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Chapter 9 Consumption and Digestion

 The rooster crows and the sky shines brightly.

After Pei Yiyou finished three large bowls of millet porridge and two plates of pickles, he touched his belly and sighed with satisfaction.

It’s better to be an official!

Mr. Pei, that bullshit Mr. Wenxi Pei! Mr. Pei has never done me any favors. On the contrary, he only bullied orphans and widowed mothers. The reason why he got the position of chief administrator of Jiangxian County was because of an unexpected encounter and the appreciation of Lingwu County King. If it was Pei Yuchang,

You old man will definitely not give me this position.

After tidying up for a while, Pei Yiyou put on his official robe, said goodbye to his wife and children, and rode to the east of the city.

There are already many miscellaneous minor officials working nearby.

The common people were also recruited, and they complained a lot. The autumn crops had just been harvested and they were preparing to plant winter wheat, when the police sent people to recruit people from house to house and gathered near the Jinwen Cemetery in the east of the city.

At this time, everyone was sitting on the dewy grass full of dew, and there was a buzzing sound. When the mountain breeze blew, it was still a bit cool, after all, it was the middle of September!

"嘘嘘嘘嘘嘘嘘嘘嘘嘘嘘嘘嘘嘘嘘嘘嘘嘘嘘嘘嘘壘" The sound of horse hooves sounded, and a horse rushed over, shouting: "It's coming!"

Pei Yiyou jumped up, stood up straight, and cast his eyes to the west. The damn warrior is coming!

But I saw a forest of flags and flags appearing on the west post road.

Behind the flags are six flags, colorful boxcars and guards in bright clothes and angry horses.

"Bah!" Pei Yiyou secretly spat. Wang Yao also acted like this. Who doesn't know that you are just a river Yin?

Let’s not talk about Jin and Jiangzhou. Can Feng Heng and Pei Yuchang listen to you? Even the state and county officials in Ci and Xi, two poor places, may have their own ideas.

Cizhou is better, and it still faces the Wang family, and the governor of Xizhou also listens to the Wang family. But since he met the magistrates and Zuo Er officials of Daning, Yonghe, and Wenquan counties in Anyi Longchi Palace, Pei Yiyou knew that there were also internal affairs in Xizhou.

It was very divided, at least half of the six counties went to Lingwu County Prince.

In another year and a half, I'm afraid the whole state will vote.

The colorful boxcar stopped when it reached the end of the field, while the army continued to move forward.

Pei Yiyou watched with cold eyes. The warriors were demoralized and obviously did not want to go out to fight. Can they really win the battle like this?

Wang Yao got off the carriage. The entourage brought the bed, and Marshal Wang with a sad face sat down.

The county magistrate, along with a group of officials, came forward to salute.

Wang Yao snorted.

The previous magistrate of Jiang County has resigned, and now the new one is from Fenyin Xue family, which makes him a little unhappy.

How long have you been away from Jiangzhou, and everyone has turned their backs on each other?

He had also heard a little bit about what happened in Youzhou. Li Keyong pressed down the gourd to lift the gourd, and was so anxious that he was fooled around by the warriors of Youzhou. If he had known this, he might as well have supported Gao Siji as the governor, why bother?


Xuan thought about the current situation in Hezhong Town again and couldn't help but sigh.

Shao Shude has really tricked me. Everyone in the Yamen Army now regards me as their enemy. If more than 10,000 Jiangzhou troops had not been incorporated into the Yamen Army, they would not be able to command these bastards.

A confidant suddenly came over and said something, which made Wang Yao furious.

Pei Yiyou's curiosity was aroused, and he was not in a hurry to leave. He stood aside and listened silently.

"How dare you bully me, thief!" Wang Yao kicked the case over, her chest rising and falling, obviously very angry.

"Commander, Wang Bian is the King of Lingwu County, Eagle Dog. Now that he is here, I am afraid that the three cities of Pujin Pass will not come back."

Huh? What do you mean? Pei Yiyou became more and more curious. Could it be that the three cities of Pujin Pass were occupied by King Bian of Huazhou?

