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Chapter 8 Learning

 "Commander!" Fu Cunshen hurried to Longchi Palace with two of his cronies.

"Sit down and talk." Shao Shude waved his hand.

Chen Cheng and Zhao Guangfeng were also called over from the Yaohua Palace Office to discuss matters together.

"General Fu suppressed Hu Guo and fought dozens of battles, large and small. The thieves were not allowed to advance. It is a great achievement." Shao Shude stopped Fu Cun's Chinese language that wanted to express his loyalty and said: "No need to say more, I will remember all your achievements." ,There will be a chance."

"Thank you, Marshal, for cultivating me."

"What do you think about Li Hanzhi's matter?"

"Commander, the last general knows that Li Han has great ambitions and is not someone who has to succumb to others." Fu Cunshen had obviously thought of his words on the way, and only heard him say: "This time Ke Yong ordered Xue Zhiqin to follow Lu. Zhou, drive Li Hanzhi to Zezhou. According to his original intention, he should have rebelled long ago. If he doesn't rebel at this time, he has nowhere to go."

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Luzhou was the seat of Zhaoyi. At its peak, it had a population of nearly 400,000, while Zezhou had only a few hundred thousand. The two places had been harmed by Li Han for many years, and half of the people left were considered too many. In other words, Zezhou was only a few hundred thousand at this time. With a population of tens of thousands, it is absolutely impossible to exceed 100,000. It is definitely impossible to support Li Hanzhi's more than 10,000 soldiers. Hedong must provide relief.

Zezhou is bounded by Weibo to the east, Hezhong to the west, and Heyang to the south.

Wei Bo was within Zhu Quanzhong's sphere of influence and was not qualified to accept surrender, nor would he give up his territory to Li Hanzhi.

Huaizhou in Heyang was the place where Li Hanzhi once settled, and Mengzhou was Sun Ru’s territory. It is conceivable that there are not many people left. Shao Shude even bought many people from Sun Ru’s people, and he also recruited them privately. The population is even smaller.

After the two states of Huai and Meng were annexed by Zhu Quanzhong, the people had a chance to recuperate and recuperate. Can there be 100,000 people at this time? Most likely not.

For Li Hanzhi, there is not much difference between Zezhou and Heyang.

The land of Jinjiang has been annexed by Shao Shude, and of course it cannot be given to Li Hanzhi. He must be very aware of this matter.

Therefore, Li Hanzhi actually had no one to surrender to.

Neither Zhu Quanzhong nor Shao Shude could give him autonomy, but Li Keyong did. Therefore, no matter how ambitious and dissatisfied Li Hanzhi was, he could only hold back and hibernate at this time.

"I can't satisfy Li Hanzhi's appetite. But with his ambition, something will happen to him in the future, and he will come to me to ask for help. Let's contact him in advance to avoid hastily surrendering Zhu Quanzhong with Zezhou," Shao Shude said.

"General, I understand." Shao Shude said this, and Fu Cunchen immediately understood and stood forward.

Seeing that he understood, Shao Shude said: "Just send someone to do this, don't risk it yourself."

Any instigation of rebellion, unless the other party actively surrenders, is mostly not initiated in a hurry, nor can it be effective in a short period of time.

Historically, in the fourth year of Tianfu (904), Zhu Quanzhong committed regicide. Ding Hui, who was guarding Zelu, heard the news of Zhaozong's death and ordered the entire army to mourn. Is this crying for Zhaozong? Not necessarily, maybe because his uncle Cong and others were killed without permission. The veteran Zhu Quanzhong suppressed his old brother for more than a year or two, and Ding Hui also expressed his dissatisfaction.

But he dared to do this. He was obviously confident. He had no private contact with Jinyang and left a way out. Who would believe it?

In the third year of Tianyou (906), the Jin army attacked Luzhou. Ding Hui surrendered directly with sufficient troops and no pressure at all, which caused a reversal of the situation between Liang and Jin. From 904 to 906, something happened in two years What, it's not hard to guess.

