massacred. However, he was finally pardoned and Fan Yanguang surrendered.

Four emperors of the Five Dynasties unanimously chose to massacre Wei Bojun. There was of course a reason for this.

But Shao Shude gave up in the end, and the soldiers in Hezhong were not like that.

Killing tens of thousands of people at once would give him a really bad reputation.

"Commander, this is the palace!" Zheng Yong reminded in a low voice.

Shao Shude turned around. There were more than ten corpses lying strewn in front of the door. He didn't know whether they were killed by the rebels or the Tielin Army.

It is probably the latter, because the order in the mansion is still relatively stable and has not been affected.

"Go in!" Shao Shude ordered.

However, he himself did not move. Zheng Yong understood and immediately ordered hundreds of soldiers to enter the house to search carefully and control them tightly.

During this period, he continued to receive messages.

There were probably thousands of people involved in the rebellion. After the Tielin Army entered the city, Sergeant Hezhong came to his senses. Military Academy Feng Zangzhi persuaded several middle and lower-level officers to take the initiative to put down the rebellion with his troops and cooperate with the Tielin Army to stabilize order.

The Yuhousi in Hezhong were almost wiped out, and the main leader, Sado, died unexpectedly.

Wang Yao was very happy because he could place his own people.

Shao Shude was also somewhat satisfied, because those who died were all veteran generals.

"Commander, you can go in." Some soldiers came out of the house to report.

Shao Shude stepped into the palace, surrounded by a large group of soldiers.

All the servants in the mansion were driven to the backyard and were guarded by sergeants, so the front hall was empty.

The sound of heavy footsteps echoed through the entire mansion, and each sound seemed to hit the heart of the heart.

Shao Shude stood in the magnificent foyer and admired it carefully.

The Wang family is still rich! Although it is not as good as Ma Lin's mansion back then, it is not far behind.

"Uncle!" Wang Ke cried and rushed over, but he was quickly held down by the soldiers and only let him go after a careful search all over his body.

"Uncle!" Wang Ke hugged Shao Shude's legs and burst into tears: "Farewell to Huayue Temple, w. I haven't seen my uncle for many years."

Shao Shude was also a little moved.

"Since you call me uncle, how can I harm you? Get up." Shao Shude ordered, and his own soldiers helped him up.

"Uncle." Mr. Li saluted from a distance and whispered.

Her name is Uncle Shao Shude, which is more authentic than Wang Ke.

Shao Shude took a closer look at Mrs. Li. She was pretty and pretty. Although she was a woman, there was still some childishness on her face. At this time, she looked at him boldly, not as timidly as Wang Ke.

"This is the first time I've met my niece." Shao Shude smiled and said, "Your mother-in-law also asked me to bring some gifts for my niece."

Of course this was nonsense, but since he said it, the people below would naturally go looking for a suitable gift immediately.

This is just to express an attitude, that is, I recognize you as a relative, and your safety is guaranteed.

Mrs. Li was very smart and understood immediately after hearing it. She bowed again and said with a smile: "If Cong Weng says so, my nephew will wait."

Wang Ke's crying gradually stopped, and he quietly raised his hand to wipe his tears, only to be held down by nervous soldiers again, which made him feel embarrassed for a while.

"Let him go, we are all one family," Shao Shude ordered.

Wang Ke quickly stood up, ran to Li's side, and held her hand.

He finally understood that his nephew was not very valuable, while Li's niece was very valuable. It really depends on the strength.

Mrs. Li lost her temper and threw Wang Ke away.

Shao Shude smiled and said, "I'll see Mr. and Mrs. Xian again in a few days."

Of course he doesn't want to live in the palace and cause criticism. What's more, there are still many difficult things to deal with.


This chapter was written in three pages... until three o'clock in the morning... If you have votes, please cast them, thank you.

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