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Chapter 3 Life and Dedication

"Could this corn be shipped from Huizhou?" Wang Jiao asked curiously after taking two mouthfuls of the sticky corn porridge.

"What are you thinking about?" Bai Wulang laughed and scolded, and said: "Huizhou is so far away, how to transport it? This is Yanzhou millet, transported from the river. But it is really good, take it to Shaanzhou and sell it, a bucketful

It can be sold for more than a hundred dollars."

Shaanxi Province was hit by a disaster last year. According to the national law, when floods, droughts, insects, and frosts cause damage, a loss of more than four ten points will be exempted from part of the tax, a loss of six points or more will be completely exempted, and a loss of seven points or more will also be exempted from school service.

Wang Jiao didn't know what the disaster was like in Shaanzhou. It was inevitable anyway, but food prices had soared. On the way here, he even saw many people drying mulberries and putting them away after drying. Shaanxi and Guo people, each family had dozens of them.

Mulberry trees, dried mulberries, and dates are the main food sources when the harvest is poor.

Baigoro's family has three children, all of whom are very young and greedy. They secretly trade the corn at home with others for mulberries and dates, but make a relatively poor exchange. When he found out, he didn't say much. As a sergeant, he received 24 yuan a year.

The gift of dendrobium grain can feed the whole family, and there is often a few dendrobium left over. It is not easy in disaster years, so please help as much as you can.

There was a noise outside the door.

The two listened carefully and found out that a convoy of merchants was passing by and they were going north to cross the river to Pinglu.

Bai Wulang's wife, Shi Qu, hurried into the house, took a piece of miscellaneous silk, and hurried out again.

Baigoro raised his head, hesitated to speak, and finally said nothing.

When I received the reward last year, I received ten pieces of silk alone. The six members of my family used them to make clothes, shoes, headscarves, etc., which was two pieces. The remaining eight pieces were not used at all. They were exchanged for the home.

There are not many things that are needed.

However, when he saw that he had been incorporated into the Baoyi Army and seemed to be stationed in Shaanxi and Guo forever, he began to think about buying a house.

At present, he knows that there are two families selling houses nearby. One is relatively simple, with only one room. The east-west base is 1 foot 6 feet 8 inches, and the north-south base is 7 feet 8 inches. Including some items in the house, the seller is asking for 26 dendrobium.

2 bushels and 4 bushels of millet. But the house is too small and not suitable for his family. It is quite suitable for an unmarried person like Wang Jiao.

The other place is much bigger, with several rooms, and the asking price is 68 dendrobium and 4 dou, and the price is half and half of corn and wheat.

This price is not small money for him, but it is not unaffordable. According to the grain price in Shaanzhou, one min 800 can buy more than seven dendrobiums of millet. Last year, in addition to ten bolts of silk, he also received several mins.

As a reward, one year's income is more than enough to buy this house, and there is still a lot left over.

Wang Jiao glanced at Bai Wulang and said, "Don't buy that house. Maybe one day it will have to change its location. It won't be easy to sell by then, so the money will be wasted."

"This..." Bai Wulang hesitated when he heard this, and said, "Did you hear any rumors?"

"There is no rumor!" Wang Jiao hesitated for a moment, then said: "The last time I met Jin San from Wulan County, he was a cavalryman in the Heyuan Army. He said that the Baoyi Army was not popular with the commander. After this autumn harvest,

You still have to take action. Jin San’s words are quite accurate and he will hit the target when he predicts the situation. I think it’s reasonable.”

"It makes sense." Bai Wulang sighed and said, "Who does Li Fan mean that he can also be a governor? I see, the commander-in-chief has to use up all the capital in his hands before he will give up. It will only harm us.


Wang Jiao ate corn porridge and mutton in silence without speaking.

"But you still have to buy it." Bai Wulang patted his thigh and said, "You have to come back after the war, right? I like this place in Zhujin, it's better than Huizhou. Besides, it's not expensive, so just buy it.

Come on. My elder man is weak and may not be able to become a martial artist. I will leave him in the future and take root in Shaanzhou."

"Not expensive"! Well, the warriors of the Tang Dynasty were so arrogant.

After the hard times, the country's power declined, but the income of a martial artist increased sharply. Even a big-headed soldier's income was several times that of a small official in the Yamen.