Is Ding Hui the only one under Zhu Quanzhong to be won over? Obviously impossible.

Does Zhu Quanzhong know? Most likely he does.

But this is nothing at all, because absolute loyalty does not exist in the world, let alone in this era when warriors rule the country.

Fu Cunshen was standing in front of Shao Shude, respectful and respectful, but had anyone tried to win over him in private? There must have been.

Li Tangbin had tens of thousands of troops. Didn't Zhu Quanzhong send his old men from the Chao Army to win him over? If you think about it with your toes, you know it's impossible.

But Li Tangbin has only reported it once so far. What about the others? Perhaps they had old friendships with him and could not bear to harm him, so they let him go privately.

Shao Shude didn't believe that Zhu Quanzhong only won over him once, but he didn't think that Li Tangbin couldn't be used. This was human nature at this time.

When An Xiuxiu came over, all his family members were in Hedong, so Li Keyong didn't kill him, but secretly sent people to contact him and persuade him to return.

Yang Yue, who was guarding Shuozhou as a guest army, was also won over by Li Keyong several times.

This is an ordinary thing. As a ruler, if you fall out with someone because of this matter, you lose trust in someone, and if you really require absolute loyalty, there will be no one in the world.

"Also, if Li Hanzhi really brings Zezhou to surrender, we cannot agree to it for the time being. His subordinates may contact him privately. I don't believe that Li Hanzhi's internal affairs are monolithic." Shao Shude warned again.

Poaching people is a basic operation of major forces. It is an unspoken rule that everyone is well aware of. No one will fall out over this matter, but openly incorporating Zezhou is crossing the line.

Anyway, it doesn't cost anything to get familiar with him in advance. If there are jujubes but no jujubes, it's a shot. What if Li Hanzhi really decides to raid Heyang on a whim?

After saying these words, Shao Shude left Qingliang Palace and asked Chen Cheng and Zhao Guangfeng to explain the details to Fu Cunshen, while he took his son and left Longchi Palace for Jiangzhou.

The first batch of family members of the Chishui, Wuxing and Guzhen armies have arrived in Jiangzhou by boat.

Jiangzhou was invaded by Li Hanzhi for many years, and the main losses were the counties in the east, Longmen and other places in the west. The agricultural conditions were good and the population was large, so his family members were resettled in Quwo and Yicheng in the east of Jiangzhou and Shenshan Sansan in Jinzhou. county.

"The Wuling Road leading to Zelu has two counties, the north and the south. I have studied these days, but do you still remember?" After Shao Shude's car arrived in Quwo (today's county), his family members were already living in tents.

Fortunately, the weather is not cold. In more than a month, the wooden house will be almost completed, which is more than enough to house these military dependents.

"The North Road starts from Linfen County, Jinzhou, travels 78 miles east to Shenshan County (today's Fushan), and then 44 miles east to Wuling."

"The South Road starts from Yicheng County, Jiangzhou, and goes northeast for seventy-five miles to Wuling. The Ling Road is forty miles long from east to west, and is the lowest place among the hundreds of miles of mountains between Fen and Qin, so there is a post road."

The two sons memorized it very well and said it separately.

"Do you still remember Zhiguan Road before?" Shao Shude suddenly asked.

The two of them were a little embarrassed: "I still remember some..."

Shao Shude smiled, memorizing the back and forgetting the front, but that was normal, and comforted: "It doesn't matter, you have to review your homework from time to time. In the future, if you have more contact with your father, you won't forget it."

"Wuling is now under the control of Li Han. Zelu's army can go down to the ridge at any time and attack the Jin and Jiang plains with a commanding attitude." Shao Shude said: "Wuling Road should have belonged to Jinzhou, and Wuling Road should have belonged to Jinzhou.

After going down the mountain range, walk east for thirty miles to Qinshui River. On the west bank of Qinshui River is Jishi County (more than a hundred miles southeast of Gu County in present-day Linfen City), which is also in the hands of Li Han." Shao Shude said: "Li Han invaded Jin Dynasty.

