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Chapter 35 You come and I go

"A chaotic battle." In the early morning, Shao Shude came to Liaowu...

The dock was full of people, collecting scattered equipment and carrying away stiff bodies.

Of course, only the ones on the ground were carried away. The corpses that fell into the river would not float up overnight. The crowds last night completely disrupted the organization. There was me among you and you among me, so they fell into the river.

I don’t know how many there are.

More than 300 people were beheaded. This is the number reported by the Wuwei Army. The actual casualties of the enemy may be twice that.

Shao Shude looked at the river in the distance. It was empty and there was no movement at all.

"There is something missing from Liaowu." Shao Shude said, and Chen Cheng looked at him doubtfully.

"Bring up the four winch crossbows and find a place to place them." Shao Shude ordered.

When modern fleets attack ports, they usually land on the flanks and attack the rear of the fortress in a detour. Because there are usually forts on the front of the port and high places on both sides, warships and forts shoot at each other, which is really a disadvantage.

If there is no fort, the fleet's first choice is to approach the port directly, use naval guns to plow the ground, and cover the infantry landing.

There is a ready-made dock and trestle, which is much more convenient than wading in waist-deep water and trudging through the mud and becoming a living target.

In ancient times, there were no forts, and most ports were not professional military ports. Fleets preferred to attack water fortresses directly.

The winch crossbow is used by Shuofang's army to attack the city. It has a long range and is very powerful. The military book says that it can destroy the city wall, which is exaggerated, but it does have a certain effect. If the city wall is in disrepair for a long time, or the enemy does not attack during the battle,

If they dare to go out of the city to fight and the civilians cannot follow behind and take the opportunity to repair the damaged city wall, then it can be of great use.

In the final analysis, it all depends on the strength of your garrison. If you defend the city to the very end, you will definitely fail.

Next time the navy of the Bian Army comes again, let's see if you dare to shoot with my "fort".

As for artillery carts, also known as trebuchets, the state generally only prepared a few of them when defending a city. Some generals did not use them at all, because the "shells" were not easy to polish, the damage rate of the artillery carts was extremely high, and the accuracy was even more impressive.

It was the return artillery used by Mongolia to attack the Song Dynasty. It smashed the city wall. It is hard to say how long it took to break the outer city of Fan City. It is estimated to be more than a year. Anyway, it took another eight months to break the inner city. This was still five years ago.

During the war, the walls of Fancheng were badly damaged and the outer perimeter was cut off, so materials for repairing the walls could not be transported into the city.

Use the manpower and material resources of the Mongolian army of more than 200,000 to build a large number of Huihui artillery and smash a brand new solid city wall. You will be given three years to smash it. Can you break it? Anyway, Hulagu, the siege chief who provided Huihui artillery technology to the Yuan army

Rely on traditional tactics.

Furthermore, who in this day and age can attack a city for three years? One year is almost the limit. Either the besieging troops will retreat, or the defenders will surrender, which is very simple.

After inspecting Liaowu Pier, Shao Shude went to Baiyacang, which is now his residence.

The Wuwei Army has nearly 6,000 infantry left, of which 1,500 are guarding the wharf and assisted by 1,500 Tibetans; 1,500 are guarding Baiyacang with 2,000 Tibetans; 3,000 are guarding Heqing County with 3,000 Tibetans.

Five hundred Tibetan people.

The Wuwei Army also has more than a thousand cavalry, together with the Feilong Army's more than 4,000 mounted infantry, under the command of Yang Liang. These five or six thousand horse-mounted sergeants are stationed in a temporary camp, located on a high ground in the northwest of Heqing County.

On the ground, as a counterattack force.

Heqing County, Liaowu, Baiyacang, and the barracks form a four-cornered rhombus. Heqing County protrudes outward and is located in the east. The campground is to the northwest, Liaowu is to the southwest, and there is another mountain on Baiya Mountain to the northwest of Liaowu.

Bai Yacang.

This deployment actually puts the Bian army in a difficult position. If the army attacks, it will be difficult for them to completely encircle Heqing County. But if they cannot encircle the city, the Xia army from the rear can continue to transport the city defense equipment, repair materials, recruit soldiers, and even

Even the wounded can be transported out to the rear to recuperate.

Then why are you still fighting?

"It's not rude to come and go." Shao Shude sat in the cramped Cangcheng and said directly: "Quickly send an order to Qi Banzhang and ask him to make some noise in Huaizhou. Will Li Hanzhi's guy come? Again?

Send someone to ask, General Gao?"

