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Chapter 46

"General Yang, I first killed the bandits Ankangba, which is a meritorious service. Last month, I held the camp and went out to fight eleven times, beheading more than 2,000 people, which is a great achievement." In Baiyacang City, Shao Shu pulled Yang Liang to sit down and said

: "This battle is not over yet, and it is not time to declare our achievements. But I will reward you with some property first."

"The army has its own laws. How dare the last general to receive the reward first?" Yang Liang declined.

"It doesn't matter." Shao Shude looked at the new scar on Yang Liang's face and sighed: "This scar adds to the heroic spirit... Anyone who fights for my Shao family will be rich and noble. Come!"

"Commander." Zheng Yong walked in.

"If you get new money from Jiangzhou, you will be given five hundred pieces of silk. If you get new money from Banan, you will be given a thousand pieces of cloth. You will also be given a reward of Mei Ji." Shao Shude ordered.

"As commanded."

Shao Shude was the military envoy with a monthly salary of 300 cents. Yang Liang was a Yamen general with a monthly salary of 100 cents. Five hundred cents was equivalent to five months' salary. The cloth was fine and the price was comparable to the Tongzhou silk that is rewarded in the army today.

Puzhou silk is relatively expensive, with a bolt costing seven to eight hundred taels. A thousand bolts of cloth are worth at least 900 taels, so this is a good reward.

As for Meiji, after the slaves sent by Orimunemoto were dismissed, ordinary people naturally became civilians, but the family members of the criminal officials were not included in this, including Feng Xingxing's niece.

"The last general will swear allegiance to the commander-in-chief." Seeing that Shao Shude was serious, Yang Liang did not refuse and immediately expressed his loyalty loudly.

"Okay." Shao Shude motioned for him to sit down and said with a smile: "The officers and soldiers are also rewarded. They are given one piece of money and two pieces of cloth. The military academy will follow the rules."

"Thank you, Marshal."

"After receiving the reward, I will work hard. Do you have the courage to go deep into Huaizhou?" Shao Shude smiled and asked.

"Commander, just give the order. If the general frowns, please behead me." Yang Liang said loudly.

"I'm not asking you to wait and attack from Heqing." Shao Shude was very satisfied with Yang Liang's attitude and explained: "Immediately pack up your luggage and equipment, return to Jinjiang, take Wuling Road, and leave Taihangxing. I will appoint Qi Bizhang as Huai

When Meng Youyi attacks the envoy, your troops will be under his command. The food, fodder, and military supplies needed for the army, Master, will be prepared by the four prefectures in the middle of the river."

There are also more than a thousand Wuwei Army cavalry and more than 4,000 Feilong Army horse infantry under Yang Liang's command. Most of them are Qi Bizhang's men, so it is normal for them to be under his command.

The burden of transporting grain and grass equipment across Wuling Road must be heavy. Shao Shude also had too many lice and was not itchy. One word of curse from the people in the river was a curse, and two words was also a curse. He could only "suffer the people first".

"The general will obey your orders!"

After Yang Liang withdrew, Shao Shude walked to the map again and watched it quietly.

At this time, Qi Banzhang had 8,000 men and horses, and most of them were more useful mounted infantry.

Shao Shude now likes this unit more and more, and feels that it has greater strategic significance than cavalry.

When encountering cavalry in the wild, dismount and fight on foot, wear heavy armor, carry long spears, and crossbows. The cavalry cannot beat you. If one person brings two horses, or to reduce costs, one horse or a mule, the cavalry cannot chase you.

Fuck you.

There is also the cavalry's ability to attack difficulties, which makes it a perfect unit. The only thing it lacks is the impact power of the cavalry, but this is not necessary.

The key is that this thing can be done quickly. It does not require high riding skills, as long as you can ride a horse.

In the future, depending on the financial situation, the Feilong Army will be expanded to more than ten thousand people, and it will play a great role in the grasslands and the Han Dynasty.

"Commander, Li Hanzhi has captured Huojia County and plundered it for two days, and is heading towards Wuzhi and Wude." Seeing that Shao Shude had been looking at the map, Chen Cheng coughed and whispered.

"This beast!" Shao Shude cursed.

He now regards Heyang as his own territory. Li Hanzhi's plundering and victory caused the few people to flee again, and the loss was his own manpower.

"Contact Li Hanzhi, promise him wealth, and let him go to Bianjun's territory to cause harm." Shao Shude thought for a while and decided to continue making a deal with the devil: "Cross the river to Zhengzhou. Zhu Quanzhong's Bianzhou can only have 20,000 Yamen troops.

