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Chapter Twelve Come and Come

 From the moment the torrent of steel rushed into the crowd, Zhao Kuanglin was in a daze.

This scene is so similar, everything seems to be right in front of you.

The heavy horse spear easily pierced the human body, and the body hung on the blade of the spear, causing the pole to droop slightly. After piercing another person again, the knight gave up, threw away the horse spear, took out his mace, and started hacking at him left and right.

Wherever the heavily armed war horses rushed, bones and tendons were broken.

Wherever the gleaming saber struck, blood and flesh flew everywhere.

Shen's soldiers cried for their fathers and mothers, and collapsed to both sides. But hundreds of armored cavalry came oncoming, like the cold wind in winter, destroying all the dead grass.

That’s right, the Xia Cavalry never attack all at once. Even a thousand cavalry are divided into three batches. If this is not enough, the Leopard Cavalry also has two thousand auxiliary soldiers wearing leather armor.

Do you want them to rush in too?

Actually there is no need.

Zhao Kuanglin ordered the drums to be beaten, and the Suizhou soldiers who were pretending to flee immediately turned around and came to kill them.

They gave Shenzhou soldiers the final blow.

Panicked, how could they, fighting alone, be compared to the Suizhou soldiers who formed a formation and came to kill them?

Shooting volleys with rifles and stabbing with spears, a thousand Suizhou soldiers marched into the wall and easily harvested the heads of Shenzhou soldiers.

"Steady, steady, you're going too fast, do you want to die?"

"I've never seen a comeback in a battle like this. Just play it slow and steady."

"Who asked you to shoot several arrows in a row? Didn't you hear the sound of the trumpet?"

"Don't panic, hold on to the spear shaft, the thieves are more panicked than you are."

"What are you doing so stupidly? You don't know how to cooperate? You don't use your gun when you should!"

"Sometimes you don't need words. You have to figure out how to fight."

"Speed ​​up the pace and don't let them form a formation!"

The gray-haired old thief Cai shouted loudly and greeted him constantly. The fledgling village warriors and state and county soldiers who had never been on the battlefield miraculously stabilized themselves under the influence of their calm and composed emotions. They learned what they learned during daily training.

Back in my mind, the whole army became more skilled and more brave as they fought, completely ending Shen Bing's last vestige of will to resist.

"Whoever surrenders will be spared death!" Shouts echoed from both sides of the battlefield.

This is an old rule, in order to prevent the enemy from being trapped and fighting, causing fearless casualties. On the other hand, surrendering troops is also a resource, and it is a shameful waste.

Cui Xiu shouted "I am willing to surrender" immediately. He had been waiting for this sentence for a long time.

Although the handsome thief has a desperate and reckless side, he also has the wisdom to survive in troubled times. Now that he has learned how to do it, if he keeps the green hills, he is not afraid of running out of firewood. Saving his life is more important than anything else. There will be another chance in the future.


Cui Xiu knelt on the ground very naked, threw away the instrument, and let himself be slaughtered.

Several spears were pointed at him, and a military officer stepped forward and kicked him. Cui Xiu rolled on the ground several times and continued to pretend to be dead.

"Tied!" Several sergeants came forward and tied up Cui Xiu and their two unlucky sons.

As soon as Cui Xiu and his son surrendered, no one else wanted to resist. Except for a few lucky ones who took advantage of the night to escape into the mountains and forests, most of them knelt down and asked to surrender. Their equipment was thrown on the ground. It was roughly a thousand and fifty-six thousand.

Hundreds of people.

Judging from their accents, they are both from Shenzhou and Caizhou. Lao Cai is a thief!

Tang, Deng, Sui, Shen, Guang, Cai, Chen, Xu, Ru, and Luo are Cai thieves in a broad sense, and strictly speaking they can be traced back to the Sui Dynasty.

In the 19th year of Emperor Kaihuang's reign, more than 100,000 Turkic captives were moved to Yunzhou, Shuozhou and Luoyang to settle there.

In the first year of Renshou, the Sui army attacked the Khitans and won a great victory. They captured 40,000 men and women, half of whom were given to the Turks. The rest moved to Chang'an and Henan, and all the men were killed.

There were even more dynasties, and hundreds of thousands of barbarian tribes came to live in the above ten states.

Shen, Guang, Cai, Tang, and Deng are Cai thieves in a narrow sense, especially Shen, Guang, and Cai, who are the fighter jets among Cai thieves. "With one brigade, they can fight against the endless crowds in the world", which cost the imperial court

They were annihilated only after saving up, and the remaining 5,000 people were sent to Helong to prepare for the war against Tubo.

