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Chapter Eleven It's Sudden

 The cold wind blew across the earth, rolling up a piece of dead branches and leaves.

In the wilderness of Yiyang County, Shenzhou, green wheat seedlings have emerged from the soil, stubbornly resisting the coming severe winter.

The mulberry forest is sparse, and occasionally a pheasant flies in, looking for food on the ground.

A group of jackdaws landed on the branches and croaked wildly.

Farmers under the trees are cutting down shrubs and clearing fields, planning to plant some fruits and vegetables after spring to improve their family's life.

In the distance, a shepherd was driving dozens of sheep. On the way, he met a neighbor who was driving his mules to the mill, and they had a casual chat.

The sheep were a little skinny, and the grain bag on the mule's back was not very full, but both of them had smiles on their faces and they were talking happily.

"No disaster is greater than not being satisfied, and no fault is greater than desire. Therefore, contentment is always enough." The old master stood with his hands behind his back under the locust tree at the entrance of the village, feeling at ease and contented.

The last time Shenzhou experienced war was Wang Xianzhi and Huang Chao more than ten years ago.

After the Chao Rebellion was brought to an end, Zhao Deqian was appointed as the governor of Shenzhou. He never experienced war again and maintained a rare peace in the troubled times.

After Zhao Deqian left office, Shenzhou gradually fell into the hands of Cai thieves.

This "Cai Thief" is a real thief.

The man who appointed himself the governor of Shenzhou was named Cui Xiu. He and Feng Jingzhang, the "Shangcai Thief Commander", were from the same hometown. One of them occupied Shenzhou and the other Qizhou. They appointed themselves governors. In name, they listened to Du Hong, but in fact they talked for themselves.

There is not a single good person in Eyue Town today.

Deng Jinzhong, the governor of Yuezhou, was born as a thief commander; Feng Jingzhang, the governor of Qizhou, was born as a thief commander; Cui Xiu, the governor of Shenzhou, was born as a thief commander; Wu Dao, the governor of Huangzhou, was born a rich man; Wu Yu, the governor of Anzhou, was born a rich man...

Don't laugh at the mountains. Most of the vassal towns in the world are like this. It is the Yue King Dong Chang who has been in the limelight in the past year. How big do you think his territory is? It seems very big, but if you look carefully, Mingzhou Huang Sheng and Taizhou Du Xiong

, Zhu Bao of Wenzhou, Lu Yue of Chuzhou, Wang Tan of Wuzhou, etc. were all local emperors, and they were all subordinates of Dong Chang in name, but in reality?

Among the governors of Eyue Town, the two prefectures of Shen and Qi were respectful on the surface, but in reality they were divided; Yuezhou and Anzhou were okay, and they sent money to Jiedu envoys; but the governor of Huangzhou was a bit unruly and did not give any money.

This time Zhao Kuangning sent troops to attack Fuzhou, E, Yue and Anzhou, together with Fuzhou's original troops and horses, a total of four states' troops. In the end, Zhao Kuangning was unable to capture only Xiang and Ying prefectures, and even had Fuzhou captured.

State, what a shame and humiliation.

Du Hong's behavior will naturally only make the other five governors look down upon him. It is hard to say whether he will defect to others in the future.

And once something like this happens, the surrounding powerful neighbors will never let go of this opportunity and will definitely take advantage of it.

Sadly, the six states of Eyue will be troubled from now on!

"Master Lu, An Da, and Kang are killing sheep today, why don't you go and see them?" Someone passing by the village entrance asked with a smile.

"I'm not going." Rufuzi waved his hand.

Because of something that happened more than a hundred years ago, the custom of raising livestock is very strong in the Huaixi area. There are so many cattle, sheep, horses and mules that they will be slaughtered in large numbers in winter, which has become a custom.

"Then I'll go take a look first." The visitor quickened his pace and said.

Lu Fuzi smiled, and then his face became condensed. He seemed to hear crying coming from the wind?