, let’s see if he has the courage.”

"I'm afraid Li Hanzhi is not that obedient." Chen Cheng reminded.

"He clamored to kill Zhang Quanyi, but in fact he didn't want to take advantage." Shao Shude sneered: "Wei Bo has already withdrawn his troops. He has no courage to go to Weizhou, and he can't get much wealth in Heyang, so he won't go

What else can Zhu Quanzhong do? Retreat his troops? Are his soldiers so easy to talk to?"

Although Li Han's troops are powerful in combat, everything has advantages and disadvantages. The unruly soldiers are not so easy to talk to. If they go out and get nothing, what can they do? Unless they are allowed to lose the battle, it may be possible.

I'll wake up a little bit.

"We can only give it a try. It's better than nothing." Chen Cheng pondered: "We still have to base ourselves on ourselves."

"This is natural. Now it depends on whether Qi Binzhang can make the noise bigger and let the Bian army focus on the head instead of the body. He killed Zhang Jifeng before, and Huaizhou Governor Zhang Quan'en probably wanted to take revenge. Maybe he will have a chance." Shao Shude said.


Qibizhang has been traveling to Wu Zepi frequently recently. The three counties of Xiuwu, Wuzhi, and Wude have almost become their racing grounds.

When they killed Zhang Jifeng, they killed more than 700 soldiers in total. In the past few days, they have been roaming around in the wild, capturing and killing nearly a thousand soldiers.

The results are obtained piecemeal. In fact, there are not many prisoners and kills each time. Sometimes there may be dozens of people, but the number of dispatches is large and the time goes by, the results will be very impressive.

Of course, we also paid a price, mainly the loss of horses. In fact, they had already applied for a replacement of horses. The military envoy Yamen sent him 200 horses, plus 400 more horses plundered from Jin and Jiangzhou.

A mule.

Mules are a bit slow, but they have a strong carrying capacity and can also be ridden for transportation. The biggest advantage is actually that they eat less, which is very critical for the Feilong Army who need to transport food across mountains and ridges.

However, Qibi Zhang cursed loudly, because this was tantamount to reducing them to the same treatment as their counterparts in the Bian army.

The mounted infantry of the Bian Army also had the bugle name "Flying Dragon" and numbered eight thousand. The Xia Army generally nicknamed them the "Mule Army".

The people in the Yamen who supplied the army were very unpleasant to listen to, saying that mounted infantry did not need good horses, but could ride any donkey, which made them so angry that they almost killed people on the spot.

The long-term mobile combat with one man and two horses has made the northeastern part of Huaizhou a restricted area for Bian Army activities.

Zhang Shensi in Huaizhou City only had a thousand cavalrymen, so he could not catch them. Moreover, these few men were not enough, and he himself was unwilling to use them.

The cavalry force with a full strength of 2,000 people has been reduced sharply to more than 1,100 cavalry after repeated fighting in the Mengzhou area. If the battle continues, how many people will be left?

Although many horse farms have been built in Henan, and there are many Cai people who are good at riding and shooting, it may not have anything to do with Zhang Shensi. To recruit new soldiers, shouldn't we first closely follow the cavalry army, catch the fresh army, and defeat the victorious army?

An army like Baidu?

Therefore, the result is obvious. Zhang Shensi was unwilling to dispatch cavalry at will, which basically meant that they gave up on the field. The slightly incompetent response of the Bian Army also caused subtle changes in the pattern of the counties and countryside.

"Military envoy, Wang Gun is here." In a village in the north of Wude County, Xue Li hurried in and reported.

Old Xue survived the catastrophe and actually took 300 athletes from Jinzhou to sneak into the Feilong Army and ranked as Du Yuhou. This is the benefit of a newly formed army on the spot. Most people don't have this kind of luck.

Wang Gun is the younger brother of Wang Ban, and Wang Ban is the military general of Huaizhou. He is a native of Heyang and has great potential.

"Let that guy come in." Qi Bizhang said, sitting high behind the case.

"See General Qibi." After Wang Gun entered the room, he immediately bowed and saluted.

Qibizhang became famous in the Huaizhou area, and many past events were dug up. Wang Gun knew that he had conquered Li Keyong twice, and he was also a fierce man. He got angry and even beheaded his nephew Ba Yegudu. How dare he offend him?


"Why did Wang Ban ask you to come?" Qi Bizhang asked.