Su, Dai Nahui, according to the system, an army of 12,500 people, the reward of silk and silk alone is 150,000 horses a year, 12 horses per capita.

In addition, this army also has twenty saddles and bridles each decorated with gold and silver, one hundred pieces of brocade, one hundred pieces of colorful silk, two hundred pieces of crimson and purple silk, three hundred pieces of silk, as well as men's and women's brocade robes, silver pots and vases, and brocade mattresses.

, high-level physical rewards such as purple silk mattresses have a fixed amount and are used to reward individuals with outstanding performance.

This is a physical reward, as well as money and food!

The money spent by the Tang Dynasty on a warrior may be many times that of a single sergeant in ancient times.

As the saying goes: "If an army has no money, soldiers will not come; if an army has no reward, soldiers will not go. Under the bait, there will be fish hanging; under the reward, there will be dead husbands. If you raise an army without money and silk, how can you marry people?

So happy!"

This is the value of the martial arts of the Tang Dynasty. If you give me enough money, I will risk my life.

Of course, the above are the regulations of the imperial court. Each vassal town will have more than this according to its own situation, and some will have less, but it cannot be too much, otherwise be careful of being hacked to death!

However, as the economy gradually declined, by the end of the Five Dynasties, this standard had dropped too much. By the Northern Song Dynasty, the various grains and property that the imperial guards with higher incomes received in a year, converted into the income of the late Tang sergeants, were probably only enough to offset the

In total, their food gifts were only a little more than one-third of the income of the vassal soldiers in the Tang Dynasty.

A large number of 1.4 million soldiers turned from warriors to Qiu Ba.

After Wang Jiao and Bai Wulang finished eating, they went out for a stroll.

Listening to people chatting around, I learned that this caravan was actually from Ganzhou and was going to Hedong and Hebei to do business.

Both Wang and Bai are from Huining County, Huizhou. In the past few years since they joined the army, their knowledge has increased greatly. They know that to the west of the Xinquan Army in Huizhou is Liangzhou, and to the west of Liangzhou is Ganzhou, which belongs to the Uighurs.


What? Didn’t the Ganzhou Uighurs like to rob merchants and travelers in the past? Now they have become merchant travelers themselves? The robbing business is no longer possible.

There were quite a few people around the merchant, but it was mainly the family members of the sergeants who were buying. The merchant also knew that they had money, and kept bragging about the goods they brought in poor Mandarin.

Wang Jiao looked at it and suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

Back then in Huizhou Township, the merchant in the Zhao family's caravan was also wagging his lips like this.

I don’t know what my parents are doing. Are my siblings okay?

Grandpa was injured when he was young. Does the pain still persist on rainy days?

The merchant was still bragging hard, but Wang Jiao's mind had already drifted to that time that seemed very far away.

That year, as a young man, he became famous in Huizhou and the countryside, galloping around and scoring 45 out of 10 goals.

That year, the father and son followed Captain Sun of the Xinquan Army to dig out the Tibetan outposts. The fledgling man was scolded a lot.

It’s been so many years!

"The soldiers and horses have orders, you will return to camp within two days and prepare to leave!" A horseman galloped from a distance, using his broken gong-like voice to deliver "bad news" to everyone.

Bai Wulang cursed loudly: "Every time I come here, nothing good happens."

Wang Jiao didn't think anything of it. It was the fate of a martial artist to trade his life for money. There was nothing to say.

Compared with a small life, not being able to get ahead is more difficult to accept.

This time we set off, it shouldn't be a change of defense, but probably a battle. As for the target of the attack, there is actually only one target: Mianchi County, Henan Prefecture.

On July 25, three thousand sergeants were assembled in the Zhujin military camp.

After the names were counted, the whole army set off and headed for Wei County.

Wang Jianji rode a magnificent war horse and kept complaining to his staff: "The commander-in-chief is stationed in Hezhong, Heyuan, Jishi, Tielin, Zhenwu, and Tianxiong. The personnel of the five armies have been reorganized. Five troops are missing at once."

We have a large army that can fight, so why fight? The Tianzhu Army, the Baoyi Army, the Shunyi Army, and the Yi Cong Army in Hengshandu only number 20 to 30,000 people, and they cannot fully mobilize, so they are just going to scratch the itch of the Bian Army."