His eyes glanced at the sergeants of the marching brigade. Are there Pujin Pass garrison soldiers here? As soon as they left, the three cities were occupied by the Huazhou Army. How was it done?

"This person who has been kept in hiding is a spoiler. I didn't want to use him in the first place. If it weren't for Shao Shude's strong recommendation, how could he sit in the position of Yuhou in Mabudu. Alas, he gave in and ended up like this." Wang Yao shook her head in annoyance.

, he said this without any scruples or fear of being heard. He was obviously very angry.

Pei Yiyou sneered secretly in his heart. From the day you lured the wolf into the house, this situation was already doomed.

The reason why the King of Lingwu County allows you to serve as the governor is just to soften the resistance of the warriors in Hezhong. He is worried that the siege will last for a year and a half and he will not be able to capture Hedong County with heavy casualties. The other reason is that he is afraid of forcing all the warriors in Hezhong.

On the opposite side, it is not cost-effective to deal with tens of thousands of enemies at once. The cost of destroying the place is too high.

Now that he has become a vassal, he has also insulted the warriors in the river. He is no longer a human being inside and outside, and there is basically no possibility of resistance.

Pei Yiyou could foresee that Wang Yao wanted to rebel, but did not dare. The final outcome would be to cut the flesh with a soft knife, waste away the capital bit by bit, and be completely swallowed up by others.

Even if you eat the heart of a bear and the courage of a leopard, it's really the opposite. Prince Lingwu only needs to throw Wang Ke, what will happen then, don't be too exciting! Pei Yiyou feels excited just thinking about it.

Seeing such powerful people frowning and even falling, he felt a faint sense of joy in his heart.

The sound of horse hooves sounded again in the east. This time it seemed that there was not just one person, but a group of people.

"Wang Pu shot, Wangwu County has been conquered, and the envoys have orders to march quickly with your troops to assemble at Wangwu and attack Qiziling." The visitor was rather arrogant and refused to get off his horse, sitting directly on it.


"Wang Pushe" of course refers to Wang Yao. In fact, the title of Langya County Prince has not been passed down to any of the Wang family's descendants. It was originally only passed down to Wang Chongrong's generation, but the court asked Wang Chongying to take over the title. It is Yourong, Wang Yao

, Wang Ke no longer has this blessing.

Wang Yao glanced at this man coldly, did not get up, pursed his lips, and saw the generals at his side, and immediately stepped forward to negotiate: "The original order was to attack the king's house, but now that the king's house has been attacked, can we order the army to return?"

?It’s not a good idea to miss the farming season if we recruit so many masters.”

"Who are you, you dare to bargain?" The visitor whipped him and angrily said, "The order to summon the envoy has been sent. If you don't come, you will be responsible for the consequences. Don't say that you didn't predict what you said!"

After that, he took the people and ran away.

"Commander..." The general ran back with blood on his face.

Wang Yao sat there for a long time, as if she had turned to stone.

Everyone looked at him with solemn expressions, and some people had already tightened their grip on the handle of the knife at their waist.

Warriors are not so rational sometimes. They consider everything from the pros and cons, but geniuses don't have so many military chaos.

"Go to Wangwu County first, and then make a long-term plan." After a long while, when Pei Yiyou was feeling a little scared, Wang Yao finally spoke.

The sergeants had expressionless faces, but Pei Yiyou seemed to hear the huge lament in their hearts.

The leaders are so incompetent, why are we all making such a fuss! Let's break up, break up, and forget about being tricked by the Xia people in the future.

The army continued its journey.

The Jiangxian masters also followed dejectedly, reluctantly watching the retreating figures of their hometown, and drove their carts, mules and horses into the rolling mountains.

"The consumption of the old forces in Hezhong exists not only in terms of force, but also in the spirit of resistance." Shao Shude looked at the pieces of information about Hezhong Mansion and said to Pei Tong sitting in front of him: "Continue to spy. Wang Yao

If you obey once, there will be a second time. The possibility of resistance will only get lower every time. Of course, this refers to Wang Yao. Maybe some warriors took the risk and encouraged others to rebel together. Even Wang Yao and I rebelled together.