"My brother asked General Qibi to come forward and persuade Li Hanzhi not to go to Xiuwu County." Wang Gun replied.

Qibizhang laughed when he heard this and said, "What kind of person is Li Hanzhi? Wherever he wants to go, can I stop him?"

When Wang Gun heard this, he stopped talking.

"If you don't tell the truth, there must be something wrong here. Tell me, I'll listen." Qi Banzhang sneered and said.

"Can General Qibi still do what he has done?" Wang Gun asked instead without answering.

"It's not me who responds to you, it's Prince Lingwu who responds to you." Qi Bizhang corrected: "Prince Lingwu sticks to his word and never goes back on what he says, so you can rest assured."

"That's true." Wang Gun smiled and said, "Dai Siyuan left Heqing, and it's not clear where he is going. In addition, the halls have also gone north."

"All the halls?!" Qi Binzhang became interested.

He had heard the name of this unit, and Chen Cheng focused on it during the pre-war explanation.

In short, this is a "high, rich and handsome" army. "Liang Taizu suppressed Xuanwu and selected talented warriors from rich families and placed them under his command, named 'Tingzidu'".

The halls were all small in number, with no more than 2,000 people, divided into horse troops and infantry troops. They usually guarded Zhu Quanzhong's residence, and they often went into battle to fight. They once defeated the Jin soldiers on their backs.

The selection of personnel for this unit is very strict. First of all, the family must have a certain amount of property, at least from a wealthy family; secondly, they must be tall and powerful; thirdly, they must be proficient in various martial arts, riding, archery, and spearmanship.

Sword skills, etc., do not require "proficiency", but "proficiency".

Having money at home is actually the foundation.

If you have money and eat well, your physical development will naturally be good.

Only when you have money can you practice martial arts. This requires martial arts masters to train rigorously for ten years, and your own nutrition must be fully guaranteed. The poor in culture and the rich in martial arts are not empty words.

Bian Song and Bo Ying benefited from the canal, with prosperous commerce and developed economy. Of course there were many wealthy households in the area, and there were also many landowners who had no money but had a lot of land at home.

These people have been practicing martial arts since they were young. They have many horses at home, and they can even ride different horses without riding the same one. They may also be proficient in literature and have read several years of books.

People like Tieqiang Wang Yanzhang, whose family background is usually small landowners, can support him to ride horses, shoot arrows, and practice martial arts. This kind of people is very common in Henan and Hebei, and is somewhat similar to the soldiers in the early years of the Kingdom. Several hundred acres of land,

Raise three or five horses for one or two children to learn riding and shooting, practice spear skills, etc.

But Sergeant Du's family background is better than that of Wang Yanzhang, and he is indeed "rich, rich and handsome".

The weapons used by the Tingzidu infantry are Mo Dao and Liannu: "Xuanwu Tingzidu is particularly brave and brave. Its crossbows are as big as one machine, and then all twelve small ones are fired. With the continuous arrows, they can reach all the way. The Jin people

I’m extremely afraid of this.”

The cavalry army is a heavy cavalry, and it once defeated the Yan and Yun Jingqi cavalry inherited from the Pinglu Army: "The horse in the hall led by Guihou, who was ordered to charge, rushed straight into it. After twenty battles, the general was defeated."

This was an old thing in the first year of Dashun. Zhang Guihou is still in charge of the hall now.

"Zhu Quanzhong's troops are also here. Are they here to deal with Li Hanzhi?" Qi Banzhang suddenly asked.

"Brother said the same thing. Dai Siyuan and Zhang Guihou commanded eight thousand Feilong troops, plus two thousand elite troops. They will probably give Li Han a good look. In addition, Huaizhou soldiers may also be dispatched." Wang Gun said.


"Li Hanzhi's movements were too slow. He was plundering all day long." Qibizhang scolded: "If we were surrounded by people, we would die without a burial place."

Xue Li coughed.

If Qi Binzhang realized something, he said: "Wang Langjun, please go down and rest first, and then leave after dinner. I have something else to do. Don't worry, there is no problem with what Prince Lingwu promised."

Wang Gun Nuo Nuo retreated.

"If you have anything to say, just say it." Qi Binzhang sat up straight and said.

Xue Li subconsciously glanced outside the house and saw that the soldiers were guarding it tightly and there was no one around, so he whispered: "Envoy, it's better to let Li Hanzhi be the scapegoat. Let's hold the troops still and see if there is any advantage."


"I think so too." Qi Binzhang slapped his thigh and said with a smile.

This chapter has been completed!
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