Shenzhou soldiers are not Cai's thieves. Who is Cai's thieves?

They have no moral integrity and fight to the death, so these people have been recruited!

"Cui Xiu, when did Du Hong appoint you as the governor?" Zhao Kuanglin stepped forward, put his foot on Cui Xiu's chest, and asked.

Cui Xiu was a little embarrassed that he was the self-appointed governor.

Zhao Kuanglin understood and said: "Since ancient times, heroes have not asked where they came from. After surrendering, if they make new achievements, they may not be able to be rich in the future. Isn't it better than being a thieves?"

"I will obey the general's words. The three of us, my father and my son, are willing to swear by the Shishui River to never rebel against each other."

After Wang Chong took off his armor, he walked over and happened to hear the last sentence and laughed: "You still don't know who you lost to, do you?"

Cui Xiu thought for a while, Zhao Kuanglin couldn't afford to raise so many armored cavalry, so could he be Zhe Zongben's person?

"I am willing to surrender to Tangzhou and serve as a slave. I am willing to do so."

Damn, so shameless!

Wang Chong whipped him up with a horse whip and scolded him: "The one you surrendered was Prince Shao of Lingwu County, not Duke Zhe Ling. Do you understand?"

Zhao Kuanglin glanced at Wang Chong calmly, and then turned away. The water was too deep.

"I understand, stop fighting."

"Get up now, let's go north and stabilize the situation in the state first." Wang Chong put away his riding whip and said.

"As commanded."

"It's not enough to grab a handful and leave after you've come. It's better to occupy the city first, recruit surrenders and rebels, and then go north to Huai River to threaten Caizhou." Wang Chong said to Zhao Kuanglin: "It's better to attack Caizhou than to attack Caizhou."

Is Ruzhou more convenient?”

"What General Wang said is absolutely true. Let's go to Shenzhou first and then talk about it. If it doesn't work, then we can make further calculations." Zhao Kuanglin responded.

After cleaning the battlefield and escorting the prisoners to the gates of Shenzhou City, it was already late at night.

Cui Xiu shouted at the top of his lungs at the bottom of the city, and finally the city gate reluctantly opened. The creaking sound sounded full of hesitation.

The captured people were released, but now there was a shortage of manpower, and every bit of force was precious. Almost all of the more than two thousand Suizhou soldiers entered Shenzhou and took control of the granary immediately. They would also send people to the countryside to collect grain tomorrow.

Although the leopard cavalry can be beaten, those horses are too good to eat and there are so many of them. It's really unbearable if they don't store more food and grass.

Zhao Kuanglin even doubted whether Shenzhou could afford to supply these thousand armored cavalry with its current poor governance level. It was a bit doubtful.

"Send people in advance to report the victory to Commander Zhe, and then reorganize and surrender the troops." Wang Chong made the final decision, and Zhao Kuanglin had no objection.

Xiangyang is the northern Jin of Chu State. After crossing the Han River, it goes out from Nanyang to Fangcheng Pass and connects Zhou, Zheng, Jin and Wei.

There is Funiu Mountain in the middle, blocked by Tongbai Mountain, and the terrain is difficult and dangerous. However, there is a narrow belt-shaped flat land at the southeastern foot of Funiu Mountain. It is connected to the Nanyang Basin to the southwest and Henan to the northwest. It is considered the best section to walk. It is from north to south.

transportation corridor.

Fangcheng can be traced back to the fourth year of Lu Xigong in the Spring and Autumn Period (656 BC). The Chu State inspected the northern defense line from Funiu Mountain, Tongbai Mountain to Liechang Mountain, and found that there was a gap in this natural defense line, which was Fangcheng Mountain.

So a city was built at this pass to block this north-south corridor.

Outside the pass is Ye County of Ruzhou. Within the pass is Fangcheng County of Tangzhou.

This road has been known as the Wanye Corridor since the Qin and Han Dynasties. When fighting between the north and the south, most of the time they chose to take this road, with few exceptions.

Liu Bang went down from Luoyang to Wancheng and took this road.

When Liu Xiu rebelled against Nanyang, Wang Mang sent Wang Yi and others out of Kunyang (south of Ye County), met Liu Xiu, and returned to Luoyang after defeat.

Liu Xiu also took this road when he conquered Deng Feng from Duyang (Fangcheng) in Nanyang.