The visitor seemed to have heard it, and turned around with a puzzled expression.

The sound became clearer and clearer, occasionally mixed with shouts and curses and the sound of horse hooves.

"Are there any more thieves?" The thought came to both of them at the same time.

The term "bandit soldier" is not unfamiliar to the people in Huaixi, and they may even know it. Usually they are common people. If they are unhappy one day, they become bandit soldiers. Maybe they are unhappy again a few days later and return to farming.

, and no one will care.

If you meet someone who is very brave or has great charisma, you may raise your arms and gather thousands of people, and then occupy the prefectures and counties and become officials.

Cai Thief, do you think Huaiyi's great reputation is for nothing?

"Soldiers are coming, plundering and plundering the people." A horseman galloped from the south and shouted as he passed by the village entrance.

Judging from his attire, he should be a scout in the army, rushing back to the city to report the news.

As for why we had to notify them of this village while rushing to report the news, the reason is also very simple.

The village quickly received the news, and a dozen young men rushed out, leading seven or eight mules, each carrying a spear and a hunting bow, with solemn expressions.

The scouts who had just gone north ran back at a faster speed, with four or five riders chasing behind them.

"Whoosh!" An arrow flew out, and the scout's horse was hit by the arrow. It hissed in pain and threw him off.

The pursuers were overjoyed and sent two men to flank him, one on the left and the other on the right. They fired several consecutive arrows and shot the scout to the ground.

The young men in the village made a great noise, picking up their bows and arrows, and preparing for battle.

After those people beheaded the scouts, they calmly cleaned up the trophies, then laughed and left directly.

On the valley floor behind them, a large group of people were crying and robbing each other, and were being driven southward by sergeants.

"He is a thief!" More people poured out of the village, all holding bows and guns, but they did not dare to act rashly.

The people of Huaixi are brave and fierce, but they are not stupid. Facing a large group of well-equipped warriors, even if they dare to fight, they still have to see whether it is worth it, right?

It's better to see what they want to do.

It was already afternoon when Cui Xiu received the news.

At that time, he was drinking and entertaining old brothers from Caizhou.

The old brothers were under the control of Zhu Quanzhong and lived a very unhappy life.

The current military governor of the Fengguo Army (Caizhou) is named Cui Hong, a native of Caizhou, a military academy graduate, and promoted by Zhu Quanzhong.

Allowing local people to serve as military envoys to the Fengguo army and governor of Caizhou obviously meant to appease the Cai people.

But to appease is to appease, the money and silk that should be paid must be absolutely indispensable. There is no shirk in sending troops to fight, conscripting husbands and sending soldiers, otherwise, if you have different intentions and want to rebel, you are likely to be suppressed by the Bian Army.:.

Cui Xiu was very happy after hearing this. He wanted to join the army at first, but luckily he didn't.

I didn’t expect that the Henan Prefecture in the north would fight so fiercely!

The sergeants from Caizhou counties went north, and were transferred to attack Huguo City, suffering heavy casualties; then they defended back to Xiban, fighting with the party barbarians day and night; and they went to Ruzhou to defend several important cities.

They were transferred here and there, but they wouldn't let you go home.

Zhu Quanzhong, this is not going to stop until Caizhou’s old army is completely exhausted.

Shao Shude was really capable of doing things. He jumped up and down, and actually stared at Zhu Quanzhong and beat him. Could it be that his ancestral grave was dug up by the Bian army?

Over the years, no one in Henan, Hebei, Huainan, and Shannan has been able to push Zhu Quanzhong to this level. Shao Shude can be proud of himself if he can do this.

I casually comforted my old brother with a few words. If Caizhou is not comfortable, I might as well come to Shenzhou. Isn’t it true that I alone have the final say in the three counties of Yiyang, Zhongshan and Luoshan?

Local aristocratic families, merchants, and local tycoons all have to look at me. The reason is for no other reason than the old brother brought from Caizhou holds the handle of the knife. You have to obey even if you don't want to.