That's another story."

"The most dangerous time has passed." Shao Shude said: "Next, I will go beyond Wang Yao, reward and promote meritorious people, and then see his reaction. If he still acquiesces and tolerates it, then there is nothing to worry about. Hezhong Wufu

Don’t send everything you hear about gossip, just pick the important records.”

"Yes." Pei Tong was a little embarrassed.

"Okay, let's go down." Shao Shude waved his hand and said.

After Pei Tong left, Shao Shude walked to the map again and thought about it carefully.

The situation in Hezhong is indeed much better than in Youzhou.

As an old veteran in the military world, the Youzhou warriors who led their troops to mourn the former Jiedushi were not as easy to talk to as the Hezhong warriors.

In order to stabilize the government forces in Hezhong and preserve the vitality of the four prefectures in Hezhong as much as possible, Shao Shude has tried his best.

Not only did they spread news in the army, saying that you are descendants of the Shuofang Army led by Guo Ziyi, Xia Army is also the Shuofang Army, and everyone is already one family, which increases the recognition of the lower-level sergeants, although it may not have much effect.

In the recent period of military training and martial arts, they even brought the Hezhong Yamen army together to intimidate them.

At the same time, we started from the top. Feng Zangzhi was one of our own and kept cooperating with Shao Shude's encroachment. Wang Yao did not have the courage to burn the boat. The sergeants saw this and felt that the leader was not in a hurry. I was too anxious to resist.

My mind is a little lighter.

There is still one more level to pass.

That is, after paying huge casualties when attacking a place like Qiziling, will they be instigated by others?

If so, then strike hard. If not, then reward those with meritorious service, select them, add them to Shuofang's army, and incorporate them into the reward and punishment incentive system of Shuofang's army. Then there won't be a big problem.

Using all kinds of methods together, it can be said that they are fully prepared and cautious to the extreme. They have understood the psychology of the warriors step by step, and they are even ready to lift the table.

I don’t know how my sworn brother Li Keyong operated in Youzhou. He obviously underestimated the degree of unruliness of Hebei Wufu, or was too confident in himself.

The five vassal towns in Hebei, namely Youzhou Lulong, Yichang Army, Yiwu Army, Chengde, and Weibo. Except for Yiwu Army and Yichang Army, the other three vassal towns are relatively unruly and seem to be eliminated except by physical means.

, other methods are not very reliable.

Historically, Zhu Quanzhong and Li Keyong took turns violently attacking the feudal towns in Hebei, which was still effective. Although they did not completely conquer these unruly people, the later Tang and later Jin Dynasties continued to wear down the warriors who still had separatist regimes and had a sense of resistance. They struggled for half a century.

Eventually their ambitions were extinguished.

It’s okay to let Li Keyong kill first!

Shao Shude returned to the desk and sat down, saying: "Secretary Lu, draft a few orders. I'll describe the general idea and you can polish it."

Lu Siye automatically spread out his paper and pen, and Du Guangyi automatically began to sharpen his ink.

"Order the five prefectures in Weibei to select Confucian classics students and take up their posts in Wangwu County. The eight thousand newly recruited Hewei, Qiang, Humo, and Tubo tribes will all be resettled in Wangwu County. As soon as they arrive, they will be immediately registered and ordered to attack

Qi Zi Ling.”

As the saying goes, how can you get land without merit, without bloodshed? The land in Wangwu County is not that easy to get.

"Let the six inspection envoys of Lingxia, Yeli Jingchen, the leader of the Yeli tribe, and Buzang Qingxiang, the leader of the Buzang tribe, come to Longchi Palace."

The warriors selected by the Six Major Inspections suddenly became part of the Feilong Army. Hengshan Dangxiang was even recruited 20,000 people, 5,000 of whom were incorporated into the Returned Army, 5,000 of whom settled in Xiaoxian, and 5,000 of whom

After settling in Mianchi County, five thousand people were too embarrassed to stay and were released.

Calculating carefully, I have drawn a lot of blood from various Lingxia tribes in the past few years. The leaders may be in moods and need to meet each other to deepen their relationship. Especially the Nori clan and the Muzo clan. They are also considered to be my core supporters.