The staff was very embarrassed and could only reply: "Proprietor, there are more than 10,000 Tibetan people."

"The Tibetan people are not that stupid. So many people died in Mianchi County. Now it is a matter of choice whether they are willing to fight a bloody battle or not."

"If Zhe Zongben launches an offensive in the Tang Dynasty and Deng Sui, it may be able to influence the entire situation. Did the proprietor and the envoy say anything about the alliance between the two armies?"

"Don't expect to lose the clan." Wang Jianji sneered and said: "He brought nine thousand Fengxiang troops south. Now there are more than 20,000 troops. The strength of the troops has increased greatly, but the combat power has decreased greatly. Now we should be in a hurry

Reorganize the troops. Moreover, the three states followed by Tang and Deng were not conquered by us, but were newly established vassal towns after the division of Shannan East Road. The internal relations are complicated. Can Zhe Zongben sort it out in one year? I am disgusted.

It would be good if he can guard Tang and Deng Sui well and prevent others from defeating him. Instead of counting on the defeat of Zongben, it is better to place hope on Er Zhu and Shi Pu. They are fighting against the Bian thieves with real swords and spears."

"Proprietor, speaking of Er Zhu and Shi Pu, I heard that Feng Shijun was rejected in Qingzhou. Is this true or false?"

"Actually, I don't know very well. It's all hearsay." Wang Jianji said: "Wang Normal University opened a school in Qingzhou, recruited Confucian scholars, hung out with Confucian scholars all day long, and ignored military affairs. It seemed that he was stupid in studying, and he actually accused the commander.

Domineering and unruly, contemptuous of the emperor, this is not the way of a minister. I am surprised, where did this loyal minister come from? His late father Wang Jingwu also accepted the pseudo-post of Huang Chao back then, and he was the military governor who drove the mutiny.

, my son suddenly turned into a loyal minister? He must be pretending."

The staff sighed after hearing this: "Wang Shifan is so stupid! He only wants to protect the country and the people, but in today's world, isn't it a delusion? Once Zhu Quanzhong breaks through Erzhu, he will march to Ziqing. How can Wang Shifan, a refined man, defeat the jackals?"


He had also heard about Wang Shifan. w. The young man succeeded to the throne, wisely killed Lu Hong, the government general who was about to rebel, and put down Zhang Chan, who was separatist in Dizhou. His performance was remarkable.

But after doing this, he left Nanshan. He was obsessed with Confucianism, had eloquent discussions with a group of Confucian scholars, and had a collection of tens of thousands of books at home. He was actually somewhat similar to Zhao Kuangning of Shannan East Road, and the two should become close friends.

"Wang Shifan is still afraid in his heart." Wang Jianji saw it accurately: "Fear can't defeat Zhu Quanzhong, so he doesn't dare to offend him at all. After all, our commander is far away, so he cursed twice to express his loyalty and hoped that Zhu Quanzhong

If the loyal heart is happy, I won’t hit him.”

"After the commander-in-chief takes control of Hezhong, he can launch a large-scale attack on Zhu Quanzhong. People like Wang Shifan will definitely not dare to talk nonsense in the future." The staff laughed.

"It is impossible to launch a large-scale attack. How many troops can be deployed on Zhiguan Road? How many troops can be deployed on Xin'an Mianchi Road? Let's talk about a large-scale attack after we pass through this mountainous area someday." Wang Jianji

I remembered a Tibetan army that passed by Shaanzhou yesterday. It was mainly composed of Hewei Qiang and Qingtang Tubo. There were 6,000 households in total. They should have been sent to guard the Dawu City area.

I heard that there was also a group of Tibetan soldiers on the way from Hexi. They were mainly from Liang, Gan and Zahu, with a total of 5,000 households.

The commander-in-chief's Tibetan soldiers are really exciting to use. Sooner or later, Mianchi County will be submerged by the vast sea of ​​Tibetans.

Wave after wave, like magic, never ending, you never know how much more he can take out.

On July 28, three thousand sergeants from the left wing of the Baoyi Army arrived in Wei County. At this time, news came from the front: Shuangqiao Village had been captured, and the Bian Army's power had been broken.

Well, no one needed to remind him. Wang Jianji also knew that it was time for the usually pampered warrior to put his head down and work hard.

This chapter has been completed!
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