Lao Gao, the tool man, came out and responded: "As ordered."

Gao Renhou stood up and left. After passing the order, he would personally sit in Heqing County to command the defense of the city. Lu Huaizhong would sit in Liaowu, and Yang Liang would garrison in the camp. The three of them should each perform their duties and do their part. Wangwu County

Over there, there are already 10,000 Tuanxiang warriors from the Tibetans gathering for training one after another, and the Feng'an Army and the Tiande Army are still rushing here.

No matter how much he thought about it, Shao Shude never thought he would lose this battle.

"Commander, the Bian Army is here." As soon as Gao Renhou left, Chen Cheng walked in and said.

In theory, the information obtained by the Tingwangsi, Datong Horse Racing and military scouts must be reviewed by the "prime minister" first. However, the Tingwangsi and Datong Horse Racing also sent it directly through Zheng Yong, the tenth general of the army.

Chen Cheng didn't know what these were and didn't dare to ask.

"We were defeated in the attack on Liaowu last night, and today we are coming from the land. These thieves!" Shao Shude asked someone to spread out the map and examine it carefully.

"Nearly 10,000 infantry troops and 3,000 cavalry troops have arrived. They are setting up a stronghold ten miles east of Heqing County." Chen Cheng pointed to a place on the map and said, "We are still very cautious."

"It's my first time here and I haven't figured out the quality of our army, so of course I have to be more cautious. We can't have all the troops swarming under the city. Once they are attacked and unable to set up a stronghold, will they sleep in the wild?" Shao Shude laughed and said: "Let Yang Liang lead the cavalry.

Go out and get a feel for their quality. Well, give the order through high-level recruitment."

"As commanded."

Shao Shude took a deep breath and felt that he had interfered with the frontline generals too many times. This was not good and could easily weaken Gao Renhou's prestige.

He decided to curb his desire for micro-control and only control the general direction. The rest was left to an old warrior like Gao Renhou, who had been fighting for half his life, to direct the rest.

In the Baishuijiao camp, Qi Bizhang came out with more than two thousand people.

They followed the Dan River southward, reached Qinshui River, and then turned east until they reached the north of Wuzhi County.

This is a point that Qi Banzhang has already established.

After the Qinshui River leaves the Taihang Mountains, it meanders to Wuzhi County. In the Sui Dynasty, a canal was opened here, which divided the Qinshui River to flow northeast and merged with Changminggou (today's Xiaodan River). The water of Changminggou came from the ancient city of Echeng (today's Boai

North of the county), flows eastward from Danshui River to the south of Xiuwu County, and flows northeastward into Wu Zepi.

Pi is twenty miles wide from south to north and thirty miles long from east to west, extending to the north of Xiuwu County in the west and to the northwest of Huojia County in the east.

This section is actually the westernmost section of the Guangji Canal opened in the Sui Dynasty. However, because Qinshui was relatively turbid and had a high sediment content, it gradually became unusable. It was dredged several times in the early years of the country. Before the An-Shi Rebellion, the along the

The river also has a warehouse for border assets, with huge reserves of military rations and equipment, supplying Youzhou, which is called "Beiku".

After the difficulties, due to the changes in the political situation, this section of the canal was considered abandoned, and no one was interested in cleaning it. Today, if it still maintains shipping, it is actually clear water, but it can only be used for navigation during the wet season.

Yongji Canal is abandoned, but the water is still there.

A lot of fertile farmland has been opened up near Wu Zepi, which is considered a densely populated area in Huaizhou.

But recently some officials came and repeatedly urged them to abandon their family properties and move to the south of the Yellow River.

One of the newly appointed Sima of Huaizhou named Zhang Jifeng was the most anxious. He directly offered land in Henan as a temptation, saying that there was a lot of wasteland in Sishui and Heyin counties. Those who were willing to go there would be given an extra 20 acres of land per household.

But who believes him!

The people in Heyang are very fierce. After all, this place used to be a pure military fortress area. Most of the people are family members of sergeants, and they have lived and thrived from generation to generation. Their homes have swords, spears, bows, and some even have armor, horses, and officials.

He was quickly driven away.

But Zhang Jifeng came again today.

He brought a full 2,000 Huaizhou soldiers, divided into several groups, to move all the people away by force.

No matter how ferocious the people are, they still live scattered in villages, with only twenty or thirty households in one, and thirty or fifty households in many. When two to three hundred heavily armed state soldiers come to press them, how can they resist? The most important thing is that no one organizes them.