, Jiang, and even more than a hundred people are uninhabited, relying on controlling this area. From now on, if Li Keyong attacks me, he can also take this road, and he will reach the plain as soon as he goes down the mountain, and I will have no danger to defend."

"Can't you recruit Li Hanzhi?"

"He won't surrender. Zelu can't satisfy him, unless the situation is exhausted, but it will only be a temporary surrender." Shao Shude said: "There is a kind of person in this world who is so ambitious that no one takes him seriously, and he desperately searches for it.

Opportunities, even family members can be discarded for this. This kind of person is so cruel that he is willing to kill his father, his son and his brother. My son must never imitate this."

"Yes." They both responded together.

"My grandpa still has strength and ambition now." Shao Shude held his son's hand vigorously and said as he walked: "In the future, when my grandpa gets old and his strength weakens, it will be up to you to hold his hand and walk.

There is nothing that cannot be said between father and son. There is nothing that cannot be solved between brothers. In this world, we, father and son, will travel together, no matter where we go. Li Hanzhi, if he is hungry, he will come to join him, and if he is full, he will stay away.

Go, nothing can worry him. This kind of person can only be used, not reused. As a father, he keeps his promises throughout his life and never breaks his promises. My son wants to do the same, but he cannot make promises easily. If it is important,

, you can break a promise once or twice, but you must think about whether it is worth it. In this matter, Liu Bei took advantage of his reputation value to the extreme and took Xichuan, and he also suffered from infamy for this. Therefore, ruining

Before committing, you must think about it, is it worth it?"

The two of them seemed to understand but still nodded in unison.

"Let's go and see where the sergeant's family will live." The father and son got on an empty grain carriage. Chengjie and Siwu raised their heads and looked out. Shao Shude had someone fill the carriage with several bags of grain.

, he sat on it, held his two sons in his arms, and let them see enough.

"Have you seen that mountain? There are few trees and vegetation, and the soil is all red. It's called Jiangshan, where copper comes out." Shao Shude pointed to a hill and said, "When a country makes money, there are ninety-nine furnaces in the world, and Jiangshan."

The furnace of the state was thirty years old. Unfortunately, there is less copper now, but it is still a small supplement. There is Zheyao Mountain in Shaozhou Yuan County, which also produces copper. Copper has been mined to make coins since ancient times. Because of the long-term mining, the ridge was damaged, so it got its name.

Now that it has passed its peak, there should still be copper, but the local people are sparse, and it will need to be slowly restored later. There is also a copper mine in Wenxi County, Jiangzhou, called Tangshan, which is still being mined. If all three copper mines are restored,

Get up, it will be of great use."

"That's a hot spring, also known as the Seven Stars Sea. In the third year of Yonghui, a new Jiang Canal was opened, which irrigated more than a hundred hectares of farmland. After Li Han's invasion, there was no human habitation and the canal was semi-abandoned. I took it for my father and could house hundreds of people.

Sergeant Hu’s family.”

"That's the Sha Canal, also known as the Tang Canal. It was excavated by Guangjiao Temple during the Zhenguan period. It was very large at first, but now it only irrigates more than a hundred acres. It's not too little for a father. It's okay to use it to house a few families. If you do it well

Renovation, maybe more.”

"That's Jiangshui, and there are a lot of fields on both sides of the river..."

In one day, the carriage traveled everywhere, and Shao Shude explained it carefully at every place.

"The army must be firmly grasped in your hands and watched under your nose. You must not give it to others lightly. If there is any benefit, don't think about it for yourself. You must share it with everyone. Even ordinary soldiers must share it.