Fifteen thousand households were taken away from them, and it would be false to say that they are not heartbroken. We can no longer watch them harvest wool, and we must also give them the rewards they deserve.

Marshal Shao has been in charge of Lingxia for more than ten years. Sui and Yin Dangxiang have almost disappeared. Lingzhou's Hexi Dangxiang has either been consumed by the war, has been reorganized into households, or has gone to Qinghai, which has become history.

Hengshan Dangxiang was deprived of one-third of his strength. Later, he wanted to rectify Pingxia Dangxiang of Xia, You, Yan, and Lin, as well as Feng and Shengzhihe Pangxiang, but the action should be slowed down and not too drastic.


In the Qing and Tang Dynasties, more than 10,000 Tubo households were also exterminated. It seems that more than 10,000 households can be expropriated later, but not now.

There are no particularly big tribes among the Qiang, Tubo, Momo and Dangxiang people in the Hewei area. This time Shao Shude is targeting them. Eight thousand households are already on the way, and another ten thousand households will be recruited later.

Next, there is the Hexi and Tibetan tribes, the first batch of 10,000 households. Not only Gan and Liang prefectures will have people, but the Long family of Suzhou will also have to bear obligations, which is just a test of their obedience.

Regardless of the five counties of Shaozhou, including Wangwu County and Xiashi County, the 5,000 households in Wei County are mainly Hengshan Dangxiang households, supplemented by a small number of Huazhou civilian households; the 5,000 households in Yuan County are mainly Qingtang Tubo households, supplemented by a small number of Huazhou civilian households.

There are 10,000 households in Mianchi County, half of them are Hengshan Dangxiang, half are Qingtang and Tubo, plus a small number of Huazhou civilian households.

There are 20,000 households in these three counties. One important feature is that the number of adult males is relatively small. Assuming a household of five people, there should be two people in the small family, one in the middle family, and two people in the small family. But now those who meet this condition

There are very few families, some only have one person named Ding, and some families do not even have Ding.

France, which has wiped out a generation of men, is not it! In short, it is not conducive to population reproduction.

Marshal Shao thought for a moment and seemed to be returning to his old ways. Unfortunately, there were no prisoners from the Chao army this time.

"Send orders to Zhuge Zhongfang, Zhe Silun, and Zhao Jian to recruit Ding Zhuang to Shaozhou. The number of people is tentatively set at 10,000, and they will be supplemented by Dingkou in the three counties of Wei, Yuan, and Mianchi."

I have to admit that this is an ugly thing to do, and it may affect the morale of the Tibetan people who will come later, but practical difficulties do exist. We have to bear military service and do farm work. It is impossible without Dingkou, so we can only do this first

If the effect is not good, just abolish it in time.

After digesting it slowly, in another year or preferably two years, these counties will be much more stable.

Time, time, is really important.

One prefecture and four states in the river need to be digested, and several counties in Shaozhou need to be settled. Can Zhu Quanzhong stop first, play for two years, and wait for me?

"Commander, there is a military report." Zheng Yong, the tenth general of the personal army, hurriedly walked in.

Shao Shude took it and took a look. It should be Chen Cheng who turned it over. After reading it, he pondered for a long time.

More and more Xuzhou soldiers surrendered, and Zhu Quanzhong even reduced the number of troops besieging the city. Some people saw some of the army heading north and returning to Xuanwu.

Of course, Shao Shude knew that these returning troops would eventually attack, and their target could only be Erzhu.

"I sent an order to break the clan, Wang Yu, and launch an offensive in the south. It does not require killing the enemy or occupying land, and the momentum must be loud. Even if we return without success, I will not offend the two of them, as long as we can attract the attention of the Bian army." Shao Shude.


The conditions for launching an offensive in the south are actually not very mature, but there is nothing we can do. Sometimes winning or losing tactically is one thing, but winning or losing strategically is more important.

Lu Siye quickly finished writing the order and then handed it over to Shao Shude for review.

"send out!"

This chapter has been completed!
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