"Officials, more than 400 households have been relocated in the past three days." Under the shade of a tree on the north bank of Wu Zepi, a miscellaneous official who handled specific tasks was reporting to him.

"Hurry to the ferry." Zhang Jifeng said impatiently.

In recent days, he has suffered a lot. The people of Heyang did not listen to the advice at all. They felt that you were harming them and had to use means. But these people, alas! How bold! Zhang Sima was hit by an arrow in the butt.

He is still unable to ride a horse. Although the whole family of the people who shot him with arrows were killed and his wife and daughter were punished as camp prostitutes, this did not relieve his anger.

Who in Luoyang would not be polite to him? His elder brother Zhang Jiye was in the government office, and he, Zhang Jifeng, was the direct official of the shogunate. Who dared to offend the Zhang brothers?

The people of Heyang are either the descendants of the Anshi rebels, the three towns of Heshuo, or the sergeants of the towns who fought against Zhaoyi and Liu Zhen. They are all killing talents!

After a while, he had to find two girls to vent his anger. Zhang Jifeng carefully sat on the soft futon, trying not to touch the wound, and waited aimlessly for his men to finish.

The sound of horse hooves suddenly sounded.

Zhang Jifeng was a little strange. Didn't his father just send someone to remind him? Why did someone come again?

The sound of horse hooves became more intensive, and it sounded like tens of thousands of horse hooves galloping and trampling on the ground.

"This..." Zhang Jifeng subconsciously felt something was wrong.

"Ah!" Not far away, a miscellaneous official was hit by an arrow and fell to the ground.

Soon, the arrows became denser, and screams also came one after another.

Zhang Jifeng ignored the pain and got up with his butt stuck out. He had just taken two steps when several riders passed by him. One of them waved a long-handled mace and hit him lightly. Zhang Jifeng's

The whole chest collapsed.

The Feilong Army's sudden attack stunned the Huaizhou soldiers.

More than two hundred people were driven away, and some people were constantly killed by riding bows.

At the end of the charge, more than fifty Huaizhou soldiers gathered in one place and used private houses to defend themselves. The officers and soldiers of the Feilong Army dismounted and formed a formation, using powerful crossbows, rifles, rifles and heavy swords to crush their resistance.

Qibizhang watched all this with satisfaction from a distance.

He was a cavalry officer, but he increasingly felt that mounted infantry might be more useful than cavalry. When encountering enemy cavalry, he dismounted and stood in formation, and the enemy cavalry did not dare to attack. When encountering a hard bone that the cavalry could not chew, professional

The advantage of infantry is reflected.

The establishment of mounted infantry should be expanded and the establishment of cavalry should be reduced. Qibizhang’s butt determines his head, and his stance is very clear.

"You all will go home and live in peace and contentment." A cavalryman rushed to the people of Heyang and shouted: "The Bian thieves are cruel and cruel, which is outrageous. The prince of Lingwu County has a good life, and the family fortune of Bao'er and others is so great.

Don’t worry about the mausoleum, let’s all go home.”

"Next time the Bian thieves come, I'll fight them. Are your guns and bows useless? You won't even be able to save your family."

"Don't worry, Prince Lingwu is a great saint. As long as he is here, the Bian thieves can't do anything to you. Please go back."

The officers and soldiers of the Feilong Army shouted back and forth, and the people in Heyang were skeptical. However, after seeing that they did not stop them from returning home, they all immediately expressed their gratitude and shed tears of gratitude.

Qi Binzhang thought it was a bit funny.

He knew about Shao Shude's forced eviction of people in Henan Prefecture, but now it was the Bian people who moved people to the south bank, and they rushed out to be good people.

This is outrageous!

Of course, the officers and soldiers of the Flying Dragon Army are not good people for nothing. In fact, they still need one thing from the local people: food.

The distance the cavalry can move depends on whether you can satisfy the horse's appetite. In Heyang, Sun Ru, Li Hanzhi, Zhang Quanyi, Zhu Quanzhong, and Li Keyong fought back and forth, but few people could find a place.

It’s not easy in a place where people still live and farm together. Although the food and grass they can provide is limited, it is more or less a supplement. At least when a team of three to five hundred people passes through the border, when the food and grass are exhausted, they can collect food and replenish it on the spot.

, with the ability to continue fighting.

"Cut off the heads of the thieves and put them away. Let's go to the next place. This time we will make the Huaizhou soldiers suffer a big loss and let them know that without the turtle shell, their heads will be at risk." Qi Bizhang got on his horse and gave the order.


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