At the end of the Later Han Dynasty, Cao Hong attacked Jingzhou and fought in Wuyang and Ye County; Liu Bei stationed in Xinye, marched into Ye County, and set up an ambush to defeat Xiahou Dun.

During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, Chen Xianda attacked Huan Tiansheng, Lu Yuan attacked Nanyang, and Emperor Xiaowen of Wei attacked Xiangyang, all fighting here.

Zhe Zongben's 20,000 horses set out from Guwan City, now Nanyang County, passed through Bowang City, and traveled 120 miles to Fangcheng County.

We left Fangcheng County and traveled northeast for ninety miles to Fangchengguan. It was already the end of October.

Fangcheng Pass is built at the pass at the east foot of Fangcheng Mountain. The vegetation outside the pass is deep and inaccessible, but it is flat and easy to walk.

"We have an army of 20,000, but only half of it can fight. It's hard to say how many troops Ge Congzhou has, but he only has more than 10,000 people who can fight. The main force is stationed in Jiacheng. In Ye County, there are only state soldiers and native regiments.

." Inside the Fangcheng Pass, all the generals of the Weisheng Army gathered together, and Zhe Zongben personally deployed the battle plan.

Jiacheng is a county under Ruzhou, one hundred and twenty miles northwest of Ye County.

In the past, when Liu Bei defeated Xiahou Dun, Cao Cao led his army south from Luoyang and stationed himself in Jiacheng to provide support to the front line at any time.

Pei Yuan, who was accompanying the army, was present but did not say a word.

This is not his business. His main job is to supervise the army. Once anyone is found to have made any changes and the evidence is conclusive, after discussing with Zhe Zongben, he can be killed on the spot. There are 100 soldiers in Pei's supervision army, each carrying a crossbow.

, it is not a big problem to kill a few generals with one blow of Mo Dao.

"Everyone has studied the art of war. Ye County is standing there. If we don't pull it out, our future will be worrying. And Ge Congzhou's idea must be to use it when our army cannot attack for a long time and is exhausted.

The new force went south and defeated me in one fell swoop. Xie Yanzhang's cavalry was stationed in the ancient city of Kunyang in the north of Ye County, and its main force was located in Jiacheng. This plan couldn't be more obvious." Zhe Zongben walked around the room, everyone's eyes were on him.

All eyes are on him.

"There is nothing to hesitate." Zhe Zongben said: "I have been fighting for many years, and I know that some tough battles have to be fought, and Ye County must win. Once the 20,000 or 20,000 infantry and cavalry in Ge Congzhou's hands are annihilated, the soldiers of other states and counties will

The native regiment soldiers can be easily dealt with. Our army can go straight north to capture the Bian army's Guangchengze Shepherd Supervisor, seize all their horses, and then march to the Luoshui Valley, cooperate with Li Tangbin, and surround the rebel army on the front line of Laoshan."

Guangchengze is forty miles west of Ruzhou, with a radius of one hundred miles, and flows into Ru River in the southeast.

During the Later Han Dynasty, Guangcheng Garden was built as a place for the emperors to study hunting and teach martial arts. During the Daye Period of the Sui Dynasty, a horse prison was built, and Emperor Taizong of the Chinese Dynasty also used to hunt here.

There is a hot spring in the north of Zebei, called Guangcheng Tang. Before the Anshi Rebellion, the emperor often stayed in Dongdu and was lucky enough to have this hot spring many times.

Nearby is the Qingshu Palace, which was built during the Zhenguan period. Later, it was discovered that the summer was too hot and there were many venomous snakes, so the palace was abandoned and the treasures in the palace were distributed to the people.

Zhu Quanzhong was not interested in this palace either, but he built a new horse farm here and moved some horses here to supply the battlefield on the Western Front nearby. Of course, his pastures were not limited to Guangcheng Prison. When Li Keyong took charge of Youzhou

Later, Wang Rong became more and more diligent in offering horses, almost kneeling down to ask Zhu Quanzhong for help. Chengde Town, which was known to have "one hundred thousand horses", was his largest "pasture".

"In this battle, Zhe Zhe, the general of the capital, will serve as the envoy to attack You Yi from ancient times." Zhe Zong was just halfway through his words when a certain staff member hurried in and reported to him in a low voice.

After hearing this, Zhe Zongben had a strange expression, half happy and half annoyed, and was silent for a while.

This chapter has been completed!
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