Shao Shude continued: "People are fighting for you, why are you here? Warriors don't know any big principles. They can rob the emperor and kill all the scholars. Isn't it just for money and fame? Your uncle Li

Ke Yong, hanging the riding whip on the willow branch, nine times out of ten, such force still needs the support of the sergeant. The power of the superior lies in gathering the crowd. If the crowd is absent, there is nothing to do. It is the rotten people like Li Hanzhi, and his subordinates

There are more than 10,000 warriors following him, who are brave and good at fighting. They act as vanguards and repeatedly defeat powerful enemies. The sergeants are willing to fight for Li Han's death, which shows that he has gathered the strength of everyone."

"My father spent a lot of money to move the families of the sergeants from the Chishui, Wuxing and Guzhen armies here this year, but this is still the small end. Next year, we will have a hard time gnawing hard, and the Tielin and Wuwei armies will be the big head. This matter is not easy to handle.

But it must be done, do you understand?”

"I understand, the martial artist must keep a close eye on them." Shao Chengjie responded: "We must also share the benefits with them."

"You have to take it with you wherever you go." Shao Siwu added, "As long as it's beneficial, they will be willing to follow you."

"This is just the most basic." Shao Shude smiled and said: "The higher level is prestige. Remember, warriors don't know much about the general trend of the world, and they are also very unruly and fierce. Don't think that they can't do it with a vassal town against the entire world.

Come out. At this time, you need something more advanced to suppress them."

After returning to Quwo County after a long journey, Du Honghui and Zhao Guanwen had been waiting for a long time.

It was already dark, and after dinner, Erzi continued to study cultural knowledge.

I have gone to a lot of martial arts lectures in the past few days, and my kung fu has fallen behind. The martial arts masters of the Zhe family are still waiting, and their martial arts lessons have to catch up.

With top-notch learning resources, a busy course schedule, and constant observation of politics and martial arts lectures, the two sons' time is really occupied.

"Commander, I hope Judge Si Pei has sent an urgent message." As soon as he entered the palace, he was about to play tricks with Mrs. Xiao or Mr. Pei when he received an urgent message.

Shao Shude did not dare to neglect and read it carefully after opening it.

The troops stationed behind Youzhou Mountain rebelled, and Li Keyong hurriedly led his troops to fight.

Ying and Mo two states colluded with Wang Rong and raised troops to rebel.

Zhuozhou surrendered and rebelled again. King Chucun of Yi Ding responded to Li Keyong's invitation and sent troops to conquer.

Youzhou is so lively! Shao Shude slapped the letter on the table.

It is not so easy to swallow up a big town. Li Keyong is afraid that he will be trapped there.

"Come here!" Shao Shude shouted.


"Send an envoy to Hedong County to meet with Wang Yao, the military envoy of the National Protectorate Army, and order him to recruit a large army and bring his own provisions to attack Wangwu County and Qiziling. The number of troops should not be less than 15,000 cavalry." Shao Shude said.

"As commanded."

This year we have to relocate the sergeant's family, arrange their lives, sort out the internal affairs of Shanxi and Jiangxi, and reorganize the army. There is not so much time to do other things.

Wang Yao is so free. There are still more than 25,000 troops in the river. Why don't you put them to use and save them for the New Year?

This fellow has recently used the 10,000 Jiangzhou troops he brought as the backbone to digest the old government forces in the river. This ambition is common for martial artists, but it does not mean that he can tolerate it.

There is no use in reasoning with some domineering big-headed soldiers, they can only be sent to the battlefield to be consumed. It doesn't matter whether they win or lose, but they must fight.

"There is one more thing." Shao Shudetu said again: "Transfer Wang Jian and his troops to the left wing of the Baoyi Army to guard Qianqiu City, and eight thousand people in the right wing of the Baoyi Army and pro-army troops to attack Xia Shi Fort. Instruct Li Tangbin to prepare for their mutiny.

Preparations. If there is no mutiny, meritorious deeds will be rewarded generously and transferred to Hu Guocheng, under the leadership of Fu Cun Shen. Fu Cun Shen's 5,000 Party Xiangshan people heard that they have trained well and can form an independent army, and are given the title of "Gui De Army"


"As commanded."

This chapter has been completed!
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