Just when he was feeling proud, he suddenly heard the news that Suizhou soldiers were looting along the Shishui River. Cui Xiu was stunned on the spot. It was really sudden.

It is true that the Zhao family once served as the governor of Shenzhou, but how long ago was that? What are you doing here now?

"Damn it, I've been bullied! If I endure this, will those local gangsters continue to listen to me?" Cui Xiu cursed and called for his armor and bow.

The fellow countryman was drunk and half-eyed, staggering about to get up.

Cui Xiu directly pressed him on Hu's bed and said: "Silang, wait a moment. When I return from defeating the enemy, we can have a drink together. It won't be long before the Suizhou soldiers, I don't take them seriously, they are not as good as Cai Cai."

People can fight."

After that, he quickly finished dressing up and hurried out.

These days, people like them who have a "cool" background must highlight the word "brave".

If you are not brave, you will be looked down upon by others, and you will not be able to hold your position. Not only Zhu Quanzhong of Bianzhou, but also Du Hong of Ezhou will covet his territory, and even the local tycoons will defy his authority, or even openly resist.

We must strike hard, there is no other way out.

After hastily counting more than 2,000 people, Cui Xiu took his two sons, got on his horse, and left the state government office directly.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way quickly!" Thief Cai waved his riding whip to disperse the people crowding at the city gate.

The people were a little confused at first, but after seeing the large group of soldiers leaving the city, they immediately became panicked and ran away one after another.

Could it be that Du Hong called? No way.

Under the guidance of the scouts, more than two thousand people crossed the Shishui River and headed south.

The north wind was getting stronger and stronger, going straight into people's collars and necks, but Cui Xiu was overjoyed and said: "When we encounter thieves, we will have the upper hand, and the thieves will have the upper hand, and the arrows will not fly. This battle will be won."


When everyone heard that it made sense, their pace quickened a bit.

At the time of Shenshi, Cui Xiu received another report from the scouts and found that the total number of troops accompanying them was less than a thousand, and they were escorting thousands of people to the south, seemingly heading to Pingjing Pass.

"He's actually here to rob women!" Cui Xiu was so angry that his mouth was filled with smoke.

Which family in the three counties of Shenzhou doesn't send women to curry favor with me? You actually dare to come and rob me. This is a blatant slap in my face, and you are looking for death!

"Chase!" Cui Xiu flicked his riding whip and roared as he continued heading south.

Naturally, a two-legged sergeant cannot outrun a four-legged horse. They carry long spears, bow tips hanging on their waists, and many other things, so they cannot walk faster.

Panting all the way to Youshi, it was already dark. Cui Xiu finally discovered the location of the Suizhou soldiers. And they had also discovered him. Three to four hundred people came forward with weapons, as if they were going to fight in formation.

"My son will lead five hundred men behind to hold down the formation. The rest of the people will line up and attack with me!" Cui Xiu dismounted directly, not only for fear of being sniped by the opponent's sharpshooters, but also for the convenience of commanding the battle on the spot.

The Shenzhou sergeants had been running for a long time and were very tired. Some of them, who had lived in comfort for several years, even stood with arms crossed and gasped for air. When they heard the order to go up the mountain, they all complained and there was a lot of noise.

"Anyone who delays the military plane again will be killed!" Cui Xiu said angrily.

Shen Bing calmed down his fatigue slightly and followed the order.

"Are those copper coins left on the ground in front of you?" A sharp-eyed person pointed at the objects that sparkled in the firelight and said in surprise: "There is also a silver bottle!"

"Oops! It feels like I've been tricked." Cui Xiu felt something bad in his heart.

As if the ground was shaking, a torrent of steel suddenly appeared on the hillside and then swept down.

Silver war horses, silver knights, and bloodthirsty murderous intentions are hidden behind the cold curtains. The thick and long horses carry a critical force and charge straight from the rear. We provide you with the fastest updates, free of charge.


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